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Датотека:Pakistan Conference, West Jerusalem, 1931.jpg

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С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије

Pakistan_Conference,_West_Jerusalem,_1931.jpg (395 × 227 пиксела, величина датотеке: 27 kB, MIME тип: image/jpeg)


English: A view of the conference in Jerusalem. Iqbal is seen sitting on the extreme right in the first row (1931).
Français : Vue du congrès islamique mondial réuni à Jérusalem en 1931 ; Iqbal est assis à l’extrême droite de l'image au 1er rang
Извор http://www.allamaiqbal.com/


This Pakistani work is now in the public domain because its term of copyright has expired according to the Copyright Ordinance, 1962 as amended by Copyright (Amendment) Ordinance, 2000 (details).

The work meets one of the following criteria:

  • it is a photograph, a cinematographic work or a sound recording and at least 50 years have passed since the end of the year of its publication (or since the year of creation for photographs from before independence in 1947, as per the Copyright Act 1911).
  • it is a governmental or anonymous work and at least 50 years have passed since the end of the year of its publication.

To the uploader: Please provide all relevant authorship and publication details.

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Укратко шта ова датотека представља/приказује
Pakistan Conference West Jerusalem

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тренутна12:27, 14. новембар 2012.Минијатура за верзију на дан 12:27, 14. новембар 2012.395 × 227 (27 kB)Tonic BellUser created page with UploadWizard

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