Судопера — разлика између измена

С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије
Садржај обрисан Садржај додат
м Враћене измене корисника Lazarus94 (разговор) на последњу измену корисника Filipović Zoran
ознака: враћање
ознака: везе до вишезначних одредница
Ред 1: Ред 1:
{{Short description|Водоводни уређај у облику посуде}}{{rut}}
[[Датотека:Umywalka Nova Top Kolo.jpg|thumb|300px|Класичан керамички умиваоник]]
[[Датотека:Luxury sink.jpg|thumb|250px|A sink/basin in a [[bathroom]]]]
'''Судопера''' (такође '''умиваоник''' или '''лавабо''') је посуда са [[водовод]]ом учвршћена за зид и користи се за прање [[руке|руку]], за прање посуђа или друге сврхе. Генерално, судопере се састоје од [[чесма (вишезначна одредница)|чесме]] (ткз. славине или стручно батерије), која снабдева топлом и хладном водом и може појачавати и смањивати притисак воде. Такође, састоје се и од одводне цеви која служи да уклони употребљену воду. Ова одводна цев може да има и мрежицу за искључивање уређаја ради превенције од преливања уређај. Судопере такође могу имати интегрисану [[сапун]] посуду.
[[Датотека:Enamel wash basin and jug, South Africa.jpg|thumb|250px|Enamel washbowl and [[jug]]]]
[[Датотека:Umywalka Nova Top Kolo.jpg|thumb|250px|Класичан керамички умиваоник]]

'''Судопера''' (такође '''умиваоник''' или '''лавабо''') је посуда са [[водовод]]ом учвршћена за зид и користи се за прање [[руке|руку]], за прање посуђа или друге сврхе. Генерално, судопере се састоје од [[чесма (вишезначна одредница)|чесме]] (ткз. славине или стручно батерије), која снабдева топлом и хладном водом и може појачавати и смањивати притисак воде. Такође, састоје се и од одводне цеви која служи да уклони употребљену воду. Ова одводна цев може да има и мрежицу за искључивање уређаја ради превенције од преливања уређај. Судопере такође могу имати интегрисану [[сапун]] посуду.<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://kupatilce.in.rs/izaberite-pravi-lavabo/|title=Lavabo za kupatilo - kako izabrati onaj pravi|last=Marketing|first=Sooper|date=2018-06-22|website=Kupatilce|access-date=2021-04-08}}</ref>

Када се судопера зачепи, људи обично прибегавају да користите хемијска средства за чишћење одводних цеви или клипова, иако већина професионалних водоинсталатера ће то отчепити са одводном спиралом (познатом и као „водоинсталатерска змија").
Када се судопера зачепи, људи обично прибегавају да користите хемијска средства за чишћење одводних цеви или клипова, иако већина професионалних водоинсталатера ће то отчепити са одводном спиралом (познатом и као „водоинсталатерска змија").

== Историја ==
=== Врсте лавабоа<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://kupatilce.in.rs/izaberite-pravi-lavabo/|title=Lavabo za kupatilo - kako izabrati onaj pravi|last=Marketing|first=Sooper|date=2018-06-22|website=Kupatilce|access-date=2021-04-08}}</ref> (умиваоника) ===
[[Датотека:Bell-krater louterion Louvre CA1341.jpg|thumb|250px|Woman washing at a water basin (''louterion''). Side B from an [[Ancient Greece|Ancient Greek]] Boeotian [[Red-figure pottery|red-figure]] bell-[[krater]], 450–425 BC. From [[Boeotia]].]]

