Пређи на садржај

Томас Харди

С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије
(преусмерено са Thomas Hardy)
Томас Мастерсон Харди
Томас Мастерсон Харди
Лични подаци
Датум рођења(1840-06-02)2. јун 1840.
Место рођењаСтинсфорд, Уједињено Краљевство
Датум смрти11. јануар 1928.(1928-01-11) (87 год.)
Место смртиДорчестер, Уједињено Краљевство
ОбразовањеКингс колеџ

Томас Мастерсон Харди (енгл. Thomas Hardy; Стинсфорд, 2. јун 1840Дорчестер, 11. јануар 1928) био је енглески романописац и песник.[1]


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Велики утицај на Хардија имао је трагичан живот његовог оца, архитекте који је радио као зидар, те његова дела одишу песимизмом.

Први роман је написао у 27. години. Писао је романе о Весексу, свету који је био полустваран, полуизмишљен. Од 1898. године пише само поезију. Активно је писао до дана своје смрти. Важио је за најбољег енглеског писца свога времена, називан „последњим великим викторијанцем“, али је због слободумног става о љубави и браку долазио у сукоб с друштвеним конвенцијама ("Под зеленим дрветом“, „Далеко од разуздане гомиле“, „Повратак домороца“, „Теса од Д'Убервила“, „Незнани Џуд“, „Судија из Кастербриџа“).[2]

Збирке песама

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  • 1898 Wessex Poems and Other Verses[3]
  • 1902 Poems of the Past and the Present
  • 1909 Time’s Laughingstocks and Other Verses
  • 1914 Satires of Circumstances, Lyrics and Reveries
  • 1916, Thomas Hardy. Selected Poems. Macmillan (прештампано 1917, 1922, 1924,1925)
  • 1917 Moments of Vision and Miscellaneous Verses
  • 1922 Late Lyrics and Earlier with Many Other Verses
  • 1923 Collected Poems of Thomas Hardy. Macmillan 1925 Human Shows, Far Fantasies, Songs and Trifles
  • 1927 Thomas Hardy. Selected Poems. Macmillan
  • 1928 Winter Words in Various Moods and Metres
  • 1929 Chosen Poems of Thomas Hardy. Macmillan (прештампано 1931)
  • 1930 Irwin, Michael The Collected Poems of Thomas Hardy. Wordsworth Poetry Library (прештампано 1952)
  • 1940 Selected Poems of Thomas Hardy. Penguin Classics
  • 1940 Selected Poems of Thomas Hardy. Macmillan
  • 1960 Williams, W.E. Thomas Hardy. Penguin
  • 1961 Thomas Hardy. Selected Poems. Macmillan
  • 1966 Handley Wain, John. Selected Shorter Poems of Thomas Hardy. Macmillan
  • 1966 Thomas Hardy. Selected Poems. Macmillan
  • 1975 Gibson, James. Chosen Poems of Thomas Hardy. Macmillan
  • 1976 Gibson, James. The Complete Poems of Thomas Hardy. Palgrave Macmillan
  • 1977 Greighton, T.R.M., Poems of Thomas Hardy: A New Selection. Macmillan
  • 1977 Thomas Hardy. Selected Poems. Macmillan (прештампано 1983, 1989)
  • 1979 Thomas Hardy. Selected Poems. Penguin
  • 1979 Gibson, James. The Variorum Edition of the Complete Poems of Thomas Hardy. Macmillan
  • 1980 Thomas Hardy. Selected Poems. Snake River Press
  • 1981 The Complete Poems by Thomas Hardy. Palgrave Macmillan
  • 1981 Thomas Hardy. Selected Poetns. Weidenfeld & Nicolson
  • 1982 Hynes, Samuel, The Complete Poetical Works of Thomas Hardy. Oxford: Clarendon
  • 1982 New Wessex Selection of the Poems of Thomas Hardy. Palgrave Macmillan
  • 1982 Thomas Hardy. Selected Poems. Littlehampton Book Services
  • 1988 Selected Shorter Poems of Thomas Hardy. Papermac
  • 1992 Thomas Hardy. Selected Poems. Oxford University Press
  • 1992 Thomas Hardy. Selected Poems. Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
  • 1993 Thomas Hardy. Selected Poems. Longman
  • 1993 Thomas Hardy. Selected Poems. Penguin Classics
  • 1994 Thomas Hardy. Selected Poems. Orion Publishing Group.
  • 1994 Thomas Hardy. Selected Poems. Joe’s Press
  • 1995 Thomas Hardy. Selected Poems. Everyman’s Library
  • 1998 Mezev, Robert, Thomas Hardy. Selected Poems. Penguin Classics (прештампано 2008)
  • 2001 Thomas Hardy. Selected Poems. York Press
  • 2004 Thomas Hardy. Selected Poems. CRW Publishing Ltd.
  • 2009 Thomas Hardy. Selected Poems. Bibliobazaar
  • 2010 Tomalin, Claire, Unexpected Elegies. Poems of 1912-13 and Other Poems about Emma. Persea

