Federalni istražni biro — разлика између измена

С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије
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Ред 39: Ред 39:
The FBI was established in 1908 as the Bureau of Investigation, the BOI or BI for short. Its name was changed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 1935.<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/2006/march/fbiname_022406|title=A Byte Out of History – How the FBI Got Its Name|website=FBI}}</ref> The FBI headquarters is the [[J. Edgar Hoover Building]], located in [[Washington, D.C.]]
The FBI was established in 1908 as the Bureau of Investigation, the BOI or BI for short. Its name was changed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 1935.<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/2006/march/fbiname_022406|title=A Byte Out of History – How the FBI Got Its Name|website=FBI}}</ref> The FBI headquarters is the [[J. Edgar Hoover Building]], located in [[Washington, D.C.]]

== Misija, prioriteti i budžet ==
== Мисија, приоритети и буџет ==
[[File:Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide.pdf|thumb|Водич за домаће истраге и операције -{FBI}--а (.pdf датотеке)]]
[[File:Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide.pdf|thumb|Vodič za domaće istrage i operacije -{FBI}--a (.pdf datoteke)]]

=== Мисија ===
=== Misija ===

Мисија -{FBI}- је:<blockquote>Заштитита амерички народа и придржавање [[Constitution of the United States|Устава Сједињених Држава]].<ref name=":0" /><ref name=":2">{{Cite web|title=Mission & Priorities|url=https://www.fbi.gov/about/mission|access-date=2021-01-09|website=Federal Bureau of Investigation|language=en-us}}</ref></blockquote>
Misija -{FBI}- je:<blockquote>Zaštitita američki naroda i pridržavanje [[Constitution of the United States|Ustava Sjedinjenih Država]].<ref name=":0" /><ref name=":2">{{Cite web|title=Mission & Priorities|url=https://www.fbi.gov/about/mission|access-date=2021-01-09|website=Federal Bureau of Investigation|language=en-us}}</ref></blockquote>

=== Приоритети ===
=== Prioriteti ===

Тренутно, главни приоритети -{FBI}--а су:<ref name=":2" />
Trenutno, glavni prioriteti -{FBI}--a su:<ref name=":2" />

* Заштитита Сједињене Државе од [[Terrorism in the United States|терористичких напада]]
* Zaštitita Sjedinjene Države od [[Terrorism in the United States|terorističkih napada]]
* Zaštitita Sjedinjene Države od stranih obaveštajnih operacija, špijunaže i sajber operacija
* Заштитита Сједињене Државе од страних обавештајних операција, шпијунаже и сајбер операција
* Borba protiv značajnih ciber kriminalnih aktivnosti
* Борба против значајних цибер криминалних активности
* Borba protiv javne [[Politička korupcija|korupcije]] na svim nivoima
* Борба против јавне [[Политичка корупција|корупције]] на свим нивоима
* Заштитита [[Pokret za građanska prava|грађанских права]]
* Zaštitita [[Pokret za građanska prava|građanskih prava]]
* Borba protiv transnacionalnih kriminalnih organizacija
* Борба против транснационалних криминалних организација
* Борба против [[white-collar crime|криминала белих оковратника]]
* Borba protiv [[white-collar crime|kriminala belih okovratnika]]
* Борба против значајног [[Violent crime in the United States|насилног криминала]]
* Borba protiv značajnog [[Violent crime in the United States|nasilnog kriminala]]

=== Буџет ===
=== Budžet ===

У фискалној 2019. години укупан буџет Бироа износио је приближно 9,6 милијарди долара.<ref name="mission">{{cite web |url=https://www.fbi.gov/about/mission|title=Mission & Priorities |website=Federal Bureau of Investigation |access-date=29 July 2019 |url-status=live |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20190711160508/https://www.fbi.gov/about/mission |archive-date=July 11, 2019 }}</ref>
U fiskalnoj 2019. godini ukupan budžet Biroa iznosio je približno 9,6 milijardi dolara.<ref name="mission">{{cite web |url=https://www.fbi.gov/about/mission|title=Mission & Priorities |website=Federal Bureau of Investigation |access-date=29 July 2019 |url-status=live |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20190711160508/https://www.fbi.gov/about/mission |archive-date=July 11, 2019 }}</ref>

У захтеву за одобрење и буџет Конгресу за фискалну 2021. годину,<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.justice.gov/doj/page/file/1246311/download|title=FY 2021 Authorization and Budget Request to Congress |publisher=justice.gov}}</ref> FBI је тражио $9.800.724.000. Од тог новца, $9.748.829.000 користило би се за зараде и трошкове, а $51.895.000 за изградњу.<ref name=":0">{{Cite web|last=|first=|date=|title=FY 2021 Authorization And Budget Request to Congress|url=https://www.justice.gov/doj/page/file/1246311/download|access-date=9 Jan 2021|website=United States Justice Department|publication-date=February 2020}}</ref> Програм С&Е забележио је раст од $199.673.000.
U zahtevu za odobrenje i budžet Kongresu za fiskalnu 2021. godinu,<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.justice.gov/doj/page/file/1246311/download|title=FY 2021 Authorization and Budget Request to Congress |publisher=justice.gov}}</ref> FBI je tražio $9.800.724.000. Od tog novca, $9.748.829.000 koristilo bi se za zarade i troškove, a $51.895.000 za izgradnju.<ref name=":0">{{Cite web|last=|first=|date=|title=FY 2021 Authorization And Budget Request to Congress|url=https://www.justice.gov/doj/page/file/1246311/download|access-date=9 Jan 2021|website=United States Justice Department|publication-date=February 2020}}</ref> Program S&E zabeležio je rast od $199.673.000.

