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Ingrid Gomstorp

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Ingrid Gomstorp
Datum rođenja(1924-00-00)1924.
Mesto rođenjaLundŠvedska
Datum smrti26. decembar 2007.(2007-12-26) (82/83 god.)
Mesto smrtiŠvedska

Ingrid Gomstorp (šved. Ingrid Gamstorp; Lund 192426. decembar 2007) bila je švedska pedijatrica i neurolog, koja će ostati u medicinskoj struci zapamćena po samostalnom otkriću Gomstorpove bolesti (engl. Gamstorp's disease) i Grundov sindroma (engl. Grund's syndrome) sa koautorima.[1]

Život i karijera

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Rođena je u Lundun 1924. godine u Švedskoj kao kći tadašnjeg gradonačelnika Pehra Gomstorpa i njegove supruge Grete, rođene Alsen. Još u srednjoj školi, opredelila se za izučavanje prirodnih nauka, pa je nakon mature 1942. godine započela studije medicine na Univerzitetu u Lundu.

Kao medicinski radnik jedno vreme je bila član humanitaraca koji su brinuli o logorašima oslobođenim iz Aušvica i logora Bergen-Belsena.

Nakon Drguog svestskog rata jedno vreme radila je u Sankt Larsu kao pripravnica u medicinskoj klinici u Helsingborgu, i u dečjem odeljenju u Kristianstadu pod rukovodstvom Stena Aktrupa. Nakon toga radila je kao lekar i asistent glavnog lekara u dečijoj klinici u Lundu kao i kod profesora Sture Augusta Sivena (1897-1966), od 1954. do 1967. godine.

Godine 1956. odbranila je doktorsku tezu pod nazivom „Adinamična hereditarna epizoda" koja joj je donla nagradu za najbolju disertaciju od strane Švedske medicinske asocijacije, a potom i mesto predavača na pedijatriji.

Sredinom 1960-ih provela je godinu dana na usavršavanju, na odeljenju za dečju neurologiju na Harvardskom univerzitetu u Bostonu. Sa ovog usavršavanja vratila se kao najobrazovaniji neurolog u Švedskoj.

Nakon uspešnog perioda rada povedenog na dužnosti glavnog lekara u dečijoj kliničkoj u bolnici u Jonkopingu, 1972. godine prešla je na dužnost dečjeg neurologa na Univerzitetu Uppsala.

U 46 godini počela je da poboljeva. Osećala je opšti zamor, malaksalost i parestezije pretežno u levoj ruci. Tokom narednih godina kod nje su se razvili ozbiljni problemi u održavanju ravnoteže, potom gubitak finog osećaja u obe ruke, bolovi u mišićima i drugim delovima tela, gubitak težine i poremečaj hoda. Od bolest koja je dijagnostikovana kao Lajmska bolest dugo se lečila uz ograničene rezultate. Kako joj je bolest onemogućavala onemogućila normalan rad, bila je primorane da se ranije penzioniše.

Njen naučni rad ostaće zapamćen po dve eponima u medicini koja su nazvana po njoj:

Gomstorpova bolest (engl. Gamstorp's disease)

Ovu naslednu bolest koju je opisla Ingrid Gomstorp karakteriše se pojaom spontanih paraliza, posebno mišića ekstremiteta i trupa, koji se javljaju uglavnom kod dece mlađe od 10 godina. Kod većine pacijenata, napadi se javljaju tokom odmora nakon napora, i traju najviše 1 sat.[2][3]

Klinički napadi spontanih paraliza izazvani su metabolčičkim poremećajima kalijuma ugljenih hidrata. Hiperkalemija bez povećanja izlučivanja kalijuma u ​​mokraći je konstantna osobina bolesti. Mentalne funkcije nisu pogođene. Bolest koja se javlja kod oba pola, teža je kod muškaraca, u prvoj deceniji ćivota. Nasljeđivanje bolesti je autosomno dominantno

Grundov sindrom (engl. Grund's syndrome)

Zajedno sa Georg Grund i Karl Gunnar Vilhelm Wohlfart Ingrid Gomstorp je opisala sindrom, koji se karakteriše miotonijom, mišićim spazmom sa finim trzjima (miokimijagubitkom mišićnimh funkcija i generalizovanom hiperhidrozom. Nasleđuje se autosomno dominantno.[4][5]


