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Kvint Horacije Flak
Horace, as imagined by Anton von Werner
Horacije - imaginacija Antona fon Vernera
Datum rođenja8. decembar 65. p. n. e.
Mesto rođenjaVenozaRimska republika
Datum smrti27. novembar 8. p. n. e. (starost 56)
Mesto smrtiRimRimsko carstvo

Kvint Horacije Flak (lat. Quintus Horatius Flaccus; Venoza, 8. decembar 65. p. n. e. - 27. novembar 8. p. n. e.) je bio najveći rimski lirski pesnik tokom vladavine Oktavijana Avgusta.

Biografija[uredi | uredi izvor]

Horacije je rođen u decembru 65. p. n. e. u Venusiji, Italija, umro je 27. novembra 8. p. n. e. u Rimu. Njegov otac je bio rob koji je stekao slobodu pre Horacijevog rođenja. Moglo bi se pretpostaviti da je u ropstvo pao za vreme Pompeja, odnosno nakon Spartakovog ustanka. Svog sina je odveo u jednu od najpoznatijih škola poznatog Sabelijanca po imenu Orbilus (koji je po Horaciju bio pristalica telesnog kažnjavanja). 46. p. n. e. Horacije posećuje predavanja na Atinskoj Akademiji gde prve stihove počinje da piše na grčkom.[1] Kad je Brut u Atini prikupljao vojsku protiv Oktavijana i Antonija, zajedno sa sinovima Cicerona i Katona, u nju stupa i Horacije. Međutim, u bici kod Filipa, republika je poražena. Kada je proglašena amnestija za sve one koji su se borili protiv Oktavijana, Horacije se vratio u Italiju, samo da bi saznao da mu je otac umro, a imanje konfiskovano, čime je Horacije zapao u siromaštvo. Ipak, uspeo je da se zaposli kao pisar u uredu kvestora, što mu je omogućilo da vežba svoje poetske sposobnosti. 38. p. n. e. je doveden kod Mecene, učenog čoveka iz Etrurije iz centralne Italije, koji je bio glavni politički savetnik Avgusta. Mecena je Horacija uveo u pesnički književni krug, a uz to mu poklonio i luksuznu vilu.

Dela[uredi | uredi izvor]

Ode 1.14 – Poema na zidu u Lajdenu

Datiranje Horacijevih dela nije precizno poznato i naučnici često raspravljaju o tačnom redosledu kojim su prvi put „objavljena“. Postoje uverljivi argumenti za sledeću hronologiju:[2]

Napomene[uredi | uredi izvor]

  1. ^ According to a recent theory, the three books of Odes were issued separately, possibly in 26, 24 and 23 BC (see G. Hutchinson (2002), Classical Quarterly 52: 517–37)
  2. ^ 19 BC is the usual estimate but c. 11 BC has good support too (see R. Nisbet, Horace: life and chronology, 18–20
  3. ^ The date however is subject to much controversy with 22–18 BC another option (see for example R. Syme, The Augustan Aristocracy, 379–81

Reference[uredi | uredi izvor]

  1. ^ „Horacije - Izreke i citati”. Edukacija. 
  2. ^ R Nisbet, Horace: life and chronology, 17–21

Literatura[uredi | uredi izvor]