== Vidi još ==
== Vidi još ==

Верзија на датум 26. јул 2021. у 07:24

Federalni istražni biro
Zastava Federalnog istražnog biroa

Značka agenata FBI
Osnovana26. jul 1908. god.; pre 115 godina (1908-07-26) kao Istražni biro
NadležnostVlada SAD
SedišteZgrada Dž. Edgara Huvera
Sjeverozapad, Vašington, SAD
MotoVernost, hrabrost, poštenje
Zaposleni35.104[1][2] (31. 10. 2014)
Godišnji budžet8,3 milijardi USD (FY 2014)[1]
Nadređena agencijaMinistarstvo pravde
Kancelarija Direktora Nacionalne obaveštajne službe

Federalni istražni biro (engl. Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI) federalna je kriminalističko-istražna i obaveštajna agencija Sjedinjenih Američkih Država.[3] Trenutno, FBI ima istražnu nadležnost nad kršenjem više od 200 kategorija saveznih zakona i jedina, osim Šerifske službe Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, ima nadležnost za krivično gonjenje prekršilaca zakona na celoj teritoriji zemlje (ona je de fakto vodeća agencija za sprovođenje zakona saveznih vlasti Sjedinjenih Američkih Država).[4][5]

Slogan Biroa je „Vernost, hrabrost, poštenje”. Počevši sa radom 1908. godine pod nazivom Biro za istrage (engl. Bureau of Investigation, BOI), promenio je ime u Federalni istražni biro tek 1935. godine. Džon Edgar Huver (engl. John Edgar Hoover), tada direktor BOI-ja, postao je prvi direktor Federalnog istražnog biroa. Bio je na ovoj poziciji duže od svih direktora FBI-ja do današnjeg dana. On je takođe zaslužan za mnoga poboljšanja i izmene rada biroa, čime je od FBI-ja stvorio vodeću kriminalističku agenciju u svetu. Edgar Huver je izgradio FBI Akademiju i Kriminalističko-pravni servisno-informacioni kompleks, koji služi kao glavna podrška svim kancelarijama FBI-ja, a koje su razmeštene po celoj zemlji.

Although many of the FBI's functions are unique, its activities in support of national security are comparable to those of the British MI5 and the Russian FSB. Unlike the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which has no law enforcement authority and is focused on intelligence collection abroad, the FBI is primarily a domestic agency, maintaining 56 field offices in major cities throughout the United States, and more than 400 resident agencies in smaller cities and areas across the nation. At an FBI field office, a senior-level FBI officer concurrently serves as the representative of the Director of National Intelligence.[6][7]

Despite its domestic focus, the FBI also maintains a significant international footprint, operating 60 Legal Attache (LEGAT) offices and 15 sub-offices in U.S. embassies and consulates across the globe. These foreign offices exist primarily for the purpose of coordination with foreign security services and do not usually conduct unilateral operations in the host countries.[8] The FBI can and does at times carry out secret activities overseas,[9] just as the CIA has a limited domestic function; these activities generally require coordination across government agencies.

The FBI was established in 1908 as the Bureau of Investigation, the BOI or BI for short. Its name was changed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 1935.[10] The FBI headquarters is the J. Edgar Hoover Building, located in Washington, D.C.

Misija, prioriteti i budžet

Vodič za domaće istrage i operacije FBI-a (.pdf datoteke)


Misija FBI je:

Zaštitita američki naroda i pridržavanje Ustava Sjedinjenih Država.[11][12]


Trenutno, glavni prioriteti FBI-a su:[12]


U fiskalnoj 2019. godini ukupan budžet Biroa iznosio je približno 9,6 milijardi dolara.[13]

U zahtevu za odobrenje i budžet Kongresu za fiskalnu 2021. godinu,[14] FBI je tražio $9.800.724.000. Od tog novca, $9.748.829.000 koristilo bi se za zarade i troškove, a $51.895.000 za izgradnju.[11] Program S&E zabeležio je rast od $199.673.000.