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  • Adynamia episodica hereditaria. Doctoral thesis. Almqvist & Wiksell, 1956. 126 pages. Acta paediatrica. Supplementum, Uppsala, May 1956, 45 (Supplement 108): 1-126. 1957
  • Adynamia episodica hereditaria. I. Gamstorp. Acta genetica et statistica medica, Basel, 1957, 7 (2): 325-328.
  • Not Available. Swedish. I. Gamstorp. Svenska Läkartidningen, Stockholm, March 8, 1957, 54 (10): 685-696.
  • Adynamia episodica hereditaria: a disease clinically resembling familial periodic paralysis but characterized by increasing serum potassium during the paralytic attacks. I. Gamstorp, M. Hauge, H. F. helweglarsen, H. Mjones, U. Sagild. The American Journal of Medicine, New York, September 1957, 23 (3): 385-390. 1959
  • A syndrome characterized by myokymia, myotonia, muscular wasting and increased perspiration. I. Gamstorp, G. Wohlfart. Acta psychiatrica et neurologica Scandinavica, Copenhagen, 1959, 34 (2): 181-194.
  • Some aspects of the pathophysiology of adynamia episodica hereditaria. F. Buchthal, L. Engbaek, I. Gamstorp. Danish Medical Bulletin, Copenhagen, June 1958, 5 (5): 167-169.
  • Paresis and hyperexcitability in adynamia episodica hereditaria. F. Buchthal, L. Engbaek, I. Gamstorp. Neurology, May 1958, 8 (5): 347-351. 1960
  • Electromyography of external eye muscles: neurological application. I. Gamstorp, C. Kupfer. Transactions of the American Neurological Association, 1960, 85: 128-130.
  • Mean Duration of Action Potentials in Extraocular Muscles: An Electromyographic Study. I. Gamstorp and Carl Kupper. Archives of Ophthalmology, Chicago, November 1960, 64 (5): 744-750. 1961
  • Denervation of extraocular and skeletal muscles in a case of pernicious anemia. I. Gamstorp, C. Kupfer. Neurology, February 1961, 11: 182-184.
  • Studies in nauromuscular transmission. I. Influence on neuromuscular transmission of alkalosis and acidosis.I. Gamstorp and E. Vinnars. Acta physiologica Scandinavica, Stockholm, October 1961, 53: 142-150.
  • Studies in neuromuscular transmission. II. Influence on neuromuscular transmission of hyperpotassemia. I. Gamstorp, E. Vinnars. Acta physiologica Scandinavica, October 1961, 53: 151-159.
  • Studies in neuromuscular transmission. III. Influence of changes in blood pH and carbon dioxide tension on the effect of tubocurarine and dimethyl ubocurarine. I. Gamstorp, E. Vinnars. Acta physiologica Scandinavica, Stockholm, October 1961, 53: 160-173. 1962
  • A study of transient muscular weakness. Clinical, biochemical, and electromyographical findings during attacks of periodic paralysis and adynamia episodica hereditaria. I. Gamstorp. Acta neurologica Scandinavica, Copenhagen, 1962, 38: 3-19.
  • Neurophysiologic disturbances in hypertonic dehydration. P. R. Dodge, J. F. Sotos, I. Gamstorp, D. Devivo, M. Levy, T. Rabe. Transactions of the American Neurological Association, New York, 1962, 87: 33-36. 1963
  • Adynamia episodica hereditaria and myotonia. I. Gamstorp. Acta neurologica Scandinavica, Copenhagen, 1963, 39: 41-58.
  • Normal conduction velocity of ulnar, median and peroneal nerves in infancy, childhood and adolescence. I. Gamstorp. Acta paediatrica. Supplementum, Uppsala, 1963 (supplement 146) :68-76.
  • Studies in neuromuscular transmission. IV. Influence of changes in blood pH and carbon dioxide tension on the effect of succinylcholine. Gamstorp, E. Vinnars. Acta physiologica Scandinavica, May 1963, 58: 48-56. 1964
  • Conduction velocity of peripheral nerves in children. I. Gamstorp. Transactions of the American Neurological Association, 1964, 89: 198-199.
  • [Recurring attacks of muscular weakness of hereditary nature (familial periodic paralysis, adynamic episodica hereditaria and normokalemic periodic paralysis sensitive to sodium.] French. I. Gamstorp. La Revue du practicien, Paris, February 11, 1964, 14: 527-545.
  • Nonendemic Goitre and Deafness. Lars R.Nilsson, Nils Borgfors, I. Gamstorp, Hans-Eric Holst and Gunnar Liden. Acta paediatrica, Stockholm, March 1964, 53 (2): 117-131.
  • [Eeg findings and test results in myopathy and denervation atrophy in children.] I. Gamstorp, M. Smith. Nordisk Medicin, Stockholm, August 20, 1964, 72: 998-1000. Swedish.
  • Conduction velocity of peripheral motor nerves in mental retardation, diabetes and various neurological diseases in childhood. I. Gamstorp. Acta paediatrica, Stockholm, September 1964, 53: 408-416.
