Социјална сигурност — разлика између измена

С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије
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Ред 1: Ред 1:
{{Short description|Друштвена корист оријентисана на средства}}{{рут}}
'''Социјална сигурност''', у најширем смислу, значи [[стварање]] једнаких могућности [[индивидуа|појединцима]] да себи и својој породици могу обезбедити услове [[живот]]а који ће им пружити шансу да задовоље своје основне и изведене потребе.<ref>{{cite web |title=Social welfare program |url=https://www.britannica.com/topic/social-welfare-program |website=[[Encyclopedia Britannica]] |language=en}}</ref> У институционалном смислу, социјална сигурност је темељ [[организација|организације]] социјалне државе са свим установама које такве могућности обезбеђују. Социјална сигурност подразумева и стабилност [[друштво|друштвеног]] положаја, материјалних и [[култура|културних]] услова [[живот]]а, могућности продукције и репродукције [[живот]]а, [[стварање]] услова за обављање радних и друштвених [[улога]]. То укључује и спречавање ризика који воде погоршању или смањењу услова за живот и рад [[индивидуа|појединаца]], [[породица|породице]], [[друштвена група|друштвених група]] и [[организација]]. Веома широко схваћен појам, нарочито у друштвима која се залажу за комплексну примену [[човек|људских]] [[право|права]]. Подразумева обавезу друштва да сваком појединцу обезбеди и гарантује физички интегритет и одговарајуће [[образовање]], [[стварање]] услова за запослење и становање, као и правну сигурност у [[случај]]евима губитка неке [[способност]]и, а посебно [[способност]]и за самостално привређивање.

'''Социјална сигурност''', у најширем смислу, значи [[стварање]] једнаких могућности [[индивидуа|појединцима]] да себи и својој породици могу обезбедити услове [[живот]]а који ће им пружити шансу да задовоље своје основне и изведене потребе.<ref>{{cite web |title=Social welfare program |url=https://www.britannica.com/topic/social-welfare-program |website=[[Encyclopedia Britannica]] |language=en}}</ref> У институционалном смислу, социјална сигурност је темељ [[организација|организације]] социјалне државе са свим установама које такве могућности обезбеђују.<ref>{{cite web |last1=Brown |first1=Taylor Kate |title=How US welfare compares around the globe |url=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-37159686 |website=BBC News |date=26 August 2016}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|author=Gilles Séguin |url=http://www.canadiansocialresearch.net/welfare.htm |title=Welfare |publisher=Canadian Social Research |access-date=10 February 2011 |url-status=dead |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120504000202/http://www.canadiansocialresearch.net/welfare.htm |archive-date=4 May 2012}}</ref> Социјална сигурност подразумева и стабилност [[друштво|друштвеног]] положаја, материјалних и [[култура|културних]] услова [[живот]]а, могућности продукције и репродукције [[живот]]а, [[стварање]] услова за обављање радних и друштвених [[улога]]. То укључује и спречавање ризика који воде погоршању или смањењу услова за живот и рад [[индивидуа|појединаца]], [[породица|породице]], [[друштвена група|друштвених група]] и [[организација]].<ref name="WeissbrodtVega2007">{{cite book |author1=[[David S. Weissbrodt]] |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=RaU1U-4gBCkC&pg=PA130 |title=International Human Rights Law: An Introduction |author2=Connie de la Vega |publisher=University of Pennsylvania Press |year=2007 |isbn=978-0-8122-4032-0 |page=130}}</ref><ref name="Robert2004">{{cite book|author=Walker, Robert|title=Social Security And Welfare: Concepts And Comparisons: Concepts and Comparisons|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=5WZu4TlzRuIC&pg=PA4|date=1 November 2004|publisher=McGraw-Hill Education (UK)|isbn=978-0-335-20934-7|page=4}}</ref> Веома широко схваћен појам, нарочито у друштвима која се залажу за комплексну примену [[човек|људских]] [[право|права]]. Подразумева обавезу друштва да сваком појединцу обезбеди и гарантује физички интегритет и одговарајуће [[образовање]], [[стварање]] услова за запослење и становање, као и правну сигурност у [[случај]]евима губитка неке [[способност]]и, а посебно [[способност]]и за самостално привређивање.<ref>{{cite web |title=Social Security Versus Welfare: Differences and Similarities |url=https://www.easy-apply.us/social-security-versus-welfare/ |website=e-forms.us}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=Social Security And Welfare – What Is The Difference? |url=https://www.get.com/guide/social-security-and-welfare/ |website=www.get.com}}</ref>
== Литература ==

