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Izraelska barijera na Zapadnoj obali

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Izraelska barijera na Zapadnoj obali, koja se sastoji od zida duž Zapadne obale i ograde duž Zapadne obale,[1][2] je razdvojna barijera koju je izgradio Izrael duž Zelene linije i unutar delova Zapadne obale. Izrael opisuje zid kao neophodnu bezbednosnu barijeru radi borbe protiv palestinskog političkog nasilja; dok ga Palestinci opisuju kao element rasne segregacije i predstavljanje izraelskog aparthejda,[3][4][5] koji ga često nazivaju „Zid aparthejda“.[6] Na ukupnoj dužini od 708 km (440 mi) po završetku, ruta koju prati barijera je više nego dvostruko duža od zelene linije, sa 15% njene dužine duž zelene linije ili unutar Izraela, a preostalih 85% traje čak 18 km (11 mi) unutar Zapadne obale, efektivno izolujući oko 9% zemlje i približno 25.000 Palestinaca od ostatka palestinske teritorije.[7]

Barijeru je izgradio Izrael nakon talasa palestinskog političkog nasilja i incidenata i terorizma unutar Izraela tokom Druge intifade, koja je počela u septembru 2000. i završena je februara 2005.[8] Izraelska vlada navodi smanjenje broja samoubilačkih bombaških napada izvršenih sa Zapadne obale kao dokaz svoje efikasnosti, nakon što su takvi napadi pali sa 73 između 2000. i jula 2003. (završetak prvog kontinuiranog segmenta barijera) na 12 između avgusta 2003. i kraja iz 2006.[9][10] Iako je barijera u početku bila predstavljena kao privremena bezbednosna mera u vreme pojačanih tenzija, od tada je povezana sa budućom političkom granicom između Izraela i Države Palestine.[11]

Barijera je izazvala kritike Palestinaca, grupa za ljudska prava i članova međunarodne zajednice, koji su svi tvrdili da služi kao dokaz namjere Izraela da anektira palestinsku zemlju pod plaštom sigurnosti.[12] Takođe se navodi da izgradnja zida ima za cilj podrivanje izraelsko-palestinskog mirovnog procesa jednostranim uspostavljanjem novih defakto granica.[13] Ključne tačke spora su da barijera značajno odstupa istočno od zelene linije, ozbiljno ograničava putovanja mnogih Palestinaca i smanjuje njihovu sposobnost da putuju na posao unutar Zapadne obale[14] ili do Izraela.[15] Međunarodni sud pravde izdao je savetodavno mišljenje u kojem je utvrdio da se barijera kvalifikuje kao kršenje međunarodnog prava.[16][17] Godine 2003, Generalna skupština Ujedinjenih nacija usvojila je rezoluciju koja je optužila Izrael za podizanje barijere kao kršenje međunarodnog prava i zahtevala je njeno uklanjanje sa 144 glasa protiv i 4 uz 12 uzdržanih.[18]

Ograđeni delovi barijere postali su prostor za ispisivanje umetnički vrednih grafita, sa palestinskom stranom koja ilustruje protivljenje barijeri, palestinski otpor, njihovo pravo na povratak, kao i ljudska prava uopšte.[19]

Izvori[uredi | uredi izvor]

