Perl Bak

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Perl Bak
Fotografija Bak
Lični podaci
Puno imePearl Sydenstricker Buck
Datum rođenja(1892-06-26)26. jun 1892.
Mesto rođenjaHilsboro, Zapadna Virdžinija, SAD
Datum smrti6. mart 1973.(1973-03-06) (80 god.)
Mesto smrtiDanbi, Vermont, SAD
Književni rad
Najvažnija delaThe Good Earth
Nagrade Nobelova nagrada za književnost (1938)


Perl Bak (engl. Pearl Sydenstricker Buck; Hilsboro, 26. jun 1892Danbi, 6. mart 1973) bila je američka književnica.[1]

Prva je Amerikanka koja je dobila Nobelovu nagradu za književnost. (1938 godine). Roditelji su joj bili prezviterski misionari, tako da je veliki deo svog detinjstva a i kasnijeg života provela u Kini.[1] Najpre je naučila kineski jezik, a tek naknadno engleski. Pisala je romane, pripovetke i priče za đecu. U književnosti se javlja romanom „Istočno vetar, zapadni vetar“ (1929), a njeno najpoznatije delo je roman „Dobra zemlja“ (1931) za koji je nagrađena Pulicerovom nagradom (1931). „Dobra zemlja“ je prvi deo trilogije koja se nastavlja romanima „Sinovi“ (1932) i „Rastureni dom“ (1935). Napisala je i biografije svojih roditelja, „Izgnanstvo“ (1936) i „Ratoborni anđeo“ (1936).

Napisala je još jednu trilogiju, romane: „Zmajevo seme“ (1942) u koji govori o dejstvu kinesko-japanskog rata na porodicu Ling Tana koja se, pod pritiskom strahota u okupiranom Nankingu, morala pridružiti gerilcima; „Obećanje“ (1943) predstavlja drugu knjigu ove trilogije, ostvarenu u obliku ispovesti Ling Tanovog trećeg sina, Lao Sana, koji se bori protiv stranih osvajača; završna knjiga trilogije, „Paviljon žena“ (1946), otkriva u većoj meri spisateljkino podozrenje prema društvenim normama patrijarhalne Kine.

Biografija[uredi | uredi izvor]

Prvobitno je ponela ime Komfor;[2] Perl Sidenstriker je rođena u Hilsborou, Zapadna Virdžinija, u porodici Kerolajn Mod (Stulting) (1857–1921) i Absaloma Sajdenstrikera . Njeni roditelji, južnoprezbiterijanski misionari, otputovali su u Kinu ubrzo nakon venčanja, 8. jula 1880, ali su se vratili u Sjedinjene Američke Države radi rođenja Perl. Kada je Perl imala pet meseci, porodica je stigla u Kinu, živeći prvo u Huai'anu, a zatim se 1896. preselivši se u Dženđang, u blizini glavnog grada Nankinga.[3] Leti bi ona i njena porodica provodili vreme u Kulingu . Njen otac je 1897. godine sagradio kamenu vilu u Kulingu, i tu je živeo do svoje smrti 1931.[4][5] Tokom ovog godišnjeg letnjeg hodočašća u Kuling, mlada devojka je odlučila da postane pisac.[6]

Od njene braće i sestara koja su poživela do odrasle dobi, Edgar Sidenstriker je imao izuzetnu karijeru u Službi javnog zdravlja Sjedinjenih Država i kasnije u Milbankovom memorijalnom fondu, a Grejs (1899–1994) je pisala knjige za mlade i knjige o Aziji pod pseudonimom Kornelija Spenser.[7][8]

Perl se u svojim memoarima prisetila da je živela u „nekoliko svetova“, jedan u „malom, belom, čistom prezbiterijanskom svetu mojih roditelja“, a drugi u „velikom veselom, ne previše čistom kineskom svetu“, i bilo je nema komunikacije između tih svetova.[9] Bokserski ustanak (1899–1901) je veoma uticao na porodicu; njihovi kineski prijatelji su prekinuli kontakt, a broj posetilaca sa Zapada se smanjio. Njen otac, ubeđen da nijedan Kinez ne može da mu poželi zlo, ostao je, dok je ostatak porodice otišao u Šangaj radi bezbednosti. Nekoliko godina kasnije, Perl je upisana u tamošnju školu za gospođicu Džuel i bila je zaprepašćena rasističkim stavovima drugih učenika, od kojih je malo njih govorilo kineski. Oba njena roditelja su snažno osećala da su im Kinezi jednaki (zabranili su upotrebu pogrdne reči neznabožac), a ona je odgajana u dvojezičnom okruženju: majka je podučavala engleski jezik, njeni kineski drugari u igrici lokalni dijalekt, i klasični kineski od strane kineskog naučnika po imenu gospodin Kung. Takođe je strastveno čitala, naročito, uprkos neodobravanju oca, romane Čarlsa Dikensa, za koje je kasnije rekla da ih je čitala jednom godišnje do kraja života.[10]

Iako Bak nije nameravala da se vrati u Kinu, a još manje da postane misionarka, brzo se prijavila Prezbiterijanskom odboru kada je njen otac napisao da joj je majka teško bolesna. Ona se 1914. vratila o u Kinu. Udala se za misionara i ekonomistu poljoprivrede Džona Losinga Baka 13. maja[11] 1917. i preselili su se u mali grad Sudžou, provincija Anhuej (ne mešati sa poznatijim Sudžouom u provinciji Đangsu). Ovo je region koji ona opisuje u svojim knjigama The Good Earth and Sons.