* {{РСР}}
The [[International Labour Organization]] defines social security as covering [[old age pension|support for those in old age]], [[Child benefit|support for the maintenance of children]], [[Universal healthcare|medical treatment]], [[parental leave|parental]] and [[sick leave]], [[unemployment benefits|unemployment]] and [[disability benefits]], and [[workers' compensation|support for sufferers]] of [[occupational injury]].<ref>{{cite web |title=International Labour Standards on Social security |url=https://www.ilo.org/global/standards/subjects-covered-by-international-labour-standards/social-security/lang--en/index.htm |website=www.ilo.org |language=en}}</ref><ref name="Pennings2006">{{cite book|author=Frans Pennings|title=Between Soft and Hard Law: The Impact of International Social Security Standards on National Social Security Law|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=We26kJ2FFskC&pg=PA41|date=1 January 2006|publisher=Kluwer Law International B.V.|isbn=978-90-411-2491-3|pages=32–41}}</ref>

More broadly, welfare may also encompass efforts to provide a basic level of [[well-being]] through free or [[Subsidy|subsidized]] ''social services'' such as [[universal healthcare|healthcare]], [[Free education|education]], [[vocational training]], and [[public housing]].<ref name="Vrooman2009">{{cite book|author=J. C. Vrooman|title=Rules of Relief: Institutions of Social Security, and Their Impact|url=https://pure.uvt.nl/ws/portalfiles/portal/1111095/Proefschrift_JC_Vrooman_040909.pdf|year=2009|publisher=Netherlands Institute for Social Research, SCP|pages=111–126}}</ref><ref name="Modern Thought Third Edition 1999 p. 919">''The New Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought'' Third Edition (1999), Allan Bullock and Stephen Trombley Eds., p. 919.</ref> In a [[welfare state]], the state assumes responsibility for the health, education, and welfare of society, providing a range of social services such as those described.<ref name="Modern Thought Third Edition 1999 p. 919"/>

The first codified universal government welfare was instituted in the 7th century (634 CE) in the time of the [[Rashidun Caliphate|Rashidun caliph]] [[Umar]].<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/the-charitable-crescent-9781845118990/|title=Benthall, Jonathan & Bellion-Jourdan, J. The Charitable Crescent: Politics of Aid in the Muslim World, 2nd ed. (London: I.B. Tauris, 2009), p. 17|access-date=20 May 2020}}</ref> The first welfare state was [[Imperial Germany]] (1871–1918), where the [[Social security in Germany|Bismarck government introduced social security]] in 1889.<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.ssa.gov/history/ottob.html|title=Social Security History|date=28 September 2019|website=Social Security|url-status=live|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20190928175734/https://www.ssa.gov/history/ottob.html|archive-date=28 September 2019|access-date=28 September 2019}}</ref> In the early 20th century, the United Kingdom introduced social security around 1913, and adopted the welfare state with the [[National Insurance Act 1946]], during the [[Clement Attlee|Attlee government]] (1945–51).<ref name="Modern Thought Third Edition 1999 p. 919"/> In the countries of western Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, social welfare is mainly provided by the government out of the national [[tax revenue]]s, and to a lesser extent by [[NGO|non-government organizations]] (NGOs), and [[Charitable organization|charities]] (social and religious).<ref name="Modern Thought Third Edition 1999 p. 919"/> A [[right to social security]] and [[right to an adequate standard of living|an adequate standard of living]] is asserted in Articles 22 and 25 of the [[Universal Declaration of Human Rights]].<ref name="WeissbrodtVega2007"/>

== Историја ==
[[File:Abbey of Port-Royal, Distributing Alms to the Poor by Louise-Magdeleine Hortemels c. 1710.jpg|thumb|upright=1.1|Distributing [[alms]] to the poor, abbey of Port-Royal des Champs c. 1710.]]

