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Карл Бенц — разлика између измена

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Autobot (разговор | доприноси)
м Бот: исправљам преусмерења; козметичке измене
ознака: везе до вишезначних одредница
Ред 1: Ред 1:
{{short description|Дизајнер и произвођач аутомобила и мотора (1844–1929)}}
{{Инфокутија биографија
| име = Карл
| титула_префикс =
| презиме = Бенц
| име = Карл Бенц
| слика = CarlBenz.jpg
| род = мушки
| ширина_слике = 250п
| титула_суфикс =
| опис_слике = Карл Бенц
| слика = CarlBenz.jpg
| пуно_име = Карл Фридрих Михаел Бенц
| ширина_слике =
| дан_рођења = 25.
| алт = 250п
| месец_рођења = новембар
| опис_слике = Карл Бенц
| година_рођења = 1844.
| пуно_име = Карл Фридрих Михаел Бенц
| место_рођења = [[Милбург (Карлсруе)|Милбург]]
| име_по_рођењу =
| држава_рођења = [[Велико војводство Баден|Баден]]
| остала_имена =
| дан_смрти = 4.
| надимак =
| месец_смрти = април
| датум_рођења = {{Birth date|df=y|1844|11|25}}
| година_смрти = 1929.
| место_рођења = [[Милбург (Карлсруе)|Милбург]]
| место_смрти = [[Ладенбург]]
| држава_рођења = [[Велико војводство Баден|Баден]]
| држава_смрти = [[Њемачка|Немачка]]
| крштен =
| датум_нестанка =
| место_нестанка =
| статус_нестанка =
| датум_смрти = {{Death date and age|df=y|1929|4|4|1844|11|25}}
| место_смрти = [[Ладенбург]]
| држава_смрти = [[Њемачка|Немачка]]
| узрок_смрти =
| тело_откривено =
| место_укопа =
| коорд_укопа =
| пребивалиште =
| држављанство =
| образовање =
| алма_матер =
| занимање =
| активни_период =
| ера =
| послодавац =
| организација =
| агент =
| деловање =
| радови =
| стил =
| родни_град =
| зарада =
| нето_вредност =
| висина =
| тежина =
| телевизија =
| титула =
| мандат =
| претходник =
| наследник =
| партија =
| покрет =
| супарници =
| одбори =
| кривична_пријава =
| кривична_казна =
| кривични_статус =
| супружник =
| партнер =
| деца =
| родитељи =
| рођаци =
| родбина =
| позивни_знак =
| награде =
| почасти =
| веб-сајт =
| module =
| потпис =
| фусноте =
| ијек = не
| женски_пол = не
'''Карл Фридрих Михаел Бенц''' ({{јез-нем|Carl Friedrich Benz, Karl Friedrich Michael Benz}}; [[Милбург (Карлсруе)|Милбург]], [[25. новембар]] [[1844]] — [[Ладенбург]], [[4. април]] [[1929]]) је био немачки аутомобилски инжењер. Генерално је признат као један од изумитеља (заједно са [[Готлиб Дајмлер|Готлибом Дајмлером]]) моторног возила - аутомобила.<ref>{{cite web|title=Karl Benz |url=https://www.britannica.com/biography/Karl-Benz |website=Encyclopedia Britanica |accessdate=17. 1. 2019}}</ref>
'''Карл Фридрих Михаел Бенц''' ({{јез-нем|Carl Friedrich Benz, Karl Friedrich Michael Benz}}; [[Милбург (Карлсруе)|Милбург]], [[25. новембар]] [[1844]] — [[Ладенбург]], [[4. април]] [[1929]]) је био немачки аутомобилски инжењер. Генерално је признат као један од изумитеља (заједно са [[Готлиб Дајмлер|Готлибом Дајмлером]]) моторног возила - аутомобила.<ref>{{cite web|title=Karl Benz |url=https://www.britannica.com/biography/Karl-Benz |website=Encyclopedia Britanica |accessdate=17. 1. 2019}}</ref> His [[Benz Patent-Motorwagen|Benz Patent Motorcar]] from 1885 is considered the first practical [[automobile]] and first car put into series production.<ref>{{cite web |url=https://www.dpma.de/service/klassifikationen/ipc/ipcprojekt/einekurzegeschichtedesautomobils/geburtstagdesautos/index.html |title=Der Streit um den "Geburtstag" des modernen Automobils |language=de |trans-title=The fight over the birth of the modern automobile |author=<!--Not stated--> |date=2014-12-22 |publisher=German Patent and Trade Mark Office |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170102082130/https://www.dpma.de/service/klassifikationen/ipc/ipcprojekt/einekurzegeschichtedesautomobils/geburtstagdesautos/index.html |archive-date=2017-01-02 |access-date=<!--Not stated--> }}</ref> He received a [[patent]] for the motorcar in 1886.

