Пређи на садржај

Хенри Џејмс

С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије
Хенри Џејмс
Хенри Џејмс
Лични подаци
Датум рођења(1843-04-15)15. април 1843.
Место рођењаЊујорк, САД
Датум смрти28. фебруар 1916.(1916-02-28) (72 год.)
Место смртиЛондон, Уједињено Краљевство

Хенри Џејмс (енгл. Henry James; Њујорк, 15. април 1843Лондон, 28. фебруар 1916) био је америчкo-британски књижевник. Био је син угледног америчког теолога Хенрија Џејмса старијег, брат филозофа и психолога Вилијама Џејмса и књижевнице Алис Џејмс. Већи део свог живота провео је у Енглеској, чије је држављанство прихватио непосредно пред смрт.[1] Иако су након смрти појединци покушавали да оспоре његов значај као писца и књижевног новаторa, Хенри Џејмс данас има статус канонског писца светске књижевности.

Препознатљив је по романима у којима је приказивао младе Американце у сусрету са Европом и европским стилом живота. У романима се поиграва својом припадношћу двама световима, како би успоставио једну животну филозофију која се окончава медитацијом о умећу живљења, односно живљења у складу са захтевима и двосмисленостима уметности. Његово умеће писања из перспектива различитих јунака омогућила му је да испитује и приказује различита подручја људске свести и стварносне перцепције. Џејмсова креативна и оригинална употреба тачке гледишта, унутрашњег монолога и непоузданих приповедача видно је унапредила могућности форме романа и најавила појаву модернизма. Значајни су и његови радови на пољу књижевне теорије. Осим романа и књижевнотеоријских текстова писао је и драме, путописе, ликовну критику, биографије и аутобиографију. Дамјан Поповић, Луиз Пеџет и Делфа Иванић су с њим у Скопљу имали састанак око помоћи Србији у рату, фебруара 1915. године.[2][3]

Хенри Џејмс 1897. године

Најзначајнија дела

[уреди | уреди извор]
  • Родерик Хадсон (1875)
  • Европејци (1878)
  • Портрет једне даме (1881)
  • Принцеза Казамасима (1886)
  • Бостонци (1886)
  • Оно што је Мејзи знала (1897)
  • Окретај завртња (1898)
  • Крила голубице (1902)
  • Амбасодори (1903)
  • Златна посуда (1904)


[уреди | уреди извор]
  1. ^ Edel, Leon. „Henry James”. Encyclopædia Britannica. Приступљено 23. 1. 2019. 
  2. ^ Милановић, Јасмина (2012). DELFA ИВАНИЋ, УСПОМЕНЕ. Београд: ИНСТИТУТ ЗА САВРЕМЕНУ ИСТОРИЈУ. стр. 161. ISBN 978-86-7403-172-8. 
  3. ^ Општа Ларусова енциклопедија. Земун: ЈРЈ. 2004. стр. 386. 


