Пређи на садржај

Дистрибутивност — разлика између измена

С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије
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Ред 1: Ред 1:
{{Short description|Својство које укључује две математичке операције}}
{{Правила трансформације}}
{{Правила трансформације}}
'''Дистрибутивност''' је алгебарска особина понашања оператора сабирања и множења над алгебарском структуром <math>(K,\oplus,\cdot)</math>. Конкретно када се производ два елемента скупа -{K}- може представити ако збир производа једног од њих са још два елемента који у збиру дају другог, каже се да закон дистрибуције важи за дату алгебарску структуру. Множење може бити лево и десно те отуда два различита услова:<br /><br />
# <math>a \cdot (b \oplus c) = a \cdot b \oplus a \cdot c</math> (дистрибутивност слева)
# <math>(b \oplus c) \cdot a = b \cdot a \oplus c \cdot a</math> (дистрибутивност здесна)

'''Дистрибутивност''' је алгебарска особина понашања оператора сабирања и множења над алгебарском структуром <math>(K,\oplus,\cdot)</math>. Конкретно када се производ два елемента скупа -{K}- може представити ако збир производа једног од њих са још два елемента који у збиру дају другог, каже се да закон дистрибуције важи за дату алгебарску структуру. Множење може бити лево и десно те отуда два различита услова:
: <math>a \cdot (b \oplus c) = a \cdot b \oplus a \cdot c</math> (дистрибутивност слева)
: <math>(b \oplus c) \cdot a = b \cdot a \oplus c \cdot a</math> (дистрибутивност здесна)

Ако су задовољени само први или само други услов, каже се да се „лево односно десно множење лепо понаша према сабирању“. Уколико су оба испуњена, каже се да се „операција множења лепо понаша према сабирању“ тј. да је дистрибутивна.
Ако су задовољени само први или само други услов, каже се да се „лево односно десно множење лепо понаша према сабирању“. Уколико су оба испуњена, каже се да се „операција множења лепо понаша према сабирању“ тј. да је дистрибутивна.

== Литература ==
== Дефиниција ==
* {{cite book|author=Ayres, Frank|title=Schaum's Outline of Modern Abstract Algebra|location=|publisher=McGraw-Hill|edition=1st|year=1965|isbn=978-0-07-002655-1|pages=}}
Given a [[Set (mathematics)|set]] <math>S</math> and two [[binary operator]]s <math>\,*\,</math> and <math>\,+\,</math> on <math>S,</math>

the operation <math>\,*\,</math> is {{em|left-distributive}} over (or with respect to) <math>\,+\,</math> if, [[given any]] elements <math>x, y, \text{ and } z</math> of <math>S,</math>
<math display=block>x * (y + z) = (x * y) + (x * z),</math>
the operation <math>\,*\,</math> is {{em|right-distributive}} over <math>\,+\,</math> if, given any elements <math>x, y, \text{ and } z</math> of <math>S,</math>
<math display=block>(y + z) * x = (y * x) + (z * x),</math> and
the operation <math>\,*\,</math> is {{em|distributive}} over <math>\,+\,</math> if it is left- and right-distributive.<ref>[http://mathonline.wikidot.com/distributivity-of-binary-operations Distributivity of Binary Operations] from Mathonline</ref>

When <math>\,*\,</math> is [[commutative]], the three conditions above are [[Logical equivalence|logically equivalent]].

== Значење ==

The operators used for examples in this section are those of the usual [[addition]] <math>\,+\,</math> and [[multiplication]] <math>\,\cdot.\,</math>

If the operation denoted <math>\cdot</math> is not commutative, there is a distinction between left-distributivity and right-distributivity:

<math display="block">a \cdot \left( b \pm c \right) = a \cdot b \pm a \cdot c \qquad \text{ (left-distributive) }</math>
<math display="block">(a \pm b) \cdot c = a \cdot c \pm b \cdot c \qquad \text{ (right-distributive) }.</math>

In either case, the distributive property can be described in words as:

To multiply a [[Summation|sum]] (or [[Difference (mathematics)|difference]]) by a factor, each summand (or [[minuend]] and [[subtrahend]]) is multiplied by this factor and the resulting products are added (or subtracted).