His company Benz & Cie., based in [[Mannheim]], was the world's first automobile plant and largest of its day.<ref>{{cite news |title=Benz Patent Motor Car: The first automobile (1885–1886) |url=https://www.daimler.com/company/tradition/company-history/1885-1886.html |access-date=6 July 2021 |website=Daimler.com}}</ref> In 1926 it merged with [[Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft]] to form [[Daimler-Benz]] which produces the [[Mercedes-Benz]] among other brands.

Benz is widely regarded as "the father of the car"<ref>{{Cite web | url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voXzQppLGuo | title=Karl Benz: Father of the Automobile | website=[[YouTube]] }}</ref><ref>{{Cite web | url=https://auto.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/auto-technology/the-inventor-of-ic-engine-powered-automobile-and-founder-of-mercedes-benz-was-born-on-nov-25/49928799 | title=The Father of automobile gave us Mercedes Benz and Merc gave us fascinating facts. Check out a few here! - ET Auto }}</ref> and "father of the automobile industry".<ref>Carl Benz: Father of the Automobile Industry
Fanning, Leonard M.
Published by MERCER PUBLISHING, NEW YORK, 1955 </ref>

== Рани живот ==
[[Image:Karl Benz 1869.png|thumb|right|250px|Karl Benz, in 1869 at the age of 25 (Zenodot Verlagsges. mbH)]]

Carl Benz was born '''Karl Friedrich Michael Vaillant''', on 25 November 1844 in [[Mühlburg]], now a borough of [[Karlsruhe]], Baden-Württemberg, which is part of modern [[Germany]]. His parents were Josephine Vaillant and a [[locomotive]] driver, Johann Georg Benz, whom she married a few months later. According to German law, the child acquired the name "Benz" by legal marriage of his parents.<ref>[http://www.geographic.hu/index.php?act=napi&rov=5&id=6102 1844. november 25-én Karlsruheban született Karl Friedrich Vaillant] Karlsruheban született Karl Friedrich Vaillant, a Benz autógyár alapítója. Mivel születésekor anyja még hajadon volt, ezért az ő neve után anyakönyvezték. Vaillant csak később vette fel apja nevét, a Benz-et.{{dead link|date=February 2017}}</ref><ref>[https://web.archive.org/web/20070930000422/http://www.personatti.com/card.data/Karl%20Benz_10080459.htm Realname:, Karl Friedrich Michael Vaillant. Birthdate:, 25 November 1844. Deathdate:, 4 April 1929. Birthplace:, Germany, Baden-württemberg, Karlsruhe ...]</ref><ref>[https://web.archive.org/web/20070927024748/http://www.morgenweb.de/region/mannheim/daimler_benz/622204232.html Bei seiner Geburt am 25. November 1844 in Karlsruhe erhielt der spätere Auto-Pionier den Namen Karl Friedrich Michael Vaillant. Seine Mutter Josephine Vaillant heiratete ein Jahr danach Johann Georg Benz, den Vater des Kindes.]</ref><ref>http://linx3314.wordpress.com/feed/ Karl Benz wurde als Karl Friedrich Michael Vaillant in heutige Kalruher Stadtteil Mühlburg geboren. Sein Mutter hat ein man bei der name Johann Georg Benz.l Er storp eine veile nach das hochzeit.</ref> When he was two years old, his father died of pneumonia,<ref>http://www.zeno.org/nid/20007927983 Benz, Carl Friedrich: Lebensfahrt eines deutschen Erfinders. Die Erfindung des Automobils, Erinnerungen eines Achtzigjährigen. Leipzig 1936, S. 13–17</ref> and his name was changed to Karl Friedrich Benz in remembrance of his father.<ref>'''Karl''' is the spelling of his first name on all of his official personal and municipal documents throughout his life, such as birth, school, honorary doctorate, the Baden State Metal certificate, and on his family grave marker as displayed to the right. '''Carl''' is the spelling variant he used for one company, C.&nbsp;Benz Söhne, he formed with his son Eugen after leaving the active management of his long standing company, but remaining on its board of directors for the rest of his life (through its merger with Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft in which the two companies became Daimler-Benz), and it is used for his autobiography by a recent publisher. This spelling variant has been copied often and may be found frequently.</ref>