  1. ^ Leuenberger, Christine (2009-06-10). „PIJ.ORG: The West Bank Wall as Canvas: Art and Graffiti in Palestine/Israel By Christine Leuenberger”. PIJ.ORG. Pristupljeno 2022-05-27. 
  2. ^ Eidelman, Ronen (2011-01-01). „The Separation Wall in Palestine: Artists Love to Hate It”. Cultural Activism. Brill. str. 95—114. ISBN 978-90-420-2981-1. doi:10.1163/9789042029828_006. Pristupljeno 2022-05-27. „The common neutral name is the "separation barrier" and the words fence or wall are used according to the location one is referring to 
  3. ^ „The Security Fence, the Anti-Terrorism Barrier, the Wall”. HuffPost. 2013-11-18. Arhivirano iz originala 2017-10-20. g. Pristupljeno 2020-02-20. 
  4. ^ „Saving Lives: Israel's anti-terrorist fence-Answers to Questions”. Arhivirano iz originala 2019-12-06. g. Pristupljeno 2019-10-24. 
  5. ^ Dona J. Stewart, The Middle East Today: Political, Geographical and Cultural Perspectives, Routledge, 2013 p. 223.
  6. ^ Juliana Ochs,Security and Suspicion: An Ethnography of Everyday Life in Israel, University of Pennsylvania Press 2011 ISBN 978-0-812-20568-8p.147
  7. ^ „Barrier Update: Special Focus” (PDF). UN OCHA (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs). 2011. Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 2016-09-12. g. 
  8. ^ „Questions and Answers”. Israel's Security Fence. The State of Israel. 22. 2. 2004. Arhivirano iz originala 3. 10. 2013. g. Pristupljeno 2007-04-17. „The Security Fence is being built with the sole purpose of saving the lives of the Israeli citizens who continue to be targeted by the terrorist campaign that began in 2000. The fact that over 800 men, women and children have been killed in horrific suicide bombings and other terror attacks clearly justifies the attempt to place a physical barrier in the path of terrorists. 
  9. ^ „The Anti-Terrorist Fence vs. Terrorism”. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Arhivirano iz originala 2004-01-10. g. Pristupljeno 2013-09-18. 
  10. ^ Nissenbaum, Dion (10. 1. 2007). „Death toll of Israeli civilians killed by Palestinians hit a low in 2006”. Washington Bureau. McClatchy Newspapers. Arhivirano iz originala 20. 11. 2008. g. Pristupljeno 2007-04-16. „Fewer Israeli civilians died in Palestinian attacks in 2006 than in any year since the Palestinian uprising began in 2000. Palestinian militants killed 23 Israelis and foreign visitors in 2006, down from a high of 289 in 2002 during the height of the uprising. Most significant, successful suicide bombings in Israel nearly came to a halt. Last year, only two Palestinian suicide bombers managed to sneak into Israel for attacks that killed 11 people and wounded 30 others. Israel has gone nearly nine months without a suicide bombing inside its borders, the longest period without such an attack since 2000[...] An Israeli military spokeswoman said one major factor in that success had been Israel's controversial separation barrier, a still-growing 400 km (250 mi) network of high-tech fencing, concrete walls and other obstacles that cuts through parts of the West Bank. 'The security fence was put up to stop terror, and that's what it's doing,' said Capt. Noa Meir, a spokeswoman for the Israel Defense Forces. [...] Opponents of the barrier grudgingly acknowledge that it's been effective in stopping bombers, though they complain that its route should have followed the border between Israel and the Palestinian territories known as the Green Line. [...] IDF spokeswoman Meir said Israeli military operations that disrupted militants planning attacks from the West Bank also deserved credit for the drop in Israeli fatalities. 
  11. ^ Busbridge, Rachel (14. 6. 2016). „The wall has feet but so do we: Palestinian workers in Israel and the 'separation' wall”. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies. 44 (3): 373—90. doi:10.1080/13530194.2016.1194187. 
  12. ^ „Under the Guise of Security: Routing the Separation Barrier to Enable Israeli Settlement Expansion in the West Bank”. Publications. B'Tselem. decembar 2005. Arhivirano iz originala 2007-04-05. g. Pristupljeno 2007-04-16. „The fact that the Separation Barrier cuts into the West Bank was and remains the main cause of human rights violations of Palestinians living near the Barrier. Israel contends that the Barrier's route is based solely on security considerations. This report disputes that contention and proves that one of the primary reasons for choosing the route of many sections of the Barrier was to place certain areas intended for settlement expansion on the "Israeli" side of the Barrier. In some of the cases, for all intents and purposes the expansion constituted the establishment of a new settlement. 
  13. ^ Geraldine Bedell (14. 6. 2003). „Set in stone”. The Guardian. London. Arhivirano iz originala 2019-09-30. g. Pristupljeno 2013-09-17. „The Palestinian Authority, meanwhile, preoccupied with the road map and its own internal politics, 'has neglected the wall,' according to Jamal Juma. Yet the wall is crucial to the road map. At the very least, it is an attempt to preempt negotiations with a land grab that establishes new borders (and what the road map calls 'facts on the ground' that must be heeded). Arguably it is more devious: an attempt to undermine negotiations altogether – because what Palestinian Authority could sign up to the fragmented 'state' the wall will create? 
  14. ^ Barahona, Ana (2013). Bearing Witness – Eight weeks in Palestine. London: Metete. str. 42. ISBN 978-1-908099-02-0. 
  15. ^ Geraldine Bedell (14. 6. 2003). „Set in stone”. The Guardian. London. Arhivirano iz originala 2019-09-30. g. Pristupljeno 2013-09-17. 
  16. ^ "International Court of Justice finds Israeli barrier in Palestinian territory is illegal Arhivirano 2017-10-06 na sajtu Wayback Machine". UN News Centre. United Nations. 9 July 2004.
  17. ^ "Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory". International Court of Justice. 9 July 2004. Archived from the original on 2 September 2004.
  18. ^ Semple, Kirk (22 October 2003). "U.N. Resolution Condemns Israeli Barrier Arhivirano 2019-09-30 na sajtu Wayback Machine". The New York Times.
  19. ^ Leuenberger, Christine (2009-06-10). „PIJ.ORG: The West Bank Wall as Canvas: Art and Graffiti in Palestine/Israel By Christine Leuenberger”. PIJ.ORG. Pristupljeno 2022-05-27.