If the operation outside the parentheses (in this case, the multiplication) is commutative, then left-distributivity implies right-distributivity and vice versa, and one talks simply of {{em|distributivity}}.

One example of an operation that is "only" right-distributive is division, which is not commutative:
<math display="block">(a \pm b) \div c = a \div c \pm b \div c.</math>
In this case, left-distributivity does not apply:
<math display="block">a \div(b \pm c) \neq a \div b \pm a \div c</math>

The distributive laws are among the axioms for [[Ring (mathematics)|rings]] (like the ring of [[integer]]s) and [[Field (mathematics)|fields]] (like the field of [[rational number]]s). Here multiplication is distributive over addition, but addition is not distributive over multiplication. Examples of structures with two operations that are each distributive over the other are [[Boolean algebras]]{{sfn|Davey|Priestley|1990|pp=109, 131, 144}} such as the [[algebra of sets]] or the [[switching algebra]].<ref>Stoll, Robert R.; ''Set Theory and Logic'', Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications (1979) {{ISBN|0-486-63829-4}}. [https://books.google.com/books?id=3-nrPB7BQKMC&pg=PA16#v=onepage&q&f=false "The Algebra of Sets"].</ref><ref>Courant, Richard, Herbert Robbins, Ian Stewart, ''What is mathematics?: An Elementary Approach to Ideas and Methods'', Oxford University Press US, 1996. {{ISBN|978-0-19-510519-3}}. [https://books.google.com/books?id=UfdossHPlkgC&pg=PA17-IA8&dq=%22algebra+of+sets%22&hl=en&ei=k8-RTdXoF4K2tgfM-p1v&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CDYQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=%22algebra%20of%20sets%22&f=false "SUPPLEMENT TO CHAPTER II THE ALGEBRA OF SETS"].</ref>

== Примери ==

=== Реални бројеви ===

In the following examples, the use of the distributive law on the set of real numbers <math>\R</math> is illustrated. When multiplication is mentioned in elementary mathematics, it usually refers to this kind of multiplication. From the point of view of algebra, the real numbers form a [[field (mathematics)|field]], which ensures the validity of the distributive law.

{{term|First example (mental and written multiplication)}}{{defn|During mental arithmetic, distributivity is often used unconsciously:
<math display="block">6 \cdot 16 = 6 \cdot (10 + 6) = 6\cdot 10 + 6 \cdot 6 = 60 + 36 = 96</math>

Thus, to calculate <math>6 \cdot 16</math> in one's head, one first multiplies <math>6 \cdot 10</math> and <math>6 \cdot 6</math> and add the intermediate results. Written multiplication is also based on the distributive law.
{{term|Second example (with variables)}}{{defn|
<math display="block">3 a^2 b \cdot (4 a - 5 b) = 3 a^2 b \cdot 4a - 3 a^2 b \cdot 5 b = 12 a^3 b - 15 a^2 b^2</math>
{{term|Third example (with two sums)}}{{defn|
<math display="block">\begin{align}
(a + b) \cdot (a - b) & = a \cdot (a - b) + b \cdot (a - b) = a^2 - ab + ba - b^2 = a^2 - b^2 \\
& = (a + b) \cdot a - (a + b) \cdot b = a^2 + ba - ab - b^2 = a^2 - b^2 \\

Here the distributive law was applied twice, and it does not matter which bracket is first multiplied out.
{{term|Fourth example}}{{defn|Here the distributive law is applied the other way around compared to the previous examples. Consider
<math display="block">12 a^3 b^2 - 30 a^4 b c + 18 a^2 b^3 c^2 \,.</math>

Since the factor <math>6 a^2 b</math> occurs in all summands, it can be factored out. That is, due to the distributive law one obtains
<math display="block">12 a^3 b^2 - 30 a^4 b c + 18 a^2 b^3 c^2 = 6 a^2 b \left(2 a b - 5 a^2 c + 3 b^2 c^2\right).</math>
{{glossary end}}

=== Матрице ===

The distributive law is valid for [[matrix multiplication]]. More precisely,
<math display="block">(A + B) \cdot C = A \cdot C + B \cdot C</math>
for all <math>l \times m</math>-matrices <math>A, B</math> and <math>m \times n</math>-matrices <math>C,</math> as well as
<math display="block">A \cdot (B + C) = A \cdot B + A \cdot C</math>
for all <math>l \times m</math>-matrices <math>A</math> and <math>m \times n</math>-matrices <math>B, C.</math>
Because the commutative property does not hold for matrix multiplication, the second law does not follow from the first law. In this case, they are two different laws.