In the [[Roman Empire]], the first emperor [[Augustus]] provided the ''[[Cura Annonae]]'' or grain dole for citizens who could not afford to buy food every month. Social welfare was enlarged by the Emperor [[Trajan]].<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/602150/Trajan#tab=active~checked%2Citems~checked&title=Trajan%20%20Britannica%20Online%20Encyclopædia|title=Trajan|access-date=8 November 2017|website=Britannica.com}}</ref> Trajan's program brought acclaim from many, including [[Pliny the Younger]].<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.pbs.org/empires/romans/empire/nerva_trajan.html|title=The Roman Empire: in the First Century. The Roman Empire. Emperors. Nerva & Trajan – PBS|website=Pbs.org|access-date=8 November 2017}}</ref> The [[Song dynasty]] government (960 CE) supported multiple programs which could be classified as social welfare, including the establishment of retirement homes, public clinics, and paupers' graveyards. According to economist [[Robert Nelson (economist)|Robert Henry Nelson]], "The [[medieval]] [[Roman Catholic Church]] operated a far-reaching and comprehensive welfare system for the poor{{nbs}}..."<ref>Robert Henry Nelson (2001). "''[https://books.google.com/books?id=Rw-bHEGNqqcC&pg=PA103 Economics as religión: from Samuelson to Chicago and beyond]''". [[Penn State Press]]. p. 103. {{ISBN|0-271-02095-4}}</ref><ref>"[http://libro.uca.edu/charity/cw1.htm Chapter1: Charity and Welfare]", the American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain.</ref> From the 14th century onward the governments of the [[Italian city-states]] began to partner with the church to provide welfare and education to the lower classes.<ref name="Jones1997">{{cite book|author=Philip Jones|title=The Italian City-State: From Commune to Signoria|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=rcR2pk4lknQC|date=22 May 1997|publisher=Clarendon Press|isbn=978-0-19-159030-6|page=447}}</ref> In later Protestant European nations such as the [[Dutch Republic]] welfare was managed by local [[guild]]s until the abolition of the guild system in the early 19th century.<ref name="Leeuwen2016">{{cite book|author=Marco H. D. Van Leeuwen|title=Mutual Insurance 1550-2015: From Guild Welfare and Friendly Societies to Contemporary Micro-Insurers|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=h5TvDAAAQBAJ&pg=PA70|date=31 August 2016|publisher=Palgrave Macmillan UK|isbn=978-1-137-53110-0|pages=70–71}}</ref><ref name="HarrisBridgen2012">{{cite book|author1=Bernard Harris|author2=Paul Bridgen|title=Charity and Mutual Aid in Europe and North America Since 1800|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=3LF_AgAAQBAJ&pg=PA90|date=6 April 2012|publisher=Routledge|isbn=978-1-134-21508-9|pages=90}}</ref> In the [[free imperial cities]] of the [[Holy Roman Empire]] the city governments in cities like [[Nuremberg]] could take control of the collection and distribution of public welfare.<ref name="Holborn1982">{{cite book | author = Hajo Holborn | date = 21 December 1982 | title = A History of Modern Germany: The Reformation | publisher = Princeton University Press | pages = 26 | isbn = 978-0-691-00795-3 | oclc = 1035603175 | url = https://books.google.com/books?id=350Qosar-UcC&pg=PA26}}</ref><ref name="CollinsTaylor2008">{{cite book|author1=James B. Collins|author2=Karen L. Taylor|title=Early Modern Europe: Issues and Interpretations|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=lT1TzLhoidIC&pg=PA224|date=15 April 2008|publisher=John Wiley & Sons|isbn=978-1-4051-5207-5|pages=224}}</ref>