Избор антологија у које је уврштена Хардијева поезија

[уреди | уреди извор]
  • Abrams, M.H. 1962,. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. New York & London: W. W. Norton Company (прештампанo 1968,1974,1979)[3]
  • Hewet, R.P. 1998. A Choice of Poets. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes
  • Kermode, Frank & John Hollander 1973. The Oxford Anthology of English Literature. London: Oxford University Press
  • Schmidt, Michael 1999. The Harvill Book of Twentieth-Century Poetry in English. London: The Harvill Press
  • Wayward, John 1956. The Penguin Book of English Verse

Изабрана дела о Томасу Хардију

[уреди | уреди извор]
  • Blunden, Edmund 1954. Thomas Hardy. London: Macmillan[3]
  • Bragg, Melvyn 1982. Thomas Hardy. Poulshot: Sussex Publications
  • Bragg, Melvyn 1987. Thomas Hardy II. Poulshot: Sussex Publications
  • Brown, Douglas 1954, Thomas Hardy (‘Men and Books’ Series) London: Longmans
  • Brown, J. Cullen 1989. A Journey into Hardy's Poetry. London: W. H. Allen
  • Buckler, W. E. 1983. The Poetry of Thomas Hardy. New York: University Press
  • Clement, P. & J. Grindle (npnp.) 1980. The Poetry cf Thomas Hardy. Vision Press: Alabama Cox, R. G. 1970. Thomas Hardy: The Critical Heritage Edited. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
  • Draper, Jo & John Fowles 1984. Thomas Hardy’s England. London: Jonathan Cape
  • Draper, Jo & John Fowles 1984. Thomas Hardy’s England. New York: Little, Brown & Co.
  • Draper, Jo & John Fowles 1985. Thomas Hardy’s England. Brighton: Guild Publishing.
  • Draper, Jo & John Fowles 1989. Thomas Hardy ’s England. London: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC.
  • Gosse, Edmund ‘Mr. Hardy’s lyrical Poems’ Edinburgh Review April 1918. npeniTaMriaHo y Cox R.G.
  • Handley, Graham. Brodie’s Notes on Chosen Poems of Thomas Hardy. London: Pan books Hardy, Evelin 1954 Thomas Hardy. A Critical Biography. London . The Hogarth Press
  • Hardy, Evelyn & Robet Gittings (npHp.) 1961. Hardy, Emma: Some Recollections. Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Hardy, Florence Emily 1928. The Early Life of Thomas Hardy, 1840-1891. London: Macmillan.
  • Hardy, Florence Emily 1930. The Later Years of Thomas Hardy, 1892 -1928. London: Macmillan
  • Hardy, Florence Emily 1962. The Life of Thomas Hardy, 1840-1928. London: Macmillan
  • Harvey, Geoffrey. 2003. Thomas Hardy. London: Routledge
  • Harvey, Geoffrey. 2003. The Complete Critical Guide to Thomas Hardy. London: Routledge
  • Howe, Irving 1968. Thomas Hardy. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson
  • Johnson, Trevor 1991. A Critical Introduction to the Poems of Thomas Hardy. London: Macmillan
  • Lawrence, D.H. 1914. Study of Thomas Hardy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Lea, Hermann 1913. Thomas Hardy’s Wessex. London: Macmillan.
  • The Later Years of Thomas Hardy, 1892 -1928. London: Macmillan.
  • Millgate, Michael 1982. Thomas Hardy. A Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Patil, Mallikaijun 1999. Thomas Hardy’s Poetry and Existentialism. Ahmedabad. Gujarat: Atlantic


[уреди | уреди извор]
  1. ^ „Thomas Hardy | Biography, Books, Poems, Marriage, & Facts | Britannica”. www.britannica.com (на језику: енглески). 2024-01-07. Приступљено 2024-02-01. 
  2. ^ „Tomas Hardi”. vulkani.rs. Архивирано из оригинала 19. 01. 2019. г. Приступљено 18. 1. 2019. 
  3. ^ а б в Харди, Томас (2010). Песме. Београд: Паидеиа. 