[уреди | уреди извор]
  • Harold Bloom (2009) [2001]. Henry James. Infobase Publishing, originally published by Chelsea House. ISBN 978-1-4381-1601-3.
  • Jorge Luis Borges and Esther Zemborain de Torres (1971). An Introduction to American Literature. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky.
  • Theodora Bosanquet (1982). Henry James At Work. Haskell House Publishers Inc. pp. 275–276. ISBN 0-8383-0009-X
  • John R. Bradley, ed. (1999). Henry James and Homo-Erotic Desire. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 0-312-21764-1
  • John R. Bradley (2000). I Henry James on Stage and Screen Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 0-333-79214-9
  • John R. Bradley (2000). Henry James's Permanent Adolescence. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 0-333-91874-6
  • Van Wyck Brooks (1925). The Pilgrimage of Henry James
  • Gabriel Brownstein (2004). "Introduction," in James, Henry. Portrait of a Lady, Barnes & Noble Classics series, Spark Educational Publishing.
  • Lewis Dabney, ed. (1983). The Portable Edmund Wilson. ISBN 0-14-015098-6
  • Marysa Demoor and Monty Chisholm, editors (1999). Bravest of Women and Finest of Friends: Henry James's Letters to Lucy Clifford, University of Victoria (1999), p. 79 ISBN 0-920604-67-6
  • F.W. Dupee (1951). Henry James William Sloane Associates, The American Men of Letters Series.
  • Leon Edel, ed. (1955). The Selected Letters of Henry James New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Vol. 1
  • Leon Edel, ed. (1983). Henry James Letters.
  • Leon Edel, ed. (1990). The Complete Plays of Henry James. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-504379-0
  • E.M. Forster (1956). Aspects of the Novel ISBN 0-674-38780-5
  • Gunter, Susan (2000). Dear Munificent Friends: Henry James's Letters to Four Women. University of Michigan Press. ISBN 0-472-11010-1. 
  • Gunter, Susan E.; Jobe, Steven H. (2001). Dearly Beloved Friends: Henry James's Letters to Younger Men. University of Michigan Press. ISBN 0-472-11009-8. 
  • Katrina vanden Heuvel (1990). The Nation 1865–1990, Thunder's Mouth Press. ISBN 1-56025-001-1
  • James Kraft (1969). The early tales of Henry James. Southern Illinois University Press.
  • Paul Lauter (2010). A companion to American literature and culture. Chichester; Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. p. 364. ISBN 0-631-20892-5
  • Percy Lubbock, ed. (1920). The Letters of Henry James, vol. 1. New York: Scribner.
  • F. O. Matthiessen and Kenneth Murdock, editors (1981) The Notebooks of Henry James. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-51104-9
  • Novick, Sheldon M (1996). Henry James: The Young Master. Random House. ISBN 0-394-58655-7. 
  • Sheldon M. Novick (2007). Henry James: The Mature Master. Random House; (2007) ISBN 978-0-679-45023-8.
  • Ross Posnock (1987). "James, Browning, and the Theatrical Self," in Neuman, Mark and Payne, Michael. Self, sign, and symbol. Bucknell University Press.
  • Powers, Lyall H (1970). Henry James: An Introduction and InterpretationНеопходна слободна регистрација. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 
  • lt [Ignas Skrupskelis] and Elizabeth Bradley, editors. (1994). The Correspondence of William James: Volume 3, William and Henry. 1897–1910. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia.
  • Allan Wade, ed. (1948). Henry James: The Scenic Art, Notes on Acting and the Drama 1872–1901.
  • Edward Wagenknecht (1983). The Novels of Henry James.
  • Edith Wharton (1925) The Writing of Fiction.
  • Virginia Woolf (2003). A Writer's Diary: Being Extracts from the Diary of Virginia Woolf. Harcourt. p. 33, 39–40, 58, 86, 215, 301, 351. ISBN 978-0-15-602791-5.
  • H.G. Wells, Boon. (1915) The Mind of the Race, The Wild Asses of the Devil, and The Last Trump. London: T. Fisher Unwin p. 101.
  • Rosella Mamoli Zorzi, ed. (2004). Beloved Boy: Letters to Hendrik C. Andersen, 1899–1915. University of Virginia Press. ISBN 0-8139-2270-4
