Ципеле — разлика између измена

С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије
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{{short description|Издржљива врста обуће која се носи у већини култура}}
[[Датотека:Dr Martens, black, old.jpg|мини|200п|Ципеле]]
[[Датотека:Dr Martens, black, old.jpg|мини|250п|Ципеле]]

'''Ципеле''' су врста [[обућа|обуће]] за заштиту [[човек|људских]] [[стопало|стопала]]. Зависно од намене ципеле могу бити различитих дизајна и од различитих материјала. Основна намена је заштита стопала од спољних утицаја али није занемаљив ни декоративно својство.
'''Ципеле''' су врста [[обућа|обуће]] за заштиту [[човек|људских]] [[стопало|стопала]]. Зависно од намене ципеле могу бити различитих дизајна и од различитих материјала. Основна намена је заштита стопала од спољних утицаја али није занемаљив ни декоративно својство.

Традиционално, ципеле су направљене од коже, дрвета или [[canvas|платна]], али се све више праве од [[Synthetic rubber|гуме]], [[plastic|пластике]] и других материјала добијених [[petrochemical|петрохемијом]].<ref name=":0">{{Cite web|last=Hoskins|first=Tansy E.|date=2020-03-21|title=‘Some soles last 1,000 years in landfill’: the truth about the sneaker mountain|url=http://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2020/mar/21/some-soles-last-1000-years-in-landfill-the-truth-about-the-sneaker-mountain|access-date=2021-02-19|website=The Guardian|language=en}}</ref> Индустрија обуће је индустрија од 200 милијарди долара годишње.<ref name=":0" /> 90% ципела заврши на депонијама, јер се материјали тешко одвајају, рециклирају или на други начин поново користе.<ref name=":0" />

Према подацима из 2007. године глобална индустрија ципела је нарасла на 107,4 милијарди долара, у смислу [[revenue|прихода]], а очекивало се да ће до краја 2012. нарасти на 122,9 милијарди долара. Произвођачи ципела у [[People's Republic of China|НР Кини]] чине 63% производње, 40,5% глобалног извоза и 55% прихода индустрије. Међутим, многи произвођачи у [[Europe|Европи]] доминирају тржиштем са вишим ценама и већом додатом вредношћу.<ref name="PRWeb_ibisworld">{{cite news|title=Global Footwear Manufacturing Industry Market Research Report|url=http://www.prweb.com/releases/2012/6/prweb9580832.htm|access-date=July 24, 2012|newspaper=[[PRWeb]]|date=June 7, 2012|url-status=live|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130313020222/http://www.prweb.com/releases/2012/6/prweb9580832.htm|archive-date=March 13, 2013}}</ref>