  • Congenital cardiac arrhythmia. Gamstorp, R. Nilsen, H. Westling. The Lancet, London, October 31, 1964, 2 (7366): 965.
  • Clinical evaluation of an oral anabolic teroid (methandrostenolone, ianabol ciba) in children with muscular weakness and wasting. I. Gamstorp. Acta paediatrica, Stockholm, November 1964, 53: 570-577. 1965
  • Myotonic dystrophy in infancy and childhood. Philip R. Dodge, I. Gamstorp, Randolph K. Byers, and Patricia Russell: Pediatrics, January 1965, 35: 3-19.
  • Peripheral sensory conduction in ulnar and median nerves of normal infants, children, and adolescents. I. Gamstorp, S. A. Shelbourne Jr. Acta paediatrica Scandinavica, Stockholm, July 1965, 54: 309-313.
  • Clinical applications of nerve conduction velocity. I. Gamstorp. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, London, August 1965, 7 (4): 427-429. 1966
  • A clinical trial of tegretol in children with severe epilepsy. I. Gamstorp. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, London, June 1966, 8 (3): 296-300.
  • Peripheral neuropathy in juvenile diabetes. I. Gamstorp, S. A. Shelburne Jr, G. Engleson, D. Redondo, H. S. Traisman. Diabetes, Alexandria, Virginia, June 1966, 15 (6): 411-418.
  • Conduction velocity of peripheral nerves in children with phenylketonuria. I. Gamstorp, Samuel A. Shelburne Jr, and Margaret E. O'Fiynn. Neurology, June 1966, 16 (6): 556-558. 1967
  • Teratologi : läran om missbildningar. I.Gamstorp and Bengt Kallén (1929-). Stockholm : Almqvist & Wiksell, 1967. 239 pages.
  • Distrubed growth and development due to diencephalic lesions in infancy. I. Gamstorp, B. Kjellman, P. Palmgren. Acta neurologica Scandinavica, Copenhagen, 1967, 43, Supplement 31: 55.
  • Progressive spinal muscular atrophy in infancy and childhood. I. Gamstorp. Acta neurologica Scandinavica, Copenhagen, 1967, 43, Supplement 31: 175.
  • Necrotizing encephalopathy localized to the brain stem in an infant. A. Brun, I. Gamstorp, H. Ekelund. Acta paediatrica Scandinavica, Stockholm, 1967, Supplement 177: 101-102.
  • Diencephalic syndromes of infancy. Report of 3 children with emaciation syndrome and disproportionately large hands and feet. I. Gamstorp, B. Kjellman, P. Palmgren. The Journal of Pediatrics, St. Louis, March 1967, 70 (3): 383-390.
  • Histochemistry of muscle fibres. I. Gamstorp. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, London, Aprtil 1967, 9 (2): 241-242.
  • Progressive spinal muscular atrophy with onset in infancy or early childhood. I. Gamstorp.Acta paediatrica Scandinavica, Stockholm, July 1967, 56 (4): 408-423.
  • [Subdural hygroma in infants. Neurological diagnosis] I. Gamstorp. Läkartidningen, August 2, 1967, 64 (31): 3053-3054. Swedish.
  • [Muscular hypotonia in infants] I. Gamstorp. Läkartidningen, August 31, 1967, 64 (34): 3299-3309. Swedish. 1968
  • Encephalo-myelo-radiculo-neuropathy. G. Blennow, I. Gamstorp, R. Rosenberg. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, London, 1968, 10: 485-490.
  • Effect of phenytoin on the tryptophan load test. G. Meeuwisse, I. Gamstorp, N. Tryding. Acta paediatrica Scandinavica, Stockholm, March 1968, 57 (2): 115-120.
  • Polyneuropathy in childhood. I. Gamstorp. Acta paediatrica Scandinavica, Stockholm, May 1968, 57 (3): 230-238. Review. 1969
  • Mannosidosis: a clinical and histopathologic study. Kjellman, I. Gamstorp, A. Brun, P. A. Ockerman, P. Palmgren. The Journal of Pediatrics, St. Louis, September 1969, 75 (3): 366-373.
  • Apparent response of impaired mental development, minor motor epilepsy and ataxia to pyridoxine. H. Ekelund, I. Gamstorp, W. Von Studnitz.Acta paediatrica Scandinavica, Stockholm, November 1969, 58 (6): 572-576. 1970
  • Pediatric Neurology. I. Gamstorp. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1970, London : Butterworhs, 1970. 2nd edition, 1985. 394 pages.
  • Metabolic neuropathies and myopathies in infancy and childhood. I. Gamstorp. Acta neurologica Scandinavica, Copenhagen, 1970, 46, Supplement 43:109-110.
  • Conduction velocity of peripheral nerves and electromyography in infants and children. I. Gamstorp. Psychiatrie, Neurologie und medizinische Psychologie. Beihefte, Leipzig 1970, 13-14: 235-244.
