Пређи на садржај

Хипноза — разлика између измена

С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије
Садржај обрисан Садржај додат
м Враћене измене KompArt-dizajn (разговор) на последњу измену корисника Autobot
ознака: враћање
Ред 1: Ред 1:
{{short description|State of increased receptivity to suggestion and direction}}{{рут}}
[[File:Photographic Studies in Hypnosis, Abnormal Psychology (1938).ogv|thumb|thumbtime=7|''Photographic Studies in Hypnosis, Abnormal Psychology'' (1938)]]
{{Infobox medical intervention |name=Hypnosis|image=File:Une leçon clinique à la Salpêtrière.jpg|caption=Charcot demonstrating hypnosis on a "[[Hysteria|hysterical]]" ''[[Salpêtrière]]'' patient, "Blanche" ([[Marie Wittman]]), who is supported by [[Joseph Babiński]].<ref>See: [[A Clinical Lesson at the Salpêtrière]].</ref>|ICD10=|ICD9=|MeshID=D006990|OPS301=|other_codes=|HCPCSlevel2=}}
'''Хипноза''' је премошћавање критичног фактора између свесног и подсвесног дела ума и представља успостављање прихватљивог селективног размишљања. <ref name="hipnoza">{{cite web |title=Šta je hipnoza |url=https://opusteno.rs/zanimljivosti-f19/sta-je-hipnoza-i-kako-deluje-t29088.html |website=Opušteno |accessdate=20. 1. 2020}}</ref>
[[File:Hypnotic Séance (Richard Bergh) - Nationalmuseum - 18855.tif|thumb|right|250п|''Hypnotic Séance'' (1887) by [[Richard Bergh]]]]
[[File:Photographic Studies in Hypnosis, Abnormal Psychology (1938).ogv|thumb|250п|''Photographic Studies in Hypnosis, Abnormal Psychology'' (1938)]]

'''Хипноза''' је премошћавање критичног фактора између свесног и подсвесног дела ума и представља успостављање прихватљивог селективног размишљања. <ref name="hipnoza">{{cite web |title=Šta je hipnoza |url=https://opusteno.rs/zanimljivosti-f19/sta-je-hipnoza-i-kako-deluje-t29088.html |website=Opušteno |accessdate=20. 1. 2020}}</ref><ref name="SI Hall">{{cite journal |last1=Hall |first1=Harriet |title=Hypnosis revisited |journal=Skeptical Inquirer |date=2021 |volume=45 |issue=2 |pages=17–19}}</ref><ref name="Lynn SJ 2015">{{cite journal | vauthors = Lynn SJ, Green JP, Kirsch I, Capafons A, Lilienfeld SO, Laurence JR, Montgomery GH | title = Grounding Hypnosis in Science: The "New" APA Division 30 Definition of Hypnosis as a Step Backward | journal = The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis | volume = 57 | issue = 4 | pages = 390–401 | date = April 2015 | pmid = 25928778 | doi = 10.1080/00029157.2015.1011472 | s2cid = 10797114}}</ref> Поступак „Хипнотичка индукција“, се састоји од прелиминарних разговора, у којима се дају савети и упутсва. Хипноза може бити самостална - аутохипноза (кроз аутосугестије), или хипноза коју спроводи образовано лице - хипнотарапеут. Коришћење хипнозе у клиничке сврхе се назива хипнотерапија. <ref name="hipnoza" /> Постоје многи митови о хипнози, међутим хипноза је потпуно безбедна и хипнотерапеути не могу ништа урадити особи што она не жели, супротно, особа која жели да реши неки проблем одлази са свесним знањем код хипнотерапеута (целокупна терапија изгледа као разговор, особа је потпуно свесна свега у сваком тренутку, у сваком тренутку може, уколико жели престати, чак многи мисле да је хипнотерапија била неуспешна зато што су били свесни све време) и на крају решава свој проблем. Најчешћи случајеви су престанак пушења, редукција стреса, немоћ на сексуалном плану, депресија, фобије, редукција телесне тежине, алергије... <ref>{{cite web |title=Hipnoza |url=http://www.eoscentar.com/o-nama/hipnoterapija/ |website=EOS Centar |accessdate=20. 1. 2020}}</ref>
Поступак „Хипнотичка индукција“, се састоји од прелиминарних разговора, у којима се дају савети и упутсва. Хипноза може бити самостална - аутохипноза (кроз аутосугестије), или хипноза коју спроводи образовано лице - хипнотарапеут. Коришћење хипнозе у клиничке сврхе се назива хипнотерапија. <ref name="hipnoza" />