== Историја ==
== Историја ==

=== Антика ===
[[Датотека:Chalcolithic leather shoe from Areni-1 cave.jpg|мини|200п|Најстарије кожне ципеле]]
Прве ципеле су у ствари биле [[сандале]] и датирају од пре 7000—8000. година пре нове ере, и пронађене су у [[Орегон]]у у САД.<ref>[http://pages.uoregon.edu/connolly/FRsandals.htm Fort Rock Sandals{{Ботовски наслов}}]</ref> Најстарије [[кожа|кожне]] ципеле које су у потпуности биле затворене су пронађне у [[Јерменија|Јерменији]], и верује се да потичу од 3500. година п. н. е.<ref>[http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/06/100609-worlds-oldest-leather-shoe-armenia-science/ World&#39;s Oldest Leather Shoe Found—Stunningly Preserved{{Ботовски наслов}}]</ref> <ref>{{Cite web |url=http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0010984 |title=PLOS ONE: First Direct Evidence of Chalcolithic Footwear from the Near Eastern Highlands{{Ботовски наслов}} |access-date=08. 09. 2013 |archive-date=25. 06. 2010 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100625042542/http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0010984 |url-status=dead }}</ref> Ипак, верује се да су се неке врсте обуће користиле много пре ових датума. Претпоставља се да су први пут коришћене још пре 26000 година.<ref>[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0305440307002476 Anatomical evidence for the antiquity of human footwear: Tianyuan and Sunghir{{Ботовски наслов}}]</ref> У каснијим добима се могло видети да Грци нису преферирали обућу као одевни предмет. Чак се верује да је [[Александар Велики|Александар Македонски]] освојио целокупни блиски исток са војском која је била боса. На већини кипова из тог доба се не види било каква обућа. Ипак [[Антички Рим|Римљани]] су имали другачији стил и знатно су више користили обућу. Наравно, то је омогућавало војсци да буду знатно опаснији на бојним пољима. Обућа је била неопходна одевни предмет високог сталежа. У новијем добу развој обуће је дивергирао у зависности од поднебља. У средњем веку постају и озбиљан модни детаљ, те почињу да се развијају и ципеле само у сврхе ношења на угледним местима. У 20. веку почиње производња са раличитим материјалима као што су: гума, пластика, вештачка влакна и тд. У скорије време је почела и производња од разградивих материјала.<ref name="automatski generisano1">[http://www.csrwire.com/press_releases/15082-Brooks-R-Sports-Unveils-BioMoGo-Biodegradable-Shoe Brooks(R) Sports Unveils BioMoGo Biodegradable Shoe – Press Releases on CSRwire.com{{Ботовски наслов}}]</ref>
[[Датотека:Chalcolithic leather shoe from Areni-1 cave.jpg|thumb|лево|250п|[[Areni-1 shoe|Најстарије кожне ципеле]], about 5500 years old, found in [[Armenia]] ]]
[[Датотека:Sandalias de esparto (29139609730).jpg|thumb|десно|250п|[[Esparto]] sandals from the [[6th millennium BC|6th]] or [[5th millennium BC]] found in [[Spain]] ]]
[[Датотека:Romanwallinscotl00macduoft raw 0263.png|thumb|лево|250п|Roman shoes: a man's,<ref>{{cite web|title=The Scottish Ten|url=https://www.engineshed.org/about-us/the-scottish-ten/sites/antonine-wall-scotland/|website=The Engine Shed|publisher=Centre for Digital Documentation and Visualisation LLP|access-date=14 October 2017}}</ref> a woman's<ref>{{cite web|title=Lady's Shoe, Bar Hill|url=https://vimeo.com/140404027|access-date=24 May 2018|date=2015-09-25}}</ref> and a child's<ref>{{cite web|title=Child's Shoe, Bar Hill|url=https://vimeo.com/140054166|access-date=24 May 2018|date=2015-09-22}}</ref> shoe from [[Bar Hill Fort|Bar Hill Roman Fort]], Scotland.]]

