Пређи на садржај

Клин — разлика између измена

С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије
Садржај обрисан Садржај додат
ознака: везе до вишезначних одредница
Ред 1: Ред 1:
{{Short description|Алат троугластог облика}}
{{Друго значење2|Клин}}
{{Друго значење2|Клин}}
[[Датотека:Wedge-1.jpg|мини|250п|Изглед клина]]
[[Датотека:Wedge-1.jpg|мини|250п|Изглед клина]]
Ред 5: Ред 6:

== Историја ==
== Историја ==
[[Image:Flint hand axe.JPG|thumb|right|250px|Кремена ручна секира пронађена у [[Winchester|Винчестеру]]]]
Када и где је измишљен и направљен први клин није познато. Зна се само да се клин користи још од [[камено доба|каменог доба]]. Око 3000. године п. н. е. у старом [[Египат|Египту]], употребљавани су [[бронза]]ни клинови у [[каменолом]]има да би одвајали блокове [[камен]]а за изградњу. Поред бронзаних клинова употребљавали су се и [[дрво|дрвени]] клинови, који су се ширили након влажења [[вода|водом]]. У [[Америке|Америци]] нека племена [[Индијанци|Индијанаца]] су употребљавала клинове од јеленове [[кост]]и при обради дрвета.
Када и где је измишљен и направљен први клин није познато. Зна се само да се клин користи још од [[камено доба|каменог доба]]. Око 3000. године п. н. е. у старом [[Египат|Египту]], употребљавани су [[бронза]]ни клинови у [[каменолом]]има да би одвајали блокове [[камен]]а за изградњу. Поред бронзаних клинова употребљавали су се и [[дрво|дрвени]] клинови, који су се ширили након влажења [[вода|водом]]. У [[Америке|Америци]] нека племена [[Индијанци|Индијанаца]] су употребљавала клинове од јеленове [[кост]]и при обради дрвета.

Један рани пример клина је [[hand axe]] (see also [[biface]] and [[Olorgesailie]]), which is made by chipping stone, generally [[flint]], to form a bifacial edge, or wedge. A wedge is a simple machine that transforms lateral force and movement of the tool into a transverse splitting force and movement of the workpiece. The available power is limited by the effort of the person using the tool, but because power is the product of force and movement, the wedge amplifies the force by reducing the movement. This amplification, or [[mechanical advantage]] is the ratio of the input speed to output speed. For a wedge this is given by 1/tanα, where α is the tip angle. The faces of a wedge are modeled as straight lines to form a sliding or [[prismatic joint]].
== Употреба данас ==

Клин данас има врло широку употребу. Примери су [[секира]], клинови за одвајање ([[штемајз]]и), [[длето]]...).<ref>{{harvnb|Antonsson|Cagan|2005|p=321}}</ref>
== Употреба ==

Клин данас има врло широку употребу. Примери су [[секира]], клинови за одвајање ([[штемајз]]и), [[длето]]...).<ref>{{harvnb|Antonsson|Cagan|2005|p=321}}</ref> Wedges are used to lift heavy objects, separating them from the surface upon which they rest.<ref>[https://books.google.com/books?id=m5DK0FSuqysC&pg=PA321&lpg=PA321&dq=“Kinematic+Synthesis,”+Formal+Engineering+Design+Synthesis&source=bl&ots=AZKlvmnPcA&sig=xe0EeLgCy8v4OIdZ_SnbK8igdrc&hl=en&ei=qcbVTsyEKo6FsAL1vsCRDw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CEYQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q&f=false J. M. McCarthy and Leo Joskowitz, “Kinematic Synthesis,” Formal Engineering Design Synthesis, (J. Cagan and E. Antonson, eds.), Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002.]</ref>

Consider a block that is to be lifted by a wedge. As the wedge slides under the block, the block slides up the sloped side of a wedge. This lifts the weight ''F''<sub>B</sub> of the block. The horizontal force ''F''<sub>A</sub> needed to lift the block is obtained by considering the velocity of the wedge ''v''<sub>A</sub> and the velocity of the block ''v''<sub>B</sub>. If we assume the wedge does not dissipate or store energy, then the power into the wedge equals the power out.