There are competing theories explaining hypnosis and related phenomena. ''Altered state'' theories see hypnosis as an [[altered state of mind]] or [[trance]], marked by a level of awareness different from the ordinary [[Consciousness|state of consciousness]].<ref>''Encyclopædia Britannica'', 2004: "a special psychological state with certain physiological attributes, resembling sleep only superficially and marked by a functioning of the individual at a level of awareness other than the ordinary conscious state".</ref><ref>{{cite book|author1=Erika Fromm|author2=Ronald E. Shor|title=Hypnosis: Developments in Research and New Perspectives|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=fgBrdEoTu3AC&q=hypnosis|access-date=27 September 2014|date=2009|publisher=Rutgers|isbn=978-0-202-36262-5}}</ref> In contrast, ''non-state'' theories see hypnosis as, variously, a type of placebo effect,<ref name=":0">{{cite journal | vauthors = Kirsch I | title = Clinical hypnosis as a nondeceptive placebo: empirically derived techniques | journal = The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis | volume = 37 | issue = 2 | pages = 95–106 | date = October 1994 | pmid = 7992808 | doi = 10.1080/00029157.1994.10403122}}</ref><ref name=":1">Kirsch, I., "Clinical Hypnosis as a Nondeceptive Placebo", pp. 211–25 in Kirsch, I., Capafons, A., Cardeña-Buelna, E., Amigó, S. (eds.), ''Clinical Hypnosis and Self-Regulation: Cognitive-Behavioral Perspectives'', American Psychological Association, (Washington), 1999 {{ISBN|1-55798-535-9}}</ref> a redefinition of an interaction with a therapist<ref>{{cite book|title=Hypnosis: A Scientific Approach|author=Theodore X. Barber|publisher=J. Aronson, 1995|year=1969|isbn=978-1-56821-740-6|author-link=Theodore X. Barber}}</ref> or a form of imaginative [[Role theory|role enactment]].<ref>{{cite journal|vauthors=Lynn S, Fassler O, Knox J|title=Hypnosis and the altered state debate: something more or nothing more?|doi=10.1002/ch.21|year=2005|journal=Contemporary Hypnosis|volume=22|pages=39–45}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Coe WC, Buckner LG, Howard ML, Kobayashi K | title = Hypnosis as role enactment: focus on a role specific skill | journal = The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis | volume = 15 | issue = 1 | pages = 41–45 | date = July 1972 | pmid = 4679790 | doi = 10.1080/00029157.1972.10402209}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|author1=Steven J. Lynn|author2=Judith W. Rhue|title=Theories of hypnosis: current models and perspectives|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=Ez7Nq80QMtoC|access-date=30 October 2011|year=1991|publisher=Guilford Press|isbn=978-0-89862-343-7}}</ref>
Постоје многи митови о хипнози, међутим хипноза је потпуно безбедна и хипнотерапеути не могу ништа урадити особи што она не жели, супротно, особа која жели да реши неки проблем одлази са свесним знањем код хипнотерапеута (целокупна терапија изгледа као разговор, особа је потпуно свесна свега у сваком тренутку, у сваком тренутку може, уколико жели престати, чак многи мисле да је хипнотерапија била неуспешна зато што су били свесни све време) и на крају решава свој проблем. Најчешћи случајеви су престанак пушења, редукција стреса, немоћ на сексуалном плану, депресија, фобије, редукција телесне тежине, алергије... <ref>{{cite web |title=Hipnoza |url=http://www.eoscentar.com/o-nama/hipnoterapija/ |website=EOS Centar |accessdate=20. 1. 2020}}</ref>

