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This is an auxiliary template that allows one to encode "||" (two pipes or vertical bars) within template parameters. If this does not need to be interpreted as wikitext (i.e. table cell separators), it is better to use "||". However the "||" delimiter for a wikitable has to be escaped by a template if it is used within a template.


There is usually no such problem with "!!" (exclamation marks). This problem only affects "||" (vertical bars) in conjunction with the m:Help:Parameter default mechanism within tables. However, in table rows starting with "!" there can be problems with "!!" being interpreted as a cell separator. Try replacing it with "!!".

This template cannot be substituted.


Escapes double pipe characters within template parameters

Parametri šablona[Uredi podatke o šablonu]

Parametri nisu navedeni

See also

Šablon:Escape template list