=== Други примери ===

* [[Ordinal arithmetic#Multiplication|Multiplication]] of [[ordinal number]]s, in contrast, is only left-distributive, not right-distributive.
* The [[cross product]] is left- and right-distributive over [[vector addition]], though not commutative.
* The [[Union (set theory)|union]] of sets is distributive over [[Intersection (set theory)|intersection]], and intersection is distributive over union.
* [[Logical disjunction]] ("or") is distributive over [[logical conjunction]] ("and"), and vice versa.
* For [[real number]]s (and for any [[totally ordered set]]), the maximum operation is distributive over the minimum operation, and vice versa: <math display="block">\max(a, \min(b, c)) = \min(\max(a, b), \max(a, c)) \quad \text{ and } \quad \min(a, \max(b, c)) = \max(\min(a, b), \min(a, c)).</math>
* For [[integer]]s, the [[greatest common divisor]] is distributive over the [[least common multiple]], and vice versa: <math display="block">\gcd(a, \operatorname{lcm}(b, c)) = \operatorname{lcm}(\gcd(a, b), \gcd(a, c)) \quad \text{ and } \quad \operatorname{lcm}(a, \gcd(b, c)) = \gcd(\operatorname{lcm}(a, b), \operatorname{lcm}(a, c)).</math>
* For real numbers, addition distributes over the maximum operation, and also over the minimum operation: <math display="block">a + \max(b, c) = \max(a + b, a + c) \quad \text{ and } \quad a + \min(b, c) = \min(a + b, a + c).</math>
* For [[Binomial (polynomial)|binomial]] multiplication, distribution is sometimes referred to as the [[FOIL Method]]<ref>Kim Steward (2011) [http://www.wtamu.edu/academic/anns/mps/math/mathlab/beg_algebra/beg_alg_tut28_multpoly.htm Multiplying Polynomials] from Virtual Math Lab at [[West Texas A&M University]]</ref> (First terms <math>a c,</math> Outer <math>a d,</math> Inner <math>b c,</math> and Last <math>b d</math>) such as: <math>(a + b) \cdot (c + d) = a c + a d + b c + b d.</math>
* In all [[semirings]], including the [[complex number]]s, the [[quaternion]]s, [[polynomial]]s, and [[matrix (mathematics)|matrices]], multiplication distributes over addition: <math>u (v + w) = u v + u w, (u + v)w = u w + v w.</math>
* In all [[Algebra over a field|algebras over a field]], including the [[octonion]]s and other [[non-associative algebra]]s, multiplication distributes over addition.<ref>{{ cite book | last=Albert | first=A. Adrian | author-link=Abraham Adrian Albert | year=2003 | orig-year=1939 | title=Structure of algebras | publisher=[[American Mathematical Society]] | series=American Mathematical Society Colloquium Publ. | volume=24 | edition=Corrected reprint of the revised 1961 | location=New York | isbn=0-8218-1024-3 | url=https://books.google.com/books?isbn=0821810243 | zbl=0023.19901 }}</ref><ref>{{ cite journal | last=Albert | first=A. Adrian | author-link=Abraham Adrian Albert | year=1948a | title=Power-associative rings | jstor=1990399 | zbl=0033.15402 | mr=0027750 | journal=[[Transactions of the American Mathematical Society]] | issn=0002-9947 | volume=64 | pages=552–593 | doi=10.2307/1990399 | doi-access=free }}</ref>

