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Википедија:Ircanje/2005 04 23 4

S Vikipedije, slobodne enciklopedije
  • [22:32] *** Angela has joined #wikipedia-sr.
  • [22:32] millosh: ok
  • [22:32] Dzordzm: switch to English
  • [22:32] Pokrajac: hi angela!
  • [22:32] millosh: so, we had two questions
  • [22:32] Angela: hi
  • [22:32] kaster: hi
  • [22:32] * Milan^Tesovic english - ON
  • [22:33] Pokrajac: haha
  • [22:33] Milan^Tesovic: hi
  • [22:33] Pokrajac: thanks for answer
  • [22:33] Sasa^Stefanovic: hi
  • [22:33] Dzordzm: howyoudo
  • [22:33] * kaster se suzdrazava od govora
  • [22:33] millosh: 1. would we implement zhengzhu's work in cyr-latin axis
  • [22:33] millosh: and
  • [22:33] millosh: 2. would we implement zhengzhu's work in ekav-iyekav axis
  • [22:33] millosh: first question had four possibilities
  • [22:34] domatrios: hallo Angela you the beautiful
  • [22:34] millosh: 1) not to change anything
  • [22:34] millosh: 2) to have mixed wiki source
  • [22:34] *** Mode change "+o Angela" for channel #wikipedia-sr by Sasa^Stefanovic.
  • [22:34] Pokrajac: my mom is *******
  • [22:34] Dzordzm: oh please :)
  • [22:34] millosh: 3) to have read-only latin and read-write cyrillic
  • [22:35] millosh: 4) to have read-write both (if it is not possible to implement in this moment, we would use 3 until 4 is possible)
  • [22:35] millosh: voting was:
  • [22:35] millosh: bonzo 4, djordje 4, domatrios 3, dzivdzan 4, Dzordzm 4, kaster 3, Milan^Tesovic 2, millosh 4, Pokrajac 4, Sasa^Stefanovic 4, VKokielov 4
  • [22:36] millosh: the other question had three possibilities:
  • [22:36] Angela: that looks good. There's a lot of agreement
  • [22:36] millosh: 1.a to implement ekav-iyekav now
  • [22:36] millosh: 1.b to implement ekav-iyekav after cyr-latin
  • [22:36] millosh: 2. not to implement ekav-iyekav
  • [22:37] millosh: voting was:
  • [22:37] millosh: bonzo 1.a, djordje 1.a, domatrios 2, dzivdzan (racunam je pod 1.b), Dzordzm 1.a, kaster 1.b, Milan^Tesovic 2, millosh 1.a, Pokrajac 1.a, Sasa^Stefanovic 1.a, VKokielov 1.b
  • [22:37] Pokrajac: racunam je pod 1.b...translate
  • [22:37] millosh: bonzo 1.a, djordje 1.a, domatrios 2, dzivdzan (assumed as 1.b), Dzordzm 1.a, kaster 1.b, Milan^Tesovic 2, millosh 1.a, Pokrajac 1.a, Sasa^Stefanovic 1.a, VKokielov 1.b
  • [22:37] millosh: dzivdzan is assumed as 1.b because she wanted implementation, but with some reserves
  • [22:38] millosh: and we articulated question after she left the channel
  • [22:38] Angela: interesting. What reasons were there to delay it?
  • [22:39] millosh: because of testing (ask them why :) )
  • [22:40] millosh: so... as significant majority is for implementation (now or with delay), i think we should continue as we started...
  • [22:40] Angela: yes, sounds great
  • [22:41] millosh: also...
  • [22:41] Milan^Tesovic: stupid
  • [22:41] Milan^Tesovic: its stupid to "transalte" -ije- to -ek-
  • [22:41] millosh: people agreed that i continue to coordinate with zhengzhu about implementation
  • [22:42] Milan^Tesovic: i see
  • [22:42] millosh: because it seems that we have some technical problems with the implementation for cyr-lat
  • [22:42] kaster: hm
  • [22:43] millosh: kaster, what do you think?
  • [22:43] Milan^Tesovic: i wasnz hete from 9pm to 10 pm
  • [22:43] Milan^Tesovic: what problems
  • [22:44] Milan^Tesovic: with cyr and lat
  • [22:44] kaster: what technical problems ?
  • [22:45] millosh: because Dzordzm said that we don't have clear solution for 4
  • [22:45] Milan^Tesovic: what do u mean?
  • [22:45] Dzordzm: I didn't say anything
  • [22:45] Milan^Tesovic: *u=you
  • [22:45] Dzordzm: I just think that's what zhengzhu said
  • [22:45] millosh: ok... Dzordzm thinks that zhengzhu said that :)
  • [22:46] Milan^Tesovic: i think that milosh thinks that Dzordzm thinks that zhengzhu_away may have sad that...
  • [22:46] millosh: :)
  • [22:47] *** Hall has joined #wikipedia-sr.
  • [22:47] Hall: Pomaze Bog braco (i sestre)! Kako ide posao ?
  • [22:47] millosh: so, if it is possible to have 4 as solution, it should be implemented
  • [22:47] millosh: (hall is bot)
  • [22:47] Pokrajac: au vidi i ovaj religiozan
  • [22:47] Dzordzm: kakva wiki takvi i botovi :)
  • [22:48] djordjes: :)
  • [22:48] millosh: but, in english, please :)
  • [22:48] Milan^Tesovic: sta?