Od 1920. do 1933. godine, Bakovi su zasnovali dom u Nankingu, u kampusu Univerziteta u Nankingu, gde su obojica imali profesorske pozicije. Predavala je englesku književnost na ovom privatnom, crkvenom univerzitetu,[12] kao i na Ginling koledžu i Nacionalnom centralnom univerzitetu . Godine 1920. rodila joj se kći Kerol, koja je bolovala od fenilketonurije, zbog čega joj je razvoj bio otežan. Bak je morala na histerektomiju zbog komplikacija na Kerolinom rođenju, zbog čega nije mogla da ima više biološke dece.[13] Godine 1921, njena majka je umrla od tropske bolesti, sprue. Godine 1924. napustili su Kinu na godinu dana odmora Džona Baka i vratili se na kratko u Sjedinjene Američke Države, tokom kojeg je Perl Bak magistrirala na Univerzitetu Kornel. Godine 1925. porodica Bak je usvojila Dženis (kasnije prezime - Volš). Tokom jeseni vratili su se u Kinu.[14]

Tragedije i promene mesta boravka koje je Bak doživela 1920-ih kulminirale su marta 1927, tokom „incidenta u Nankingu“. U konfuznoj bici u kojoj su učestvovali elementi nacionalističkih trupa Čang Kaj Šeka, komunističkih snaga i raznih vojskovođa, nekoliko zapadnjaka je ubijeno. Pošto je njen otac Absalom insistirao, kao i 1900. godine pred bokserima, porodica je odlučila da ostane u gradu dok se borbe ne prošire do njihovog dela grada. Kada je otpočelo nasilje, siromašna kineska porodica pozvala ih je da se sakriju u njihovoj kolibi dok im je porodična kuća bila opljačkana. Porodica je provela dan uplašena skrivajući se, nakon čega su ih spasile američke topovnjače. Otputovali su u Šangaj, a zatim otplovili u Japan, gde su ostali godinu dana, nakon čega su se vratili u Nanjing. Bak je kasnije rekla da joj je ova godina u Japanu pokazala da nisu svi Japanci bili militaristi. Kada se vratila iz Japana krajem 1927. godine, Bak se ozbiljno posvetila pisanju. Prijateljski odnosi sa istaknutim kineskim piscima tog vremena, kao što su Sju Džimo i Lin Jutang, podstakli su je da misli o sebi kao o profesionalnom piscu. Želela je da ispuni ambicije koje su joj uskraćene njenoj majci, ali joj je takođe bio potreban novac da bi se izdržavala ako bi napustila brak koji je postajao sve usamljeniji, a pošto odbor misije nije mogao da ga obezbedi, potreban joj je i novac za Kerolinu specijalizovanu negu.

Kada je njen muž sledeće godine odveo porodicu u Itaku, Bak je prihvatila poziv da se obrati na ručku prezbiterijanki u hotelu Astor u Njujorku. Govor je nosio naslov „"Is There a Case for the Foreign Missionary?“ a njen odgovor je bio tanko ne. Ona je američkoj publici rekla da pozdravlja Kineze da dele njenu hrišćansku veru, ali je tvrdila da Kini nije potrebna institucionalna crkva kojom dominiraju misionari koji su prečesto bili neupućeni u Kinu i arogantni u svojim pokušajima da je kontrolišu. Kada je govor objavljen u časopisu Harper's Magazine,[15] skandalizovana reakcija navela je Bak da podnese ostavku na svoj položaj u Prezbiterijanskom odboru. Godine 1934. Bak je napustila Kinu, verujući da će se vratiti,[16] dok je njen muž ostao u zemlji.[17]

Perl Bak (1938)

Razvela se u Rinu, Nevada, 11. juna 1935, [18] a istog dana se udala za Ričarda Volša.[19] Ponudio joj je savete i pokazivao naklonost, što je, zaključuje njen biograf, „pomoglo da se Perlina izvanredna aktivnost potpuno aktivira”. Par se preselio sa Dženis na farmu Grin Hils u okrugu Baks u Pensilvaniji; ubrzo su počeli da usvajaju decu. Dva sina su dovedena kući kao novorođenčad 1936. godine, a za njima još jedan sin i ćerka 1937.[20]

Nakon komunističke revolucije 1949. godine, Bak je više puta odbijala sve pokušaje da se vrati u svoju voljenu Kinu. Njen roman iz 1962. Satan Never Sleeps opisao je komunističku tiraniju u Kini. Tokom Kulturne revolucije, Bak je, kao istaknuti američki pisac koji je pisao o kineskog seoskog života, proglašena „američkim kulturnim imperijalistom“.[21] Bak je bila „slomljenog srca“ kada je bila sprečena da poseti Kinu sa Ričardom Niksonom 1972. godine.[22]

Godine 1960, nakon narušenog zdravlja i serije moždanih udara,[23] njen suprug Ričard je umro. Obnovila je toplu vezu sa Vilijamom Ernestom Hokingom, koji je umro 1966. Bak se tada povukla u odnosu sa svojim starim prijateljima i svađala se sa drugima. Godine 1962. Bak je zatražila od izraelske vlade pomilovanje za Adolfa Ajhmana, nacističkog ratnog zločinca koji je bio saučesnik u smrti pet miliona Jevreja tokom Drugog svetskog rata,[24] pošto su ona i drugi verovali da se izvođenje smrtne kazne protiv Ajhmana može posmatrati kao čin osvete, posebno otkako se rat završio.[25] Njene veze sa državom rođenja ostale su jake. U naslovnom eseju za My Mother’s House, male knjige koju su Bak i drugi napisali kako bi pomogli u prikupljanju sredstava za Muzej rodnog mesta, odala je počast kući koju je njena majka održavala dok je živela daleko: „Za mene je to bilo živo srce u zemlji za koju sam znao da je moja, ali koja mi je bila čudna sve dok se nisam vratila u kuću u kojoj sam rođena.[26] Kasnih 1960-ih, Bak je obišla Zapadnu Virdžiniju kako bi prikupila novac za očuvanje svoje porodične farme u Hilsboru, Zapadna Virdžinija. Danas je rodna kuća Perl S. Bak, istorijska kuća muzej i kulturni centar.[27] Nadala se da će kuća „pripasti svima kojima je stalo da dođu“ i da će služiti kao „kapija za nove misli, snove i načine života“.[28] Američki predsednik Džordž H. V. Buš obišao je kuću Perl S. Bak u oktobru 1998. godine. Izrazio je da je on, kao i milioni drugih Amerikanaca, stekao poštovanje za kineski narod kroz delo Perl Bak.[29]