== Пропозициона логика ==

=== Rule of replacement ===

In standard truth-functional propositional logic, {{em|distribution}}<ref>[[Elliott Mendelson]] (1964) ''Introduction to Mathematical Logic'', page 21, D. Van Nostrand Company</ref><ref>[[Alfred Tarski]] (1941) ''Introduction to Logic'', page 52, [[Oxford University Press]]</ref> in logical proofs uses two valid [[Rule of replacement|rules of replacement]]<ref>{{cite book |last=Copi |first=Irving M. |last2=Cohen |first2=Carl |title=Introduction to Logic |publisher=Prentice Hall |year=2005}}</ref><ref>{{cite book |title=A Concise Introduction to Logic 4th edition |url=https://archive.org/details/studyguidetoacco00burc |url-access=registration |last=Hurley |first=Patrick |year=1991 |publisher=Wadsworth Publishing }}</ref> to expand individual occurrences of certain [[logical connective]]s, within some [[Logical formula|formula]],<ref>{{cite web|last1=Cogwheel|title=What is the difference between logical and conditional /operator/|url=https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3154132/what-is-the-difference-between-logical-and-conditional-and-or-in-c|website=Stack Overflow|access-date=9 April 2015}}</ref> into separate applications of those connectives across subformulas of the given formula. The rules are
<math display="block">(P \land (Q \lor R)) \Leftrightarrow ((P \land Q) \lor (P \land R)) \qquad \text{ and } \qquad (P \lor (Q \land R)) \Leftrightarrow ((P \lor Q) \land (P \lor R))</math>
where "<math>\Leftrightarrow</math>", also written <math>\,\equiv,\,</math> is a [[metalogic]]al [[Symbol (formal)|symbol]] representing "can be replaced in a proof with" or "is [[Logical equivalence|logically equivalent]] to".

=== Truth functional connectives ===

{{em|Distributivity}} is a property of some logical connectives of truth-functional [[propositional logic]]. The following logical equivalences demonstrate that distributivity is a property of particular connectives. The following are truth-functional [[Tautology (logic)|tautologies]].
<math display="block">\begin{alignat}{13}
&(P &&\;\land &&(Q \lor R)) &&\;\Leftrightarrow\;&& ((P \land Q) &&\;\lor (P \land R)) && \quad\text{ Distribution of } && \text{ conjunction } && \text{ over } && \text{ disjunction } \\
&(P &&\;\lor &&(Q \land R)) &&\;\Leftrightarrow\;&& ((P \lor Q) &&\;\land (P \lor R)) && \quad\text{ Distribution of } && \text{ disjunction } && \text{ over } && \text{ conjunction } \\
&(P &&\;\land &&(Q \land R)) &&\;\Leftrightarrow\;&& ((P \land Q) &&\;\land (P \land R)) && \quad\text{ Distribution of } && \text{ conjunction } && \text{ over } && \text{ conjunction } \\
&(P &&\;\lor &&(Q \lor R)) &&\;\Leftrightarrow\;&& ((P \lor Q) &&\;\lor (P \lor R)) && \quad\text{ Distribution of } && \text{ disjunction } && \text{ over } && \text{ disjunction } \\
&(P &&\to &&(Q \to R)) &&\;\Leftrightarrow\;&& ((P \to Q) &&\to (P \to R)) && \quad\text{ Distribution of } && \text{ implication } && \text{ } && \text{ } \\
&(P &&\to &&(Q \leftrightarrow R)) &&\;\Leftrightarrow\;&& ((P \to Q) &&\leftrightarrow (P \to R)) && \quad\text{ Distribution of } && \text{ implication } && \text{ over } && \text{ equivalence } \\
&(P &&\to &&(Q \land R)) &&\;\Leftrightarrow\;&& ((P \to Q) &&\;\land (P \to R)) && \quad\text{ Distribution of } && \text{ implication } && \text{ over } && \text{ conjunction } \\
&(P &&\;\lor &&(Q \leftrightarrow R)) &&\;\Leftrightarrow\;&& ((P \lor Q) &&\leftrightarrow (P \lor R)) && \quad\text{ Distribution of } && \text{ disjunction } && \text{ over } && \text{ equivalence } \\

;Двострука дистрибуција:
<math display="block">\begin{alignat}{13}
&((P \land Q) &&\;\lor (R \land S)) &&\;\Leftrightarrow\;&& (((P \lor R) \land (P \lor S)) &&\;\land ((Q \lor R) \land (Q \lor S))) && \\
&((P \lor Q) &&\;\land (R \lor S)) &&\;\Leftrightarrow\;&& (((P \land R) \lor (P \land S)) &&\;\lor ((Q \land R) \lor (Q \land S))) && \\

== Види још ==
== Види још ==
Ред 15: Ред 128:
* [[Комутативност]]
* [[Комутативност]]

