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English: GUIDE: Littmann Stethoscopes Review —What’s your perfect one?Is there any doctor who cannot recognize the Littmann brand?

On the one hand, you may already know that they get their name because of the innovations that Dr. Littmann made. In the early 1960s, Dr. Littmann, a doctor at Harvard Medical School, further developed the design of the stethoscopes: they went from being a rudimentary accessory to being an advanced diagnostic tool. However, what has allowed Littmann stethoscopes to reach their current state of evolution has not been their history. It has been their reputation and reliability. Although in recent years there have been brands that have managed to gain a foothold in the market, the Littmann stethoscopes still have a predominant position and remain the favorite choice of most doctors and specialists. Why do Littmann stethoscopes dominate the market? We know that they are the favorite choice of most doctors, but… What are the keys to the undeniable success of the Littmann stethoscopes? On the one hand, we should consider the unequalled standards of quality with which the stethoscopes are manufactured. While the competitors manufacture their products in Asian countries, all Littmann stethoscopes are manufactured in the United States. Some of the best models (including the Cardiology IV models) offer warranties of up to 7 years. They are tools that have been designed to last. In fact, it is not unusual for a Littmann stethoscope to last 15 to 20 years. On the other hand, they are innovative Stethoscopes . Littmann created the dual frequency diaphragm technology, which allows one to alternate between auscultations of high and low frequencies by varying the amount of pressure applied to the patient. In addition, Littmann stethoscopes are leading the market in modern electronic stethoscopes. They have practically no competition. Having said that, we should stress the importance of the Littmann dual frequency diaphragms. Maybe you have never had a Littmann stethoscope before or you have used other brands and you do not know about this distinctive and characteristic feature.

(If you already know about this feature of the Littmann stethoscopes, you can go directly to the table that compares the models below.A doctors stethoscope, lilac coloured, close up of stethoscope head.
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11. август 2008

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тренутна15:28, 11. август 2008.Минијатура за верзију на дан 15:28, 11. август 2008.2.304 × 1.761 (602 kB)Stethoscopes{{Information |Description={{en|1=A doctors stethoscope, lilac coloured, close up of stethoscope head.}} |Source=Own work by uploader |Author=Stethoscopes |Date=11 August 2008 |Permission= |other_versions= }} <!--{{ImageUpload|full}

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