===United States===
==== Класичан тип ====
The [[washstand]] was a bathroom sink made in the United States in the late 18th century.<ref name=ohj>[https://books.google.com/books?id=3BYa3h-UGooC Sinks]. ''The Old-House Journal''; August 1986, Vol. 14, No. 6: pp. 270–77. Published by Active Interest Media, Inc. {{ISSN|0094-0178}}</ref> The washstands were small tables on which were placed a pitcher and a deep bowl, following the English tradition. Sometimes the table had a hole where the large bowl rested, which led to the making of dry sinks. From about 1820 to 1900, the dry sink evolved by the addition of a wooden cabinet with a trough built on the top, lined with [[zinc]] or lead.<ref name=ohj /> This is where the bowls or buckets for water were kept. Splashboards were sometimes added to the back wall, as well as shelves and drawers, the more elaborate designs usually placed in the kitchen.
Најпопуларнији умиваоник јесте са постољем а он се лако монтира. Постоји низ стилова и величина. На располагању су две опције – са стубом и полустубом. Стуб се ослања на под на којем се лавабо налази а он се шрафи у зид. Овај тип пружа одличан начин да сакријете сифон и цеви. Стуб омогућава већи и тежи лавабо, и стога је идеална опција за породично купатило. Лавабо са стубом је тип који се најлакше уклапа у простор.

==== Лавабо са полу стубом ====
Монтира се на зид и може да сакрије сифон. Пошто стуб не стиже до пода, пружа илузију већег простора, што чини да ваше мало купатило изгледа веће и лакше за чишћење. Ако изаберете ову врсту лавабоа, морате бити сигурни да је зид довољно јак да подржи његову тежину.

==== Зидни лавабо ====
Овај умиваоник је одлична опција за мала купатила, и може се монтирати на жељену висину. Будући да је сифон видљив, можда ћете желети да поставите хромирани а не пластични и постигнете лепши изглед.

==== Угаони лавабо ====
Ако имате мало купатило или опремате мали тоалет, онда ћете можда желети да се одлучите за углаони лавабо. Овакав стил помаже да се што боље искористи простор који би у супротном могао бити згубљен. Овде такође постоји опција да одаберете хромирани сифон и постигнете лепши изглед.

==== Уградни лавабо ====
Овакав тип лавабоа уграђује се у ормариће и може бити различитих димензија и облика. Нарочито су популарни лавабои равних ивица па не заузимају вишак простора.

==== Надградни лавабо ====
За елегантан и савремени изглед, надградни лавабо је савршен. Ова врста лавабоа, како сам назив каже, дизајниран је тако да се поставља на постоље или ормарић и лежи на њему. Многи надградни лавабои не садрже отворе за славину, тако да ћете морати да изаберете славину са високим телом.

== Материјали судопере ==
== Материјали судопере ==
[[Датотека:Faucet in a bathroom sink.jpg|мини|250px|Славина]]
[[Датотека:Gootsteenstop.png|мини|лево|250px|Обична рупа одвода]]

Судопере могу бити направљене од различитих материјала. Неки од њих су:
Судопере могу бити направљене од различитих материјала. Неки од њих су:
{{div col|colwidth=20em}}
* [[Нерђајући челици|Нерђајући челик]]
* [[Нерђајући челици|Нерђајући челик]]
* [[Емајл]] у [[челик]]у или [[ливено гвожђе]]
* [[Емајл]] у [[челик]]у или [[ливено гвожђе]]
Ред 40: Ред 33:
* [[Стакло]]
* [[Стакло]]
* [[Гранит]]
* [[Гранит]]
{{div col end}}

[[Stainless steel|Нерђајући челик]] се најчешће користи у кухињама и на местима пословног простора, јер има приступачну цене, а такође одликује широку употребљивост, добром дужином трајања и лакоћу чишћења.<ref>{{cite web|last1=M. Sadler|first1=Michael|title=Usage of Stainless Steel Kitchen Sink|url=https://www.nivito.com/kitchen/kitchen-sink/cu-500-series.html?surface=brushed-steel&option=brushed-steel|website=www.nivito.com|access-date=28 February 2015|date=11 September 2010}}</ref> Most stainless steel sinks are made by [[Drawing (manufacturing)|drawing]] a [[sheet metal|sheet]] of stainless steel over a [[Die (manufacturing)|die]]. Some very deep sinks are fabricated by [[welding]]. Stainless steel sinks will not be damaged by hot or cold objects and resist damage from impacts. One disadvantage of stainless steel is that, being made of thin metal, they tend to be [[Noise|noisier]] than most other sink materials, although better sinks apply a heavy coating of vibration-damping material to the underside of the sink.<ref>{{cite web|last1=Julie|first1=Taylor|title=הלבשת אמבטיה|url=http://www.bath.co.il/הלבשת-אמבטיה/|website=www.bath.co.il|access-date=14 June 2016|date=15 February 2008}}</ref>
[[Датотека:Faucet in a bathroom sink.jpg|мини|Славина]]