== Референце ==

== Литература ==
* {{cite book|author=Ayres, Frank|title=Schaum's Outline of Modern Abstract Algebra|location=|publisher=McGraw-Hill|edition=1st|year=1965|isbn=9780070026551|pages=}}
* {{Cite book| first=Sheldon | last=Axler | title=Linear Algebra Done Right, 2e | publisher=Springer | year=1997 | isbn=0-387-98258-2}}
* {{Cite book |last1=Copi |first1=Irving M. |last2=Cohen |first2=Carl |title=Introduction to Logic |publisher=Prentice Hall |year=2005 |edition=12th |isbn=9780131898349 }}
* {{Cite book|first=Joseph|last=Gallian|title=Contemporary Abstract Algebra |edition=6e|year=2006|isbn=0-618-51471-6|publisher=Houghton Mifflin }}
* {{Cite book| first=Frederick | last=Goodman | title=Algebra: Abstract and Concrete, Stressing Symmetry |edition=2e | publisher=Prentice Hall | year=2003 | isbn=0-13-067342-0}}
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== Спољашње везе ==
{{Commons category-lat|Distributive property}}
* [http://www.cut-the-knot.org/Curriculum/Arithmetic/DistributiveLaw.shtml A demonstration of the Distributive Law] for integer arithmetic (from [[cut-the-knot]])
* {{springer|title=Boolean algebra|id=p/b016920}}
* [[Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy]]: "[http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/boolalg-math/ The Mathematics of Boolean Algebra]," by J. Donald Monk.
* McCune W., 1997. ''[http://www.cs.unm.edu/~mccune/papers/robbins/ Robbins Algebras Are Boolean]'' JAR 19(3), 263—276
* [http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/BooleanAlgebra/ "Boolean Algebra"] by [[Eric W. Weisstein]], [[Wolfram Demonstrations Project]], 2007.
* Burris, Stanley N.; Sankappanavar, H. P., 1981. ''[http://www.thoralf.uwaterloo.ca/htdocs/ualg.html A Course in Universal Algebra.]'' Springer-Verlag. {{ISBN|3-540-90578-2}}.
{{нормативна контрола}}
{{нормативна контрола}}

Верзија на датум 17. јул 2022. у 18:13

Дистрибутивност је алгебарска особина понашања оператора сабирања и множења над алгебарском структуром . Конкретно када се производ два елемента скупа K може представити ако збир производа једног од њих са још два елемента који у збиру дају другог, каже се да закон дистрибуције важи за дату алгебарску структуру. Множење може бити лево и десно те отуда два различита услова:

(дистрибутивност слева)
(дистрибутивност здесна)

Ако су задовољени само први или само други услов, каже се да се „лево односно десно множење лепо понаша према сабирању“. Уколико су оба испуњена, каже се да се „операција множења лепо понаша према сабирању“ тј. да је дистрибутивна.


Given a set and two binary operators and on

the operation is left-distributive over (or with respect to) if, given any elements of

the operation is right-distributive over if, given any elements of
and the operation is distributive over if it is left- and right-distributive.[1]

When is commutative, the three conditions above are logically equivalent.


The operators used for examples in this section are those of the usual addition and multiplication

If the operation denoted is not commutative, there is a distinction between left-distributivity and right-distributivity:

In either case, the distributive property can be described in words as:

To multiply a sum (or difference) by a factor, each summand (or minuend and subtrahend) is multiplied by this factor and the resulting products are added (or subtracted).

If the operation outside the parentheses (in this case, the multiplication) is commutative, then left-distributivity implies right-distributivity and vice versa, and one talks simply of distributivity.

One example of an operation that is "only" right-distributive is division, which is not commutative:

In this case, left-distributivity does not apply:

The distributive laws are among the axioms for rings (like the ring of integers) and fields (like the field of rational numbers). Here multiplication is distributive over addition, but addition is not distributive over multiplication. Examples of structures with two operations that are each distributive over the other are Boolean algebras[2] such as the algebra of sets or the switching algebra.[3][4]


Реални бројеви

In the following examples, the use of the distributive law on the set of real numbers is illustrated. When multiplication is mentioned in elementary mathematics, it usually refers to this kind of multiplication. From the point of view of algebra, the real numbers form a field, which ensures the validity of the distributive law.