Bak je osnovala fondaciju Pearl S. Buck Foundation (naziv je promenjen u Pearl S. Buck International 1999.)[30] da bi se „pozabavilo siromaštvom i diskriminacijom sa kojima se suočavaju deca u azijskim zemljama“. Godine 1964. otvorila je Opportunity Center i sirotište u Južnoj Koreji, a kasnije su otvorene ogranci, kancelarije na Tajlandu, Filipinima i Vijetnamu. Prilikom osnivanja Opportunity House, Bak je rekala: „Svrha... je da se objave i eliminišu nepravde i predrasude koje trpe deca, kojima zbog svog rođenja nije dozvoljeno da uživaju obrazovne, socijalne, ekonomske i građanske privilegije koje se inače daju deci."[31]

Sredinom 1960-ih, Bak je sve više potpadala pod uticaj Teodora Herisa, bivšeg instruktora plesa, koji je postao njen poverenik, koautor i finansijski savetnik. Uskoro je zavisila od njega u svim svojim dnevnim rutinama i stavila ga u kontrolu nad njenom fondacijom. Heris, koji je kao šef fondacije dobio doživotnu platu, napravio je skandal, kada je optužen za loše upravljanje fondacijom, preusmeravanje velikih iznosa fondacija za svoje prijatelje i svoje lične troškove i loše ophođenje prema osoblju.[32][33] Bak je stala u odbranu Herisa i isticala je njegove kvalitete.[32] Pre svoje smrti, Bak je potpisala svoje strane autorske honorare i svoje lične stvari za Creativity Inc., fondaciju koju kontroliše Heris.[34]

Parl S. Bak je umrla od raka pluća 6. marta 1973. u Danbiju, Vermont. Sahranjena je na farmi Grin Hils u Perkasi, Pnnsilvanija . Dizajnirala je sopstveni nadgrobni spomenik. Njeno ime nije bilo ispisano na engleskom na njenom nadgrobnom spomeniku. Umesto toga, oznaka groba je ispisana kineskim slovima賽珍珠.[35][36]Bak je ostavila tri kontradiktorna testamenta, što je rezultovalo trostrukim pravnim sporom oko njenog imanja između finansijskog savetnika Teodora Herisa, neprofitne fondacije Perl Bak i njenih sedmoro usvojene dece. Posle šestogodišnje bitke, spor je rešen u korist njene dece nakon što su i Heris i Fondacija Perl Bak odustali od svojih potraživanja (potonja u zamenu za finansijsku nagodbu sa decom).[37]

Njen poslednji roman „Večno čudo“ otkriven je u rukopisu 2013. godine.[38] Malo je poznato da je Perl Bak imala i kinesko ime koje je glasilo Sai Zhenzhu (賽|珍|珠).[39]

Izabrana bibliografija[uredi | uredi izvor]

Autobiografije[uredi | uredi izvor]

  • My Several Worlds: A Personal Record (New York: John Day, 1954)
  • My Several Worlds – skraćeno za mlađe čitatelje zaslugom Kornelije Spenser (New York: John Day, 1957)
  • A Bridge for Passing (New York: John Day, 1962) – autobiographical account of the filming of Buck's children's book, The Big Wave

Biografije[uredi | uredi izvor]

  • The Exile: Portrait of an American Mother (New York: John Day, 1936)
  • Fighting Angel: Portrait of a Soul (New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1936)
  • The Spirit and the Flesh (New York: John Day, 1944) – includes The Exile: Portrait of an American Mother and Fighting Angel: Portrait of a Soul

Novele[uredi | uredi izvor]

  • East Wind: West Wind (New York: John Day, 1930)[40] – working title Winds of Heaven
  • The Good Earth (New York: John Day, 1931); The House of Earth trilogy #1 – made into a feature film The Good Earth (MGM, 1937)
  • Sons (New York: John Day, 1933); The House of Earth trilogy #2; serialized in Cosmopolitan (4–11/1932)
  • A House Divided (New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1935); The House of Earth trilogy #3
  • The House of Earth (trilogy) (New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1935) – includes: The Good Earth, Sons, A House Divided
  • All Men Are Brothers (New York: John Day, 1933) – a translation by Buck of the Chinese classical prose epic Water Margin (Shui Hu Zhuan)
  • The Mother (New York: John Day, 1933) – serialized in Cosmopolitan (7/1933–1/1934)
  • This Proud Heart (New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1938) – serialized in Good Housekeeping magazine (8/1937–2/1938)
  • The Patriot (New York: John Day, 1939)
  • Other Gods: An American Legend (New York: John Day, 1940) – excerpt serialized in Good Housekeeping magazine as "American Legend" (12/1938–5/1939)
  • China Sky (New York: John Day, 1941) – China trilogy #1; serialized in Collier's Weekly magazine (2–4/1941); made into a feature film China Sky (film) (RKO, 1945)
  • China Gold: A Novel of War-torn China (New York: John Day, 1942) – China trilogy #2; serialized in Collier's Weekly magazine (2–4/1942)
  • Dragon Seed (New York: John Day, 1942) – serialized in Asia (9/1941–2/1942); made into a feature film Dragon Seed (MGM, 1944)
  • The Promise (New York: John Day, 1943) – sequel to Dragon Seed; serialized in Asia and the Americas (Asia) (11/1942–10/1943)
  • China Flight (Philadelphia: Triangle Books/Blakiston Company, 19453) – China trilogy #3; serialized in Collier's Weekly magazine (2–4/1943)
  • Portrait of a Marriage (New York: John Day, 1945) – illustrated by Charles Hargens
  • The Townsman (New York: John Day, 1945) – as John Sedges
  • Pavilion of Women (New York: John Day, 1946) – made into a feature film Pavilion of Women (Universal Focus, 2001)
  • The Angry Wife (New York: John Day, 1947) – as John Sedges
  • Peony (New York: John Day, 1948) – published in the UK as The Bondmaid (London: T. Brun, 1949); – serialized in Cosmopolitan (3–4/1948)
  • Kinfolk (New York: John Day, 1949) – serialized in Ladies' Home Journal (10/1948–2/1949)
  • The Long Love (New York: John Day, 1949) – as John Sedges
  • God's Men (New York: John Day, 1951)
  • Sylvia (1951) – alternate title No Time for Love, serialized in Redbook magazine (1951)
  • Bright Procession (New York: John Day, 1952) – as John Sedges
  • The Hidden Flower (New York: John Day, 1952) – serialized in Woman's Home Companion magazine (3–4/1952)
  • Come, My Beloved (New York: John Day, 1953)
  • Voices in the House (New York: John Day, 1953) – as John Sedges
  • Imperial Woman The Story of the Last Empress of China (New York: John Day, 1956) – about Empress Dowager Cixi; serialized in Woman's Home Companion (3–4/1956)
  • Letter from Peking (New York: John Day, 1957)
  • American Triptych: Three John Sedges Novels (New York: John Day, 1958) – includes The Townsman, The Long Love, Voices in the House
  • Command the Morning (New York: John Day, 1959)
  • Satan Never Sleeps (New York: Pocket Books, 1962) – 1962 film Satan Never Sleeps, also known as The Devil Never Sleeps and Flight from Terror
  • The Living Reed A Novel of Korea (New York: John Day, 1963)
  • Death in the Castle (New York: John Day, 1965)
  • The Time Is Noon (New York: John Day, 1966)
  • The New Year (New York: John Day, 1968)
  • The Three Daughters of Madame Liang (London: Methuen, 1969)
  • Mandala: A Novel of India (New York: John Day, 1970)
  • The Goddess Abides (New York: John Day, 1972)
  • All under Heaven (New York: John Day, 1973)
  • The Rainbow (New York: John Day, 1974)
  • The Eternal Wonder (believed to have been written shortly before her death, published in October 2013)[41]