Vidi još


  1. ^ а б „Quick Facts”. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Arhivirano iz originala 6. 12. 2014. g. Pristupljeno 27. 4. 2017. 
  2. ^ „About: How many people work for the FBI?”. fbi.gov. 
  3. ^ „Our Strength Lies in Who We Are”. intelligence.gov. Архивирано из оригинала 10. 8. 2014. г. Приступљено 4. 8. 2014. 
  4. ^ „How does the FBI differ from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)?”. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Архивирано из оригинала 4. 9. 2017. г. Приступљено 2. 11. 2017. 
  5. ^ „Federal Bureau of Investigation – Quick Facts”. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Архивирано из оригинала 17. 10. 2011. г. 
  6. ^ Statement Before the House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Архивирано јун 23, 2016 на сајту Wayback Machine, Federal Bureau of Investigation, March 26, 2014
  7. ^ FBI gets a broader role in coordinating domestic intelligence activities Архивирано јул 16, 2017 на сајту Wayback Machine, Washington Post, June 19, 2012
  8. ^ Overview of the Legal Attaché Program Архивирано март 13, 2016 на сајту Wayback Machine, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Retrieved: March 25, 2015
  9. ^ Spies Clash as FBI Joins CIA Overseas: Sources Talk of Communication Problem in Terrorism Role Архивирано април 18, 2015 на сајту Wayback Machine, Associated Press via NBC News, February 15, 2005
  10. ^ „A Byte Out of History – How the FBI Got Its Name”. FBI. 
  11. ^ а б „FY 2021 Authorization And Budget Request to Congress”. United States Justice Department. фебруар 2020. Приступљено 9. 1. 2021. 
  12. ^ а б „Mission & Priorities”. Federal Bureau of Investigation (на језику: енглески). Приступљено 2021-01-09. 
  13. ^ „Mission & Priorities”. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Архивирано из оригинала 11. 7. 2019. г. Приступљено 29. 7. 2019. 
  14. ^ „FY 2021 Authorization and Budget Request to Congress”. justice.gov. 


  • HSI BOOK Government HSI Files
  • Charles, Douglas M. (2007). J. Edgar Hoover and the Anti-interventionists: FBI Political Surveillance and the Rise of the Domestic Security State, 1939–1945. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University Press. ISBN 978-0-8142-1061-1. 
  • Kessler, Ronald (1993). The FBI: Inside the World's Most Powerful Law Enforcement Agency. Pocket Books Publications. ISBN 978-0-671-78657-1. 
  • Powers, Richard Gid (1983). G-Men, Hoover's FBI in American Popular Culture. Southern Illinois University Press. ISBN 978-0-8093-1096-8. 
  • Sullivan, William (1979). The Bureau: My Thirty Years in Hoover's FBI. Norton. ISBN 978-0-393-01236-1. 
  • Theoharis, Athan G.; John Stuart Cox (1988). The Boss: J. Edgar Hoover and the Great American Inquisition. Temple University Press. ISBN 978-0-87722-532-4. 
  • Theoharis, Athan G.; Tony G. Poveda; Susan Rosenfeld; Richard Gid Powers (2000). The FBI: A Comprehensive Reference Guide. Checkmark Books. ISBN 978-0-8160-4228-9. 
  • Theoharis, Athan G. (2004). The FBI and American Democracy: A Brief Critical History. Kansas: University Press. ISBN 978-0-7006-1345-8. 
  • Thomas, William H., Jr. (2008). Unsafe for Democracy: World War I and the U.S. Justice Department's Covert Campaign to Suppress Dissent. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. ISBN 978-0-299-22890-3. 
  • Tonry, Michael, ur. (2000). The Handbook of Crime & Punishment. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-514060-6. 
  • Trahair, Richard C. S. (2004). Encyclopedia of Cold War Espionage, Spies, and Secret Operations. Ballentine: Greenwood Press. ISBN 978-0-313-31955-6. 
  • Vanderpool, Bill (22. 8. 2011). „A History of FBI Handguns”. American Rifleman. Pristupljeno 3. 4. 2014. 
  • Weiner, Tim (2012). Enemies. A History of the FBI. Random House. ISBN 978-1-4000-6748-0. 
  • Williams, David (1981). „The Bureau of Investigation and its Critics, 1919–1921: the Origins of Federal Political Surveillance”. Journal of American History. Organization of American Historians. 68 (3): 560—579. JSTOR 1901939. doi:10.2307/1901939. 
  • Graves, Melissa. "FBI Historiography: From Leader to Organisation" in Christopher R. Moran, Christopher J. Murphy, eds. Intelligence Studies in Britain and the US: Historiography since 1945 (Edinburgh UP, 2013) pp. 129–145. online
  • Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri. The FBI: A History (Yale University Press, 2007).
  • Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri. "The Historiography of the FBI," in Loch Johnson, ed., A Handbook of Intelligence (Routledge, 2006). pp. 39–51.
  • Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri. "Forcing Out Unwanted FBI Directors: A Brief, Messy History", Vox, (23 May 2017). online
  • Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri. "A brief history of the FBI’s meddling in US politics" Vox, (5 November 2016) online
  • FBI—The Year in Review, Part 1, Part 2 (2013)
  • Church Committee Report, Vol. 6, "Federal Bureau of Investigation." 1975 congressional inquiry into American intelligence operations.

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