== Бензова прва фабрика и рани изуми (1871–1882) ==
In 1871, at the age of twenty-seven, Karl Benz joined August Ritter in launching the Iron Foundry and Mechanical Workshop in [[Mannheim]], later renamed Factory for Machines for Sheet-metal Working.<ref name="benz-bio-daimler">[http://www.daimler.com/dccom/0-5-1333261-49-1279445-1-0-0-0-0-1-36-7145-0-0-0-0-0-0-0.html Karl Benz's life as described on daimler.com] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120629163949/http://www.daimler.com/dccom/0-5-1333261-49-1279445-1-0-0-0-0-1-36-7145-0-0-0-0-0-0-0.html |date=29 June 2012 }}</ref>

The enterprise's first year went very badly. Ritter turned out to be unreliable, and the business's tools were impounded. The difficulty was overcome when Benz's fiancée, [[Bertha Benz|Bertha Ringer]], bought out Ritter's share in the company using her [[dowry]].<ref name="benz-bio-daimler" /><ref>[http://www.mbusa.com/heritage/karl-benz.do Mercedes-Benz, Home of Mercedes-Benz Luxury Automobiles<!-- bot-generated title -->] at www.mbusa.com</ref>

On 20 July 1872,<ref>{{Cite web|title=Bertha Benz – The Woman behind the Automotive Revolution|url=https://media.daimler.com/marsMediaSite/en/instance/ko/Bertha-Benz--The-Woman-behind-the-Automotive-Revolution.xhtml?oid=9361402|website=marsMediaSite|language=en|access-date=2020-05-13}}</ref> Karl Benz and Bertha Ringer married. They had five children: Eugen (1873), Richard (1874), Clara (1877), Thilde (1882), and Ellen (1890).