Nefikcija[uredi | uredi izvor]

  • Is There a Case for Foreign Missions? (New York: John Day, 1932)
  • The Chinese Novel: Nobel Lecture Delivered before the Swedish Academy at Stockholm, December 12, 1938 (New York: John Day, 1939)[42]
  • Of Men and Women (New York: John Day, 1941) – Essays
  • American Unity and Asia (New York: John Day, 1942) – UK edition titled Asia and Democracy, London: Macmillan, 1943) – Essays
  • What America Means to Me (New York: John Day, 1943) – UK edition (London: Methuen, 1944) – Essays
  • Talk about Russia (with Masha Scott) (New York: John Day, 1945) – serialized in Asia and the Americas magazine (Asia) as Talks with Masha (1945)
  • Tell the People: Talks with James Yen about the Mass Education Movement (New York: John Day, 1945)
  • How It Happens: Talk about the German People, 1914–1933, with Erna von Pustau (New York: John Day, 1947)
  • American Argument with Eslanda Goode Robeson (New York: John Day, 1949)
  • The Child Who Never Grew (New York: John Day, 1950)
  • The Man Who Changed China: The Story of Sun Yat-sen (New York: John Day, 1953) – for children
  • Friend to Friend: A Candid Exchange between Pearl S. Buck and Carlos P. Romulo (New York: John Day, 1958)
  • For Spacious Skies (1966)
  • The People of Japan (1966)
  • To My Daughters, with Love (New York: John Day, 1967)
  • The Kennedy Women (1970)
  • China as I See It (1970)
  • The Story Bible (1971)
  • Pearl S. Buck's Oriental Cookbook (1972)
  • Words of Love (1974)[43]

Kratke priče[uredi | uredi izvor]

Zbirke[uredi | uredi izvor]

  • The First Wife and Other Stories (London: Methuen, 1933) – includes: "The First Wife", "The Old Mother", "The Frill", "The Quarrell", "Repatriated", "The Rainy Day", Wang Lung", "The Communist", "Father Andrea", "The New Road", "Barren Spring", *"The Refugees", "Fathers and Mothers", "The Good River"
  • Today and Forever: Stories of China (New York: John Day, 1941) – includes: "The Lesson", The Angel", "Mr. Binney's Afternoon", "The Dance", "Shanghai Scene", "Hearts Come Home", "His Own Country", "Tiger! Tiger!", "Golden flower", "The Face of Buddha", "Guerrilla Mother", "A Man's Foes", "The Old Demon"
  • Twenty-seven Stories (Garden City, NY: Sun Dial Press, 1943) – includes (from The First Wife and Other Stories): "The First Wife", "The Old Mother", "The Frill", "The Quarrell", "Repatriated", "The Rainy Day", Wang Lung", "The Communist", "Father Andrea", "The New Road", "Barren Spring", *"The Refugees", "Fathers and Mothers", "The Good River"; and (from Today and Forever: Stories of China): "The Lesson", The Angel", "Mr. Binney's Afternoon", "The Dance", "Shanghai Scene", "Hearts Come Home", "His Own Country", "Tiger! Tiger!", "Golden flower", "The Face of Buddha", "Guerrilla Mother", "A Man's Foes", "The Old Demon"
  • Far and Near: Stories of Japan, China, and America (New York: John Day, 1947) – includes: "The Enemy", "Home Girl", "Mr. Right". The Tax Collector", "A Few People", "Home to Heaven", Enough for a Lifetime", Mother and Sons", Mrs. Mercer and Her Self", The Perfect Wife", "Virgin birth", "The Truce", "Heat Wave", "The One Woman"
  • Fourteen Stories (New York: John Day, 1961) – includes: "A Certain Star," "The Beauty", "Enchantment", "With a Delicate Air", "Beyond Language", "Parable of Plain People", "The Commander and the Commissar", "Begin to Live", "The Engagement", "Melissa", "Gift of Laughter", "Death and the Dawn", "The Silver Butterfly", "Francesca"
  • Hearts Come Home and Other Stories (New York: Pocket Books, 1962)
  • Stories of China (1964)
  • Escape at Midnight and Other Stories (1964)
  • East and West Stories (1975)
  • Secrets of the Heart: Stories (1976)
  • The Lovers and Other Stories (1977)
  • Mrs. Stoner and the Sea and Other Stories (1978)
  • The Woman Who Was Changed and Other Stories (1979)
  • Beauty Shop Series: "Revenge in a Beauty Shop" (1939)
  • Beauty Shop Series: "Gold Mine" (1940)
  • Beauty Shop Series: "Mrs. Whittaker's Secret"/"The Blonde Brunette" (1940)
  • Beauty Shop Series: "Procession of Song" (1940)
  • Beauty Shop Series: "Snake at the Picnic" (1940) – published as "Seed of Sin" (1941)
  • Beauty Shop Series: "Seed of Sin" (1941) – published as "Snake at the Picnic (1940)