[[Датотека:Gootsteenstop.png|мини|лево|Обична рупа одвода]]
Enamel over cast iron is a popular material for kitchen and bathroom sinks. Heavy and durable, these sinks can also be manufactured in a very wide range of shapes and colors. Like stainless steel, they are very resistant to hot or cold objects, but they can be damaged by sharp impacts and once the glass surface is breached, the underlying cast iron will often corrode, [[spall]]ing off more of the glass. Aggressive cleaning will dull the surface, leading to more dirt accumulation. Enamel over steel is a similar-appearing but far less rugged and less cost-effective alternative.
[[Датотека:Sink at Ritz Carlton Dubai.jpg|thumb|250px|Double sink with a marble countertop]]

Solid ceramic sinks have many of the same characteristics as enamel over cast iron, but without the risk of surface damage leading to corrosion.

Plastic sinks come in several basic forms:
* Inexpensive sinks are simply made using injection-molded [[thermoplastic]]s. These are often deep, free-standing sinks used in laundry rooms. Subject to damage by hot or sharp objects, the principal virtue of these sinks is their low cost.
* High-end [[acrylic glass|acrylic]] drop-in (lowered into the countertop) and undermount (attached from the bottom) sinks are becoming more popular, although they tend to be easily damaged by hard objects – like scouring a cast iron [[frying pan]] in the sink.
* Plastic sinks may also be made from the same materials used to form "solid surface" [[countertop]]s. These sinks are durable, attractive, and can often be molded with an integrated countertop or joined to a separate countertop in a seamless fashion, leading to no sink-to-countertop joint or a very smooth sink-to-countertop joint that can not trap dirt or germs. These sinks are subject to damage by hot objects but damaged areas can sometimes be [[Sandpaper|sanded]] down to expose undamaged material.

Soapstone sinks were once common, but today tend to be used only in very-high-end applications or applications that must resist [[Caustic (substance)|caustic]] chemicals that would damage more-conventional sinks.

Wood sinks are from the early days of sinks, and baths were made from natural [[teak]] with no additional finishing. Teak is chosen because of its natural waterproofing properties – it has been used for hundreds of years in the marine industry for this reason. Teak also has natural antiseptic properties, which is a bonus for its use in baths and sinks.

Glass sinks: A current trend in bathroom design is the handmade glass sink (often referred to as a vessel sink), which has become fashionable for wealthy homeowners.

Stone sinks have been used for ages. Some of the more popular stones used are: marble, travertine, onyx, granite, and soap stone on high end sinks.

Glass, concrete, and [[terrazzo]] sinks are usually designed for their [[Aesthetics|aesthetic appeal]] and can be obtained in a wide variety of unusual shapes and colors such as [[Flower|floral]] shapes. Concrete and terrazzo are occasionally also used in very-heavy-duty applications such as janitorial sinks.

== Врсте лавабоа (умиваоника) ==

=== Класичан тип ===
Најпопуларнији умиваоник јесте са постољем а он се лако монтира. Постоји низ стилова и величина. На располагању су две опције – са стубом и полустубом. Стуб се ослања на под на којем се лавабо налази а он се шрафи у зид. Овај тип пружа одличан начин да сакријете сифон и цеви. Стуб омогућава већи и тежи лавабо, и стога је идеална опција за породично купатило. Лавабо са стубом је тип који се најлакше уклапа у простор.

