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Википедија:Масовни унос/Имена места/W

С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије
скраћеница кратки опис на енглеском кратки опис на српском дуги опис на енглеском дуги опис на српском тип податка на енглеском тип податка на српском
WAD wadi None a valley or ravine, bounded by relatively steep banks, which in the rainy season becomes a watercourse; found primarily in North Africa and the Middle East None H - Hydrographic None
WADB wadi bend None a conspicuously curved or bent segment of a wadi None H - Hydrographic None
WADJ wadi junction None a place where two or more wadies join None H - Hydrographic None
WADM wadi mouth None the lower terminus of a wadi where it widens into an adjoining floodplain, depression, or waterbody None H - Hydrographic None
WADS wadies None valleys or ravines, bounded by relatively steep banks, which in the rainy season become watercourses; found primarily in North Africa and the Middle East None H - Hydrographic None
WADX section of wadi None None H - Hydrographic None
WALL wall None a thick masonry structure, usually enclosing a field or building, or forming the side of a structure None S - Spot Feature None
WALLA ancient wall None the remains of a linear defensive stone structure None S - Spot Feature None
WEIR weir(s) None a small dam in a stream, designed to raise the water level or to divert stream flow through a desired channel None S - Spot Feature None
WHRF wharf(-ves) None a structure of open rather than solid construction along a shore or a bank which provides berthing for ships and cargo-handling facilities None S - Spot Feature None
WHRL whirlpool None a turbulent, rotating movement of water in a stream None H - Hydrographic None
WLL well бунар a cylindrical hole, pit, or tunnel drilled or dug down to a depth from which water, oil, or gas can be pumped or brought to the surface None H - Hydrographic None
WLLQ abandoned well напуштени бунар None H - Hydrographic None
WLLS wells бунари cylindrical holes, pits, or tunnels drilled or dug down to a depth from which water, oil, or gas can be pumped or brought to the surface None H - Hydrographic None
WRCK wreck None the site of the remains of a wrecked vessel None S - Spot Feature None
WTLD wetland луг an area subject to inundation, usually characterized by bog, marsh, or swamp vegetation None H - Hydrographic None
WTLDI intermittent wetland None None H - Hydrographic None
WTRC watercourse водени ток a natural, well-defined channel produced by flowing water, or an artificial channel designed to carry flowing water None H - Hydrographic None
WTRH waterhole(s) None a natural hole, hollow, or small depression that contains water, used by man and animals, especially in arid areas None H - Hydrographic None
WTRW waterworks None a facility for supplying potable water through a water source and a system of pumps and filtration beds None S - Spot Feature None