Zasebne kratke priče[uredi | uredi izvor]

  • Unknown title (1902) – first published story, pen name "Novice", Shanghai Mercury
  • "The Real Santa Claus" (c. 1911)
  • "Village by the Sea" (1911)
  • "By the Hand of a Child" (1912)
  • "The Hours of Worship" (1914)
  • "When 'Lof' Comes" (1914)
  • "The Clutch of the Ancients" (1924)
  • "The Rainy Day" (c. 1925)
  • "A Chinese Woman Speaks" (1926)
  • "Lao Wang, the Farmer" (1926)
  • "The Solitary Priest" (1926)
  • "The Revolutionist" (1928) – later published as "Wang Lung" (1933)
  • "The Wandering Little God" (1928)
  • "Father Andrea" (1929)
  • "The New Road" (1930)
  • "Singing to her Death" (1930)
  • "The Barren Spring" (1931)
  • "The First Wife" (1931)
  • "The Old Chinese Nurse" (1932)
  • "The Quarrel" (1932)
  • "The Communist" (1933)
  • "Fathers and Mothers" (1933)
  • "The Frill" (1933)
  • "Hidden is the Golden Dragon" (1933)
  • "The Lesson" (1933) – later published as "No Other Gods" (1936; original title used in short story collections)
  • "The Old Mother" (1933)
  • "The Refugees" (1933)
  • "Repatriated" (1933)
  • "The Return" (1933)
  • "The River" (1933) – later published as "The Good River" (1939)
  • "The Two Women" (1933)
  • "The Beautiful Ladies" (1934) – later published as "Mr. Binney's Afternoon" (1935)
  • "Fool's Sacrifice" (1934)
  • "Shanghai Scene" (1934)
  • "Wedding and Funeral" (1934)
  • "Between These Two" (1935)
  • "The Dance" (1935)
  • "Enough for a Lifetime" (1935)
  • "Hearts Come Home" (1935)
  • "Heat Wave" (1935)
  • "His Own Country" (1935)
  • "The Perfect Wife" (1935)
  • "Vignette of Love" (1935) – later published as "Next Saturday and Forever" (1977)
  • "The Crusade" (1936)
  • "Strangers Are Kind" (1936)
  • "The Truce" (1936)
  • "What the Heart Must" (1937) – later published as "Someone to Remember" (1947)
  • "The Angel" (1937)
  • "Faithfully" (1937)
  • "Ko-Sen, the Sacrificed" (1937)
  • "Now and Forever" (1937) – serialized in Woman's Home Companion magazine (10/1936–3/1937)
  • "The Woman Who Was Changed" (1937) – serialized in Redbook magazine (7–9/1937)
  • "The Pearls of O-lan" – from The Good Earth (1938)
  • "Ransom" (1938)
  • "Tiger! Tiger!" (1938)
  • "Wonderful Woman" (1938) – serialized in Redbook magazine (6–8/1938)
  • "For a Thing Done" (1939) – originally titled "While You Are Here"
  • "The Old Demon" (1939) – reprinted in Great Modern Short Stories: An Anthology of Twelve Famous Stories and Novelettes, selected, and with a foreword and biographical notes by Bennett Cerf (New York: The Modern library, 1942)
  • "The Face of Gold" (1940, in Saturday Evening Post) – later published as "The Face of Buddha" (1941)
  • "Golden Flower" (1940)
  • "Iron" (1940) – later published as "A Man's Foes" (1940)
  • "The Old Signs Fail" (1940)
  • "Stay as You Are" (1940) – serialized in Cosmopolitan (3–7/1940)
  • "There Was No Peace" (1940) – later published as "Guerrilla Mother" (1941)
  • "Answer to Life" (novella; 1941)
  • "More Than a Woman" (1941) – originally titled "Deny It if You Can"
  • "Our Daily Bread" (1941) – originally titled "A Man's Daily Bread, 1–3", serialized in Redbook magazine (2–4/1941), longer version published as Portrait of a Marriage (1945)
  • The Enemy (1942, Harper's Magazine) – staged by the Indian "Aamra Kajon" (Drama Society), on the Bengal Theatre Festival 2019[44]
  • "John-John Chinaman" (1942) – original title "John Chinaman"
  • "The Long Way 'Round" – serialized in Cosmopolitan (9/1942–2/1943)
  • "Mrs. Barclay's Christmas Present" (1942) – later published as "Gift of Laughter" (1943)
  • "Descent into China" (1944)
  • "Journey for Life" (1944) – originally titled "Spark of Life"
  • "The Real Thing" (1944) – serialized in Cosmopolitan (2–6/1944); originally intendeds as a serial "Harmony Hill" (1938)
  • "Begin to Live" (1945)
  • "Mother and Sons" (1945)
  • "A Time to Love" (1945) – later published under its original title "The Courtyards of Peace" (1969)
  • "Big Tooth Yang" (1946) – later published as "The Tax Collector" (1947)
  • "The Conqueror's Girl" (1946) – later published as "Home Girl" (1947)
  • "Faithfully Yours" (1947)
  • "Home to Heaven" (1947)
  • "Incident at Wang's Corner" (1947) – later published as "A Few People" (1947)
  • "Mr. Right" (1947)
  • "Mrs. Mercer and Her Self" (1947)
  • "The One Woman" (1947)
  • "Virgin Birth" (1947)
  • "Francesca" (Good Housekeeping magazine, 1948)
  • "The Ember" (1949)
  • "The Tryst" (1950)
  • "Love and the Morning Calm" – serialized in Redbook magazine (1–4/1951)
  • "The Man Called Dead" (1952)
  • "Death and the Spring" (1953)
  • "Moon over Manhattan" (1953)
  • "The Three Daughters" (1953)
  • "The Unwritten Rules" (1953)
  • "The Couple Who Lived on the Moon" (1953) – later published as "The Engagement" (1961)
  • "A Husband for Lili" (1953) – later published as "The Good Deed (1969)
  • "The Heart's Beginning" (1954)
  • "The Shield of Love" (1954)
  • "Christmas Day in the Morning" (1955) – later published as "The Gift That Lasts a Lifetime"
  • "Death and the Dawn" (1956)
  • "Mariko" (1956)
  • "A Certain Star" (1957)
  • "Honeymoon Blues" (1957)
  • "China Story" (1958)
  • "Leading Lady" (1958) – alternately titled "Open the Door, Lady"
  • "The Secret" (1958)
  • "With a Delicate Air" (1959)
  • "The Bomb (Dr. Arthur Compton)" (1959)
  • "Heart of a Man" (1959)
  • "Melissa" (1960)
  • "The Silver Butterfly" (1960)
  • "The Beauty" (1961)
  • "Beyond Language" (1961)
  • "The Commander and the Commissar" (1961)
  • "Enchantment" (1961)
  • "Parable of Plain People" (1961)
  • "A Field of Rice" (1962)
  • "A Grandmother's Christmas" (1962) – later published as "This Day to Treasure" (1972)
  • ""Never Trust the Moonlight" (1962) – later published as "The Green Sari" (1962)
  • "The Cockfight, 1963
  • "A Court of Love" (1963)
  • "Escape at Midnight" (1963)
  • "The Lighted Window" (1963)
  • "Night Nurse" (1963)
  • "The Sacred Skull" (1963)
  • "The Trap" (1963)
  • "India, My India" (1964)
  • "Ranjit and the Tiger" (1964)
  • "A Certain Wisdom" (1967, in Woman's Day magazine)
  • "Stranger Come Home" (1967)
  • "The House They Built" (1968, in Boys' Life magazine)
  • "The Orphan in My Home" (1968)
  • "Secrets of the Heart" (1968)
  • "All the Days of Love and Courage" 1969) – later published as "The Christmas Child" (1972)
  • "Dagger in the Dark" (1969)
  • "Duet in Asia" (1969; written 1953
  • "Going Home" (1969)
  • "Letter Home" (1969; written 1943)
  • "Sunrise at Juhu" (1969)
  • "Two in Love" (1970) – later published as "The Strawberry Vase" (1976)
  • "The Gifts of Joy" (1971)
  • "Once upon a Christmas" (1971)
  • "The Christmas Secret" (1972)
  • "Christmas Story" (1972)
  • "In Loving Memory" (1972) – later published as "Mrs. Stoner and the Sea" (1976)
  • "The New Christmas" (1972)
  • "The Miracle Child" (1973)
  • "Mrs. Barton Declines" (1973) – later published as "Mrs. Barton's Decline" and "Mrs. Barton's Resurrection" (1976)
  • "Darling Let Me Stay" (1975) – excerpt from "Once upon a Christmas" (1971)
  • "Dream Child" (1975)
  • "The Golden Bowl" (1975; written 1942)
  • "Letter from India" (1975)
  • "To Whom a Child is Born" (1975)
  • "Alive again" (1976)
  • "Come Home My Son" (1976)
  • "Here and Now" (1976; written 1941)
  • "Morning in the Park" (1976; written 1948)
  • "Search for a Star" (1976)
  • "To Thine Own Self" (1976)
  • "The Woman in the Waves" (1976; written 1953)
  • "The Kiss" (1977)
  • "The Lovers" (1977)
  • "Miranda" (1977)
  • "The Castle" (1979; written 1949)
  • "A Pleasant Evening" (1979; written 1948)
  • Christmas Miniature (New York: John Day, 1957) – in UK as Christmas Mouse (London: Methuen, 1959) – illustrated by Anna Marie Magagna
  • Christmas Ghost (New York: John Day, 1960) – illustrated by Anna Marie Magagna

