Самјуел Батлер
Самјуел Батлер | |
Лични подаци | |
Датум рођења | 4. децембар 1835. |
Место рођења | Лангар, Нотинхемшир, Енглеска, |
Датум смрти | 18. јун 1902.66 год.) ( |
Самјуел Батлер (4. децембар 1835 — 18. јун 1902) је био енглески романописац и критичар на чије је стваралаштво снажно утицао боравак на Новом Зеланду. Најпознатији је по утопијској сатири Еревхон и постхумном роману Пут целог тела (објављен постхумно 1903. са значајним ревизијама и објављен у првобитном облику 1964. као Ернест Понтифек или Пут свог тела). Оба романа су остала у штампи од првог објављивања. У другим студијама испитивао је хришћанску ортодоксију, еволуциону мисао, италијанску уметност и направио прозне преводе Илијаде и Odiseje koji se još uvek koriste.[1][2]
Главни радови
[уреди | уреди извор]- Darwin among the Machines (1863, largely incorporated into Erewhon)[3]
- Lucubratio Ebria (1865)[3]
- Erewhon, or Over the Range (1872)
- Life and Habit (1878). Trubner (reissued by Cambridge University Press, 2009; ISBN 978-1-108-00551-7)
- Evolution, Old and New; Or, the Theories of Buffon, Dr. Erasmus Darwin, and Lamarck, as compared with that of Charles Darwin (1879)
- Unconscious Memory (1880)
- Alps and Sanctuaries of Piedmont and the Canton Ticino (1881)
- Luck or Cunning as the Main Means of Organic Modification? (1887)
- Ex Voto; An Account of the Sacro Monte or New Jerusalem at Verallo-Sesia. With some notice of Tabachetti's remaining work at the Sanctuary of Crea (1888)
- The Life and Letters of Dr. Samuel Butler, Head-Master of Shrewsbury School 1798–1836, and Afterwards Bishop of Lichfield, In So Far as They Illustrate the Scholastic, Religious, and Social Life of England, 1790–1840. By His Grandson, Samuel Butler (1896, two volumes)
- The Authoress of the Odyssey (1897)
- The Iliad of Homer, Rendered into English Prose (1898)
- Shakespeare's Sonnets Reconsidered (1899)
- The Odyssey of Homer, Rendered into English Prose (1900)
- Erewhon Revisited Twenty Years Later: Both by the Original Discoverer of the Country and by His Son (1901)
- The Way of All Flesh (1903), text of original manuscript published as Ernest Pontifex or The Way of All Flesh (1964)[4]
- God the Known and God the Unknown (1909). This is a revised edition, posthumously published. R.A. Streatfeild's "Prefatory Note" to it states that the original edition "first appeared in the form of a series of articles which were published in 'The Examiner' in May, June and July, 1879."[5]
- The Note-Books of Samuel Butler Selections arranged and edited by Henry Festing Jones (1912)
- Further Extracts from the Note-Books of Samuel Butler chosen and edited by A.T. Bartholomew (1934)
- Samuel Butler's Notebooks Selections edited by Geoffrey Keynes and Brian Hill (1951)
- The Family Letters of Samuel Butler 1841-1886 Selected, Edited and Introduced by Arnold Silver (1962)
- Howard, Daniel F., ур. (1962). The Correspondence of Samuel Butler with His Sister May. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
- The Fair Haven (attributed to 'John Pickard Owen', 1873, new edition 1913, revised and corrected edition 1923; considers inconsistencies between the Gospels)
- A First Year in Canterbury Settlement With Other Early Essays (1914)
- Selected Essays (1927)
- Butleriana, A. T. Bartholomew, ed. (1932). Bloomsbury: The Nonesuch Press
- The Essential Samuel Butler Selected with an Introduction by G. D. H. Cole (1950)
[уреди | уреди извор]- ^ „Samuel Butler and Art | StJohns”.
- ^ „Samuel Butler | Artist | Royal Academy of Arts”.
- ^ а б Basil Willey – Samuel Butler: English author [1835-1902] Britannica [Retrieved 2016-06-13]
- ^ Lauterbach, Edward S. (20. 2. 1964). „A Definitive Edition of Ernest Pontifex”. English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920. 7 (4): 248—249 — преко Project MUSE.
- ^ The revised edition was also published as God: Known and Unknown (Girard, Kansas: Haldeman-Julius Company, no date).
[уреди | уреди извор]- G. D. H. Cole (1947), Samuel Butler and The Way of All Flesh. London: Home & Van Thal Ltd
- Mrs. R. S. Garnett (1926), Samuel Butler and His Family Relations. London/Toronto: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd
- Phyllis Greenacre, M.D. (1963), The Quest for the Father: A Study of the Darwin-Butler Controversy, as a Contribution to the Understanding of the Creative Individual. New York: International Universities Press, Inc.
- Felix Grendon (1918), Samuel Butler's God. North American Review, Vol. 208, No. 753, pp. 277–286
- John F. Harris (1916), Samuel Butler, Author of Erewhon: The Man and His Work. London: Grant Richards Ltd
- Philip Henderson (1954), Samuel Butler: The Incarnate Bachelor. Bloomington: Indiana University Press
- Lee Elbert Holt (1941), Samuel Butler and His Victorian Critics. ELH, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 146–159. The Johns Hopkins University Press
- Lee Elbert Holt (1964), Samuel Butler. New York: Twayne Publishers, Inc.
- Thomas L. Jeffers (1981), Samuel Butler Revalued. University Park: Penn State University Press
- C. E. M. Joad (1924), Samuel Butler (1835–1902). London: Leonard Parsons
- Joseph Jones (1959), The Cradle of Erewhon: Samuel Butler in New Zealand. Austin: University of Texas Press
- Steven Mintz (1983), A Prison of Expectations: The Family in Victorian Culture. New York University Press
- Malcolm Muggeridge (1936), The Earnest Atheist: A Study of Samuel Butler. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode
- James G. Paradis, ed. (2007), Samuel Butler, Victorian against the Grain: A Critical Overview. University of Toronto Press
- Peter Raby (1991), Samuel Butler: A Biography. University of Iowa Press.
- Robert F. Rattray (1914), The Philosophy of Samuel Butler. Mind, Vol. 23, No. 91, pp. 371–385
- Robert F. Rattray (1935), Samuel Butler: A Chronicle and an Introduction. London: Duckworth
- Elinor Shaffer (1988), Erewhons of the Eye: Samuel Butler as Painter, Photographer and Art Critic. London: Reaktion Books
- George Gaylord Simpson (1961), Lamarck, Darwin and Butler: Three Approaches to Evolution. The American Scholar, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 238–249
- Clara G. Stillman (1932), Samuel Butler: A Mid-Victorian Modern. New York: The Viking Press
- Basil Willey (1960), Darwin and Butler: Two Views of Evolution. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company
Спољашње везе
[уреди | уреди извор]Vikimedijina Ostava ima datoteke za članak:
- Works by Самјуел Батлер in eBook form на сајту Standard Ebooks
- Самјуел Батлер на сајту Internet Archive (језик: енглески)
- Самјуел Батлер на сајту LibriVox (језик: енглески)
- Official English website for European Sacred Mounts
- Darwin Among the Machines
- Самјуел Батлер на сајту NPG (језик: енглески)
- Samuel Butler на сајту Пројекат Гутенберг (језик: енглески)
- Samuel Butler in the Dictionary of New Zealand Biography Архивирано 2010-06-04 на сајту Wayback Machine
- The Authoress of the Odyssey at Bristol Phoenix Press Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (9. август 2007)
- Official English website for European Sacred Mounts Шаблон:Lifetime