  • Long-term follow-up of children with severe epilepsy treated with carbamazepine (Tegretol, Geigy). I. Gamstorp. Acta paediatrica Scandinavica. Supplement, 1970, 206, Supplement 206: 96-97.
  • Neonatal seizures; effect of lidocain. E. Norell, I. Gamstorp. Acta paediatrica Scandinavica. Supplement, 1970, Supplement 206: 97-98.
  • Differences between epileptic and non-epileptic children with special reference to the tryptophan-tolerance test. I. Gamstorp. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, London, June 1970, 12 (3): 399.
  • A patient with hereditary galactokinase deficiency. A. Dahlqvist, I. Gamstorp, H. Madsen . Acta paediatrica Scandinavica, Stockholm, November 1970, 59 (6): 669-675. 1971
  • Characteristic clinical findings in some neurogenic myopathies and in some myogenic myopathies causing muscular weakness, hypotonia and atrophy in infancy and early childhood. I. Gamstorp. Birth Defects. Original Article Series, White Plains, NY, February 1971, 7 (2): 72-81.
  • [Child neurology] I. Gamstorp. Nordisk Medicin, Stockholm, April 8, 1971, 85 (14): 440. Swedish. [Periodic paralysis] Norwegian. I. Gamstorp. Tidsskrift for Den norske lægeforening, Oslo, April 20, 1971, 91 (11): 798-800.
  • Pediatric neurology. 2. Frequency and distribution in a department of pediatrics in a central hospital] Swedish. I. Gamstorp.Läkartidningen, June 9, 1971, 68 (24): 2813-2816.
  • School-children with perceptive deafness. I. Gamstorp. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, London, August 1971, 13 (4): 490-496.
  • [Anticonvulsants. 5. Treatment of convulsions in the neonatal period] I. Gamstorp. Läkartidningen, October 18, 1971, 68, Supplement 3: 79-82. Swedish. 1972
  • [Intermittent muscular paralyses and potassium metabolism]I. Gamstorp. Der Nervenarzt, Berlin, January 1972, 43 (1): 1-8. Review. German.
  • Neurological disorders and growth disturbances in infancy and childhood. I. Gamstorp. European Neurology, Basel–New York, 1972, 7 (1): 1-25.
  • Nerve conduction velocity in subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. P. G. Procopis, I. Gamstorp. European Neurology, Basel, 1972, 7 (6): 335-338.
  • Donohue's syndrome—leprechaunism—Cockayne's syndrome. A report of two patients and discussion of the relation between Donohue's Syndrome and Cockayne's Syndrome. I. Gamstorp. European Neurology, Basel–New York, 1972, 7 (1): 26-33.
  • [Treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infections in children] Agnell, G. Edgren, I. Gamstorp, D. Nilsson, R. Wasserman, S. Djerf, E. Enocksson, K. Holmdahl, E. Oberger, J. Winberg. Läkartidningen, September 20, 1972, 69 (39): 4388-4390. Swedish. 1973
  • [Dystrophia atrophica in children] Swedish. I. Gamstorp, M. Veselinova.Läkartidningen, March 14, 1973, 70 (11): 1061-1063. 1974
  • Neurologiska problem i skolåldern. In the series: Skolhälsovård. Stockholm, 1974.
  • Bilateral, severe, sensori-neural hearing loss after haemophilus influenzae meningitis in childhood. I. Gamstorp, I. Klockhoff. Neuropädiatrie, Stuttgart, May 1974, 5 (2): 121-124.
  • Hearing loss after H. influenzae meningitis. I. Gamstorp, I. Klockhoff. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, October 1974, 16 (5): 678-679.
  • Encephalo-myelo-radiculo-neuropathy: involvement of the CNS in children with Guillain-Barré-Strohl syndrome. I. Gamstorp. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, October 1974, 16 (5): 654-658.
  • [Vitamin B6-dependency syndrome] Danish. I. Gamstorp.Ugeskrift for Læger, Copenhagen, December 9, 1974, 136 (50): 2819. 1975
  • Hereditary episodic adynamia] Danish. I. Gamstorp. Ugeskrift for Læger, Copenhagen, November 1975, 137 (48): 2836-2837.
  • [Familial periodic paralysis] Danish. I. Gamstorp.Ugeskrift for Læger, Copenhagen, November 10, 1975, 137 (46): 2714-2715.
  • Bilateral teratoma of testis in two brothers with 47,XXY Klinefelter's syndrome. K. H. Gustavson, I. Gamstorp, S. Meurling. Clinical Genetics, Copenhagen, July 1975, 8 (1): 5-10.
  • Treatment with carbamazepine: children. I. Gamstorp. Advances in Neurology, 1975, 11: 237-248.
  • Systematic determination of the serum phenytoin level as an aid in the management of children with epilepsy. E. Norell, G. Lilienberg, I. Gamstorp. European Neurology, Basel–New York, 1975, 13 (3): 232-244. 1976