The 7th century [[caliph]] [[Umar]] implemented a form of ''[[zakat]]'', one of the [[Five Pillars of Islam]], as a codified universal social security tax.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/the-charitable-crescent-9781845118990/|title=Benthall, Jonathan & Bellion-Jourdan, J. The Charitable Crescent: Politics of Aid in the Muslim World, 2nd ed. (London: I.B. Tauris, 2009), p. 17|access-date=20 May 2020}}</ref> Traditionally estimated at 2.5% of an individual's assets, government ''zakat'' funds were distributed to various groups of Muslims, including [[Poverty|impoverished people]] and those in severe debt.<ref>{{cite journal|author=Benthal, Jonathan |url=https://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/bitstream/handle/1887/16762/ISIM_1_The_Qur-an-s_Call_to_Alms_Zakat_the_Muslim_Tradition_of_Alms-giving.pdf?sequence=1 |title=The Qur'an's Call to Alms Zakat, the Muslim Tradition of Alms-giving|journal= ISIM Newsletter|volume= 98|issue=1|page= 13}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|author=M.A. Mohamed Salih|editor=Alexander De Waal|title=Islamism and its enemies in the Horn of Africa|publisher=Indiana University Press|year=2004|isbn=978-0-253-34403-8|pages=148–149|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=WYLSKQa9tHEC&pg=PA148}}</ref> The collection of ''zakat'' increased during the [[Umayyad]] and [[Abbasid]] caliphates, though the ''zakat'' system was frequently inefficient and corrupt; Islamic jurists often instructed Muslims to distribute money to the needy directly instead to maximize its impact.<ref>{{cite book|title=Faith and the State: A History of Islamic Philanthropy in Indonesia|last=Fauzia|first=Amelia|year=2013|isbn= 9789004233973|publisher=Brill|pages=45–55}}</ref>

== Види још ==
* [[Основни доходак]]
* [[Социјалдемократија]]

