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Predinastičke ljudske figure, Nakada[1][2][3]

Nakada je selo na oko 80 kilometara severno od Luksora, na zapadnoj obali Nila. Nalazi se pored značajnog nalazišta iz praistorijskog, predinastičkog perioda, po kome je cela kultura dobila ime nakadska kultura. Studija Oksfordskog univerziteta iz 2013. godine o predinastičkom periodu sugeriše datum početka negde između 3.800 i 3.700 pre nove ere.[4]

Britanski egiptolog Vilijam Metju Flinders Petri, koji je istraživao ovo mesto 1894. godine, prvi je period Nakade podelio na tri podperioda: Nakada I, II i III. Petrijeva hronologija je zamenjena hronologijom Vernera Kajzera 1957. Kajzerova hronologija je počela oko 4000 p. n. e, ali je moderna verzija malo prilagođena, na sledeći način:[5]

Predinastički Egipćani u periodu Nakada I trgovali su sa Nubijom na jugu, oazama zapadne pustinje na zapadu i kulturama istočnog Mediterana na istoku.[6] Takođe su uvozili opsidijan iz Etiopije za oblikovanje sečiva i drugih predmeta od pločica.[7] Uzorci drvenog uglja pronađeni u grobnicama Nekhena, koji su datirani u period Nakada I i II, identifikovani su kao kedar iz Libana.[8]Razne biološke antropološke studije otkrile su da ostaci skeleta Nakade imaju afričke biološke sličnosti.[9][10][11]

Genetski podaci o ostacima iz Nakade

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Keita i Bojs (1996) su primetili da DNK studije nisu sprovedene na južnim preddinastičkim egipatskim skeletima.[12] Mada, različite DNK studije su otkrile da su Nubijci iz hrišćanskog doba i moderni Nubijci, zajedno sa modernim afroazijskim govornim stanovništvom na Rogu Afrike, poreklom od mešavine zapadnoevroazijske i afričke populacije.[13][14][15][16] Nekoliko naučnika je istaklo niz metodoloških ograničenja u primeni DNK studija na egipatske mumificirane ostatke.[17][18]