[уреди | уреди извор]
  • Armstrong, Tim. "Player Piano: Poetry and Sonic Modernity" in Modernism/Modernity 14  (1):  1–19.
  • Beatty, Claudius J.P (1995). Thomas Hardy: Conservation Architect. His Work for the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings. ISBN 0-900341-44-0. . Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society
  • Blunden, Edmund. Thomas Hardy. New York: St. Martin's, 1942.
  • Brady, Kristen (1982). The Short Stories of Thomas Hardy. London: Macmillan. 
  • Boumelha, Penny (1982). Thomas Hardy and Women. New Jersey: Barnes and Noble. 
  • Brennecke, Jr., Ernest. The Life of Thomas Hardy. New York: Greenberg, 1925.
  • Cecil, Lord David (1943). Hardy the Novelist. London: Constable. 
  • D'Agnillo, Renzo, "Music and Metaphor in Under the Greenwood Tree, in The Thomas Hardy Journal, 9  (2):  39–50.
  • D'Agnillo, Renzo, "Between Belief and Non-Belief: Thomas Hardy’s 'The Shadow on the Stone'”, in Thomas Hardy, Francesco Marroni and Norman Page (eds), Pescara, Edizioni Tracce, 1995, pp. 197–222.
  • Deacon, Lois and Terry Coleman (1966). Providence and Mr. Hardy. London: Hutchinson. 
  • Draper, Jo. Thomas Hardy: A Life in Pictures. Wimborne, Dorset: The Dovecote Press.
  • Ellman, Richard & O'Clair, Robert (eds.) 1988. "Thomas Hardy" in The Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry, Norton, New York.
  • Gatrell, Simon (1988). Hardy the Creator: A Textual Biography. Oxford: Clarendon. 
  • Gibson, James (1996). Thomas Hardy: A Literary Life. London: Macmillan. 
  • Gibson, James. Thomas Hardy: Interviews and Recollections. London: Macmillan, 1999; New York: St Martin's Press, 1999.
  • Gittings, Robert. Thomas Hardy's Later Years. Boston : Little, Brown, 1978.
  • Gittings, Robert. Young Thomas Hardy. Boston : Little, Brown, 1975.
  • Gittings, Robert and Jo Manton (1979). The Second Mrs Hardy. London: Heinemann. 
  • Gossin, P. Thomas Hardy's Novel Universe: Astronomy, Cosmology, and Gender in the Post-Darwinian World. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007 (The Nineteenth Century Series).
  • Halliday, F. E. Thomas Hardy: His Life and Work. Bath: Adams & Dart, 1972.
  • Hands, Timothy. Thomas Hardy : Distracted Preacher? : Hardy's religious biography and its influence on his novels. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989.
  • Hardy, Evelyn (1954). Thomas Hardy: A Critical Biography. London: Hogarth Press. 
  • Hardy, Florence Emily. The Early Life of Thomas Hardy, 1840–1891. London: Macmillan, 1928.
  • Hardy, Florence Emily. The Later Years of Thomas Hardy, 1892–1928 London: Macmillan, 1930.
  • Harvey, Geoffrey. Thomas Hardy: The Complete Critical Guide to Thomas Hardy. New York: Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), 2003.
  • Hedgcock, F. A., Thomas Hardy: penseur et artiste. Paris: Librairie Hachette, 1911.
  • Holland, Clive (1933). Thomas Hardy O.M.: The Man, His Works and the Land of Wessex. London: Herbert Jenkins. 
  • Jedrzejewski, Jan (1996). Thomas Hardy and the Church. London: Macmillan. 
  • Johnson, Lionel Pigot (1894). The art of Thomas Hardy. London: E. Mathews. .
  • Kay-Robinson, Denys. The First Mrs Thomas Hardy. London: Macmillan, 1979.
  • Langbaum, Robert. "Thomas Hardy in Our Time." New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995, London: Macmillan, 1997.
  • Marroni, Francesco, "The Negation of Eros in 'Barbara of the House of Grebe' ", in "Thomas Hardy Journal", 10, 1 (February 1994) pp. 33–41
  • Marroni, Francesco and Norman Page (eds.), Thomas Hardy. Pescara: Edizioni Tracce. 1995. .