=== Лавабо са полу стубом ===
Монтира се на зид и може да сакрије сифон. Пошто стуб не стиже до пода, пружа илузију већег простора, што чини да ваше мало купатило изгледа веће и лакше за чишћење. Ако изаберете ову врсту лавабоа, морате бити сигурни да је зид довољно јак да подржи његову тежину.

=== Зидни лавабо ===
Овај умиваоник је одлична опција за мала купатила, и може се монтирати на жељену висину. Будући да је сифон видљив, можда ћете желети да поставите хромирани а не пластични и постигнете лепши изглед.

=== Угаони лавабо ===
Ако имате мало купатило или опремате мали тоалет, онда ћете можда желети да се одлучите за углаони лавабо. Овакав стил помаже да се што боље искористи простор који би у супротном могао бити згубљен. Овде такође постоји опција да одаберете хромирани сифон и постигнете лепши изглед.

=== Уградни лавабо ===
Овакав тип лавабоа уграђује се у ормариће и може бити различитих димензија и облика. Нарочито су популарни лавабои равних ивица па не заузимају вишак простора.

=== Надградни лавабо ===
За елегантан и савремени изглед, надградни лавабо је савршен. Ова врста лавабоа, како сам назив каже, дизајниран је тако да се поставља на постоље или ормарић и лежи на њему. Многи надградни лавабои не садрже отворе за славину, тако да ћете морати да изаберете славину са високим телом.

== Стилови ==
[[Датотека:Stainless Steel Sink.jpg|thumb|250px|Bathroom [[stainless steel]] vessel sink standing on a [[wood]] surface]]
[[Датотека:Sink.jpg|thumb|left|250px|Sinks are available in many colors]]

===Top-mount sinks===
{{Anchor|Self-rimming|top-mount|srs|tms}}''Self-rimming'' (''top-mount'') sinks sit in appropriately shaped holes roughly cut in the countertop (or substrate material) using a [[jigsaw (power tool)|jigsaw]] or other cutter appropriate to the material at hand. They are suspended by their rim which forms a fairly close seal with the top surface of the worktop. If necessary, this seal can be enhanced by clamping the sink from below the worktop.

===Bottom-mount sinks===
[[Датотека:Hemingway marble vanity.jpg|thumb|250п|A bottom mount sink at the [[Ernest Hemingway House]]]]
{{Anchor|Bottom-mount|under-mount|bms|ums}}''Bottom-mount'' or ''under-mount'' sinks are installed below the countertop surface. The edge of the countertop material is exposed at the hole created for the sink (and so must be a carefully finished edge rather than a rough cut). The sink is then clamped to the bottom of the material from below. Especially for bottom-mount sinks, [[silicone]]-based sealants are usually used to assure a waterproof joint between the sink and the countertop material. Advantages of an undermount sink include superior [[ergonomics]] and a contemporary look; disadvantages include extra cost in both the sink and the counter top. Also, no matter how carefully the cut out is made, the result is either a small ledge or overhang at the interface with the sink. This can create an environment for catching dirt and allowing germs to grow.

Solid-surface plastic materials allow sinks to be made of the same plastic material as the countertop. These sinks can then easily be glued to the underside of the countertop material and the joint sanded flat, creating the usual invisible joint and completely eliminating any dirt-catching seam between the sink and the countertop. In a similar fashion, for stainless steel, a sink may be [[Welding|welded]] into the countertop; the joint is then [[Grinding machine|ground]] to create a finished, concealed appearance.