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  1. ^ „UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology” (PDF). 
  2. ^ „Naqada, ivory carvings”. 
  3. ^ Petrie, William Matthew Flinders (1895). Naqada and Ballas (na jeziku: engleski). str. 213. 
  4. ^ „Carbon dating shows ancient Egypt's rapid expansion”. 
  5. ^ Hendrickx, Stan. „The relative chronology of the Naqada culture: Problems and possibilities [in:] Spencer, A.J. (ed.), Aspects of Early Egypt. London: British Museum Press, 1996: 36-69.” (na jeziku: engleski): 64. 
  6. ^ Shaw, Ian (2002). The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. str. 61. ISBN 0-500-05074-0. 
  7. ^ Barbara G. Aston, James A. Harrell, Ian Shaw (2000). Paul T. Nicholson and Ian Shaw editors. "Stone," in Ancient Egyptian Materials and Technology, Cambridge, 5-77, pp. 46-47. Also note: Barbara G. Aston (1994). "Ancient Egyptian Stone Vessels", Studien zur Archäologie und Geschichte Altägyptens 5, Heidelberg, pp. 23-26. See on-line posts: [3] and [4].
  8. ^ Parsons, Marie. „Egypt: Hierakonpolis, A Feature Tour Egypt Story”. Pristupljeno 2008-07-09. 
  9. ^ "When Mahalanobis D2 was used,the Naqadan and Badarian Predynastic samples exhibited more similarity to Nubian, Tigrean, and some more southern series than to some mid- to late Dynasticseries from northern Egypt (Mukherjee et al., 1955). The Badarian have been found to be very similar to a Kerma sample (Kushite Sudanese), using both the Penrose statistic (Nutter, 1958) and DFA of males alone (Keita,1990). Furthermore, Keita considered that Badarian males had a southern modal phenotype, and that together with a Naqada sample, they formed a southern Egyptian cluster as tropical variants together with a sample from Kerma". Zakrzewski, Sonia R. (april 2007). „Population continuity or population change: Formation of the ancient Egyptian state”. American Journal of Physical Anthropology (na jeziku: engleski). 132 (4): 501—509. PMID 17295300. doi:10.1002/ajpa.20569. 
  10. ^ Keita, Shomarka. „Analysis of Naqada Predynastic Crania: a brief report (1996)” (PDF). Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 05. 12. 2022. g. Pristupljeno 26. 01. 2023. 
  11. ^ Godde, K. (2009). „An examination of Nubian and Egyptian biological distances: support for biological diffusion or in situ development?”. Homo: Internationale Zeitschrift für die Vergleichende Forschung am Menschen. 60 (5): 389—404. ISSN 1618-1301. PMID 19766993. doi:10.1016/j.jchb.2009.08.003. 
  12. ^ Celenko, Theodore (1996). "The Geographical Origins and Population Relationships of Early Ancient Egyptians" In Egypt in Africa. Indianapolis, Ind.: Indianapolis Museum of Art. str. 20—33. ISBN 0936260645. 
  13. ^ Sirak, K.A. (2021). „Social stratification without genetic differentiation at the site of Kulubnarti in Christian Period Nubia”. Nature Communications. 12 (1): 7283. Bibcode:2021NatCo..12.7283S. PMC 8671435Slobodan pristup. PMID 34907168. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-27356-8. „We find that the Kulubnarti Nubians were admixed with ~43% Nilotic related ancestry on average (individual proportions varied between ~36-54%) and the remaining ancestry reflecting a West Eurasian-related gene pool ultimately deriving from an ancestry pool like that found in the Bronze and Iron Age Levant. … The Kulubnarti Nubians on average are shifted slightly toward present-day West Eurasians relative to present-day Nubians, who are estimated to have ~40% West Eurasian-related ancestry. 
  14. ^ Hollfelder, Nina (2017). „Northeast African genomic variation shaped by the continuity of indigenous groups and Eurasian migrations”. PLOS Genetics. 13 (8): e1006976. PMC 5587336Slobodan pristup. PMID 28837655. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1006976. „All the populations that inhabit the Northeast of Sudan today, including the Nubian, Arab, and Beja groups showed admixture with Eurasian sources and the admixture fractions were very similar. …Nubians are an admixed group with gene-flow from outside of Africa … The strongest signal of admixture into Nubian populations came from Eurasian populations and was likely quite extensive: 39.41%-47.73%. … Nubians can be seen as a group with substantial genetic material relating to Nilotes that later have received much gene-flow from Eurasians. 
  15. ^ Haber, Marc (2017). „Chad Genetic Diversity Reveals an African History Marked by Multiple Holocene Eurasian Migrations”. American Journal of Human Genetics. 99 (6): 1316—1324. PMC 5142112Slobodan pristup. PMID 27889059. doi:10.1016/j.ajhg.2016.10.012. „We found that most Ethiopians are a mixture of Africans and Eurasians. … Eurasian ancestry in Ethiopians ranges from 11%–12% in the Gumuz to 53%–57% in the Amhara. 
  16. ^ Ali, A. A. (2020). „Genome-wide analyses disclose the distinctive HLA architecture and the pharmacogenetic landscape of the Somali population”. Scientific Reports. 10 (6): 1316—1324. Bibcode:2020NatSR..10.5652A. PMC 5142112Slobodan pristup. PMID 27889059. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-62645-0. „Principal component analysis showed approximately 60% East African and 40% West Eurasian genes in the Somali population, with a close relation to the Cushitic and Semitic speaking Ethiopian populations. 
  17. ^ Eltis, David; Bradley, Keith R.; Perry, Craig; Engerman, Stanley L.; Cartledge, Paul; Richardson, David (12. 8. 2021). The Cambridge World History of Slavery: Volume 2, AD 500-AD 1420 (na jeziku: engleski). Cambridge University Press. str. 150. ISBN 978-0-521-84067-5. 
  18. ^ Candelora Danielle (2022). Candelora Danielle, Ben-Marzouk Nadia, Cooney Kathyln (eds.). (31. 8. 2022). Ancient Egyptian society : challenging assumptions, exploring approaches. Abingdon, Oxon. str. 101—122. ISBN 9780367434632. 


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