== Галерија ==
== Галерија ==
Ред 33: Ред 108:
== Референце ==
== Референце ==

== Литература ==
*{{Cite book |title=Lebensfahrt eines deutschen Erfinders : meine Erinnerungen / Karl Benz |last=Benz |first=Carl |publisher=Koehler und Amelang |year=2001 |isbn=3-7338-0302-7 |location=München |language=de}} (autobiography)[https://web.archive.org/web/20091027082313/http://geocities.com/MotorCity/Lane/4444/]
:''The life of a German inventor: my memories / Karl Benz''
*{{Cite book |title=Lebensfahrt eines deutschen erfinders; erinnerungen eines achtzigjahrigen |last=Benz |first=Carl Friedrich |publisher=Koehler & Amelang |year=c. 1925 |location=Leipzig |language=de}} (first edition) ([https://archive.today/20130706043919/http://catnyp.nypl.org/record=b3903459 bibrec])
:''The life of a German inventor; memories of an octogenarian''
*Elis, Angela: ''Mein Traum ist länger als die Nacht. Wie Bertha Benz ihren Mann zu Weltruhm fuhr.'' Hoffmann und Campe, Hamburg 2010, {{ISBN|978-3-455-50146-9}}
:''My dream is longer than the night. How Bertha Benz drove her husband to worldwide fame''
* {{cite book |last1=Kirchberg |first1=Peter |last2=Wächtler |first2=Eberhard |title=Carl Benz Gottlieb Daimler Wilhelm Maybach |series=Biographien hevorragender Naturwissenschaftler, Techniker und Mediziner series, Vol 52 |date=1981 |publisher=Vieweg Verlag |location=Wiesbaden |isbn=9783322822185 |language=de |edition=2nd}}
*Mercedes-Benz AG (Hrsg.), ''Benz & Cie.: Zum 150. Geburtstag von Karl Benz'', Motorbuch Verlag: Stuttgart, 1994 1. Aufl. 296 S., 492 Abb., 124 in Farbe, {{ISBN|3-613-01643-5}}, (biography)
:''Benz & Cie.: On the Occasion of the 150th Birthday of Karl Benz''
*{{Cite book |title=Zwei Männer – ein Stern : Gottlieb Daimler und Karl Benz in Bildern, Daten und Dokumenten |last=Seherr-Thoss |first=Hans Christoph, Graf von |publisher=VDI-Verlag |year=1988 |isbn=3-18-400851-7 |location=Düsseldorf |language=de}} [https://web.archive.org/web/20091027082313/http://geocities.com/MotorCity/Lane/4444/]
:''Two men – one star: Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz in pictures, data and documents.''
*{{Cite book |title=Carl Benz : eine badische Geschichte; die Vision vom "pferdelosen Wagen" verändert die Welt |last=Seidel |first=Winfried A. |publisher=Ed. Diesbach |year=2005 |isbn=3-936468-29-X |location=Weinheim |language=de}} (biography) [https://www.amazon.de/dp/393646829X Image of cover. ] [https://web.archive.org/web/20091027082313/http://geocities.com/MotorCity/Lane/4444/]
:''Carl Benz: a [[Baden]] history; the vision of the "horseless car" changes the world''
*{{Cite book |title=Karl Benz : Ein Pionier der Motorisierung |last=Siebertz |first=Paul |publisher=Reclam |year=1950 |location=Stuttgart |language=de}} [https://web.archive.org/web/20091027082313/http://geocities.com/MotorCity/Lane/4444/]
:''Karl Benz : A pioneer of motorization''
*{{Cite book |title=Biographical Dictionary of the History of Technology |last=Lance Day |first=Ian McNeil |publisher=Amazon |year=1996 |language=en}} [https://books.google.com/books?id=FmoTeX3aGl4C&pg=PT113&lpg=PT113&dq=31+December+1879+benz&source=bl&ots=G7svNR2Tf5&sig=ACfU3U1mHD_GCJ-STYQfEnWSc7JR-EkIWA&hl=zh-TW&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjzrYDX0rTiAhUN148KHbifAvIQ6AEwDHoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q&f=false]
:''Karl Benz : History of Technology''

