Blago iz Panađurišta

Blago iz Panađurišta (bug. Панагюрско златно съкровище) je antički trački servis zlatnih posuda za piće.
Servis se sastoji iz devet sudova od čistog zlata ukupne težine 6,164 kilograma. Pripadale su nepoznatom vladaru tračkog plemena Odrizi i korišćene su za religiozne rituale.
Posude su izrađene krajem 4. ili početkom 3. veka p.n.e. Umetnički stil ovih predmeta je mešavina grčkih i tračkih uticaja. Među njima je jedna amfora, jedna fijala (šolja iz koje se pije vino) i 7 ritona. Tri ritona su u obliku ženskih glava, a ostali su u obliku glava ovna, jelena i jarca. Na njima su prikazi likova bogova i heroja, niz glava crnih Afrikanaca i svete životinje.
Ovo blago su 8. decembra 1949. otkrila tri brata Dejkov (Pavel, Petko i Mihail) dva kilometra južno od Panađurišta u centralnoj Bugarskoj.[1]
Blago iz Panađurišta se čuva u Nacionalnom istorijskom muzeju u Sofiji. U muzeju se izlaže njegova replika kada se blago pozajmljuje za izložbe u zemlji i inostranstvu.[2][3][4][5][6]
[uredi | uredi izvor]-
riton (glava Afrodite)
[uredi | uredi izvor]- ^ Kitov, Georgi (2003). The Panagyurishte Treasure. Varna: Slavena Publishing House. str. 6—9.
- ^ Daumas, Michèle (1978). „L'amphore de Panaguriŝté et les sept contre Thèbes”. Antike Kunst. 21 (1): 23. JSTOR 41320682.
- ^ Thracian Treasures from Bulgaria; Introduction by Lionel Casson; Essay by Ivan Venedikov; Photographs by Lee Boltin; Design by Irwin Glusker with Christian von Rosenvinge and Eloise Vega
. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 1977. str. 41–53, 61. Pristupljeno 23. 2. 2018 — preko Internet Archive.
- ^ See Thracian Treasures from Bulgaria; 12 May - 1 July, 1979, Nagoya City Museum. Tokyo: The Chunichi Shimbun, The Tokyo Shimbun. 1979. str. 53—57.
- ^ Eisenberg, Jerome M. (januar 1998). „The Wealth of the Thracians: A Spectacular Exhibitions of Thracian Treasures Travelling America” (PDF). The International Review of Ancient Art & Archaeology - MINERVA. 9 (1): 17. Pristupljeno 22. 6. 2018.
- ^ Kitov, Georgi (2003). The Panagyurishte Treasure. Varna: Slavena Publishing House. str. 46—47.
[uredi | uredi izvor]- Tsontchev, Dimiter (1955), „The Gold Treasure of Panagurishte”, Archaeology, 8 (4), Archaeological Institute of America, str. 218—227, JSTOR 41663325
- Venedikov, Ivan (1961). Panagyurskoto sukroviste. Sofia: Bulgarski Hudozhnik.
- von Bothmer, Dietrich (decembar 1962). „A Gold Libation Bowl”. The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin. 21 (4): 154—166. JSTOR 3257939. doi:10.2307/3257939.
- Kontoleon, N.M. (1962), „The Gold Treasure of Panagurischte”, Balkan Studies, 3 (1), str. 185—200, Pristupljeno 24. 6. 2018
- Corbett, P.E. (1964). „Reviewed Work: Venedikov, (I.) "The Panagyurishte Gold Treasure" Sofia: "Bulgarski Houdozhnik" Publishing House, 1961, Pp. 29, 39 plates. 14 figures”. The Journal of Hellenic Studies. 84: 229—231. JSTOR 627788. doi:10.2307/627788.
- Strong, Donald Emrys (1966). Greek and Roman Gold and Silver Plate. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd. str. 97, 102.
- Griffith, John G. (1974). „The Siege Scene on the Gold Amphora of the Panagjurischte Treasure”. Journal of Hellenic Studies. 94: 38—49. JSTOR 630418. doi:10.2307/630418.
- Hoddinott, Ralph F. (1975). Bulgaria in Antiquity: An Archaeological Introduction. London, Tonbridge: Ernest Benn Limited. str. 85, 89.
- Moorey, P. R. S (mart 1976). „Thracian Treasures”. The Burlington Magazine. 118 (876): 179—174. JSTOR 878327.
- Marazov, Ivan; Fol, Alexander (1977). Thrace and the Thracians. New York: St. Martin’s Press. str. 22, 60, 66, 69, 75, 79, 81—85, 100, 111, 153. Pristupljeno 8. 6. 2018 — preko Internet Archive.
- Venedikov, Ivan (1977). „The Archaeological Wealth of Ancient Thrace”. The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin. 35 (1): 39 (color plates 9—14). JSTOR 3258668. doi:10.2307/3258668. via- Met Publications
- Kramer, Hilton (10. 6. 1977). „Glory of Thrace Shines at MET”. The New York Times: 54. Pristupljeno 1. 6. 2018.
- „The Panagyurishte treasure, Turn of the Fourth and Third Century B.C., Archaeological Museum, Plovdiv, items 361-369”. Thracian Treasures from Bulgaria: Checklist of The Special Exhibition, June 11- September 4, 1977, coordinated by Dietrich von Bothmer. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art. 1977. Pristupljeno 25. 6. 2018 — preko Digital Collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
- Vickers, Michael (1989). „Panagyurishte, Dalboki, Lukovit and Rogozen: Questions of Metrology and Status”. Ur.: Cook, B. F. The Rogozen Treasure: Papers of the Anglo-Bulgarian Conference 12 March 1987. London: British Museum Publications. str. 33—37.
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- Rotroff, Susan I. (July—August 1998). „Thracian Glitter: A dazzling display of ancient art”. Archaeology. 51 (4): 64—67. Pristupljeno 3. 6. 2018 — preko Archaeology Archive. Proverite vrednost paramet(a)ra za datum:
(pomoć) - Marazov, Ivan; Fol, Alexander (1998). Ancient gold: The Wealth of the Thracians: Treasures from the Republic of Bulgaria. New York: Harry N. Abrams, in Association with the Trust for Museum Exhibitions, in Cooperation with the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria. str. 145—148.
- Archibald, Zosia H. (1998). The Odrysian kingdom of Thrace: Orpheus unmasked. Oxford, New York: Clarendon and Oxford University Press. str. 271—272, 328.
- Kitov, Georgi (2003). The Panagyurishte Treasure. Varna: Slavena Publishing House.
- Fanthrope, Lionel; Fanthorpe, Patricia (2009). Secrets of the World's Undiscovered Treasures. Toronto, Ontario: Dundurn. str. 72.
- Guzzo, Pier Giovanni; Spatafora, Francesca; Vassalo, Stefano (2010). „Una phiale d'oro iscritta dall'entroterra di Himera /An inscribed golden phial from the hinterland of Himera: from Sicily to New York and back”. Mélanges de l'École française de Rome: Antiquité (122–2): 451—477. doi:10.4000/mefra.303.
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- Holt, Frank Lee (2016). The Treasures of Alexander the Great: How One Man's Wealth Shaped the World. Oxford University Press. str. 47.