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Датотека:Honoré Daumier, The Third-Class Carriage - The Metropolitan Museum of Art.jpg

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Оноре Домије: The Third-Class Carriage  wikidata:Q3228340 reasonator:Q3228340
Оноре Домије  (1808–1879)  wikidata:Q187506 s:fr:Auteur:Honoré Daumier q:en:Honoré Daumier
Оноре Домије
Друга имена
псеудоним: Daumier, Honore Victorin; Honoré Daumier
Опис француски сликар, architectural draftsperson, карикатуриста, вајар, литограф и бакрорезац
Датум рођења/смрти 26. фебруар 1808. Уреди на Википодацима 10. фебруар 1879. Уреди на Википодацима
Место рођења/смрти Марсељ Уреди на Википодацима Валмондоис Уреди на Википодацима
Место рада
Нормативна контрола
artist QS:P170,Q187506
image of artwork listed in title parameter on this page
The Third-Class Carriage Уреди на Википодацима

Врста предмета слика Уреди на Википодацима
Жанр genre art Уреди на Википодацима
English: Gallery Label: As a chronicler of modern urban life, Daumier captured the effects of industrialization in mid-nineteenth-century Paris. Images of railway travel first appeared in his art in the 1840s. This "Third-Class Carriage" in oil, unfinished and squared for transfer, closely corresponds to a watercolor of 1864 (Walters Art Museum, Baltimore). Daumier executed another oil version of the subject, which he finished but extensively reworked (National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa).
Датум circa 1862
date QS:P571,+1862-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902
Техника Уље на платну
medium QS:P186,Q296955;P186,Q12321255,P518,Q861259
Димензије висина: 65,4 cm; ширина: 90,2 cm
dimensions QS:P2048,65.4U174728
dimensions QS:P2049,90.2U174728
institution QS:P195,Q160236
Пописни број
Историја предмета

Duz, Paris (by 1878–92; sold on June 8, 1892 to Durand-Ruel); [Durand-Ruel, Paris, 1892–93, stock no. 2316; sold on April 19, 1893 to Durand-Ruel, New York]; [Durand-Ruel, New York, 1893–96, stock no. 1048, sold on February 24, 1896 to Borden]; Matthew C. D. Borden, New York (1896–d. 1912; his estate sale, American Art Association, New York, February 13–14, 1913, no. 76, for $40,000, to Durand-Ruel for Havemeyer); Mrs. H. O. (Louisine W.) Havemeyer, New York (1913–d. 1929; cat. 1931, pp. 102–3, ill.)

Историја изложби
Exhibition History:
  • Paris. École des Beaux-Arts. "Exposition des peintures, aquarelles, dessins et lithographies des maîtres français de la caricature et de la peinture de mœurs au XIXe siècle," 1888, no. 361 (as "Un Wagon de 3e classe," lent by M. Duz).
  • New York. Durand-Ruel. November 1894, no catalogue [see New York Times 1894].
  • New York. Union League Club. "Paintings from the M. C. D. Borden Collection," November 1909, no catalogue [see New York Times 1909].
  • New York. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. "The H. O. Havemeyer Collection," March 10–November 2, 1930, no. 42 [2nd ed., 1958, no. 96].
  • Paris. Musée de l'Orangerie. "Daumier: Peintures, aquarelles, dessins," 1934, no. 6.
  • Philadelphia. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. "Daumier 1808–1879," 1937, no. 5.
  • Paris. Palais National des Arts. "Chefs d'œuvre de l'art français," July–September 1937, no. 288.
  • Philadelphia Museum of Art. "Diamond Jubilee Exhibition: Masterpieces of Painting," November 4, 1950–February 11, 1951, no. 57.
  • New York. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. "Art Treasures of the Metropolitan," November 7, 1952–September 7, 1953, no. 142.
  • Paris. Musée de l'Orangerie. "De David à Toulouse-Lautrec: Chefs-d'œuvre des collections américaines," Spring 1955, no. 16.
  • New York. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. "Van Gogh as Critic and Self-Critic," October 30, 1973–January 6, 1974, no. 38.
  • Amsterdam. Rijksmuseum Vincent Van Gogh. "Franse meesters uit het Metropolitan Museum of Art: Realisten en Impressionisten," March 15–May 31, 1987, no. 8.
  • Leningrad [St. Petersburg]. State Hermitage Museum. "From Delacroix to Matisse," March 15–May 10, 1988, no. 3.
  • Moscow. Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. "From Delacroix to Matisse," June 10–July 30, 1988, no. 3.
  • New York. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. "Daumier Drawings," February 26–May 2, 1993, no cat. number.
  • Ottawa. National Gallery of Canada. "Daumier, 1808–1879," June 11–September 6, 1999, no. 271.
  • Paris. Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais. "Daumier, 1808–1879," October 5, 1999–January 3, 2000, no. 271.
  • Washington. Phillips Collection. "Daumier, 1808–1879," February 19–May 14, 2000, no. 271.
  • Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. "The Masterpieces of French Painting from The Metropolitan Museum of Art: 1800–1920," February 4–May 6, 2007, no. 19.
  • Berlin. Neue Nationalgalerie. "Französische Meisterwerke des 19. Jahrhunderts aus dem Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York," June 1–October 7, 2007, unnumbered cat.
Порекло H. O. Havemeyer Collection, Bequest of Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer, 1929
Белешке The chronology of the different versions of this composition is unresolved [see Ref. Pantazzi 1999]. Besides the watercolor (Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore; M D-298) and finished oil (National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa; M I-166), there are two pencil tracings on paper (present location unknown, M D-299; Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, D-300) and a tracing on glass (private collection, Germany; not in Maison).
Референце Daumier register number: 7165

Музеј Метрополитен: entry 436095

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The Third-Class Carriage енглески

дигитална репрезентација за српски (транслитерација)

The Third-Class Carriage енглески

Историја датотеке

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тренутна20:30, 13. децембар 2013.Минијатура за верзију на дан 20:30, 13. децембар 2013.3.811 × 2.756 (3,33 MB)Paris 16

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