''Необјављене приче''

  • "The Good Rich Man" (1937, unsold)
  • "The Sheriff" (1937, unsold)
  • "High and Mighty" (1938, unsold)
  • "Mrs. Witler's Husband" (1938, unsold)
  • "Mother and Daughter" (1938, unsold; alternate title "My Beloved")
  • "Mother without Child" (1940, unsold)
  • "Instead of Diamonds" (1953, unsold)

''Необјављене приче, без датума''

  • "The Assignation" (submitted not sold)
  • "The Big Dance" (unsold)
  • "The Bleeding Heart" (unsold)
  • "The Bullfrog" (unsold)
  • "The Day at Dawn" (unpublished)
  • "The Director"
  • "Heart of the Jungle (submitted, unsold)
  • "Images" (sold but unpublished)
  • "Lesson in Biology" / "Useless Wife" (unsold)
  • "Morning in Okinawa" (unsold)
  • "Mrs. Jones of Jerrell Street" (unsold)
  • "One of Our People" (sold, unpublished)
  • "Summer Fruit" (unsold)
  • "Three Nights with Love" (submitted, unsold) – original title "More Than a Woman"
  • "Too Many Flowers" (unsold)
  • "Wang the Ancient" (unpublished)
  • "Wang the White Boy" (unpublished)

''Priče: nepoznatog datuma''

  • "Church Woman"
  • "Crucifixion"
  • "Dear Son"
  • "Escape Me Never" – alternate title of "For a Thing Done"
  • "The Great Soul"
  • "Her Father's Wife"
  • "Horse Face"
  • "Lennie"
  • "The Magic Dragon"
  • "Mrs. Jones of Jerrell Street" (unsold)
  • "Night of the Dance"
  • "One and Two"
  • "Pleasant Vampire"
  • "Rhoda and Mike"
  • "The Royal Family"
  • "The Searcher"
  • "Steam and Snow"
  • "Tinder and the Flame"
  • "The War Chest"
  • "To Work the Sleeping Land"