===Butler's sink===
{{Anchor|butler|bs|butlers}}A ''butler's sink'' is a rectangular ceramic sink with a rounded rim which is set into a work surface.<ref name="Blower232">Blower, 2006, p. 232.</ref> There are generally two kinds of butler's sinks: the London sink and the Belfast sink.<ref name="Blower232" /> In 2006, both types of sinks usually were {{convert|61|cm|in}} across and {{convert|46|cm|in}} front-to-back, with a depth of {{convert|22.5|cm|in}}.<ref>Blower, 2006, p. 232-233.</ref> London sinks were originally shallower than Belfast sinks.<ref name="Blower232" /> (One plumbing guide in 1921 suggested that the Belfast sink was {{convert|38|cm|in}} deep.)<ref>Fletcher, 1921, p. 96.</ref> Some believe this was because London had less access to fresh water (and thus a greater need to conserve water), but this theory is now contested. It is more likely the two sinks had different roles within the household.{{citation needed|date=August 2019}} But that difference usually does not exist in the modern era, and both sinks are now shallow.<ref name="Blower232" /> The primary difference both in the past and today between a Belfast and London sink is that the Belfast sink is fitted with an overflow [[weir]] which prevented water from spilling over the sink's edge by draining it away and down into the wastewater [[plumbing]].<ref>Blower, 2006, p. 233.</ref>

===Farmer's sink===
A ''farmer's sink'' is a deep sink that has a finished front. Set onto a countertop, the finished front of the sink remains exposed. This style of sink requires very little "reach-over" to access the sink.

===Vessel sink===
A ''vessel sink'' is a free-standing sink, generally finished and decorated on all sides, that sits directly on the surface of the furniture on which it is mounted. These sinks have become increasingly popular with bathroom designers because of the large range of materials, styles, and finishes that can be shown to good advantage.

Нерђајући челик се најчешће користи у кухињама и на местима пословног простора, јер има приступачну цене, а такође одликује широку употребљивост, добром дужином трајања и лакоћу чишћења. Неке дубље судопере су измишљене заваривањем.
== Напомене ==
== Напомене ==
Речи умиваоник и лавабо су синоними за судоперу, али се реч судопера ипак више користи за предмет у кухињи, а ова друга два за предмет у купатилу, нарочито у случајевима кад се у купатилу пере суђе.
Речи умиваоник и лавабо су синоними за судоперу, али се реч судопера ипак више користи за предмет у кухињи, а ова друга два за предмет у купатилу, нарочито у случајевима кад се у купатилу пере суђе.

== Референце ==

== Литература ==
* {{cite book |last1=Blower|first1=G. J.|title=Plumbing: mechanical services|date=2006|publisher=Prentice Hall |location=Harlow|isbn=0131976214|edition=5th }}
* Fletcher, Banister Flight, Sir. ''Architectural Hygiene''. London: Sir I. Pitman & Sons, 1921.
* {{cite web|url=http://www.lvrj.com/news/47195482.html|title=UNLV professor targets 'wasteful' dipper wells|last=Brean|first=Henry|date=8 June 2009|work=Las Vegas Review-Journal|page=1B|accessdate=7 June 2010}}
* {{cite web |url=http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking%2BNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_287209.html
|title=Starbucks' taps left running|last=Tan|first=Amelia|date=8 October 2008|work=Straits Times|accessdate=7 June 2010|location=Singapore}}
* {{cite web |url=http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=healthcare.fisher_nickel_feb_2005|title=Best Practices — Dipper well|work=[[Energy Star]]|accessdate=8 June 2010}}
* {{cite book|last=Vogel|first=Hans J.|title=Drug Discovery and Evaluation|year=2002|publisher=Springer|location=Berlin|isbn=3-540-42396-6}}
* {{cite web |url=http://articles.latimes.com/1988-07-15/local/me-6948_1_ice-cream/2|title=People and Events|last=Jones|first=Jack|date=15 July 1988|work=Los Angeles Times|page=2|accessdate=7 June 2010|location=Los Angeles, California}}
* {{cite web |url=https://abcnews.go.com/International/SmartHome/story?id=5964908&page=1|title=Starbucks Wasting More Than 6 Million Gallons of Water a Day|last=Victor|first=Philip|date=6 October 2008|work=ABC News|accessdate=7 June 2010|location=London}}
* {{cite web |url=http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking%2BNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_288502.html|title=Taps turned off|last=Tan|first=Amelia|date=11 October 2008|work=Straits Times|accessdate=8 June 2010|location=Singapore}}
* {{cite web |url=http://www.caterersearch.com/Articles/2008/10/08/323956/starbucks-wasted-water-row-ignites-debate.htm|title=Starbucks wasted water row ignites debate|last=Boughton|first=Ian|date=8 October 2008|work=CatererSearch.com|accessdate=8 June 2010}}
* {{cite book |last1=Ferguson |first1=Everett |title=Encyclopedia of Early Christianity: Second Edition |date=8 October 2013 |publisher=Routledge |isbn=978-1-136-61158-2 |page=6 |language=en}}
* {{cite book |last1=Soloviĭ |first1=Meletiĭ M. |title=Eastern Liturgical Theology: General Introduction |date=1970 |publisher=Ukrainian Catholic Religion and Culture Society of Etobicoke (Toronto) and Ukrainian Catholic Youth of Canada |page=68 |language=en }}
* {{cite book |author1=Ian Bradley |author-link=Ian Bradley |title=Water: A Spiritual History |date=2 November 2012 |publisher=[[Bloomsbury Publishing]] |isbn=978-1-4411-6767-5 |language=en}}
* {{Citation | last =Fortescue | first =Adrian | author-link =Adrian Fortescue | contribution =Lavabo | year =1910 | title =[[The Catholic Encyclopedia]] | volume =IX | place =New York | publisher =Robert Appleton Company | contribution-url = http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09044b.htm | access-date =2008-01-14}}