  • Arnold, Matthew (1970). Selected Prose. Penguin Books. ISBN 978-0-14-043058-5. 
  • Barrow, R (1949). The Romans. Penguin/Pelican Books. 
  • Barchiesi, A (2001). Speaking Volumes: Narrative and Intertext in Ovid and Other Latin Poets. Duckworth. 
  • Bischoff, B (1971). „Living with the satirists”. Classical Influences on European Culture AD 500–1500. Cambridge University Press. 
  • Bush, Douglas (1966). Milton: Poetical Works. Oxford University Press. 
  • Campbell, A (1924). Horace: A New Interpretation. London. 
  • Conway, R (1921). New Studies of a Great Inheritance. London. 
  • Davis, Gregson (1991). Polyhymnia. The Rhetoric to Horatian Lyric Discourse. University of California. 
  • Ferri, Rolando (2007). „The Epistles”. The Cambridge Companion to Horace. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-53684-4. 
  • Flesch, William (2009). The Facts on File Companion to British Poetry, 19th Century. Infobase Publishing. ISBN 978-0-8160-5896-9. 
  • Frank, Tenney (1928). Catullus and Horace. New York. 
  • Fraenkel, Eduard (1957). Horace. Oxford University Press. 
  • Friis-Jensen, Karsten (2007). „Horace in the Middle Ages”. The Cambridge Companion to Horace. Cambridge University Press. 
  • Griffin, Jasper (1993). „Horace in the Thirties”. Horace 2000. Ann Arbor. 
  • Griffin, Jasper (2007). „Gods and religion”. The Cambridge Companion to Horace. Cambridge university Press. 
  • Harrison, Stephen (2005). „Lyric and Iambic”. A Companion to Latin Literature. Blackwell Publishing. 
  • Harrison, Stephen (2007). „Introduction”. The Cambridge Companion to Horace. Cambridge University Press. 
  • Harrison, Stephen (2007). „Style and poetic texture”. The Cambridge Companion to Horace. Cambridge University Press. 
  • Harrison, Stephen (2007). „The nineteenth and twentieth centuries”. The Cambridge Companion to Horace. Cambridge University Press. 
  • Hooley, D (1997). The Knotted Thong: Structures of Mimesis in Persius. Ann Arbor. 
  • Hutchinson, G (2002). „The publication and individuality of Horace's Odes 1–3”. Classical Quarterly 52. 
  • Kiernan, Victor (1999). Horace: Poetics and Politics. St Martin's Press. 
  • Kupersmith, W (1985). Roman Satirists in Seventeenth Century England. Lincoln, Nebraska and London. 
  • Loveling, Benjamin (1741). Latin and English Poems, by a Gentleman of Trinity College, Oxford. London. 
  • Lowrie, Michèle (1997). Horace's Narrative Odes. Oxford University Press. 
  • Lyne, R (1986). „Augustan Poetry and Society”. The Oxford History of the Classical World. Oxford University Press. 
  • Mankin, David (1995). Horace: Epodes. Cambridge university Press. 
  • McNeill, Randall (2010). Horace. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-980511-2. 
  • Michie, James (1967). „Horace the Man”. The Odes of Horace. Penguin Classics. 
  • Moles, John (2007). „Philosophy and ethics”. The Cambridge Companion to Horace. Cambridge University Press. 
  • Money, David (2007). „The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries”. The Cambridge Companion to Horace. Cambridge University Press. 
  • Morgan, Llewelyn (2005). „Satire”. A Companion to Latin Literature. Blackwell Publishing. 
  • Muecke, Frances (2007). „the Satires”. The Cambridge Companion to Horace. Cambridge University Press. 
  • Nisbet, Robin (2007). „Horace: life and chronology”. The Cambridge Companion to Horace. Cambridge University Press. 
  • Reckford, K. J. (1997). Horatius: the man and the hour. 118. American Journal of Philology. str. 538—612. 
  • Rivers, Elias (1983). Fray Luis de León: The Original Poems. Grant and Cutler. 
  • Rossetti, Christina (2001). The Complete Poems. Penguin Books. 
  • Rudd, Niall (1973). The Satires of Horace and Persius. Penguin Classics. 
  • Santirocco, Matthew (1986). Unity and Design in Horace's OdesNeophodna slobodna registracija. University of North Carolina. 
  • Syme, R (1986). The Augustan Aristocracy. Oxford University Press. 
  • Talbot, J (2001). „A Horatian Pun in Paradise Lost”. Notes and Queries 48 (1). Oxford University Press. 
  • Tarrant, Richard (2007). „Ancient receptions of Horace”. The Cambridge Companion to Horace. Cambridge University Press. 
  • Tollet, Elizabeth (1755). Poems on Several Occasions. London. 
  • Davis, Gregson (1991). Polyhymnia the Rhetoric of Horatian Lyric Discourse. Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-91030-3. 
  • Fraenkel, Eduard (1957). Horace. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 
  • Horace (1983). The Complete Works of Horace. Charles E. Passage, trans. New York: Ungar. ISBN 0-8044-2404-7. 
  • Johnson, W. R. (1993). Horace and the Dialectic of Freedom: Readings in Epistles 1Neophodna slobodna registracija. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. ISBN 0-8014-2868-8. 
  • Lyne, R.O.A.M. (1995). Horace: Behind the Public Poetry. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press. ISBN 0-300-06322-9. 
  • Lyons, Stuart (1997). Horace's Odes and the Mystery of Do-Re-Mi. Aris & Phillips. 
  • Lyons, Stuart (2010). Music in the Odes of Horace. Aris & Phillips. 
  • Michie, James (1964). The Odes of Horace. Rupert Hart-Davis. 
  • Newman, J.K. (1967). Augustus and the New Poetry. Brussels: Latomus, revue d’études latines. 
  • Noyes, Alfred (1947). Horace: A PortraitNeophodna slobodna registracija. New York: Sheed and Ward. 
  • Perret, Jacques (1964). Horace. Bertha Humez, trans. New York: New York University Press. 
  • Putnam, Michael C.J. (1986). Artifices of Eternity: Horace's Fourth Book of Odes. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. ISBN 0-8014-1852-6. 
  • Reckford, Kenneth J. (1969). Horace. New York: Twayne. 
  • Rudd, Niall, ur. (1993). Horace 2000: A Celebration – Essays for the Bimillennium. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press. ISBN 0-472-10490-X. 
  • Sydenham, Colin (2005). Horace: The Odes. Duckworth. 
  • West, David (1997). Horace The Complete Odes and Epodes. Oxford University Press. 
  • Wilkinson, L.P. (1951). Horace and His Lyric Poetry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 

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