== Спољашње везе ==
== Спољашње везе ==
{{Commonscat|Carl Benz}}
{{Commonscat|Carl Benz}}
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20110202214814/http://www.automuseum-dr-carl-benz.de/ Automuseum Dr. Carl Benz, Ladenburg (Heidelberg)]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20110202214814/http://www.automuseum-dr-carl-benz.de/ Automuseum Dr. Carl Benz, Ladenburg (Heidelberg)]
* [http://www.bertha-benz.de Bertha Benz Memorial Route]
* [http://www.bertha-benz.de Bertha Benz Memorial Route]
* Brief biographies of [https://web.archive.org/web/20091027082313/http://geocities.com/MotorCity/Lane/4444/ Karl Benz] and [http://www.mercedes-benz-classic.com/content/classic/mpc/mpc_classic_website/en/mpc_home/mbc/home/knowledge/overview/bertha_benz.html Bertha Benz], with portraits, an extensive archive, and detailed histories presented at the Mercedes-Benz Museum.[https://web.archive.org/web/20091027082313/http://geocities.com/MotorCity/Lane/4444/]
* Mercedes-Benz corporate archives [https://web.archive.org/web/20070328125337/http://www.daimlerchrysler.com/dccom/0-5-7189-1-56989-1-0-0-0-0-0-8-7145-0-0-0-0-0-0-0.html], company archives [https://web.archive.org/web/20091027082313/http://geocities.com/MotorCity/Lane/4444/], history [https://web.archive.org/web/20070622225423/http://www.daimlerchrysler.com/dccom/0-5-7168-1-9837-1-0-0-0-0-0-8-7145-0-0-0-0-0-0-0.html], media management archives [https://web.archive.org/web/20091027082313/http://geocities.com/MotorCity/Lane/4444/], and publications [https://web.archive.org/web/20070926231512/http://www.daimlerchrysler.com/dccom/0-5-7189-1-10834-1-0-0-56989-0-0-135-7145-0-0-0-0-0-0-0.html]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20091027082313/http://geocities.com/MotorCity/Lane/4444/ copies of the honorary doctorate] and [https://web.archive.org/web/20070630110151/http://www.automuseum-ladenburg.de/cms/images/staatsmedallie_smal.jpg Baden State medal in gold], both awarded to Karl Benz in his lifetime.
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20091027082313/http://geocities.com/MotorCity/Lane/4444/ Das Automuseum Dr. Carl Benz in der alten Benz Fabrik] is the ''Dr. Carl Benz Auto Museum'' created by a private group in 1996 [https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://www.mercedes-Benz.de/content/germany/mpc/mpc_germany_website/de/home_mpc/passenger_cars/home/passenger_cars_world/heritage/museum/historical_places/car_museum_karl_Benz.html&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=8&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3DAutomuseum%2BDr.%2BCarl%2BBenz%2B%26start%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DNin] in a former Benz factory for an ancillary business founded with his sons in [[Ladenburg]], which was separate from his major companies. The company opened in 1906 and closed in 1923, the site has a description of this museum and contemporary photographs [https://web.archive.org/web/20091027082313/http://geocities.com/MotorCity/Lane/4444/] with "C.&nbsp;Benz SÖHNE KG" painted on the building, which contains historical photographs, some restored automobiles, and a [https://web.archive.org/web/20091027082313/http://geocities.com/MotorCity/Lane/4444/ chronology] of the life of Karl Benz.
* [http://www.3wheelers.com/Benz.html Karl Benz on 3-wheelers.com]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20091027082313/http://geocities.com/MotorCity/Lane/4444/ Prof. John H. Lienhard on BERTHA Benz's RIDE]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20070630110152/http://www.kurpfalz-tourist.de/web-data/Bilder/friedhof_1.jpg The Karl Benz family grave site in Ladenburg] The urn contains the ashes of their son, Richard Benz, and the inscription on the gravestone reads: {{webarchive |url=https://web.archive.org/web/20091027082313/http://geocities.com/MotorCity/Lane/4444/ |date=27 October 2009 |title=Dr. Ing. h. c. Karl Benz }}
* The [https://web.archive.org/web/20080427031307/http://www.daimler-benz-stiftung.de/home/events/en/start.html Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz Foundation] founded in 1986 at the last residence of Bertha and Karl Benz in Ladenburg.
* {{PM20|FID=pe/001490}}.
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQ4vB55z0RE&feature=emb_logo video of a Benz Victoria being driven on the street in Germany]

{{DEFAULTSORT:Бенц, Карл}}
{{Authority control}}
{{Authority control}}
{{портал бар|Биографија}}
{{портал бар|Биографија}}

{{DEFAULTSORT:Бенц, Карл}}

[[Категорија:Рођени 1844.]]
[[Категорија:Рођени 1844.]]
[[Категорија:Умрли 1929.]]
[[Категорија:Умрли 1929.]]