== Спољашње везе ==
== Спољашње везе ==
Ред 54: Ред 134:



Верзија на датум 31. децембар 2022. у 03:48

A sink/basin in a bathroom
Enamel washbowl and jug
Класичан керамички умиваоник

Судопера (такође умиваоник или лавабо) је посуда са водоводом учвршћена за зид и користи се за прање руку, за прање посуђа или друге сврхе. Генерално, судопере се састоје од чесме (ткз. славине или стручно батерије), која снабдева топлом и хладном водом и може појачавати и смањивати притисак воде. Такође, састоје се и од одводне цеви која служи да уклони употребљену воду. Ова одводна цев може да има и мрежицу за искључивање уређаја ради превенције од преливања уређај. Судопере такође могу имати интегрисану сапун посуду.[1]

Када се судопера зачепи, људи обично прибегавају да користите хемијска средства за чишћење одводних цеви или клипова, иако већина професионалних водоинсталатера ће то отчепити са одводном спиралом (познатом и као „водоинсталатерска змија").


Woman washing at a water basin (louterion). Side B from an Ancient Greek Boeotian red-figure bell-krater, 450–425 BC. From Boeotia.

United States

The washstand was a bathroom sink made in the United States in the late 18th century.[2] The washstands were small tables on which were placed a pitcher and a deep bowl, following the English tradition. Sometimes the table had a hole where the large bowl rested, which led to the making of dry sinks. From about 1820 to 1900, the dry sink evolved by the addition of a wooden cabinet with a trough built on the top, lined with zinc or lead.[2] This is where the bowls or buckets for water were kept. Splashboards were sometimes added to the back wall, as well as shelves and drawers, the more elaborate designs usually placed in the kitchen.

Материјали судопере

Обична рупа одвода

Судопере могу бити направљене од различитих материјала. Неки од њих су:

Нерђајући челик се најчешће користи у кухињама и на местима пословног простора, јер има приступачну цене, а такође одликује широку употребљивост, добром дужином трајања и лакоћу чишћења.[3] Most stainless steel sinks are made by drawing a sheet of stainless steel over a die. Some very deep sinks are fabricated by welding. Stainless steel sinks will not be damaged by hot or cold objects and resist damage from impacts. One disadvantage of stainless steel is that, being made of thin metal, they tend to be noisier than most other sink materials, although better sinks apply a heavy coating of vibration-damping material to the underside of the sink.[4]

Enamel over cast iron is a popular material for kitchen and bathroom sinks. Heavy and durable, these sinks can also be manufactured in a very wide range of shapes and colors. Like stainless steel, they are very resistant to hot or cold objects, but they can be damaged by sharp impacts and once the glass surface is breached, the underlying cast iron will often corrode, spalling off more of the glass. Aggressive cleaning will dull the surface, leading to more dirt accumulation. Enamel over steel is a similar-appearing but far less rugged and less cost-effective alternative.