Dečje knjige i priče[uredi | uredi izvor]

  • The Young Revolutionist (New York: John Day, 1932) – for children
  • Stories for Little Children (New York: John Day, 1940) – pictures by Weda Yap
  • "When Fun Begins" (1941)
  • The Chinese Children Next Door (New York: John Day, 1942)
  • The Water Buffalo Children (New York: John Day, 1943) – drawings by William Arthur Smith
  • Dragon Fish (New York: John Day, 1944) – illustrated by Esther Brock Bird
  • Yu Lan: Flying Boy of China (New York: John Day, 1945) – drawings by Georg T. Hartmann
  • The Big Wave (New York: John Day, 1948) – illustrated with prints by Hiroshige and Hokusai – for children
  • One Bright Day (New York: John Day, 1950) – published in the UK as One Bright Day and Other Stories for Children (1952)
  • The Beech Tree (New York: John Day, 1954) – illustrated by Kurt Werth – for children
  • "Johnny Jack and His Beginnings" (New York: John Day, 1954)
  • Christmas Miniature (1957) – published in the UK as The Christmas Mouse (1958)
  • "The Christmas Ghost" (1960)
  • "Welcome Child (1964)
  • "The Big Fight" (1965)
  • "The Little Fox in the Middle" (1966)
  • Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (New York: John Day, 1967) – set in South Korea
  • "The Chinese Storyteller" (1971)
  • "A Gift for the Children" (1973)
  • "Mrs Starling's Problem" (1973)

Reference[uredi | uredi izvor]

  1. ^ a b Mišić, Milan, ur. (2005). Enciklopedija Britanika. A-B. Beograd: Narodna knjiga : Politika. str. 96. ISBN 86-331-2075-5. 
  2. ^ Lian Xi, The Conversion of Missionaries, University Park, PA: Penn State University Press, 1996) 102 ISBN 0271064382.
  3. ^ Shavit, David (1990), The United States in Asia: a historical dictionary, Greenwood Publishing Group, str. 480, ISBN 0-313-26788-X  (Entry for "Sydenstricker, Absalom")
  4. ^ „赛兆祥墓碑”. Pristupljeno 22. 7. 2021. 
  5. ^ „Pearl S. Buck house in Zhenjiang”. Pristupljeno 22. 7. 2021. 
  6. ^ „Kuling American School Association – Americans Who Still Call Lushan Home”. Kuling American School Association 美国学堂 Website. Pristupljeno 23. 7. 2021. 
  7. ^ „Grace Sydenstricker Yaukey papers, 1934–1968”. Orbis Cascade Alliance. Pristupljeno 17. 1. 2019. 
  8. ^ „Grace S. Yaukey Dies”. The Washington Post. 5. 5. 1994. Pristupljeno 18. 1. 2019. 
  9. ^ Pearl S. Buck, My Several Worlds: A Personal Record (New York: John Day, 1954) p. 10.
  10. ^ Peter Conn, Pearl S. Buck: A Cultural Biography, Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996) 9, 19–23 ISBN 0521560802.
  11. ^ Mary Ellen Snodgrass (2016). American Women Speak. ABC-Clio. str. 115. ISBN 978-1-4408-3785-2. 
  12. ^ Gould Hunter Thomas (2004). „Nanking”. An American in China, 1936–1939: A Memoir. Greatrix Press. ISBN 978-0-9758800-0-5. 
  13. ^ Graves, Kori A. (2019). „Amerasian Children, Hybrid Superiority and Pearl S. Buck's Transracial and Transnational Adoption Activism” (PDF). Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. 143 (2): 194. doi:10.1353/pmh.2019.0016 — preko 
  14. ^ Conn, Pearl S. Buck, 70–82.
  15. ^ Pearl S. Buck, "Is There a Case for Foreign Missions?," Harper's 166 (January 1933): 143–155.
  16. ^ Melvin, Sheila (2006). „The Resurrection of Pearl Buck”. Wilson Quarterly Archives. Pristupljeno 24. 10. 2016. 
  17. ^ Buck, Pearl S. The Good Earth. Ed. Peter Conn. New York: Washington Square Press, 1994. pp. xviii–xix.
  18. ^ „Pearl Buck's divorce”. Pristupljeno 15. 10. 2015. 
  19. ^ Melvin, Sheila (2006). „The Resurrection of Pearl Buck”. Wilson Quarterly Archives. Pristupljeno 24. 10. 2016. 
  20. ^ Graves, Kori A. (2019). „Amerasian Children, Hybrid Superiority and Pearl S. Buck's Transracial and Transnational Adoption Activism” (PDF). Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. 143 (2): 194. doi:10.1353/pmh.2019.0016 — preko 
  21. ^ „A Chinese Fan Of Pearl S. Buck Returns The Favor”. NPR. 7. 4. 2010. 
  22. ^ Melvin, Sheila (2006). „The Resurrection of Pearl Buck”. Wilson Quarterly Archives. Pristupljeno 24. 10. 2016. 
  23. ^ „Pearl Buck's son speaks of her love: In Bucks Library, he recalls happy childhood at Green Hills Farm”. The Morning Call. 20. 3. 2001. Arhivirano iz originala 24. 7. 2023. g. Pristupljeno 23. 7. 2023. 
  24. ^ Cesarani, David. (2005). Eichmann: his life and crimes. London: Vintage. str. 319—20. ISBN 0-09-944844-0. OCLC 224240952. 
  25. ^ „The trial of Adolf Eichmann - Verdict - Exhibition Eichmann on Trial, Jerusalem 1961 – Shoah Memorial”. Pristupljeno 2022-07-07. 
  26. ^ Lipscomb, Elizabeth Johnston "Pearl S. Buck." e-WV: The West Virginia Encyclopedia. 04 January 2023. Web. 01 April 2023.
  27. ^ „The Pearl S. Buck Birthplace Foundation”. Arhivirano iz originala 25. 3. 2015. g. Pristupljeno 27. 9. 2008. 
  28. ^ Buck, Pearl S. My Mother's House. Richwood, WV: Appalachian Press. pp. 30–31.
  29. ^ 赛珍珠故居 (na jeziku: kineski), Arhivirano iz originala 2. 4. 2015. g., Pristupljeno 21. 2. 2010 
  30. ^ amy.gress. „Home”. Pearl S Buck (na jeziku: engleski). Pristupljeno 25. 2. 2019. 
  31. ^ Pearl S. Buck International, "Our History Arhivirano 2006-12-31 na sajtu Wayback Machine," 2009.
  32. ^ a b Walter, Greg (1991), „'Philadelphia', as quoted”, Ur.: Sam G. Riley; Gary W. Selnow, Regional Interest Magazines of the United States, Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group, str. 259, ISBN 978-0-313-26840-3 
  33. ^ Conn (1996). harv greška: više ciljeva (2×): CITEREFConn1996 (help)
  34. ^ „Crumbling Foundation”. Time. sv. 94 br. 4. 25. 7. 1969. str. 66. 
  35. ^ Conn, Peter, Dragon and the Pearl
  36. ^ Benoit, Brian, . This article only mentions the meaning of the second two characters, precious pearl, which in common language is simply the two character word for pearl.
  37. ^ „Pearl Buck's 7 Adopted Children Win Six‐Year Battle Over Estate”. The New York Times (na jeziku: engleski). 1979-11-18. ISSN 0362-4331. Pristupljeno 2023-07-24. 
  38. ^ Otkriven poslednji roman Perl Bak („Večernje novosti“, 25. maj 2013)
  39. ^ „Pearl S. Buck, fully Pearl Sydenstricker Buck, also known by her Chinese name Sai Zhenzhu”. Arhivirano iz originala 11. 11. 2018. g. Pristupljeno 10. 11. 2018. 
  40. ^ „East Wind: West Wind by Pearl S. Buck”. Fantasticfiction. Pristupljeno 6. 4. 2015. 
  41. ^ Julie Bosman (21. 5. 2013). „A Pearl Buck Novel, New After 4 Decades”. New York Times. 
  42. ^ Pearl S. Buck's Nobel Lecture 
  43. ^ „9780381982638: Words of Love – AbeBooks – Pearl S Buck: 0381982637”. 
  44. ^ „Play review | The Enemy: Say no to war”. The Statesman. 15. 3. 2019. Pristupljeno 13. 9. 2019. 