:<math>\frac{F_\mathrm{B}}{F_\mathrm{A}} = \frac{v_\mathrm{A}}{v_\mathrm{B}}. </math>
The velocity of the block is related to the velocity of the wedge by the slope of the side of the wedge. If the angle of the wedge is ''α'' then
:<math> v_\mathrm{B} = v_\mathrm{A} \tan\alpha, \!</math>
which means that the mechanical advantage
:<math> MA = \frac{F_\mathrm{B}}{F_\mathrm{A}} = \frac{1}{\tan\alpha}. </math>
Thus, the smaller the angle ''α'' the greater the ratio of the lifting force to the applied force on the wedge. This is the [[mechanical advantage]] of the wedge. This formula for mechanical advantage applies to cutting edges and splitting operations as well as to lifting.

They can also be used to separate objects, such as blocks of cut stone. [[Splitting maul]]s and splitting wedges are used to split wood along the grain. A narrow wedge with a relatively long [[Cone|taper]] used to finely adjust the distance between objects is called a [[shim (engineering)|shim]], and is commonly used in carpentry.

The tips of forks and [[nail (engineering)|nails]] are also wedges, as they split and separate the material into which they are pushed or driven; the shafts may then hold fast due to friction.

== Оштрице и клинови ==

The [[blade]] is a compound inclined plane, consisting of two inclined planes placed so that the planes meet at one edge.<ref>{{cite book|title=In the Hands of a Chef: The Professional Chef's Guide to Essential Kitchen Tools|author = Culinary Institute of America|author-link = Culinary Institute of America|publisher= John Wiley and Sons|year= 2007 |page=17|isbn =978-0-470-08026-9}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|last=Echanis|first=Michael|author-link= Michael Echanis|title=Knife Self-Defense for Combat| year=1977|page=4| isbn= 978-0-89750-022-7}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|last=Echanis|first=Michael|author-link= Michael Echanis|title=Knife Throwing for Combat| year=1979|page=4| isbn= 978-0-89750-058-6}}</ref> When the edge where the two planes meet is pushed into a solid or fluid substance it overcomes the resistance of materials to separate by transferring the force exerted against the material into two opposing forces normal to the faces of the blade.

The blade's first known use by humans was the sharp edge of a [[Flint|flint stone]] that was used to cleave or split animal tissue, e.g. cutting meat.<ref>{{WebMineral |url=http://webmineral.com/data/Quartz.shtml |title=General Quartz Information}}. {{Cite web |url=http://www.webmineral.com/data/Quartz.shtml |title=Archived copy |access-date=4 March 2022 |archive-date=11 February 2021 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20210211042305/http://www.webmineral.com/data/Quartz.shtml |url-status=bot: unknown }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.quartzpage.de/flint.html |title=Flint and Chert |publisher=quartzpage.de |access-date=30 March 2008 |archive-date=12 January 2018 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180112141503/http://www.quartzpage.de/flint.html |url-status=dead }}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://geology.com/rocks/flint.shtml|title=Uses of Flint - Tools, weapons, fire starters, gemstones|website=geology.com|access-date=26 March 2019|archive-date=27 November 2020|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20201127012303/https://geology.com/rocks/flint.shtml|url-status=live}}</ref> The use of [[iron]] or other metals led to the development of [[Knife|knives]] for those kinds of tasks. The blade of the knife allowed humans to cut meat, fibers, and other plant and animal materials with much less force than it would take to tear them apart by simply pulling with their hands. Other examples are [[plows]], which separate soil particles, [[scissors]] which separate fabric, [[axe]]s which separate wood fibers, and [[chisels]] and [[plane (tool)|planes]] which separate wood.

Wedges, [[saw]]s and [[chisels]] can separate thick and hard materials, such as wood, solid stone and hard metals and they do so with much less force, waste of material, and with more precision, than [[crusher|crushing]], which is the application of the same force over a wider area of the material to be separated.