Double sink with a marble countertop

Solid ceramic sinks have many of the same characteristics as enamel over cast iron, but without the risk of surface damage leading to corrosion.

Plastic sinks come in several basic forms:

  • Inexpensive sinks are simply made using injection-molded thermoplastics. These are often deep, free-standing sinks used in laundry rooms. Subject to damage by hot or sharp objects, the principal virtue of these sinks is their low cost.
  • High-end acrylic drop-in (lowered into the countertop) and undermount (attached from the bottom) sinks are becoming more popular, although they tend to be easily damaged by hard objects – like scouring a cast iron frying pan in the sink.
  • Plastic sinks may also be made from the same materials used to form "solid surface" countertops. These sinks are durable, attractive, and can often be molded with an integrated countertop or joined to a separate countertop in a seamless fashion, leading to no sink-to-countertop joint or a very smooth sink-to-countertop joint that can not trap dirt or germs. These sinks are subject to damage by hot objects but damaged areas can sometimes be sanded down to expose undamaged material.

Soapstone sinks were once common, but today tend to be used only in very-high-end applications or applications that must resist caustic chemicals that would damage more-conventional sinks.

Wood sinks are from the early days of sinks, and baths were made from natural teak with no additional finishing. Teak is chosen because of its natural waterproofing properties – it has been used for hundreds of years in the marine industry for this reason. Teak also has natural antiseptic properties, which is a bonus for its use in baths and sinks.

Glass sinks: A current trend in bathroom design is the handmade glass sink (often referred to as a vessel sink), which has become fashionable for wealthy homeowners.

Stone sinks have been used for ages. Some of the more popular stones used are: marble, travertine, onyx, granite, and soap stone on high end sinks.

Glass, concrete, and terrazzo sinks are usually designed for their aesthetic appeal and can be obtained in a wide variety of unusual shapes and colors such as floral shapes. Concrete and terrazzo are occasionally also used in very-heavy-duty applications such as janitorial sinks.

Врсте лавабоа (умиваоника)

Класичан тип

Најпопуларнији умиваоник јесте са постољем а он се лако монтира. Постоји низ стилова и величина. На располагању су две опције – са стубом и полустубом. Стуб се ослања на под на којем се лавабо налази а он се шрафи у зид. Овај тип пружа одличан начин да сакријете сифон и цеви. Стуб омогућава већи и тежи лавабо, и стога је идеална опција за породично купатило. Лавабо са стубом је тип који се најлакше уклапа у простор.

Лавабо са полу стубом

Монтира се на зид и може да сакрије сифон. Пошто стуб не стиже до пода, пружа илузију већег простора, што чини да ваше мало купатило изгледа веће и лакше за чишћење. Ако изаберете ову врсту лавабоа, морате бити сигурни да је зид довољно јак да подржи његову тежину.

Зидни лавабо

Овај умиваоник је одлична опција за мала купатила, и може се монтирати на жељену висину. Будући да је сифон видљив, можда ћете желети да поставите хромирани а не пластични и постигнете лепши изглед.

Угаони лавабо

Ако имате мало купатило или опремате мали тоалет, онда ћете можда желети да се одлучите за углаони лавабо. Овакав стил помаже да се што боље искористи простор који би у супротном могао бити згубљен. Овде такође постоји опција да одаберете хромирани сифон и постигнете лепши изглед.

Уградни лавабо

Овакав тип лавабоа уграђује се у ормариће и може бити различитих димензија и облика. Нарочито су популарни лавабои равних ивица па не заузимају вишак простора.

Надградни лавабо

За елегантан и савремени изглед, надградни лавабо је савршен. Ова врста лавабоа, како сам назив каже, дизајниран је тако да се поставља на постоље или ормарић и лежи на њему. Многи надградни лавабои не садрже отворе за славину, тако да ћете морати да изаберете славину са високим телом.