Прве ципеле су у ствари биле [[сандале]] и [[Метод радиоактивног угљеника|датирају]] од пре 7000—8000. година пре нове ере, и пронађене су у пећини [[Fort Rock Cave|Форт Рок]] у [[United States|америчкој]] држави [[Орегон]] 1938. године.<ref name="Connolly_Tom">{{cite web|last=Connolly|first=Tom|title=The World's Oldest Shoes|url=http://pages.uoregon.edu/connolly/FRsandals.htm|publisher=[[University of Oregon]]|access-date=July 22, 2012|url-status=live|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120722013744/http://pages.uoregon.edu/connolly/FRsandals.htm|archive-date=July 22, 2012}}</ref> Најстарије [[кожа|кожне]] ципеле које су у потпуности биле затворене су пронађне у [[Јерменија|Јерменији]], и верује се да потичу од 3500. година п. н. е.<ref name="Ravilious_Kate">{{cite news|last=Ravilious|first=Kate|title=World's Oldest Leather Shoe Found—Stunningly Preserved|url=http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/06/100609-worlds-oldest-leather-shoe-armenia-science/|access-date=July 22, 2012|newspaper=[[National Geographic (magazine)|National Geographic]]|date=June 9, 2010|url-status=live|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120724020516/http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/06/100609-worlds-oldest-leather-shoe-armenia-science/|archive-date=July 24, 2012}}</ref><ref name="Petraglia_Michael">{{cite journal|last1=Petraglia|first1=Michael D.|author2=Pinhasi R|author3=Gasparian B|author4=Areshian G|author5=Zardaryan D|author6=Smith A|title=First Direct Evidence of Chalcolithic Footwear from the Near Eastern Highlands|journal=PLOS ONE|volume=5|pages=e10984|year=2010|doi=10.1371/journal.pone.0010984|editor1-last=Petraglia|editor1-first=Michael D.|issue=6|pmid=20543959|pmc=2882957|display-authors=etal|bibcode=2010PLoSO...510984P}} Reported in (among others) {{cite news|last=Belluck|first=Pam|title=This Shoe Had Prada Beat by 5,500 Years|url=https://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/10/science/10shoe.html|access-date=11 June 2010|newspaper=[[The New York Times]]|date=9 June 2010|url-status=live|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100611103130/http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/10/science/10shoe.html|archive-date=11 June 2010}}</ref> [[Ötzi the Iceman]]'s shoes, dating to 3300 BC, featured brown bearskin bases, deerskin side panels, and a bark-string net, which pulled tight around the foot.<ref name="Ravilious_Kate" /> The [[Jotunheimen shoe]] was discovered in August 2006: archaeologists estimate that this leather shoe was made between 1800 and 1100 BC,<ref>[http://www.norwaypost.no/index.php/culture/13871 "Old Shoe- Even Older".] ''The Norway Post'', 2 May 2007. {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160308201631/http://norwaypost.no/index.php/culture/13871 |date=8 March 2016 }}</ref> making it the oldest article of clothing discovered in Scandinavia.
2007. године глобална индустрија ципела је нарасла на 107 милијарди долара. Најдоминатнија производња се налази у Кини са око 63% светске поизводње. <ref name="automatski generisano1" />

Верује се да су се неке врсте обуће користиле много пре ових датума, but because the materials used were highly perishable, it is difficult to find evidence of the earliest footwear.<ref name="Johnson_Olivia">{{cite news|last=Johnson|first=Olivia|title=Bones Reveal First Shoe-Wearers|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4173838.stm|access-date=July 23, 2012|newspaper=[[BBC News]]|date=August 24, 2005|url-status=live|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120603011525/http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4173838.stm|archive-date=June 3, 2012}}</ref> By studying the bones of the smaller toes (as opposed to the big toe), it was observed that their thickness decreased approximately 40,000 to 26,000 years ago. This led [[archaeologist]]s to deduce that wearing shoes resulted in less bone growth, resulting in shorter, thinner toes.<ref name="Trinkaus_Erik">{{cite journal|author1=Trinkaus, E. |author2=Shang, H. |title=Anatomical Evidence for the Antiquity of Human Footwear: Tianyuan and Sunghir|journal=Journal of Archaeological Science|date=July 2008|volume=35|issue=7|pages=1928–1933|doi=10.1016/j.jas.2007.12.002}}</ref> These earliest designs were very simple in design, often mere "foot bags" of leather to protect the feet from rocks, debris, and cold.

Many early natives in North America wore a similar type of footwear, known as the [[moccasin]]. These are tight-fitting, soft-soled shoes typically made out of leather or [[bison]] hides. Many moccasins were also decorated with various beads and other adornments. Moccasins were not designed to be waterproof, and in wet weather and warm summer months, most [[Indigenous peoples of the Americas|Native Americans]] went [[barefoot]].<ref name="Laubin_Laubin_Vestal">{{cite book|author1=Laubin, Reginald|author2=Laubin, Gladys|author3=Vestal, Stanley|title=The Indian Tipi: Its History, Construction, and Use|year=1977|publisher=University of Oklahoma Press|location=[[Norman, Oklahoma]]|isbn=978-0-8061-2236-6|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=koVdBGjlz8gC&pg=PA101|url-status=live|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180427210304/https://books.google.com/books?id=koVdBGjlz8gC&pg=PA101|archive-date=2018-04-27}}</ref>