Other examples of wedges are found in [[drill bit]]s, which produce circular holes in solids.<ref>{{Citation|first1 = Robert H.|last1 = Todd|first2 = Dell K.|last2 = Allen|first3 = Leo|last3 = Alting|year = 1994|title = Manufacturing Processes Reference Guide|publisher = Industrial Press Inc.|pages = 43–48|url = https://books.google.com/books?id=6x1smAf_PAcC|isbn = 0-8311-3049-0|postscript =.}}</ref> The two edges of a drill bit are sharpened, at opposing angles, into a point and that edge is wound around the shaft of the drill bit.<ref>{{cite book |last1=Judge |first1=Arthur W |title=Engineering Workshop Practice |date= 1947 |publisher=The Caxton Publishing Company Ltd |pages=Vol i 136 |edition=New and Revised |access-date=}}</ref><ref>{{Citation|title = Modern machinery|page = 68|publisher = Modern Machining Publishing Company|year = 1899|volume = 5|url = https://books.google.com/books?id=hZzmAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA68|postscript =.}}</ref><ref>Stephen Ambrose Morse [http://www.datamp.org/patents/displayPatent.php?pn=38119&id=18675 US patent 38,119 Improvement in Drill-Bits. Twist Drill Bit], Granted: April 7, 1863</ref> When the drill bit spins on its axis of rotation, the wedges are forced into the material to be separated. The resulting cut in the material is in the direction of rotation of the drill bit while the helical shape of a bit allows the removal of the cut material.

== Механичка предност ==
[[Image:Wedge-diagram.svg|thumb|200px|Попречни пресек клина за цепање чија је дужина вертикално оријентисана. Сила која се креће надоле производи силе управне на њене нагнуте површине.]]

The mechanical advantage or MA of a wedge can be calculated by dividing the height of the wedge by the wedge's width:<ref name="bowser"/>

:<math>\rm MA={Length \over Width}</math>

The more [[acute angle|acute]], or narrow, the angle of a wedge, the greater the ratio of the length of its slope to its width, and thus the more mechanical advantage it will yield.<ref name="CEST"/>

A wedge will bind when the wedge included angle is less than the arctangent of the coefficient of friction between the wedge and the material. Therefore, in an elastic material such as wood, friction may bind a narrow wedge more easily than a wide one. This is why the head of a splitting maul has a much wider angle than that of an axe.

== Машински клинови ==
== Машински клинови ==
Ред 14: Ред 55:

== Референце ==
== Референце ==

== Литература ==
== Литература ==
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last1=Antonsson|first1=Erik K.|last2=Cagan|first2=Jonathan|title=Formal Engineering Design Synthesis|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=m5DK0FSuqysC&pg=PA321|year=2005|publisher=Cambridge University Press|isbn=978-0-521-01775-6|pages=321}}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last1=Antonsson|first1=Erik K.|last2=Cagan|first2=Jonathan|title=Formal Engineering Design Synthesis|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=m5DK0FSuqysC&pg=PA321|year=2005|publisher=Cambridge University Press|isbn=978-0-521-01775-6|pages=321}}
* {{cite journal|last1=Driscoll|first1=Killian|last2=García-Rojas|first2=Maite|title=Their lips are sealed: identifying hard stone, soft stone, and antler hammer direct percussion in Palaeolithic prismatic blade production|journal=Journal of Archaeological Science|date=July 2014|volume=47|pages=134–141|doi=10.1016/j.jas.2014.04.008|url=http://lithicsireland.ie/driscoll_garcia_rojas_2014_identifying_palaeolithic_blade_production_journal_archaeological_science_47.pdf|access-date=19 July 2017}}
* {{cite journal | last = Maryon | first = Herbert | author-link = Herbert Maryon | date = 1948 | title = A Sword of the Nydam Type from Ely Fields Farm, near Ely | journal = Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society | volume = XLI | pages = 73–76 | doi = 10.5284/1034398 }}
* {{cite web|url=https://pencils.com/chisel-point-2/|title=Drawing Lessons: How to Create a Chisel Point - Pencils.com|date=13 September 2012|website=pencils.com|access-date=20 March 2018|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180321063156/https://pencils.com/chisel-point-2/|archive-date=21 March 2018|url-status=dead}}
* {{cite web|url=http://emersonknives.com/ek_faq/why-do-you-use-the-chisel-grind/|title=Why do you use the chisel grind? - Emerson Knives Inc.|website=emersonknives.com|access-date=20 March 2018}}
* {{cite book |last= Butler|first= Chris|date= 2005|title= Prehistoric Flintwork|publisher= The History Press|isbn= 9780752433400}}
* {{Citation |last1=Paul |first1=Akshoy |last2=Roy |first2=Pijush |last3=Mukherjee |first3=Sanchayan |title=Mechanical sciences: engineering mechanics and strength of materials |year=2005 |publisher=Prentice Hall of India |isbn=978-81-203-2611-8 |page=215 |postscript=.}}
* {{Citation |last=Asimov |first=Isaac |title=Understanding Physics |year=1988 |publisher=Barnes & Noble |location=New York |isbn=978-0-88029-251-1 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=pSKvaLV6zkcC&q=Asimov+simple+machine&pg=PA88 |page=88 |postscript=.}}
* {{cite book |last=Anderson |first=William Ballantyne |title=Physics for Technical Students: Mechanics and Heat |year=1914 |publisher=McGraw Hill |location=New York |url=https://archive.org/details/bub_gb_Pa0IAAAAIAAJ/page/n131 |access-date=2008-05-11 |pages=112}}
* {{cite encyclopedia | title = Mechanics | encyclopedia = Encyclopædia Britannica | volume = 3 | pages = 44 | publisher = John Donaldson | date =1773 | url = https://books.google.com/books?id=Ow8UAAAAQAAJ&q=%22simple+machine%22+%22mechanical+powers%22+lever+screw+inclined+plane+wedge+wheel+pulley&pg=PA44 | access-date = 5 April 2020}}
* {{cite book | last1 = Morris | first1 = Christopher G. | title = Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology | publisher = Gulf Professional Publishing | date = 1992 | pages = 1993 | url = https://books.google.com/books?id=nauWlPTBcjIC&q=%22simple+machine%22&pg=PA1993 | isbn = 9780122004001 }}
* {{Citation|url=http://galileo.phys.virginia.edu/outreach/8thgradesol/compoundmachine.htm | title=Compound machines|publisher=University of Virginia Physics Department|access-date=2010-06-11|postscript=.}}
* {{cite book|last=Usher|first=Abbott Payson |title=A History of Mechanical Inventions|publisher=Courier Dover Publications|year=1988|location=US|pages=98 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=xuDDqqa8FlwC&q=wedge+and+screw&pg=PA196 |isbn=978-0-486-25593-4}}
* {{cite conference |last=Wallenstein |first=Andrew |title=Foundations of cognitive support: Toward abstract patterns of usefulness |date=June 2002 |book-title=Proceedings of the 9th Annual Workshop on the Design, Specification, and Verification of Interactive Systems |publisher=Springer |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=G9sZf7D24a8C&q=simple+machines&pg=PA136 |access-date=2008-05-21 |page=136|isbn=9783540002666 }}
* {{Citation|last=Prater|first=Edward L.|year=1994|title=Basic machines | url=http://www.constructionknowledge.net/public_domain_documents/Div_1_General/Basic_Skills/Basic%20Machines%20NAVEDTRA%2014037%201994.pdf |publisher=U.S. Navy Naval Education and Training Professional Development and Technology Center, NAVEDTRA 14037|postscript=.}}
* {{Citation|author=U.S. Navy Bureau of Naval Personnel|year=1971| url=http://www.webpal.org/SAFE/aaarecovery/5_simple_technology/basic_machines.pdf | title=Basic machines and how they work|publisher=Dover Publications|postscript=.}}
* {{Citation |last=Reuleaux |first=F. |orig-year=1876 |year=1963 |title=The kinematics of machinery (translated and annotated by A.B.W. Kennedy) |publisher=reprinted by Dover |location=New York |postscript=.}}
* {{Citation |author=Cornell University |author-link=Cornell University |title=Reuleaux Collection of Mechanisms and Machines at Cornell University |url=http://kmoddl.library.cornell.edu/rx_collection.php |publisher=Cornell University |postscript=.}}
* {{Citation | last = Chiu | first = Y. C. | title = An introduction to the History of Project Management | publisher = Eburon Academic Publishers | year = 2010 | location = Delft | pages = 42 | url = https://books.google.com/books?id=osNrPO3ivZoC&q=%22heron+of+alexandria%22++load+motion&pg=PA42 | isbn = 978-90-5972-437-2}}
* {{cite book |last=Ostdiek |first=Vern |last2=Bord |first2=Donald |title=Inquiry into Physics |year=2005 |publisher=Thompson Brooks/Cole |isbn=978-0-534-49168-0 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=7kz2pd14hPUC&pg=PA123 |access-date=2008-05-22 |page=123}}
* {{cite conference | first = Viktor | last = Strizhak |author2=Igor Penkov |author3=Toivo Pappel | title = Evolution of design, use, and strength calculations of screw threads and threaded joints | book-title = HMM2004 International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms | publisher = Kluwer Academic | year = 2004 | url = https://books.google.com/books?id=FqZvlMnjqY0C&q=%22archimedean+simple+machine%22 | isbn = 1-4020-2203-4 | access-date = 2008-05-21 |page=245}}