  • A Bibliography of Henry James: Third Edition by Leon Edel, Dan Laurence and James Rambeau (1982). ISBN 1-58456-005-3
  • A Henry James Encyclopedia by Robert L. Gale (1989). ISBN 0-313-25846-5
  • A Henry James Chronology by Edgar F. Harden (2005). ISBN 1403942293
  • The Daily Henry James: A Year of Quotes from the Work of the Master. Edited by Michael Gorra (2016). ISBN 978-0-226-40854-5
  • Henry James A Bibliographical Catalogue of Editions to 1921,2nd Edition Revised, By David J. Supino, Liverpool U. Press 2014
  • A Small Boy and Others: A Critical Edition edited by Peter Collister (2011). ISBN 0813930820
  • Notes of a Son and Brother and The Middle Years: A Critical Edition edited by Peter Collister (2011) ISBN 0813930847
  • Autobiographies edited by Philip Horne (2016). Contains A Small Boy and Others, Notes of a Son and Brother, The Middle Years, other autobiographical writings, and Henry James at Work, by Theodora Bosanquet. ISBN 9781598534719
  • An Annotated Critical Bibliography of Henry James by Nicola Bradbury (Harvester Press, 1987). ISBN 978-0710810304
  • Henry James: The Untried Years 1843–1870 by Leon Edel (1953)
  • Henry James: The Conquest of London 1870–1881 by Leon Edel (1962) ISBN 0-380-39651-3
  • Henry James: The Middle Years 1882–1895 by Leon Edel (1962) ISBN 0-380-39669-6
  • Henry James: The Treacherous Years 1895–1901 by Leon Edel (1969) ISBN 0-380-39677-7
  • Henry James: The Master 1901–1916 by Leon Edel (1972) ISBN 0-380-39677-7
  • Henry James: A Life by Leon Edel (1985) ISBN 0060154594. One-volume abridgment of Edel's five-volume biography, listed above.
  • Henry James: The Young Master by Sheldon M. Novick (1996) ISBN 0812978838
  • Henry James: The Mature Master by Sheldon M. Novick (2007) ISBN 0679450238
  • Henry James: The Imagination of Genius by Fred Kaplan (1992) ISBN 0-688-09021-4
  • A Private Life of Henry James: Two Women and His Art by Lyndall Gordon (1998) ISBN 0-393-04711-3. Revised edition titled Henry James: His Women and His Art (2012) ISBN 978-1-84408-892-8.
  • House of Wits: An Intimate Portrait of the James Family by Paul Fisher (2008) ISBN 1616793376
  • The James Family: A Group Biography by F. O. Matthiessen (0394742435) ISBN 0679450238
  • Theatre and Friendship by Elizabeth Robins. London: Jonathan Cape, 1932.
  • Henry James: Letters edited by Leon Edel (four vols. 1974–1984)
  • Henry James: A Life in Letters edited by Philip Horne (1999) ISBN 0-670-88563-0
  • The Complete Letters of Henry James,1855–1872 edited by Pierre A. Walker and Greg Zacharias (two vols., University of Nebraska Press, 2006)
  • The Complete Letters of Henry James, 1872–1876 edited by Pierre A. Walker and Greg W. Zacharias (three vols., University of Nebraska Press, 2008)
  • Complete Stories 1864–1874 (Jean Strouse, ed, Library of America, 1999) ISBN 978-1-883011-70-3
  • Complete Stories 1874–1884 (William Vance, ed, Library of America, 1999) ISBN 978-1-883011-63-5
  • Complete Stories 1884–1891 (Edward Said, ed, Library of America, 1999) ISBN 978-1-883011-64-2
  • Complete Stories 1892–1898 (John Hollander, David Bromwich, Denis Donoghue, eds, Library of America, 1996) ISBN 978-1-883011-09-3
  • Complete Stories 1898–1910 (John Hollander, David Bromwich, Denis Donoghue, eds, Library of America, 1996) ISBN 978-1-883011-10-9
  • Novels 1871–1880: Watch and Ward, Roderick Hudson, The American, The Europeans, Confidence (William T. Stafford, ed., Library of America, 1983) ISBN 978-0-940450-13-4
  • Novels 1881–1886: Washington Square, The Portrait of a Lady, The Bostonians (William T. Stafford, ed, Library of America, 1985) ISBN 978-0-940450-30-1
  • Novels 1886–1890: The Princess Casamassima, The Reverberator, The Tragic Muse (Daniel Mark Fogel, ed, Library of America, 1989) ISBN 978-0-940450-56-1