  • [The chronically ill child and its family—physical, mental and social needs]T. Lindberg, G. Klackenberg, Pehrsson G, A. Rundquist, I. Gamstorp. Läkartidningen, September 8, 1976, 73 (37): 2989-2999. Swedish. 1977
  • A double-blind study of clonazepam in the treatment of therapy-resistant epilepsy in children. J. Bensch, G. Blennow, H. Ferngren, I. Gamstorp, K. M. Herrlin, J. Kubista, A. Arvidsson, H. Dahlström. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, London, June 1977, 19 (3): 335-342. 1978
  • Haemangio-endothelioma of the orbit. K. Bergström, P. Enoksson, I. Gamstorp, P. Naeser. Ophthalmologica, Basel, 1978, 177 (2): 115-120.
  • [Diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases (2): muscle diseases in childhood] I. Gamstorp. Läkartidningen, March 8, 1978, 75 (10): 925-929. Swedish.
  • [Diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases (6): serum enzyme determinations] I. Gamstorp. Läkartidningen.March 8, 1978, 75 (10): 942-943. Swedish.
  • [Damage to the sciatic nerve caused by injections in children] I. Gamstorp. Läkartidningen, May 10, 1978, 75 (19): 1926-1928. Swedish.
  • [Injection injuries to the sciatic nerve in children] I. Gamstorp.Vårdfacket, Stockholm, May 19, 1978, 2 (9): 74-77. Swedish. 1979
  • [Hereditary myopathies] Swedish. I. Gamstorp. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology. Supplements, Oslo, 1979, 30: 171-186. 1980
  • The chronically Ill, handicapped, dying child and his family: need for total care and support. I. Gamstorp. Brain and Development, Tokyo, 1980, 2 (2): 127-132. 1982
  • Krampsjukdomar hos barn. I. Gamstorp. Helsingborg : Leo Rhodia, 1982. 32 pages. Neonatal convulsions treated with continuous, intravenous infusion of diazepam. I. Gamstorp, G. Sedin. Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences, Upsala, 1982, 87 (2): 143-149.
  • Non-dystrophic, myogenic myopathies with onset in infancy or childhood. A review of some characteristic syndromes. I. Gamstorp. Acta paediatrica Scandinavica, Stockholm, November 1982, 71 (6): 881-886. Review. 1984
  • Progressive spinal muscular atrophies. I. Gamstorp and Harvey B. Samat, editors. In the series: The International Review of Child Neurology New York : Raven Press, 1984. 243 pages. 1985
  • Selenium supplementation in X-linked muscular dystrophy. Effects on erythrocyte and serum selenium and on erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase activity. M. Gebre-Medhin, K. H. Gustavson, I. Gamstorp, L. O. Plantin. Acta paediatrica Scandinavica, Stockholm, November 1985, 74 (6): 886-890. 1986
  • A trial of selenium and vitamin E in boys with muscular dystrophy. I. Gamstorp, K. H. Gustavson, O. Hellström, B. Nordgren . Journal of Child Neurology, July 1986, 1 (3): 211-214. 1988
  • A new type of muscular dystrophy in two brothers: analysis by use of DNA probes suggests autosomal recessive inheritance. P. Goonewardena, K. H. Gustavson, I. Gamstorp, N. R. Lundström, U. Pettersson. Clinical Genetics, Copenhagen, November 1988, 34 (5): 299-305. 1989
  • Disorders Characterised by Spontaneous Attacks of Weakness Connected with Changes of Serum Potassium. I. Gamstorp. In: Christos S. Bartsocas: Genetics of Neuromuscular Disorders: 175-195. Alan R. Liss Inc., 1989.
  • Review: Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, New York, 1989, 306: 175-195. 1990
  • Dermatomyositis and polymyositis in childhood. I. Gamstorp. Brain and Development, Tokyo, 1990, 12 (3): 345-348. Review.
  • [Fibromyalgia is a syndrome not a diagnosis] I. Gamstorp.Nordisk Medicin, Stockholm, 1990, 105 (5): 143. Swedish.
  • Friedreich's ataxia in 13 children: presentation and evolution with neurophysiologic, electrocardiographic, and echocardiographic features. M. A. Salih, G. Ahlsten, E. Stålberg, R. Schmidt, J. Sunnegårdh, M. Michaelsson, I. Gamstorp.Journal of Child Neurology, October 1990, 5 (4): 321-326. 1991
  • Lyme Borreliosis from a Patient's View-point. I. Gamstorp. Scandinavian Journal of Infctious Diseases. Supplementum, 1991, 77: 15-16. 1996
  • Child neurology—from my point of view. I. Gamstorp. Journal of Child Neurology, September 1996, 11 (5): 394-399. 1997
  • [Problems can be seen from different points of view] I. Gamstorp.Läkartidningen, September 3, 1997, 94 (36): 3018. Swedish. 2000
  • [Reflections on consolation—physicians, too, have the right to grief] I. Gamstorp. Läkartidningen, March 8, 2000, 97 (10): 1166. Swedish.