== Спољашње везе ==
== Спољашње везе ==

Верзија на датум 30. децембар 2022. у 01:08

Шаблон:Short description

Изглед клина

Клин је једноставан алат који се употребљава да би одвојио две целине или два дела једне целине, да би се подигао неки део или да би се неки део држао на месту. Механичка својства клина зависе од његовог облика, односно од односа дужине и угла оштрице клина. Што је угао већи, обављени рад ће бити бржи, али ће захтевати већу силу. Са мањим углом клина рад ће се спорије обављати, али ће потребна сила бити мања.[1][2]


Кремена ручна секира пронађена у Винчестеру

Када и где је измишљен и направљен први клин није познато. Зна се само да се клин користи још од каменог доба. Око 3000. године п. н. е. у старом Египту, употребљавани су бронзани клинови у каменоломима да би одвајали блокове камена за изградњу. Поред бронзаних клинова употребљавали су се и дрвени клинови, који су се ширили након влажења водом. У Америци нека племена Индијанаца су употребљавала клинове од јеленове кости при обради дрвета.

Један рани пример клина је hand axe (see also biface and Olorgesailie), which is made by chipping stone, generally flint, to form a bifacial edge, or wedge. A wedge is a simple machine that transforms lateral force and movement of the tool into a transverse splitting force and movement of the workpiece. The available power is limited by the effort of the person using the tool, but because power is the product of force and movement, the wedge amplifies the force by reducing the movement. This amplification, or mechanical advantage is the ratio of the input speed to output speed. For a wedge this is given by 1/tanα, where α is the tip angle. The faces of a wedge are modeled as straight lines to form a sliding or prismatic joint.


Клин данас има врло широку употребу. Примери су секира, клинови за одвајање (штемајзи), длето...).[3] Wedges are used to lift heavy objects, separating them from the surface upon which they rest.[4]

Consider a block that is to be lifted by a wedge. As the wedge slides under the block, the block slides up the sloped side of a wedge. This lifts the weight FB of the block. The horizontal force FA needed to lift the block is obtained by considering the velocity of the wedge vA and the velocity of the block vB. If we assume the wedge does not dissipate or store energy, then the power into the wedge equals the power out.


The velocity of the block is related to the velocity of the wedge by the slope of the side of the wedge. If the angle of the wedge is α then

which means that the mechanical advantage

Thus, the smaller the angle α the greater the ratio of the lifting force to the applied force on the wedge. This is the mechanical advantage of the wedge. This formula for mechanical advantage applies to cutting edges and splitting operations as well as to lifting.

They can also be used to separate objects, such as blocks of cut stone. Splitting mauls and splitting wedges are used to split wood along the grain. A narrow wedge with a relatively long taper used to finely adjust the distance between objects is called a shim, and is commonly used in carpentry.

The tips of forks and nails are also wedges, as they split and separate the material into which they are pushed or driven; the shafts may then hold fast due to friction.

Оштрице и клинови

The blade is a compound inclined plane, consisting of two inclined planes placed so that the planes meet at one edge.[5][6][7] When the edge where the two planes meet is pushed into a solid or fluid substance it overcomes the resistance of materials to separate by transferring the force exerted against the material into two opposing forces normal to the faces of the blade.