First example (mental and written multiplication)
During mental arithmetic, distributivity is often used unconsciously:
Thus, to calculate in one's head, one first multiplies and and add the intermediate results. Written multiplication is also based on the distributive law.
Second example (with variables)
Third example (with two sums)
Here the distributive law was applied twice, and it does not matter which bracket is first multiplied out.
Fourth example
Here the distributive law is applied the other way around compared to the previous examples. Consider
Since the factor occurs in all summands, it can be factored out. That is, due to the distributive law one obtains


The distributive law is valid for matrix multiplication. More precisely,

for all -matrices and -matrices as well as
for all -matrices and -matrices Because the commutative property does not hold for matrix multiplication, the second law does not follow from the first law. In this case, they are two different laws.

Други примери

  • Multiplication of ordinal numbers, in contrast, is only left-distributive, not right-distributive.
  • The cross product is left- and right-distributive over vector addition, though not commutative.
  • The union of sets is distributive over intersection, and intersection is distributive over union.
  • Logical disjunction ("or") is distributive over logical conjunction ("and"), and vice versa.
  • For real numbers (and for any totally ordered set), the maximum operation is distributive over the minimum operation, and vice versa:
  • For integers, the greatest common divisor is distributive over the least common multiple, and vice versa:
  • For real numbers, addition distributes over the maximum operation, and also over the minimum operation:
  • For binomial multiplication, distribution is sometimes referred to as the FOIL Method[5] (First terms Outer Inner and Last ) such as:
  • In all semirings, including the complex numbers, the quaternions, polynomials, and matrices, multiplication distributes over addition:
  • In all algebras over a field, including the octonions and other non-associative algebras, multiplication distributes over addition.[6][7]

Пропозициона логика

Rule of replacement

In standard truth-functional propositional logic, distribution[8][9] in logical proofs uses two valid rules of replacement[10][11] to expand individual occurrences of certain logical connectives, within some formula,[12] into separate applications of those connectives across subformulas of the given formula. The rules are

where "", also written is a metalogical symbol representing "can be replaced in a proof with" or "is logically equivalent to".

Truth functional connectives

Distributivity is a property of some logical connectives of truth-functional propositional logic. The following logical equivalences demonstrate that distributivity is a property of particular connectives. The following are truth-functional tautologies.

Двострука дистрибуција

Види још


  1. ^ Distributivity of Binary Operations from Mathonline
  2. ^ Davey & Priestley 1990, стр. 109, 131, 144.
  3. ^ Stoll, Robert R.; Set Theory and Logic, Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications (1979) ISBN 0-486-63829-4. "The Algebra of Sets".
  4. ^ Courant, Richard, Herbert Robbins, Ian Stewart, What is mathematics?: An Elementary Approach to Ideas and Methods, Oxford University Press US, 1996. ISBN 978-0-19-510519-3. "SUPPLEMENT TO CHAPTER II THE ALGEBRA OF SETS".
  5. ^ Kim Steward (2011) Multiplying Polynomials from Virtual Math Lab at West Texas A&M University
  6. ^ Albert, A. Adrian (2003) [1939]. Structure of algebras. American Mathematical Society Colloquium Publ. 24 (Corrected reprint of the revised 1961 изд.). New York: American Mathematical Society. ISBN 0-8218-1024-3. Zbl 0023.19901. 
  7. ^ Albert, A. Adrian (1948a). „Power-associative rings”. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 64: 552—593. ISSN 0002-9947. JSTOR 1990399. MR 0027750. Zbl 0033.15402. doi:10.2307/1990399Слободан приступ. 
  8. ^ Elliott Mendelson (1964) Introduction to Mathematical Logic, page 21, D. Van Nostrand Company
  9. ^ Alfred Tarski (1941) Introduction to Logic, page 52, Oxford University Press
  10. ^ Copi, Irving M.; Cohen, Carl (2005). Introduction to Logic. Prentice Hall. 
  11. ^ Hurley, Patrick (1991). A Concise Introduction to Logic 4th editionНеопходна слободна регистрација. Wadsworth Publishing. 
  12. ^ Cogwheel. „What is the difference between logical and conditional /operator/”. Stack Overflow. Приступљено 9. 4. 2015. 


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