official legislative, administrative and judicial texts;
folk literary and artistic creations.
Item 2 also encompasses the national flag and coat of arms, the municipal flags and coats of arms, music of the anthem, urban planning maps, drawings of traffic signs, sketches and plans from the patent file after the official publication of the patent, and other similar material published due to a state jurisdiction as part of the official text, its annex or independently. (Upravljanje avtorskih in sorodnih pravic na Internetu - Vidik javnih inštitucij. Pg. 28.)
Therefore this file is assumed to be in the public domain worldwide.
Ова слика приказује заставу, грб, печат или неки други званични симбол. Употреба таквих симбола је ограничена у многим државам независно од статуса ауторских права.
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