Верзија на датум 10. август 2022. у 21:29

Карл Бенц
Карл Бенц
Пуно имеКарл Фридрих Михаел Бенц
Датум рођења25. новембар 1844.(1844-11-25)
Место рођењаМилбургБаден
Датум смрти4. април 1929.(1929-04-04) (84 год.)
Место смртиЛаденбургНемачка

Карл Фридрих Михаел Бенц (нем. Carl Friedrich Benz, Karl Friedrich Michael Benz; Милбург, 25. новембар 1844Ладенбург, 4. април 1929) је био немачки аутомобилски инжењер. Генерално је признат као један од изумитеља (заједно са Готлибом Дајмлером) моторног возила - аутомобила.[1] His Benz Patent Motorcar from 1885 is considered the first practical automobile and first car put into series production.[2] He received a patent for the motorcar in 1886.

His company Benz & Cie., based in Mannheim, was the world's first automobile plant and largest of its day.[3] In 1926 it merged with Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft to form Daimler-Benz which produces the Mercedes-Benz among other brands.

Benz is widely regarded as "the father of the car"[4][5] and "father of the automobile industry".[6]

Рани живот

Karl Benz, in 1869 at the age of 25 (Zenodot Verlagsges. mbH)

Carl Benz was born Karl Friedrich Michael Vaillant, on 25 November 1844 in Mühlburg, now a borough of Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, which is part of modern Germany. His parents were Josephine Vaillant and a locomotive driver, Johann Georg Benz, whom she married a few months later. According to German law, the child acquired the name "Benz" by legal marriage of his parents.[7][8][9][10] When he was two years old, his father died of pneumonia,[11] and his name was changed to Karl Friedrich Benz in remembrance of his father.[12]

Бензова прва фабрика и рани изуми (1871–1882)

In 1871, at the age of twenty-seven, Karl Benz joined August Ritter in launching the Iron Foundry and Mechanical Workshop in Mannheim, later renamed Factory for Machines for Sheet-metal Working.[13]

The enterprise's first year went very badly. Ritter turned out to be unreliable, and the business's tools were impounded. The difficulty was overcome when Benz's fiancée, Bertha Ringer, bought out Ritter's share in the company using her dowry.[13][14]

On 20 July 1872,[15] Karl Benz and Bertha Ringer married. They had five children: Eugen (1873), Richard (1874), Clara (1877), Thilde (1882), and Ellen (1890).



  1. ^ „Karl Benz”. Encyclopedia Britanica. Приступљено 17. 1. 2019. 
  2. ^ „Der Streit um den "Geburtstag" des modernen Automobils” [The fight over the birth of the modern automobile] (на језику: немачки). German Patent and Trade Mark Office. 2014-12-22. Архивирано из оригинала 2017-01-02. г. 
  3. ^ „Benz Patent Motor Car: The first automobile (1885–1886)”. Daimler.com. Приступљено 6. 7. 2021. 
  4. ^ „Karl Benz: Father of the Automobile”. YouTube. 
  5. ^ „The Father of automobile gave us Mercedes Benz and Merc gave us fascinating facts. Check out a few here! - ET Auto”. 
  6. ^ Carl Benz: Father of the Automobile Industry Fanning, Leonard M. Published by MERCER PUBLISHING, NEW YORK, 1955
  7. ^ 1844. november 25-én Karlsruheban született Karl Friedrich Vaillant Karlsruheban született Karl Friedrich Vaillant, a Benz autógyár alapítója. Mivel születésekor anyja még hajadon volt, ezért az ő neve után anyakönyvezték. Vaillant csak később vette fel apja nevét, a Benz-et.[мртва веза]
  8. ^ Realname:, Karl Friedrich Michael Vaillant. Birthdate:, 25 November 1844. Deathdate:, 4 April 1929. Birthplace:, Germany, Baden-württemberg, Karlsruhe ...
  9. ^ Bei seiner Geburt am 25. November 1844 in Karlsruhe erhielt der spätere Auto-Pionier den Namen Karl Friedrich Michael Vaillant. Seine Mutter Josephine Vaillant heiratete ein Jahr danach Johann Georg Benz, den Vater des Kindes.
  10. ^ http://linx3314.wordpress.com/feed/ Karl Benz wurde als Karl Friedrich Michael Vaillant in heutige Kalruher Stadtteil Mühlburg geboren. Sein Mutter hat ein man bei der name Johann Georg Benz.l Er storp eine veile nach das hochzeit.
  11. ^ http://www.zeno.org/nid/20007927983 Benz, Carl Friedrich: Lebensfahrt eines deutschen Erfinders. Die Erfindung des Automobils, Erinnerungen eines Achtzigjährigen. Leipzig 1936, S. 13–17
  12. ^ Karl is the spelling of his first name on all of his official personal and municipal documents throughout his life, such as birth, school, honorary doctorate, the Baden State Metal certificate, and on his family grave marker as displayed to the right. Carl is the spelling variant he used for one company, C. Benz Söhne, he formed with his son Eugen after leaving the active management of his long standing company, but remaining on its board of directors for the rest of his life (through its merger with Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft in which the two companies became Daimler-Benz), and it is used for his autobiography by a recent publisher. This spelling variant has been copied often and may be found frequently.
  13. ^ а б Karl Benz's life as described on daimler.com Архивирано 29 јун 2012 на сајту Wayback Machine
  14. ^ Mercedes-Benz, Home of Mercedes-Benz Luxury Automobiles at www.mbusa.com
  15. ^ „Bertha Benz – The Woman behind the Automotive Revolution”. marsMediaSite (на језику: енглески). Приступљено 2020-05-13. 