As civilizations began to develop, thong sandals (the precursors of the modern [[flip-flops|flip-flop]]) were worn. This practice dates back to pictures of them in [[ancient Egypt]]ian murals from 4000 BC. One pair found in Europe was made of [[papyrus]] leaves and [[Carbon dating|dated]] to be approximately 1,500 years old. They were also worn in [[Jerusalem]] during the first century of the Common Era.<ref name="Kendzior_Russell">{{cite book|last=Kendzior|first=Russell J.|title=Falls Aren't Funny: America's Multi-Billion-Dollar Slip-and-Fall Crisis|publisher=www.govtinstpress.com/ Government Institutes|location=[[Lanham, Maryland]]|isbn=978-0-86587-016-1|page=117|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=2TzSKEvGDIoC&pg=PA117|url-status=live|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170319011755/https://books.google.com/books?id=2TzSKEvGDIoC&pg=PA117|archive-date=2017-03-19|year=2010}}</ref> Thong sandals were worn by many civilizations and made from a wide variety of materials. Ancient Egyptian sandals were made from papyrus and palm leaves. The [[Maasai people|Masai]] of Africa made them out of [[rawhide (textile)|rawhide]]. In India they were made from wood. In China and Japan, rice straw was used. The leaves of the [[sisal]] plant were used to make [[twine]] for sandals in South America while the natives of Mexico used the [[Yucca]] plant.<ref name="Curtin_Cameron">{{cite book|last=Kippen|first=Cameron|title=The History of Footwear|year=1999|publisher=Department of Podiatry, Curtin University of Technology|location=[[Perth]], [[Australia]]}}</ref><ref name="DeMello_Margo">{{cite book|last=DeMello|first=Margo|title=Feet and Footwear: A Cultural Encyclopedia|year=2009|publisher=ABC-CLIO, LLC|location=[[Santa Barbara, California]]|isbn=978-0-313-35714-5|pages=20–24, 90, 108, 130–131, 226–230|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=5QdKSxajwP0C&pg=PA131}}</ref>

While thong sandals were commonly worn, many people in ancient times, such as the [[Ancient Egypt|Egyptians]], [[Hindus]] and [[Ancient Greece|Greeks]], saw little need for footwear, and most of the time, preferred being barefoot. The Egyptians and Hindus made some use of ornamental footwear, such as a soleless sandal known as a "Cleopatra", which did not provide any practical protection for the foot. The ancient Greeks largely viewed footwear as self-indulgent, unaesthetic and unnecessary. Shoes were primarily worn in the theater, as a means of increasing stature, and many preferred to go barefoot.<ref name="Frazine_Richard">{{cite book|last=Frazine|first=Richard Keith|title=The Barefoot Hiker|year=1993|publisher=Ten Speed Press|isbn=978-0-89815-525-9|page=98|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=edsITVCd2G0C&q=barefoot+hiker}}</ref> Athletes in the [[Ancient Olympic Games]] participated barefoot—and naked.<ref name="ancient_olympics">{{cite news|title=Unearthing the First Olympics|url=https://www.npr.org/programs/re/archivesdate/2004/jul/nemea/|access-date=July 1, 2010|newspaper=[[NPR]]|date=July 19, 2004|url-status=dead|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100728000414/http://www.npr.org/programs/re/archivesdate/2004/jul/nemea/|archive-date=July 28, 2010|df=mdy-all}}</ref> Even the [[Twelve Olympians|gods]] and heroes were primarily depicted barefoot, the [[hoplite]] warriors fought battles in bare feet and [[Alexander the Great]] conquered his vast empire with barefoot armies. The runners of [[Ancient Greece]] are also believed to have run barefoot.<ref name="Krentz_Peter">{{cite book|last=Krentz|first=Peter|title=The Battle of Marathon|year=2010|publisher=Yale University Press|location=New Haven and London|isbn=978-0-300-12085-1|pages=112–113|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=ncT8JFn-ed8C&pg=PT112|url-status=live|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180427210304/https://books.google.com/books?id=ncT8JFn-ed8C&pg=PT112|archive-date=2018-04-27}}</ref>