During hypnosis, a person is said to have heightened focus and [[Attentional control|concentration]]<ref name="Segi">{{cite journal | last= = Segi |first= Sherril |year=2012 |title=Hypnosis for pain management, anxiety and behavioral disorders |journal=The Clinical Advisor: For Nurse Practitioners|issn=1524-7317|volume=15|issue=3|page=80}}</ref> and an increased response to suggestions.<ref>[http://www.columbia.edu/cu/news/05/07/neural_pathways.html Lyda, Alex. "Hypnosis Gaining Ground in Medicine." Columbia News]. Columbia.edu. Retrieved on 1 October 2011.</ref>
Hypnosis usually begins with a [[hypnotic induction]] involving a series of preliminary instructions and suggestions. The use of hypnotism for therapeutic purposes is referred to as "[[hypnotherapy]]", while its use as a form of entertainment for an audience is known as "[[stage hypnosis]]," a form of [[mentalism]].

Hypnosis for [[pain management]] "is likely to decrease acute and chronic pain in most individuals".<ref>[http://www.webmd.com/balance/features/hypnosis-for-pain "Hypnosis for Pain."]. Webmd.com. Retrieved on 1 October 2011.</ref><ref name="Dahlgren">{{cite journal | vauthors = Dahlgren LA, Kurtz RM, Strube MJ, Malone MD | title = Differential effects of hypnotic suggestion on multiple dimensions of pain | journal = Journal of Pain and Symptom Management | volume = 10 | issue = 6 | pages = 464–70 | date = August 1995 | pmid = 7561229 | doi = 10.1016/0885-3924(95)00055-4 | url = | doi-access = free}}</ref><ref name="Patterson1">{{cite journal | vauthors = Patterson DR, Ptacek JT | title = Baseline pain as a moderator of hypnotic analgesia for burn injury treatment | journal = Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology | volume = 65 | issue = 1 | pages = 60–67 | date = February 1997 | pmid = 9103735 | doi = 10.1037/0022-006X.65.1.60}}</ref><ref name="Barrett2004">{{cite web |url=https://www.apa.org/research/action/hypnosis |title=Hypnosis for the Relief and Control of Pain |author=American Psychological Association |date=2 July 2004 |publisher=American Psychological Association}}</ref> Use of hypnosis for treatment of other problems has produced mixed results, such as with [[smoking cessation]].<ref>{{Cite journal|title=Hypnotherapy is more effective than nicotine replacement therapy for smoking cessation: Results of a randomized controlled trial|language=en|url=https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0965229913002100}}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal|title=Hypnosis for smoking cessation: a randomized trial|year=2008|pmid=18569754|language=en|url=https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18569754/|last1=Carmody|first1=T. P.|last2=Duncan|first2=C.|last3=Simon|first3=J. A.|last4=Solkowitz|first4=S.|last5=Huggins|first5=J.|last6=Lee|first6=S.|last7=Delucchi|first7=K.|journal=Nicotine & Tobacco Research : Official Journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco|volume=10|issue=5|pages=811–818|doi=10.1080/14622200802023833}}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal|last1=Barnes|first1=Joanne|last2=McRobbie|first2=Hayden|last3=Dong|first3=Christine Y|last4=Walker|first4=Natalie|last5=Hartmann-Boyce|first5=Jamie|date=2019-06-14|editor-last=Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group|title=Hypnotherapy for smoking cessation|journal=Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews|volume=2019|issue=6|pages=CD001008|language=en|doi=10.1002/14651858.CD001008.pub3|pmc=6568235|pmid=31198991}}</ref> The use of hypnosis as a form of therapy to retrieve and integrate early trauma is controversial within the scientific mainstream. Research indicates that hypnotising an individual may aid the formation of false memories,<ref>{{cite book |last1=Lynn |first1=Steven Jay |last2=Krackow |first2=Elisa |last3=Loftus |first3=Elizabeth F. |author-link3=Elizabeth Loftus |last4=Locke |first4=Timothy G. |last5=Lilienfeld |first5=Scott O. |author-link5=Scott Lilienfeld |date=2014 |chapter=Constructing the past: problematic memory recovery techniques in psychotherapy |editor1-last=Lilienfeld |editor1-first=Scott O. |editor2-last=Lynn |editor2-first=Steven Jay |editor3-last=Lohr |editor3-first=Jeffrey M. |title=Science and pseudoscience in clinical psychology |edition=2nd |location=New York |publisher=[[Guilford Press]] |pages=245–275 |isbn=9781462517510 |oclc=890851087}}</ref> and that hypnosis "does not help people recall events more accurately".<ref>{{cite news |last1=Hall |first1=Celia |title=Hypnosis does not help accurate memory recall, says study |url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1338671/Hypnosis-does-not-help-accurate-memory-recall-says-study.html |website=Telegraph |access-date=11 March 2019|date=26 August 2001}}</ref>