  • Novels 1896–1899: The Other House, The Spoils of Poynton, What Maisie Knew, The Awkward Age (Myra Jehlen, ed, Library of America, 2003) ISBN 978-1-931082-30-3
  • Novels 1901–1902: The Sacred Fount, The Wings of the Dove (Leo Bersani, ed, Library of America, 2006) ISBN 978-1-931082-88-4
  • Collected Travel Writings, Great Britain and America: English Hours; The American Scene; Other Travels edited by Richard Howard (Library of America, 1993) ISBN 978-0-940450-76-9
  • Collected Travel Writings, The Continent: A Little Tour in France, Italian Hours, Other Travels edited by Richard Howard (Library of America, 1993) ISBN 0-940450-77-1
  • Literary Criticism Volume One: Essays on Literature, American Writers, English Writers edited by Leon Edel and Mark Wilson (Library of America, 1984) ISBN 978-0-940450-22-6
  • Literary Criticism Volume Two: French Writers, Other European Writers, The Prefaces to the New York Edition edited by Leon Edel and Mark Wilson (Library of America, 1984) ISBN 978-0-940450-23-3
  • The Complete Notebooks of Henry James edited by Leon Edel and Lyall Powers (1987) ISBN 0-19-503782-0
  • The Complete Plays of Henry James edited by Leon Edel (1991) ISBN 0195043790
  • Henry James: Autobiography edited by F.W. Dupee (1956)
  • The American: an Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Sources, Criticism edited by James Tuttleton (1978) ISBN 0-393-09091-4
  • The Ambassadors: An Authoritative Text, The Author on the Novel, Criticism edited by S.P. Rosenbaum (1994) ISBN 0-393-96314-4
  • The Turn of the Screw: Authoritative Text, Contexts, Criticism edited by Deborah Esch and Jonathan Warren (1999) ISBN 0-393-95904-X
  • The Portrait of a Lady: An Authoritative Text, Henry James and the Novel, Reviews and Criticism edited by Robert Bamberg (2003) ISBN 0-393-96646-1
  • The Wings of the Dove: Authoritative Text, The Author and the Novel, Criticism edited by J. Donald Crowley and Richard Hocks (2003) ISBN 0-393-97881-8
  • Tales of Henry James: The Texts of the Tales, the Author on His Craft, Criticism edited by Christof Wegelin and Henry Wonham (2003) ISBN 0-393-97710-2
  • The Portable Henry James, New Edition edited by John Auchard (2004) ISBN 0-14-243767-0
  • Henry James on Culture: Collected Essays on Politics and the American Social Scene edited by Pierre Walker (1999) ISBN 0-8032-2589-X
  • The Novels of Henry James by Oscar Cargill (1961)
  • Henry James: the later novels by Nicola Bradbury (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979)
  • The Tales of Henry James by Edward Wagenknecht (1984) ISBN 0-8044-2957-X
  • Modern Critical Views: Henry James edited by Harold Bloom (1987) ISBN 0-87754-696-7
  • A Companion to Henry James Studies edited by Daniel Mark Fogel (1993) ISBN 0-313-25792-2
  • Henry James's Europe: Heritage and Transfer edited by Dennis Tredy, Annick Duperray and Adrian Harding (2011) ISBN 978-1-906924-36-2
  • Echec et écriture. Essai sur les nouvelles de Henry James by Annick Duperray (1992)
  • Henry James: A Collection of Critical Essays edited by Ruth Yeazell (1994) ISBN 0-13-380973-0
  • The Cambridge Companion to Henry James edited by Jonathan Freedman (1998) ISBN 0-521-49924-0
  • The Novel Art: Elevations of American Fiction after Henry James by Mark McGurl (2001) ISBN 0-691-08899-3
  • Henry James and the Visual by Kendall Johnson (2007) ISBN 0-521-88066-1
  • False Positions: The Representational Logics of Henry James's Fiction. by Julie Rivkin. (1996) ISBN 0-8047-2617-5
  • 'Henry James's Critique of the Beautiful Life,' by R.R. Reno in Azure, Spring 2010, [1]
  • Approaches to Teaching Henry James's Daisy Miller and The Turn of the Screw edited by Kimberly C. Reed and Peter G. Beidler (2005) ISBN 0-87352-921-9
  • Henry James and Modern Moral Life by Robert B. Pippin (1999) ISBN 0-521-65230-8
  • "Friction with the Market": Henry James and the Profession of Authorship by Michael Anesko (1986) ISBN 0-19-504034-1

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