[[File:6 Schoen inheemse soldaat LegioIIAugusta BlackBox endeLimes fotoAvdOord.jpg|thumb|250п|Footwear of Roman soldiers (reconstruction)]]

The [[Ancient Rome|Romans]], who eventually conquered the Greeks and adopted many aspects of their culture, did not adopt the Greek perception of footwear and clothing. [[Clothing in ancient Rome|Roman clothing]] was seen as a sign of power, and footwear was seen as a necessity of living in a civilized world, although the slaves and paupers usually went barefoot.<ref name="Frazine_Richard" /> Roman soldiers were issued with [[chiral]] (left and right shoe different) footwear.<ref>'Greece and Rome at War' by Peter Connolly</ref> Shoes for soldiers had riveted insoles to extend the life of the leather, increase comfortability, and provide better traction. The design of these shoes also designated the rank of the officers. The more intricate the insignia and the higher up the boot went on the leg, the higher the rank of the soldier.<ref>{{cite book |last1=Swann |first1=June |title=History of Footwear in Norway, Sweden and Finland: Prehistory to 1950 |date=2001|isbn=9789174023237|publisher=Kungl. Vitterhets, historie och antikvitets akademien}}</ref> There are references to shoes being worn in the [[Bible]].<ref>{{cite book|title=Genesis 14:23, Deuteronomy 25:9, Ruth 4:7-8, Luke 15:22}}</ref>

Starting around 4 BC, the Greeks began wearing symbolic footwear. These were heavily decorated to clearly indicate the status of the wearer. Courtesans wore leather shoes colored with white, green, lemon or yellow dyes, and young woman betrothed or newly married wore pure white shoes. Because of the cost to lighten leather, shoes of a paler shade were a symbol of wealth in the upper class. Often, the soles would be carved with a message so it would imprint on the ground. Cobblers became a notable profession around this time, with Greek shoemakers becoming famed in the Roman empire.<ref>{{cite book |last1=Ledger |first1=Florence |title=Put Your Foot Down: A Treatise on the History of Shoes |date=1985|isbn=9780854751112 |publisher=C. Venton}}</ref>

== Врсте ==
== Врсте ==

Зависно од намене и годшњег доба када се носе ципеле могу бити различитих конструкција и од различитих материјала. Материјали који се најчешће користе су кожа, вештачка кожа, гума <ref>[http://www.footwear.tigar.com/Know-How.aspx Tigar obuća - Know-How{{Ботовски наслов}}]{{Мртва веза|date=04. 2020 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref>, вештачка влакна, платно и остало. Основне врсте ципела су:
Зависно од намене и годшњег доба када се носе ципеле могу бити различитих конструкција и од различитих материјала. Материјали који се најчешће користе су кожа, вештачка кожа, гума <ref>[http://www.footwear.tigar.com/Know-How.aspx Tigar obuća - Know-How ]</ref>, вештачка влакна, платно и остало. Основне врсте ципела су:
* [[Чизме]] или дубоке ципеле
* [[Чизме]] или дубоке ципеле
* [[Патике]] или ципеле за спорт
* [[Патике]] или ципеле за спорт
Ред 20: Ред 43:

== Галерија ==
== Галерија ==
<gallery widths="250px" heights="180px">
File:Mens' ballroom shoes, Eurodance CZ.jpg|Мушке сипеле
File:Mens' ballroom shoes, Eurodance CZ.jpg|Мушке сипеле
File:Ladies' ballroom shoes, Tango Shoes 2.jpg|Женске ципеле
File:Ladies' ballroom shoes, Tango Shoes 2.jpg|Женске ципеле
Ред 29: Ред 52:

== Референце ==
== Референце ==


== Литература ==
* {{cite book | author=Bergstein, Rachelle | title=Women from the Ankle Down: The Story of Shoes and How They Define Us | location=New York | publisher=Harper Collins | year=2012 | type=Hardback | isbn=978-0-06-196961-4 | pages=[https://archive.org/details/womenfromankledo00berg/page/284 284 pages] | url=https://archive.org/details/womenfromankledo00berg/page/284 }}
* Doe, Tamasin (1998), ''Patrick Cox: Wit, Irony, and Footwear'', {{ISBN|0-8230-1148-8}}.
* Pattison, Angela, ''A Century of Shoes: Icons of Style in the 20th Century'', {{ISBN|0-7858-0835-3}}.
* Swann, June. ''History of Footwear in Norway, Sweden and Finland: Prehistory to 1950'', {{ISBN|91-7402-323-3}}.
* Design Museum. ''Fifty Shoes That Changed the World''. London: Conran Octopus, 2009. {{ISBN|978-1-84091-539-6}}.

== Спољашње везе ==
{{Commons category|Shoe}}
* [http://www.allaboutshoes.ca/en/ All About Shoes]—the [[Bata Shoe Museum]]'s online exhibits on the history and variety of footwear
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20060813085112/http://www.footwearhistory.com/ Footwear History]
* [http://www.i18nguy.com/l10n/shoes.html International Shoe Size Conversion Charts], from i18nguy's website, offers more information.
* [https://archive.today/20121218002956/http://www.schuh-lexikon.de/en/shoe-care.html Shoe Care]
* [https://www.candefashions.com/about/glossary-of-shoe-terms/] - an illustrated glossary of shoe parts and styles

{{Authority control}}


Верзија на датум 10. септембар 2021. у 18:51


Ципеле су врста обуће за заштиту људских стопала. Зависно од намене ципеле могу бити различитих дизајна и од различитих материјала. Основна намена је заштита стопала од спољних утицаја али није занемаљив ни декоративно својство.

Традиционално, ципеле су направљене од коже, дрвета или платна, али се све више праве од гуме, пластике и других материјала добијених петрохемијом.[1] Индустрија обуће је индустрија од 200 милијарди долара годишње.[1] 90% ципела заврши на депонијама, јер се материјали тешко одвајају, рециклирају или на други начин поново користе.[1]

Према подацима из 2007. године глобална индустрија ципела је нарасла на 107,4 милијарди долара, у смислу прихода, а очекивало се да ће до краја 2012. нарасти на 122,9 милијарди долара. Произвођачи ципела у НР Кини чине 63% производње, 40,5% глобалног извоза и 55% прихода индустрије. Међутим, многи произвођачи у Европи доминирају тржиштем са вишим ценама и већом додатом вредношћу.[2]



Најстарије кожне ципеле, about 5500 years old, found in Armenia
Esparto sandals from the 6th or 5th millennium BC found in Spain
Roman shoes: a man's,[3] a woman's[4] and a child's[5] shoe from Bar Hill Roman Fort, Scotland.

Прве ципеле су у ствари биле сандале и датирају од пре 7000—8000. година пре нове ере, и пронађене су у пећини Форт Рок у америчкој држави Орегон 1938. године.[6] Најстарије кожне ципеле које су у потпуности биле затворене су пронађне у Јерменији, и верује се да потичу од 3500. година п. н. е.[7][8] Ötzi the Iceman's shoes, dating to 3300 BC, featured brown bearskin bases, deerskin side panels, and a bark-string net, which pulled tight around the foot.[7] The Jotunheimen shoe was discovered in August 2006: archaeologists estimate that this leather shoe was made between 1800 and 1100 BC,[9] making it the oldest article of clothing discovered in Scandinavia.

Верује се да су се неке врсте обуће користиле много пре ових датума, but because the materials used were highly perishable, it is difficult to find evidence of the earliest footwear.[10] By studying the bones of the smaller toes (as opposed to the big toe), it was observed that their thickness decreased approximately 40,000 to 26,000 years ago. This led archaeologists to deduce that wearing shoes resulted in less bone growth, resulting in shorter, thinner toes.[11] These earliest designs were very simple in design, often mere "foot bags" of leather to protect the feet from rocks, debris, and cold.