Напомена: званична дефиниција прихваћена од стране »''International Hypnosis Federation''« и »''National Guild of Hypnosis, [[Сједињене Америчке Државе|USA]]''«
== Референце ==
==Види још==
==Види још==
*[[Георгиј Николајевич Ситин]]
*[[Георгиј Николајевич Ситин]]

== Напомене ==
* Напомена: званична дефиниција прихваћена од стране »''International Hypnosis Federation''« и »''National Guild of Hypnosis, [[Сједињене Америчке Државе|USA]]''«

== Референце ==

== Литература ==
* [https://archive.org/details/suggestionandau00baudgoog Baudouin, C. (Paul, E & Paul, C. trans.), ''Suggestion and Autosuggestion: A Psychological and Pedagogical Study Based on the Investigations made by the New Nancy School'', George Allen & Unwin, (London), 1920.]
* {{cite book | vauthors = Braid J |title=Neurypnology or The rationale of nervous sleep considered in relation with animal magnetism |year=1843 |publisher=John Churchill |location=London |url=https://archive.org/details/neurypnologyorra00braiiala}}
* {{cite book |last=Blackwell |first=Willey |title=The Handbook of Contemporary Clinical Hypnosis: Theory and Practice |year=2015 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=0g7QBwAAQBAJ&pg=PA1|isbn=978-1-119-05727-7}}
* {{cite book | vauthors = Gibson HB |title=Hypnosis in Therapy |year=1991 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=dCU8oroKBfgC&pg=PP1|isbn=978-0-86377-155-2}}
* [[Bernard Glueck Sr.|Glueck, B.]], "New Nancy School", ''The Psychoanalytic Review'', Vol. 10, (January 1923), pp.&nbsp;109–12.
* [https://archive.org/details/b24872210_0002 Harte, R., ''Hypnotism and the Doctors, Volume I: Animal Magnetism: Mesmer/De Puysegur'', L.N. Fowler & Co., (London), 1902].
* [https://archive.org/details/hypnotismanddoc00hartgoog Harte, R., ''Hypnotism and the Doctors, Volume II: The Second Commission; Dupotet And Lafontaine; The English School; Braid's Hypnotism; Statuvolism; Pathetism; Electro-Biology'', L.N. Fowler & Co., (London), 1903].
* {{cite book |last=Lynn|first=Steven |title=Theories of Hypnosis: Current Models and Perspectives |year=1991 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=Ez7Nq80QMtoC&lpg=PP1|isbn=978-0-89862-343-7}}
* [http://unsworks.unsw.edu.au/fapi/datastream/unsworks:11299/SOURCE01?view=true Yeates, L.B., ''James Braid: Surgeon, Gentleman Scientist, and Hypnotist'', Ph.D. Dissertation, School of History and Philosophy of Science, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, University of New South Wales, January 2013.]
* [http://unsworks.unsw.edu.au/fapi/datastream/unsworks:47777/bin55efd6f6-374a-478d-8f8d-cf96f616d62f?view=true&xy=01 Yeates, Lindsay B. (2016a), "Émile Coué and his ''Method'' (I): The Chemist of Thought and Human Action", ''Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis'', Volume 38, No. 1, (Autumn 2016), pp.&nbsp;3–27.]