[uredi | uredi izvor]
  1. ^ „Ingrid Gamstorp”. Pristupljeno 8. 3. 2019. 
  2. ^ I. Gamstorp: Adynamia episodica hereditaria. Acta Pædiatrica Scandinavica, Stockholm, 1956, 45 (Supplement 108): 1-126.
  3. ^ Sergio I. Magalini, Sabina C. Magalini, Giovanni de Francisi: Dictionary of Medical Syndromes. J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia. 1990. Stanley Jablonski: Jablonski’s Dictionary of Syndromes & Eponymic diseases. Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar, Florida, 1991.
  4. ^ G. Grund: Über genetische Beziehungen zwischen Myotonie, Muskelkrämpfen und Myokimie (Zugleich Beitrag zur Pathologie der neuralen Muskelatrophie). Deutsche Zeitschrift für Nervenheilkunde, 1938, 146: 3-14.
  5. ^ I. Gamstorp, G. Wohlfart: A syndrome characterized by myokymia, myotonia, muscular wasting and increased perspiration. Acta Psychiatrica et Neurologica Scandinavica, Copenhagen, 1959, 34 (2): 181-194.


[uredi | uredi izvor]
  • Iréne Sjögren: Ingrid Gamstorp: Kvinnan bakom Gamstorps syndrom.Eulogy published on the website of the newspaper Sydsvenskan. First published on January 6, 2008; updated on January 9, 2008.
  • Gunnar Ahlsten, Orvar Eeg-Olofsson, Bo Strömberg: Ingrid Gamstorp: Jubeldoktor – en av höjdpunkterna. Eulogy published on the website of the newspaper Sydsvenskan, January 30, 2009. Firs published February 3, 2008, updated on february 5, 2008.

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