Many early natives in North America wore a similar type of footwear, known as the moccasin. These are tight-fitting, soft-soled shoes typically made out of leather or bison hides. Many moccasins were also decorated with various beads and other adornments. Moccasins were not designed to be waterproof, and in wet weather and warm summer months, most Native Americans went barefoot.[12]

As civilizations began to develop, thong sandals (the precursors of the modern flip-flop) were worn. This practice dates back to pictures of them in ancient Egyptian murals from 4000 BC. One pair found in Europe was made of papyrus leaves and dated to be approximately 1,500 years old. They were also worn in Jerusalem during the first century of the Common Era.[13] Thong sandals were worn by many civilizations and made from a wide variety of materials. Ancient Egyptian sandals were made from papyrus and palm leaves. The Masai of Africa made them out of rawhide. In India they were made from wood. In China and Japan, rice straw was used. The leaves of the sisal plant were used to make twine for sandals in South America while the natives of Mexico used the Yucca plant.[14][15]

While thong sandals were commonly worn, many people in ancient times, such as the Egyptians, Hindus and Greeks, saw little need for footwear, and most of the time, preferred being barefoot. The Egyptians and Hindus made some use of ornamental footwear, such as a soleless sandal known as a "Cleopatra", which did not provide any practical protection for the foot. The ancient Greeks largely viewed footwear as self-indulgent, unaesthetic and unnecessary. Shoes were primarily worn in the theater, as a means of increasing stature, and many preferred to go barefoot.[16] Athletes in the Ancient Olympic Games participated barefoot—and naked.[17] Even the gods and heroes were primarily depicted barefoot, the hoplite warriors fought battles in bare feet and Alexander the Great conquered his vast empire with barefoot armies. The runners of Ancient Greece are also believed to have run barefoot.[18]

Footwear of Roman soldiers (reconstruction)

The Romans, who eventually conquered the Greeks and adopted many aspects of their culture, did not adopt the Greek perception of footwear and clothing. Roman clothing was seen as a sign of power, and footwear was seen as a necessity of living in a civilized world, although the slaves and paupers usually went barefoot.[16] Roman soldiers were issued with chiral (left and right shoe different) footwear.[19] Shoes for soldiers had riveted insoles to extend the life of the leather, increase comfortability, and provide better traction. The design of these shoes also designated the rank of the officers. The more intricate the insignia and the higher up the boot went on the leg, the higher the rank of the soldier.[20] There are references to shoes being worn in the Bible.[21]

Starting around 4 BC, the Greeks began wearing symbolic footwear. These were heavily decorated to clearly indicate the status of the wearer. Courtesans wore leather shoes colored with white, green, lemon or yellow dyes, and young woman betrothed or newly married wore pure white shoes. Because of the cost to lighten leather, shoes of a paler shade were a symbol of wealth in the upper class. Often, the soles would be carved with a message so it would imprint on the ground. Cobblers became a notable profession around this time, with Greek shoemakers becoming famed in the Roman empire.[22]


Зависно од намене и годшњег доба када се носе ципеле могу бити различитих конструкција и од различитих материјала. Материјали који се најчешће користе су кожа, вештачка кожа, гума [23], вештачка влакна, платно и остало. Основне врсте ципела су:



  1. ^ а б в Hoskins, Tansy E. (2020-03-21). „‘Some soles last 1,000 years in landfill’: the truth about the sneaker mountain”. The Guardian (на језику: енглески). Приступљено 2021-02-19. 
  2. ^ „Global Footwear Manufacturing Industry Market Research Report”. PRWeb. 7. 6. 2012. Архивирано из оригинала 13. 3. 2013. г. Приступљено 24. 7. 2012. 
  3. ^ „The Scottish Ten”. The Engine Shed. Centre for Digital Documentation and Visualisation LLP. Приступљено 14. 10. 2017. 
  4. ^ „Lady's Shoe, Bar Hill”. 2015-09-25. Приступљено 24. 5. 2018. 
  5. ^ „Child's Shoe, Bar Hill”. 2015-09-22. Приступљено 24. 5. 2018. 
  6. ^ Connolly, Tom. „The World's Oldest Shoes”. University of Oregon. Архивирано из оригинала 22. 7. 2012. г. Приступљено 22. 7. 2012. 
  7. ^ а б Ravilious, Kate (9. 6. 2010). „World's Oldest Leather Shoe Found—Stunningly Preserved”. National Geographic. Архивирано из оригинала 24. 7. 2012. г. Приступљено 22. 7. 2012. 
  8. ^ Petraglia, Michael D.; Pinhasi R; Gasparian B; Areshian G; Zardaryan D; Smith A; et al. (2010). Petraglia, Michael D., ур. „First Direct Evidence of Chalcolithic Footwear from the Near Eastern Highlands”. PLOS ONE. 5 (6): e10984. Bibcode:2010PLoSO...510984P. PMC 2882957Слободан приступ. PMID 20543959. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010984.  Reported in (among others) Belluck, Pam (9. 6. 2010). „This Shoe Had Prada Beat by 5,500 Years”. The New York Times. Архивирано из оригинала 11. 6. 2010. г. Приступљено 11. 6. 2010. 
  9. ^ "Old Shoe- Even Older". The Norway Post, 2 May 2007. Архивирано 8 март 2016 на сајту Wayback Machine
  10. ^ Johnson, Olivia (24. 8. 2005). „Bones Reveal First Shoe-Wearers”. BBC News. Архивирано из оригинала 3. 6. 2012. г. Приступљено 23. 7. 2012. 
  11. ^ Trinkaus, E.; Shang, H. (јул 2008). „Anatomical Evidence for the Antiquity of Human Footwear: Tianyuan and Sunghir”. Journal of Archaeological Science. 35 (7): 1928—1933. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2007.12.002. 
  12. ^ Laubin, Reginald; Laubin, Gladys; Vestal, Stanley (1977). The Indian Tipi: Its History, Construction, and Use. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press. ISBN 978-0-8061-2236-6. Архивирано из оригинала 2018-04-27. г. 
  13. ^ Kendzior, Russell J. (2010). Falls Aren't Funny: America's Multi-Billion-Dollar Slip-and-Fall Crisis. Lanham, Maryland: www.govtinstpress.com/ Government Institutes. стр. 117. ISBN 978-0-86587-016-1. Архивирано из оригинала 2017-03-19. г. 
  14. ^ Kippen, Cameron (1999). The History of Footwear. Perth, Australia: Department of Podiatry, Curtin University of Technology. 
  15. ^ DeMello, Margo (2009). Feet and Footwear: A Cultural Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, LLC. стр. 20—24, 90, 108, 130—131, 226—230. ISBN 978-0-313-35714-5. 
  16. ^ а б Frazine, Richard Keith (1993). The Barefoot Hiker. Ten Speed Press. стр. 98. ISBN 978-0-89815-525-9. 
  17. ^ „Unearthing the First Olympics”. NPR. 19. 7. 2004. Архивирано из оригинала 28. 7. 2010. г. Приступљено 1. 7. 2010. 
  18. ^ Krentz, Peter (2010). The Battle of Marathon. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. стр. 112—113. ISBN 978-0-300-12085-1. Архивирано из оригинала 2018-04-27. г. 
  19. ^ 'Greece and Rome at War' by Peter Connolly
  20. ^ Swann, June (2001). History of Footwear in Norway, Sweden and Finland: Prehistory to 1950. Kungl. Vitterhets, historie och antikvitets akademien. ISBN 9789174023237. 
  21. ^ Genesis 14:23, Deuteronomy 25:9, Ruth 4:7-8, Luke 15:22. 
  22. ^ Ledger, Florence (1985). Put Your Foot Down: A Treatise on the History of Shoes. C. Venton. ISBN 9780854751112. 
  23. ^ Tigar obuća - Know-How


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