== Референце ==
== Референце ==

== Литература ==
* {{РСР}}
* {{citation|chapter=Welfare Programs, Economics of|title=International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences|pages=16426–16432|year=2001|last1=Blank|first1=R.M|isbn=9780080430768|ref=none}}
* Sheldon Danziger, Robert Haveman, and Robert Plotnick (1981). "How Income Transfer Programs Affect Work, Savings, and the Income Distribution: A Critical Review", ''Journal of Economic Literature'' 19(3), pp.{{nbs}}975–1028.
* {{citation|doi=10.1016/B0-08-043076-7/02276-2|chapter=Poverty: Measurement and Analysis|title=International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences|pages=11917–11924|year=2001|last1=Haveman|first1=R.H|isbn=9780080430768|ref=none}}
* Steven N. Durlauf et al., ed. (2008) ''[[The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics]]'', 2nd Edition:
:"social insurance" by Stefania Albanesi. [http://www.dictionaryofeconomics.com/article?id=pde2008_S000494&q=Public-assistance%20programs&topicid=&result_number=8 Abstract.]
:"social insurance and public policy" by [[Jonathan Gruber (economist)|Jonathan Gruber]] [http://www.dictionaryofeconomics.com/article?id=pde2008_S000525&q=social%20Welfare%20provision&topicid=&result_number=5 Abstract.]
:"Welfare state" by [[Assar Lindbeck]]. [http://www.dictionaryofeconomics.com/article?id=pde2008_W000053&q=Social%20Welfare%20provision&topicid=&result_number=3 Abstract.]
* [[Premilla Nadasen]], [[Jennifer Mittelstadt]], and [[Marisa Chappell]], ''Welfare in the United States: A History with Documents, 1935–1996''. (New York: Routledge, 2009). 241 pp. {{ISBN|978-0-415-98979-4}}
* Samuel Lézé, "Welfare", in : Andrew Scull, J. (ed.), ''Cultural Sociology of Mental Illness'', Sage, 2014, pp.{{nbs}}958–60
* Alfred de Grazia, with Ted Gurr: ''American Welfare'', New York University Press, New York (1962)
** [https://web.archive.org/web/20160208044831/http://sw.oxfordjournals.org/content/7/2/112.1.extract Review by Barrett Lyons in ''Social Work'' Vol.{{nbs}}7 Issue{{nbs}}2, p.{{nbs}}112]
* Alfred de Grazia, ed. ''Grass roots private welfare: winning essays of the 1956 national competition of the Foundation for voluntary Welfare'', New York University Press, New York 1957.
* {{cite journal| doi=10.1177/0952872002012002114| title=Three worlds of welfare capitalism or more? A state-of-the-art report| journal=Journal of European Social Policy| volume=12| issue=2| pages=137–158| year=2002| last1=Arts| first1=Wil| last2=Gelissen| first2=John| s2cid=154811175| url=https://www.researchgate.net/publication/258136528}}
* {{cite book| last =Bartholomew| first =James| title =The Welfare of Nations| publisher =Biteback| date =2015| page =448| url =https://www.bitebackpublishing.com/books/the-welfare-of-nations| isbn =9781849548304}}
* {{cite book|author=Francis G. Castles|title=The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=lLawRZJhlqAC&pg=PA67|year=2010|publisher=Oxford Handbooks Online|page=67|display-authors=etal|isbn=9780199579396}}
* [[Gøsta Esping-Andersen|Esping-Andersen, Gøsta]]; Politics against markets, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press (1985).{{ISBN missing}}
* {{cite book| title= The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism| publisher = Princeton University Press| date = 1990| isbn = 9780069028573 | title-link = The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism|first=Gøsta |last=Esping-Andersen|location=Princeton NJ}}
* [[Lane Kenworthy|Kenworthy, Lane]]. ''[http://global.oup.com/academic/product/social-democratic-america-9780199322510?cc=us&lang=en&# Social Democratic America].'' [[Oxford University Press]] (2014). {{ISBN|0199322511}}
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* Koehler, Gabriele and Deepta Chopra; "Development and Welfare Policy in South Asia"; London: Routledge (2014).
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* [[Benjamin Radcliff|Radcliff, Benjamin]] (2013) ''The Political Economy of Human Happiness'' (New York: Cambridge University Press).{{ISBN missing}}
* {{cite journal|url=https://www.lwbooks.co.uk/renewal/22-3-4/clement-attlee-and-foundations-british-welfare-state|title=Clement Attlee and the foundations of the British welfare state|date=2014|first1=Rachel|last1=Reeves|first2=Martin|last2=McIvor|journal=Renewal|volume=22|issue=3–4|pages=42–59|access-date=30 January 2020|archive-date=6 August 2020|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20200806100153/https://www.lwbooks.co.uk/renewal/22-3-4/clement-attlee-and-foundations-british-welfare-state|url-status=dead}}
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* [https://mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/tcrs/article/view/277 Silvestri P., "The All too Human Welfare State. Freedom Between Gift and Corruption", ''Teoria e critica della regolazione sociale'', 2/2019, pp. 123-145. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7413/19705476007]

== Спољашње везе ==
== Спољашње везе ==
Ред 11: Ред 64:
* [http://www.socialsecurity.org ЦАТО Институте]
* [http://www.socialsecurity.org ЦАТО Институте]
* [http://www.srbija.gov.rs/vesti/vest.php?id=44414 Координација социјалне сигурности]
* [http://www.srbija.gov.rs/vesti/vest.php?id=44414 Координација социјалне сигурности]
* [http://www.wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/issr International Social Security Review]
* [http://www.oecd.org/els/social/expenditure OECD Social Expenditure database (SOCX) Website]

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{{нормативна контрола}}

Верзија на датум 2. јул 2022. у 08:08

Социјална сигурност, у најширем смислу, значи стварање једнаких могућности појединцима да себи и својој породици могу обезбедити услове живота који ће им пружити шансу да задовоље своје основне и изведене потребе.[1] У институционалном смислу, социјална сигурност је темељ организације социјалне државе са свим установама које такве могућности обезбеђују.[2][3] Социјална сигурност подразумева и стабилност друштвеног положаја, материјалних и културних услова живота, могућности продукције и репродукције живота, стварање услова за обављање радних и друштвених улога. То укључује и спречавање ризика који воде погоршању или смањењу услова за живот и рад појединаца, породице, друштвених група и организација.[4][5] Веома широко схваћен појам, нарочито у друштвима која се залажу за комплексну примену људских права. Подразумева обавезу друштва да сваком појединцу обезбеди и гарантује физички интегритет и одговарајуће образовање, стварање услова за запослење и становање, као и правну сигурност у случајевима губитка неке способности, а посебно способности за самостално привређивање.[6][7]