The blade's first known use by humans was the sharp edge of a flint stone that was used to cleave or split animal tissue, e.g. cutting meat.[8][9][10] The use of iron or other metals led to the development of knives for those kinds of tasks. The blade of the knife allowed humans to cut meat, fibers, and other plant and animal materials with much less force than it would take to tear them apart by simply pulling with their hands. Other examples are plows, which separate soil particles, scissors which separate fabric, axes which separate wood fibers, and chisels and planes which separate wood.

Wedges, saws and chisels can separate thick and hard materials, such as wood, solid stone and hard metals and they do so with much less force, waste of material, and with more precision, than crushing, which is the application of the same force over a wider area of the material to be separated.

Other examples of wedges are found in drill bits, which produce circular holes in solids.[11] The two edges of a drill bit are sharpened, at opposing angles, into a point and that edge is wound around the shaft of the drill bit.[12][13][14] When the drill bit spins on its axis of rotation, the wedges are forced into the material to be separated. The resulting cut in the material is in the direction of rotation of the drill bit while the helical shape of a bit allows the removal of the cut material.

Механичка предност

Попречни пресек клина за цепање чија је дужина вертикално оријентисана. Сила која се креће надоле производи силе управне на њене нагнуте површине.

The mechanical advantage or MA of a wedge can be calculated by dividing the height of the wedge by the wedge's width:[1]

The more acute, or narrow, the angle of a wedge, the greater the ratio of the length of its slope to its width, and thus the more mechanical advantage it will yield.[2]

A wedge will bind when the wedge included angle is less than the arctangent of the coefficient of friction between the wedge and the material. Therefore, in an elastic material such as wood, friction may bind a narrow wedge more easily than a wide one. This is why the head of a splitting maul has a much wider angle than that of an axe.

Машински клинови

Данас постоје клинови, као стандардозовани машински елементи за остваривање растављивих веза. Могу бити уздужни и попречни.


  1. ^ а б Bowser, Edward Albert (1920), An elementary treatise on analytic mechanics: with numerous examples (25th изд.), D. Van Nostrand Company, стр. 202—203 
  2. ^ а б McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, Third Ed., Sybil P. Parker, ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc., (1992). стр. 2041.
  3. ^ Antonsson & Cagan 2005, стр. 321
  4. ^ J. M. McCarthy and Leo Joskowitz, “Kinematic Synthesis,” Formal Engineering Design Synthesis, (J. Cagan and E. Antonson, eds.), Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002.
  5. ^ Culinary Institute of America (2007). In the Hands of a Chef: The Professional Chef's Guide to Essential Kitchen Tools. John Wiley and Sons. стр. 17. ISBN 978-0-470-08026-9. 
  6. ^ Echanis, Michael (1977). Knife Self-Defense for Combat. стр. 4. ISBN 978-0-89750-022-7. 
  7. ^ Echanis, Michael (1979). Knife Throwing for Combat. стр. 4. ISBN 978-0-89750-058-6. 
  8. ^ General Quartz Information, WebMineral.com . „Archived copy”. Архивирано из оригинала 11. 2. 2021. г. Приступљено 4. 3. 2022. 
  9. ^ „Flint and Chert”. quartzpage.de. Архивирано из оригинала 12. 1. 2018. г. Приступљено 30. 3. 2008. 
  10. ^ „Uses of Flint - Tools, weapons, fire starters, gemstones”. geology.com. Архивирано из оригинала 27. 11. 2020. г. Приступљено 26. 3. 2019. 
  11. ^ Todd, Robert H.; Allen, Dell K.; Alting, Leo (1994), Manufacturing Processes Reference Guide, Industrial Press Inc., стр. 43—48, ISBN 0-8311-3049-0. 
  12. ^ Judge, Arthur W (1947). Engineering Workshop Practice (New and Revised изд.). The Caxton Publishing Company Ltd. стр. Vol i 136. 
  13. ^ Modern machinery, 5, Modern Machining Publishing Company, 1899, стр. 68. 
  14. ^ Stephen Ambrose Morse US patent 38,119 Improvement in Drill-Bits. Twist Drill Bit, Granted: April 7, 1863


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