* [http://unsworks.unsw.edu.au/fapi/datastream/unsworks:47760/bin73f48d52-f4cb-443f-a9c2-a5c23331c372?view=true&xy=01 Yeates, Lindsay B. (2016b), "Émile Coué and his ''Method'' (II): Hypnotism, Suggestion, Ego-Strengthening, and Autosuggestion", ''Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis'', Volume 38, No.1, (Autumn 2016), pp.&nbsp;28–54.]
* [http://unsworks.unsw.edu.au/fapi/datastream/unsworks:47938/bin566a3d8c-5812-4b3a-8b19-37dffb21ecfc?view=true&xy=01 Yeates, Lindsay B. (2016c), "Émile Coué and his ''Method'' (III): Every Day in Every Way", ''Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis'', Volume 38, No. 1, (Autumn 2016), pp.&nbsp;55–79.]
* Barrows, C.M., "Suggestion Without Hypnotism: An Account of Experiments in Preventing or Suppressing Pain", ''Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research'', vol.12, No.30, (1896), pp.21–44.
* V. M. Bekhterev "Suggestion and its Role in Social Life" with a Preface by José Manuel Jara Italian edition, Psichiatria e Territorio, 2013.
* Cheek, D.B., & LeCron, L.M., ''Clinical Hypnotherapy'', Grune & Stratton (New York), 1968.
* [https://archive.org/details/symptomsofhyster00janeiala Janet, P., "Lecture XIII: The Hysterical Stigmata—Suggestibility", pp.270–292 in P. Janet, ''The Major Symptoms of Hysteria: Fifteen Lectures Given in the Medical School of Harvard University, Second Edition with New Matter'', Macmillan Company, (New York), 1920.]
* {{cite EB1911 |wstitle=Suggestion |volume=26 |pages=48–50 |first=William |last=McDougall}}
* Weitzenhoffer, A.M., ''The Practice of Hypnotism (Second Edition)'', John Wiley & Sons (New York), 2000.
* [http://unsworks.unsw.edu.au/fapi/datastream/unsworks:11299/SOURCE01?view=true Yeates, L.B., ''James Braid: Surgeon, Gentleman Scientist, and Hypnotist'', Ph.D. Dissertation, School of History and Philosophy of Science, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, University of New South Wales, January 2013.]
* [http://unsworks.unsw.edu.au/fapi/datastream/unsworks:47777/bin55efd6f6-374a-478d-8f8d-cf96f616d62f?view=true&xy=01 Yeates, Lindsay B. (2016a), "Émile Coué and his ''Method'' (I): The Chemist of Thought and Human Action", ''Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis'', Volume 38, No.1, (Autumn 2016), pp.3–27.]
* [http://unsworks.unsw.edu.au/fapi/datastream/unsworks:47760/bin73f48d52-f4cb-443f-a9c2-a5c23331c372?view=true&xy=01 Yeates, Lindsay B. (2016b), "Émile Coué and his ''Method'' (II): Hypnotism, Suggestion, Ego-Strengthening, and Autosuggestion", ''Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis'', Volume 38, No.1, (Autumn 2016), pp.28–54.]
* [http://unsworks.unsw.edu.au/fapi/datastream/unsworks:47938/bin566a3d8c-5812-4b3a-8b19-37dffb21ecfc?view=true&xy=01 Yeates, Lindsay B. (2016c), "Émile Coué and his ''Method'' (III): Every Day in Every Way", ''Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis'', Volume 38, No.1, (Autumn 2016), pp.55–79.]