The International Labour Organization defines social security as covering support for those in old age, support for the maintenance of children, medical treatment, parental and sick leave, unemployment and disability benefits, and support for sufferers of occupational injury.[8][9]

More broadly, welfare may also encompass efforts to provide a basic level of well-being through free or subsidized social services such as healthcare, education, vocational training, and public housing.[10][11] In a welfare state, the state assumes responsibility for the health, education, and welfare of society, providing a range of social services such as those described.[11]

The first codified universal government welfare was instituted in the 7th century (634 CE) in the time of the Rashidun caliph Umar.[12] The first welfare state was Imperial Germany (1871–1918), where the Bismarck government introduced social security in 1889.[13] In the early 20th century, the United Kingdom introduced social security around 1913, and adopted the welfare state with the National Insurance Act 1946, during the Attlee government (1945–51).[11] In the countries of western Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, social welfare is mainly provided by the government out of the national tax revenues, and to a lesser extent by non-government organizations (NGOs), and charities (social and religious).[11] A right to social security and an adequate standard of living is asserted in Articles 22 and 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.[4]


Distributing alms to the poor, abbey of Port-Royal des Champs c. 1710.

In the Roman Empire, the first emperor Augustus provided the Cura Annonae or grain dole for citizens who could not afford to buy food every month. Social welfare was enlarged by the Emperor Trajan.[14] Trajan's program brought acclaim from many, including Pliny the Younger.[15] The Song dynasty government (960 CE) supported multiple programs which could be classified as social welfare, including the establishment of retirement homes, public clinics, and paupers' graveyards. According to economist Robert Henry Nelson, "The medieval Roman Catholic Church operated a far-reaching and comprehensive welfare system for the poor ..."[16][17] From the 14th century onward the governments of the Italian city-states began to partner with the church to provide welfare and education to the lower classes.[18] In later Protestant European nations such as the Dutch Republic welfare was managed by local guilds until the abolition of the guild system in the early 19th century.[19][20] In the free imperial cities of the Holy Roman Empire the city governments in cities like Nuremberg could take control of the collection and distribution of public welfare.[21][22]

The 7th century caliph Umar implemented a form of zakat, one of the Five Pillars of Islam, as a codified universal social security tax.[23] Traditionally estimated at 2.5% of an individual's assets, government zakat funds were distributed to various groups of Muslims, including impoverished people and those in severe debt.[24][25] The collection of zakat increased during the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates, though the zakat system was frequently inefficient and corrupt; Islamic jurists often instructed Muslims to distribute money to the needy directly instead to maximize its impact.[26]

