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Gejmplej ili proces igranja (engl. gameplay) predstavlja način na koji igrač interaguje sa igrom.[1][2] Najčešće se koristi u kontekstu video-igara.[3][4] Pod njim se smatra obrazac definisan na osnovu pravila igre,[2][5] veza između igrača i igre,[6] izazovi[7] i njihovo prevazilaženje,[8] zaplet[9] i učešće igrača u njemu.[6] Gejmplej se ne odnosi na pojedine komponente igre, poput grafike[9][10] i zvučne podloge.[9]


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Gejmplej rane verzije logičke igre Edge

Termin je nastao za vreme razvoja računarskih igara 1980-ih, kada se koristio isključivo u kontekstu video-igara. U poslednje vreme, zahvaljujući popularnosti termina, počeo je da se koristi i za tradicionalnije igre i forme igara. U principu, gejmplej obuhvata celokupno igračko iskustvo, ali izuzevši faktore poput grafike i zvuka. Mehanika igre, s druge strane, predstavlja skup pravila koja su dizajnirana radi pružanja ugodnog igračkog iskustva. U akademskim krugovima, postoji tendencija da se koristi termin mehanika igre jer je gejmplej, za razliku od njega, previše neodređen.[11]


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  1. ^ Lindley, Craig (jun 24—26, 2004). „Narrative, Game Play, and Alternative Time Structures for Virtual Environments”. Ur.: Göbel, Stefan. Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment: Proceedings of TIDSE 2004. Darmstadt, Germany: Springer. str. 183-194. ISBN 978-3-540-22283-5. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-27797-2_25. „.. gameplay gestalt, understood as a pattern of interaction with the game system." ("A gestalt may be understood as a configuration or pattern of elements so unified as a whole that it cannot be described merely as a sum of its parts."); ".. In general, it [game play gestalt] is a particular way of thinking about the game state from the perspective of a player, together with a pattern of repetitive perceptual, cognitive, and motor operations. A particular gameplay gestalt could be unique to a person, a game, or even a playing occasion. Unique game play gestalts can also be identified across games, game genres, and players.  Proverite vrednost paramet(a)ra za datum: |date= (pomoć)
  2. ^ a b Salen, Katie; Zimmerman, Eric (2004). Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. str. 3. ISBN 978-0-262-24045-1. „Game play is the formalized interaction that occurs when players follow the rules of a game and experience its system through play. 
  3. ^ Lindley, Craig; Nacke, Lennart; Sennersten, Charlotte (novembar 3—5, 2008). „Dissecting Play – Investigating the Cognitive and Emotional Motivations and Affects of Computer Gameplay”. Proceedings of CGAMES 08. Wolverhampton, UK: University of Wolverhampton. ISBN 978-0-9549016-6-0. Arhivirano iz originala 23. 9. 2015. g. Pristupljeno 25. 9. 2018. „The experience of gameplay is one of interacting with a game design in the performance of cognitive tasks, with a variety of emotions arising from or associated with different elements of motivation, task performance and completion  Proverite vrednost paramet(a)ra za datum: |date= (pomoć)
  4. ^ Tavinor, Grant (2009). The Art of Videogames. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-4051-8788-6. „[T]he interactive involvement typically associated with videogames, that is, the activities that occur when one plays a videogame. 
  5. ^ Egenfeldt-Nielson, Simon; Smith, Jonas Heide; Tosca, Susana Pajares (2008). Understanding Video Games: The Essential Introduction. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-97721-0. „In line with the common use of the term, we will define gameplay as: the game dynamics emerging from the interplay between rules and game geography. 
  6. ^ a b Laramée, François Dominic (2002). Game Design Perspectives. Charles River Media. ISBN 978-1-58450-090-2. 
  7. ^ Adams, Ernest; Rollings, Andrew (2003). Andrew Rollings and Ernest Adams on game design. New Riders Publishing. ISBN 978-1-59273-001-8. „One or more casually linked series of challenges in a simulated environment"; "Gameplay is the result of a large number of contributing elements.. gameplay is not a singular entity. It is a combination of many elements, a synergy that emerges from the inclusion of certain factors.. The gameplay emerges from the interaction among these elements, .. 
  8. ^ Adams, Ernest (2006). Fundamentals of Game Design. Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0-13-168747-9. „.. defined gameplay as consisting of the challenges and actions that a game offers: challenges for the player to overcome and actions that let her overcome them.. [T]he essence of gameplay remains the relationship between the challenges and the actions available to surmount them. 
  9. ^ a b v Concise Oxford English Dictionary (11, Revised izd.). Oxford University Press, USA. 2008. ISBN 978-0-19-954841-5. „gameplay (in a computer game) the plot and the way the game is played, as distinct from the graphics and sound effects 
  10. ^ Oxland, Kevin (2004). Gameplay and design. Addison Wesley. ISBN 978-0-321-20467-7. „.. gameplay is the components that make up a rewarding, absorbing, challenging experience that compels player to return for more .. [Gameplay] does not come from a great visual character, not does it come from state-of-art technology and beautifully rendered art. 
  11. ^ Kierkegaard, Alex (2012). Videogame Culture: Volume 1. 

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