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Шаблон:cite eFloras

С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије
Документација шаблона[прикажи] [уреди] [историја] [освежи]

  • One author:
{{eFloras||||first= |last= |access-date=20. октобар 2024}}
  • Up to five authors:
{{eFloras||||first1= |last1= |first2= |last2= |first3= |last3= |first4= |last4= |first5= |last5= |access-date=20. октобар 2024}}

Use this template to add a reference to a taxon in the Floras and other resources on the web site eFloras. In order to use the template, copy the link, and remove everything from it except for the two numbers. Place them in parameters 1 and 2, and add the taxon name (without italics) in parameter 3.

  • http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=200007551
  • {{eFloras|1|200007551|Caltha palustris}}

Authors of the treatments should be added using the parameters |first= and |last= (and |first2= and |last2=, and so on, if there is more than one author). Authors are not listed on species pages, for the most part. Find the author or authors by going to the genus or family pages using the links directly above the species description.

The family should generally be added in the parameter |family= for taxa in the Floras of North America, China, and Chile. For FNA descriptions of taxa in Asteraceae, however, add the tribe instead. The family or tribe is passed to Module:eFloras and the module returns the volume number. Or the volume can be supplied directly using the |volume= parameter.

By default, Citation Style 1 is used. Switch to Citation Style 2 using |mode=CS2.

  • {{eFloras|1|233501007|Quercus alba|family=Fagaceae |first=Kevin C. |last=Nixon | access-date = 20. октобар 2024 }}
  • {{eFloras|11|233501007|Quercus alba|first=Kevin C. |last=Nixon | access-date = 20. октобар 2024 }}
  • {{eFloras | 1 | 125519 | Pinus | family = Pinaceae | last = Kral | first = Robert | access-date = 20. октобар 2024 }}
  • {{eFloras | 2 | 240001195 | Dioscorea polystachya | family = Dioscoreaceae | first1 = Chih-chi | last1 = Ting | first2 = Michael G. | last2 = Gilbert | access-date = 20. октобар 2024 }}
  • {{eFloras | 1 | 10509 | Limnocharitaceae | family = Limnocharitaceae | rank = family | first = Robert R. | last = Haynes | access-date = 20. октобар 2024 }}
  • {{eFloras | 201 | 10136 | Buxaceae | family = Buxaceae | rank = family | access-date = 20. октобар 2024 }}
  • {{eFloras | 5 | 220004167 | Dioscorea sativa | nv | access-date = 20. октобар 2024 }}
  • {{eFloras | 5 | 250072783 | Avenula pratensis | nv | access-date = 20. октобар 2024 }}

{{eFloras | <flora_id> | <taxon_id> | <taxonName> | <validity> | first = <first name> | last = <last name> | access-date = 20. октобар 2024 }}

  • |1=flora_id
The id of the resource on eFloras.org: see the supported values below. To add one, go to {{eFloras/label}}, or ask someone to add it on the talk page.
Sample (for Pinus): 1
  • |1=taxon_id
The name of the taxon
Sample (for Pinus): 10136
  • |3=name
The name of the taxon (don't italicize)
Sample (for Pinus): Pinus
  • validity (optional)
  • |first=, |last=
The first and last name of the author of the treatment.
Sample (for Pinus): Robert, Kral
If the resource considers a taxon name to be unaccepted or a synonym, add nv.