  • [22:48] Milan^Tesovic: (hahahahaahahhahahaa)
  • [22:48] Pokrajac: jeste nazalost
  • [22:48] Dzordzm: like wiki, like the bots :)
  • [22:49] millosh: so, we have decisions... kaster, please, paste logs into some page at sr:
  • [22:49] kaster: ok
  • [22:49] kaster: complete ?
  • [22:50] millosh: i think complete is good idea
  • [22:50] millosh: separated into pages
  • [22:50] kaster: ok
  • [22:50] *** Mode change "+o Hall" for channel #wikipedia-sr by Sasa^Stefanovic.
  • [22:50] millosh: kaster, hall is infobot?
  • [22:50] kaster: no .. simpleBot
  • [22:51] Sasa^Stefanovic: :o)
  • [22:51] kaster: me writen :-)
  • [22:51] Sasa^Stefanovic: he has no brain, i mean AI
  • [22:51] Sasa^Stefanovic: :o)
  • [22:51] millosh: :) interesting
  • [22:51] kaster: yes ... just dialogs
  • [22:51] millosh: we can play with it... :)
  • [22:51] Milan^Tesovic: Hall hi
  • [22:51] Hall: Milan^Tesovic , da li se meni obracas?
  • [22:51] kaster: yes
  • [22:52] kaster: there speak just serbian .. sorry but, this is serbian wiki :-)
  • [22:52] Angela: millosh: will you send something to the mailing list about the plan you've agreed on?
  • [22:53] millosh: yes, it is good idea
  • [22:53] kaster: must :-)
  • [22:53] millosh: i forgot for that :)
  • [22:53] Dzordzm: wir koennen auch Deutsch sprachen
  • [22:53] kaster: na klar :-)
  • [22:53] Milan^Tesovic: Was?
  • [22:53] Milan^Tesovic: Dzordzm
  • [22:53] kaster: hall why ?
  • [22:54] Hall: kaster , Boze daj da i ovaj nauci jednom srpski :o)
  • [22:54] Dzordzm: selbstverstaendlich das war ein Witz
  • [22:54] Milan^Tesovic: ich kan nicht
  • [22:54] kaster: hall who ?
  • [22:54] Hall: kaster man - I speek only serbian language. Go home !
  • [22:54] Angela: I just live in Germany. I don't really speak a lot of German :)
  • [22:54] kaster: hm ... interesting
  • [22:54] Pokrajac: in which city?
  • [22:55] kaster: Frankfurt ?
  • [22:55] kaster: :-)
  • [22:55] Angela: Berlin. I just moved here a couple of months ago from the UK
  • [22:55] Pokrajac: jeeee
  • [22:55] Pokrajac: BLN!
  • [22:55] Pokrajac: cool
  • [22:55] Pokrajac: which bezirke
  • [22:55] kaster: Kreuzberg ? :-)
  • [22:55] Pokrajac: mitte
  • [22:55] Angela: if "bezirke" is the same as district - then Wedding
  • [22:56] Pokrajac: hahahaha
  • [22:56] Angela: it's in the north east
  • [22:56] Pokrajac: cool!
  • [22:56] Pokrajac: I KNOW!
  • [22:56] Pokrajac: I was there 100 times
  • [22:56] Angela: north west maybe. I'm confused :)
  • [22:56] Pokrajac: leopold platz
  • [22:56] Pokrajac: aeuner platz
  • [22:56] kaster: why you know that ?
  • [22:56] Pokrajac: osloer strasse
  • [22:56] Pokrajac: which u-bahn station?
  • [22:56] Milan^Tesovic: bahnhoff?
  • [22:57] Pokrajac: you saw berlin on sr wiki
  • [22:57] Angela: Brüsseler Str. U-bahn is SeeStrasse
  • [22:57] Pokrajac: and u-bahn on sr wiki
  • [22:57] kaster: hehhe .. u-bahn specialist :-)
  • [22:57] Pokrajac: yea yea
  • [22:57] Pokrajac: I know
  • [22:57] Dzordzm: omg Pokrajac will now add a note "Angela lives near this U-Bahn station" to the article
  • [22:57] kaster: underground specialist ? :-)
  • [22:57] Pokrajac: hahaha
  • [22:57] Pokrajac: cool
  • [22:57] Pokrajac: world is small
  • [22:57] Angela: there's a whole wiki on Berlin at (Link:
  • [22:58] Pokrajac: muller strasse
  • [22:58] Sasa^Stefanovic: hhehee
  • [22:58] Angela: yes, next to that
  • [22:58] Pokrajac: is there and luxemburher no?
  • [22:58] Pokrajac: luxemburger strasse
  • [22:58] kaster: Pokrajac, ask she what number ? :-)
  • [22:58] Angela: yes, that's near
  • [22:58] millosh: it was very hard chat to me :) ... i have to go to sleep now. i'll send emails to zhengzhu and to wikipedia-l tomorrow
  • [22:58] Pokrajac: have you been in liebenwalder strasse
  • [22:59] Pokrajac: it`s near osram
  • [22:59] Dzordzm: ok guys gotta go
  • [22:59] Dzordzm: have fun
  • [22:59] Dzordzm: .
  • [22:59] Angela: I should go now too
  • [22:59] Pokrajac: 200m meters from there
  • [22:59] Angela: goodnight all
  • [22:59] Milan^Tesovic: goodbey
  • [22:59] Pokrajac: CIAO
  • [22:59] djordjes: and i to, goodnight
  • [22:59] *** Dzordzm has signed off IRC ("Leaving").
  • [22:59] kaster: bye all
  • [22:59] Angela: let me know how zhengzhu's thing goes
  • [22:59] Angela: bye
  • [22:59] *** Angela has left #wikipedia-sr.