== Спољашње везе ==
== Спољашње везе ==
* {{YouTube|il0u2s_WGXA|"The Power of Suggestion"}}, [[Chautauqua Institution]]
* [http://www.psychologicalscience.org/index.php/news/releases/the-power-of-suggestion-what-we-expect-influences-our-behavior-for-better-or-worse.html The Power of Suggestion: What We Expect Influences Our Behavior, for Better or Worse]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20070602153909/http://www.hypnosisandsuggestion.org/ Exploring the science behind hypnosis]

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Верзија на датум 31. јул 2021. у 23:28

Шаблон:Short description

Charcot demonstrating hypnosis on a "hysterical" Salpêtrière patient, "Blanche" (Marie Wittman), who is supported by Joseph Babiński.[1]
Hypnotic Séance (1887) by Richard Bergh
Photographic Studies in Hypnosis, Abnormal Psychology (1938)

Хипноза је премошћавање критичног фактора између свесног и подсвесног дела ума и представља успостављање прихватљивог селективног размишљања. [2][3][4] Поступак „Хипнотичка индукција“, се састоји од прелиминарних разговора, у којима се дају савети и упутсва. Хипноза може бити самостална - аутохипноза (кроз аутосугестије), или хипноза коју спроводи образовано лице - хипнотарапеут. Коришћење хипнозе у клиничке сврхе се назива хипнотерапија. [2] Постоје многи митови о хипнози, међутим хипноза је потпуно безбедна и хипнотерапеути не могу ништа урадити особи што она не жели, супротно, особа која жели да реши неки проблем одлази са свесним знањем код хипнотерапеута (целокупна терапија изгледа као разговор, особа је потпуно свесна свега у сваком тренутку, у сваком тренутку може, уколико жели престати, чак многи мисле да је хипнотерапија била неуспешна зато што су били свесни све време) и на крају решава свој проблем. Најчешћи случајеви су престанак пушења, редукција стреса, немоћ на сексуалном плану, депресија, фобије, редукција телесне тежине, алергије... [5]

There are competing theories explaining hypnosis and related phenomena. Altered state theories see hypnosis as an altered state of mind or trance, marked by a level of awareness different from the ordinary state of consciousness.[6][7] In contrast, non-state theories see hypnosis as, variously, a type of placebo effect,[8][9] a redefinition of an interaction with a therapist[10] or a form of imaginative role enactment.[11][12][13]

During hypnosis, a person is said to have heightened focus and concentration[14] and an increased response to suggestions.[15] Hypnosis usually begins with a hypnotic induction involving a series of preliminary instructions and suggestions. The use of hypnotism for therapeutic purposes is referred to as "hypnotherapy", while its use as a form of entertainment for an audience is known as "stage hypnosis," a form of mentalism.

Hypnosis for pain management "is likely to decrease acute and chronic pain in most individuals".[16][17][18][19] Use of hypnosis for treatment of other problems has produced mixed results, such as with smoking cessation.[20][21][22] The use of hypnosis as a form of therapy to retrieve and integrate early trauma is controversial within the scientific mainstream. Research indicates that hypnotising an individual may aid the formation of false memories,[23] and that hypnosis "does not help people recall events more accurately".[24]

Види још


  • Напомена: званична дефиниција прихваћена од стране »International Hypnosis Federation« и »National Guild of Hypnosis, USA«


  1. ^ See: A Clinical Lesson at the Salpêtrière.
  2. ^ а б „Šta je hipnoza”. Opušteno. Приступљено 20. 1. 2020. 
  3. ^ Hall, Harriet (2021). „Hypnosis revisited”. Skeptical Inquirer. 45 (2): 17—19. 
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