Literatura[uredi | uredi izvor]

Dodatna literatura[uredi | uredi izvor]

  • Conn, Peter J. (1996), Pearl S. Buck: A Cultural Biography, Cambridge England; New York: Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-56080-2 
  • Harris, Theodore F. (in consultation with Pearl S. Buck), Pearl S. Buck: a Biography (John Day, 1969. ISBN 978-0-381-98113-6)
    • Theodore F. Harris (in consultation with Pearl S. Buck), Pearl S. Buck; a biography. Volume two: Her philosophy as expressed in her letters (John Day, 1971. ASIN B002BAA2PU)
  • Hayford, Charles W (2009). „Introduction”. The Exile: Portrait of an American Mother. Norwalk, CT: EastBridge. ISBN 978-1-59988-005-1. .
  • Hunt, Michael H. "Pearl Buck-Popular Expert on China, 1931-1949." Modern China 3.1 (1977): 33-64.
  • Jean So, Richard. "Fictions of Natural Democracy: Pearl Buck, The Good Earth, and the Asian American Subject." Representations 112.1 (2010): 87-111.
  • Kang, Liao. Pearl S. Buck: A Cultural Bridge across the Pacific. (Westport, CT, London: Greenwood, Contributions to the Study of World Literature 77, 1997). ISBN 0-313-30146-8ISBN 0-313-30146-8.
  • Leong. Karen J. The China Mystique: Pearl S. Buck, Anna May Wong, Mayling Soong, and the Transformation of American Orientalism (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005). ISBN 0520244222ISBN 0520244222
  • Lipscomb, Elizabeth Johnston, Frances E. Webb and Peter J. Conn, eds., The Several Worlds of Pearl S. Buck: Essays Presented at a Centennial Symposium, Randolph-Macon Woman's College, March 26–28, 1992. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, Contributions in Women's Studies, 1994. ISBN 0313291527ISBN 0313291527
  • Roan, Jeanette (2010). „Knowing China: Accuracy, Authenticity and The Good Earth”. Envisioning Asia: On Location, Travel, and the Cinematic Geography of U.S. Orientalism. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press. str. 113–55. ISBN 978-0-472-05083-3. OCLC 671655107. 
  • Shaffer, Robert. "Women and international relations: Pearl S. Buck's critique of the Cold War." Journal of Women's History 11.3 (1999): 151-175.
  • Spurling, Hilary. Burying the Bones: Pearl Buck in China (London: Profile, 2010) ISBN 9781861978288
  • Stirling, Nora B. Pearl Buck, a Woman in Conflict (Piscataway, NJ: New Century Publishers, 1983).
  • Suh, Chris. ""America's Gunpowder Women" Pearl S. Buck and the Struggle for American Feminism, 1937–1941." Pacific Historical Review 88.2 (2019): 175-207. online
  • Vriesekoop, Bettine (2021), Het China-gevoel van Pearl S. Buck (The China-feeling of Pearl S. Buck, Uitgeverij Brandt .
  • Wacker, Grant. "Pearl S. Buck and the Waning of the Missionary Impulse" Church history 72.4 (2003): 852-874.
  • Xi Lian. The Conversion of Missionaries: Liberalism in American Protestant Missions in China, 1907–1932. (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1997). ISBN 027101606XISBN 027101606X
  • Mari Yoshihara. Embracing the East: White Women and American Orientalism. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2003). ISBN 019514533XISBN 019514533X

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