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  1. ^ „Social welfare program”. Encyclopedia Britannica (на језику: енглески). 
  2. ^ Brown, Taylor Kate (26. 8. 2016). „How US welfare compares around the globe”. BBC News. 
  3. ^ Gilles Séguin. „Welfare”. Canadian Social Research. Архивирано из оригинала 4. 5. 2012. г. Приступљено 10. 2. 2011. 
  4. ^ а б David S. Weissbrodt; Connie de la Vega (2007). International Human Rights Law: An Introduction. University of Pennsylvania Press. стр. 130. ISBN 978-0-8122-4032-0. 
  5. ^ Walker, Robert (1. 11. 2004). Social Security And Welfare: Concepts And Comparisons: Concepts and Comparisons. McGraw-Hill Education (UK). стр. 4. ISBN 978-0-335-20934-7. 
  6. ^ „Social Security Versus Welfare: Differences and Similarities”. e-forms.us. 
  7. ^ „Social Security And Welfare – What Is The Difference?”. www.get.com. 
  8. ^ „International Labour Standards on Social security”. www.ilo.org (на језику: енглески). 
  9. ^ Frans Pennings (1. 1. 2006). Between Soft and Hard Law: The Impact of International Social Security Standards on National Social Security Law. Kluwer Law International B.V. стр. 32—41. ISBN 978-90-411-2491-3. 
  10. ^ J. C. Vrooman (2009). Rules of Relief: Institutions of Social Security, and Their Impact (PDF). Netherlands Institute for Social Research, SCP. стр. 111—126. 
  11. ^ а б в г The New Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought Third Edition (1999), Allan Bullock and Stephen Trombley Eds., p. 919.
  12. ^ „Benthall, Jonathan & Bellion-Jourdan, J. The Charitable Crescent: Politics of Aid in the Muslim World, 2nd ed. (London: I.B. Tauris, 2009), p. 17”. Приступљено 20. 5. 2020. 
  13. ^ „Social Security History”. Social Security. 28. 9. 2019. Архивирано из оригинала 28. 9. 2019. г. Приступљено 28. 9. 2019. 
  14. ^ „Trajan”. Britannica.com. Приступљено 8. 11. 2017. 
  15. ^ „The Roman Empire: in the First Century. The Roman Empire. Emperors. Nerva & Trajan – PBS”. Pbs.org. Приступљено 8. 11. 2017. 
  16. ^ Robert Henry Nelson (2001). "Economics as religión: from Samuelson to Chicago and beyond". Penn State Press. p. 103. ISBN 0-271-02095-4
  17. ^ "Chapter1: Charity and Welfare", the American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain.
  18. ^ Philip Jones (22. 5. 1997). The Italian City-State: From Commune to Signoria. Clarendon Press. стр. 447. ISBN 978-0-19-159030-6. 
  19. ^ Marco H. D. Van Leeuwen (31. 8. 2016). Mutual Insurance 1550-2015: From Guild Welfare and Friendly Societies to Contemporary Micro-Insurers. Palgrave Macmillan UK. стр. 70—71. ISBN 978-1-137-53110-0. 
  20. ^ Bernard Harris; Paul Bridgen (6. 4. 2012). Charity and Mutual Aid in Europe and North America Since 1800. Routledge. стр. 90. ISBN 978-1-134-21508-9. 
  21. ^ Hajo Holborn (21. 12. 1982). A History of Modern Germany: The Reformation. Princeton University Press. стр. 26. ISBN 978-0-691-00795-3. OCLC 1035603175. 
  22. ^ James B. Collins; Karen L. Taylor (15. 4. 2008). Early Modern Europe: Issues and Interpretations. John Wiley & Sons. стр. 224. ISBN 978-1-4051-5207-5. 
  23. ^ „Benthall, Jonathan & Bellion-Jourdan, J. The Charitable Crescent: Politics of Aid in the Muslim World, 2nd ed. (London: I.B. Tauris, 2009), p. 17”. Приступљено 20. 5. 2020. 
  24. ^ Benthal, Jonathan. „The Qur'an's Call to Alms Zakat, the Muslim Tradition of Alms-giving” (PDF). ISIM Newsletter. 98 (1): 13. 
  25. ^ M.A. Mohamed Salih (2004). Alexander De Waal, ур. Islamism and its enemies in the Horn of Africa. Indiana University Press. стр. 148—149. ISBN 978-0-253-34403-8. 
  26. ^ Fauzia, Amelia (2013). Faith and the State: A History of Islamic Philanthropy in Indonesia. Brill. стр. 45—55. ISBN 9789004233973. 


  • Овај чланак или његов део изворно је преузет из Речника социјалног рада Ивана Видановића уз одобрење аутора.
  • Blank, R.M (2001), „Welfare Programs, Economics of”, International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, стр. 16426—16432, ISBN 9780080430768 
  • Sheldon Danziger, Robert Haveman, and Robert Plotnick (1981). "How Income Transfer Programs Affect Work, Savings, and the Income Distribution: A Critical Review", Journal of Economic Literature 19(3), pp. 975–1028.
  • Haveman, R.H (2001), „Poverty: Measurement and Analysis”, International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, стр. 11917—11924, ISBN 9780080430768, doi:10.1016/B0-08-043076-7/02276-2 
  • Steven N. Durlauf et al., ed. (2008) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition:
"social insurance" by Stefania Albanesi. Abstract.
"social insurance and public policy" by Jonathan Gruber Abstract.
"Welfare state" by Assar Lindbeck. Abstract.

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