  • Marroni, Francesco (1997). La poesia di Thomas Hardy. Bari: Adriatica Editrice. 
  • Marroni, Francesco, "The Poetry of Ornithology in Keats, Leopardi, and Hardy: A Dialogic Analysis", in "Thomas Hardy Journal", 14, 2 (May 1998) pp. 35–44
  • Millgate, Michael (ed.). The Life and Work of Thomas Hardy by Thomas Hardy. London: Macmillan, 1984.
  • Millgate, Michael (1982). Thomas Hardy: A Biography. New York: Random House. 
  • Millgate, Michael. Thomas Hardy: A Biography Revisited. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.
  • Morgan, Rosemarie, (ed) The Ashgate Research Companion to Thomas Hardy, (Ashgate publishing), 2010.
  • Morgan, Rosemarie, (ed) The Hardy Review,(Maney Publishing), 1999–.
  • Morgan, Rosemarie, Student Companion to Thomas Hardy (Greenwood Press), 2006.
  • Morgan, Rosemarie, Cancelled Words: Rediscovering Thomas Hardy (Routledge, Chapman & Hall),1992
  • Morgan, Rosemarie, Women and Sexuality in the Novels of Thomas Hardy (Routledge & Kegan Paul), 1988; paperback: 1990.
  • Musselwhite, David, Social Transformations in Hardy's Tragic Novels: Megamachines and Phantasms, Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
  • Norman, Andrew (2011). Behind the Mask. History Press. ISBN 978-0-7524-5630-0. 
  • O'Sullivan, Timothy. Thomas Hardy: An Illustrated Biography. London: Macmillan, 1975.
  • Orel, Harold. The Final Years of Thomas Hardy, 1912–1928. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1976.
  • Orel, Harold. The Unknown Thomas Hardy. New York: St. Martin's, 1987.
  • Page, Norman, ed. Thomas Hardy Annual. No.1: 1982; No.2: 1984; No.3: 1985; No.4:1986; No.5; 1987. London: Macmillan, 1982–1987.
  • Phelps, Kenneth (1975). The Wormwood Cup: Thomas Hardy in Cornwall. Padstow: Lodenek Press. 
  • Pinion, F. B. Thomas Hardy: His Life and Friends. London: Palgrave, 1992.
  • Pite, Ralph (2006). Thomas Hardy: The Guarded Life. London: Picador. 
  • Saxelby, F. Outwin (1911). A Thomas Hardy dictionary : the characters and scenes of the novels and poems alphabetically arranged and described. London: G. Routledge. .
  • Seymour-Smith, Martin. Hardy. London: Bloomsbury, 1994.
  • Stevens-Cox, J. Thomas Hardy: Materials for a Study of his Life, Times, and Works. St. Peter Port, Guernsey: Toucan Press, 1968.
  • Stevens-Cox, J. Thomas Hardy: More Materials for a Study of his Life, Times, and Works. St. Peter Port, Guernsey: Toucan Press, 1971.
  • Stewart, J. I. M. Thomas Hardy: A Critical Biography. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1971.
  • Taylor, Richard H. The Neglected Hardy: Thomas Hardy's Lesser Novels. London: Macmillan; New York: St Martin's Press, 1982.
  • Taylor, Richard H., ed. The Personal Notebooks of Thomas Hardy. London: Macmillan, 1979.
  • Tomalin, Claire (2006). Thomas Hardy. New York: Penguin Press. 
  • Turner, Paul (1998). The Life of Thomas Hardy: A Critical Biography. Oxford: Blackwell. 
  • Weber, Carl J. Hardy of Wessex, his Life and Literary Career. New York: Columbia University Press, 1940.
  • Wilson, Keith (1995). Thomas Hardy on Stage. London: Macmillan. 
  • Wilson, Keith, ed. Thomas Hardy Reappraised: Essays in Honour of Michael Millgate. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006.
  • Wilson, Keith, ed. A Companion to Thomas Hardy. Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
  • Wotton, George. Thomas Hardy: Towards A Materialist Criticism. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 1985.

Спољашње везе

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