  • Benz, Carl (2001). Lebensfahrt eines deutschen Erfinders : meine Erinnerungen / Karl Benz (на језику: немачки). München: Koehler und Amelang. ISBN 3-7338-0302-7.  (autobiography)[1]
The life of a German inventor: my memories / Karl Benz
  • Benz, Carl Friedrich (c. 1925). Lebensfahrt eines deutschen erfinders; erinnerungen eines achtzigjahrigen (на језику: немачки). Leipzig: Koehler & Amelang.  (first edition) (bibrec)
The life of a German inventor; memories of an octogenarian
  • Elis, Angela: Mein Traum ist länger als die Nacht. Wie Bertha Benz ihren Mann zu Weltruhm fuhr. Hoffmann und Campe, Hamburg 2010, ISBN 978-3-455-50146-9
My dream is longer than the night. How Bertha Benz drove her husband to worldwide fame
  • Kirchberg, Peter; Wächtler, Eberhard (1981). Carl Benz Gottlieb Daimler Wilhelm Maybach. Biographien hevorragender Naturwissenschaftler, Techniker und Mediziner series, Vol 52 (на језику: немачки) (2nd изд.). Wiesbaden: Vieweg Verlag. ISBN 9783322822185. 
  • Mercedes-Benz AG (Hrsg.), Benz & Cie.: Zum 150. Geburtstag von Karl Benz, Motorbuch Verlag: Stuttgart, 1994 1. Aufl. 296 S., 492 Abb., 124 in Farbe, ISBN 3-613-01643-5, (biography)
Benz & Cie.: On the Occasion of the 150th Birthday of Karl Benz
  • Seherr-Thoss, Hans Christoph, Graf von (1988). Zwei Männer – ein Stern : Gottlieb Daimler und Karl Benz in Bildern, Daten und Dokumenten (на језику: немачки). Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag. ISBN 3-18-400851-7.  [2]
Two men – one star: Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz in pictures, data and documents.
  • Seidel, Winfried A. (2005). Carl Benz : eine badische Geschichte; die Vision vom "pferdelosen Wagen" verändert die Welt (на језику: немачки). Weinheim: Ed. Diesbach. ISBN 3-936468-29-X.  (biography) Image of cover. [3]
Carl Benz: a Baden history; the vision of the "horseless car" changes the world
  • Siebertz, Paul (1950). Karl Benz : Ein Pionier der Motorisierung (на језику: немачки). Stuttgart: Reclam.  [4]
Karl Benz : A pioneer of motorization
  • Lance Day, Ian McNeil (1996). Biographical Dictionary of the History of Technology (на језику: енглески). Amazon.  [5]
Karl Benz : History of Technology

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