Bathroom stainless steel vessel sink standing on a wood surface
Sinks are available in many colors

Top-mount sinks

Self-rimming (top-mount) sinks sit in appropriately shaped holes roughly cut in the countertop (or substrate material) using a jigsaw or other cutter appropriate to the material at hand. They are suspended by their rim which forms a fairly close seal with the top surface of the worktop. If necessary, this seal can be enhanced by clamping the sink from below the worktop.

Bottom-mount sinks

A bottom mount sink at the Ernest Hemingway House

Bottom-mount or under-mount sinks are installed below the countertop surface. The edge of the countertop material is exposed at the hole created for the sink (and so must be a carefully finished edge rather than a rough cut). The sink is then clamped to the bottom of the material from below. Especially for bottom-mount sinks, silicone-based sealants are usually used to assure a waterproof joint between the sink and the countertop material. Advantages of an undermount sink include superior ergonomics and a contemporary look; disadvantages include extra cost in both the sink and the counter top. Also, no matter how carefully the cut out is made, the result is either a small ledge or overhang at the interface with the sink. This can create an environment for catching dirt and allowing germs to grow.

Solid-surface plastic materials allow sinks to be made of the same plastic material as the countertop. These sinks can then easily be glued to the underside of the countertop material and the joint sanded flat, creating the usual invisible joint and completely eliminating any dirt-catching seam between the sink and the countertop. In a similar fashion, for stainless steel, a sink may be welded into the countertop; the joint is then ground to create a finished, concealed appearance.

Butler's sink

A butler's sink is a rectangular ceramic sink with a rounded rim which is set into a work surface.[5] There are generally two kinds of butler's sinks: the London sink and the Belfast sink.[5] In 2006, both types of sinks usually were 61 cm (24 in) across and 46 cm (18 in) front-to-back, with a depth of 225 cm (89 in).[6] London sinks were originally shallower than Belfast sinks.[5] (One plumbing guide in 1921 suggested that the Belfast sink was 38 cm (15 in) deep.)[7] Some believe this was because London had less access to fresh water (and thus a greater need to conserve water), but this theory is now contested. It is more likely the two sinks had different roles within the household.[тражи се извор] But that difference usually does not exist in the modern era, and both sinks are now shallow.[5] The primary difference both in the past and today between a Belfast and London sink is that the Belfast sink is fitted with an overflow weir which prevented water from spilling over the sink's edge by draining it away and down into the wastewater plumbing.[8]

Farmer's sink

A farmer's sink is a deep sink that has a finished front. Set onto a countertop, the finished front of the sink remains exposed. This style of sink requires very little "reach-over" to access the sink.

Vessel sink

A vessel sink is a free-standing sink, generally finished and decorated on all sides, that sits directly on the surface of the furniture on which it is mounted. These sinks have become increasingly popular with bathroom designers because of the large range of materials, styles, and finishes that can be shown to good advantage.


Речи умиваоник и лавабо су синоними за судоперу, али се реч судопера ипак више користи за предмет у кухињи, а ова друга два за предмет у купатилу, нарочито у случајевима кад се у купатилу пере суђе.


  1. ^ Marketing, Sooper (2018-06-22). „Lavabo za kupatilo - kako izabrati onaj pravi”. Kupatilce. Приступљено 2021-04-08. 
  2. ^ а б Sinks. The Old-House Journal; August 1986, Vol. 14, No. 6: pp. 270–77. Published by Active Interest Media, Inc. ISSN 0094-0178
  3. ^ M. Sadler, Michael (11. 9. 2010). „Usage of Stainless Steel Kitchen Sink”. www.nivito.com. Приступљено 28. 2. 2015. 
  4. ^ Julie, Taylor (15. 2. 2008). „הלבשת אמבטיה”. www.bath.co.il. Приступљено 14. 6. 2016. 
  5. ^ а б в г Blower, 2006, p. 232.
  6. ^ Blower, 2006, p. 232-233.
  7. ^ Fletcher, 1921, p. 96.
  8. ^ Blower, 2006, p. 233.


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