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Crveno-crna zvijezda je nezavničan simbol Kvekera od kraja 19. vijeka

Kvekeri (engl. Quakers), ili Prijatelji (engl. Friends), članovi su hrišćanskog pokreta koji je poznat kao Versko društvo Prijatelja u Evropi, Australiji, Novom Zelandu i dijelovima Sjeverne Amerike ili Prijatelji crkve u Africi, Aziji, Južnoj Americi i dijelovima Sjedinjenih Država. Pokret se prvobitno, i još uvijek pretežno, zasniva na hrišćanstvu. Pripadnici pokreta izjašnjavaju se kao sveštenstvo svih vjernika,[1][2] doktrina koja vodi porijeklo iz Prve poslanice Petrove.[3][4] Oni uključuju evangelistička, svetosna, liberalna i tradicionalna Kvekerska shvatanja hrišćanstva. Članove različitih kvekerskih pokreta generalno ujedinjuje vera u sposobnost svakog čoveka da iskusi i pristupi svetlosti u sebi ili da vidi „Božije svetlo u svakom“.[5]

U različitim stepenima, različiti pokreti čine Versko društvo Prijatelja/Prijatelje crkve koji izbjegavaju simbol vjere ili hijerarhijsku strukturu.[6][7] Godine 2007, bilo je oko 359.000 punoljetnih Kvekera,[8] a 2012. godine taj broj se povećao na 377.055.[9] U 2017. godini bilo je 377.557 odraslih kvekera, od toga 49 odsto u Africi.[10]

Oko 89 procenata kvekera širom sveta pripada „evanđeoskim“ i „programiranim“ granama kvekerizma,[11] koje održavaju službe sa pevanjem i pripremljenom biblijskom porukom koju koordinira pastor. Oko 11 procenata upražnjava čekajuće bogosluženje ili neprogramirano bogosluženje (danas poznato kao sastanak za bogosluženje), gde se redosled služenja ne planira unapred, uglavnom je tiho i može uključivati nepripremljenu vokalnu službu prisutnih.[12] Na nekim sastancima mešovitog tipa prisutni su formalni sveštenici - prijatelji su prepoznatljivi po svom vokalnom služenju.[13]

Prvi kvekeri živeli su sredinom 17. veka u Engleskoj. Protoevanđelski hrišćanski pokret poznat kao kvekerizam proizašao je iz legatinsko-arijanaca i drugih izdvojenih protestantskih grupa koje su se odvojile od zvanične engleske crkve.[14] Kvekeri, posebno oni poznati kao Hrabrih šezdeset, nastojali su da druge preobrate u svoje shvatanje hrišćanstva putujući širom Britanije i po inostranstvu, propovedajući jevanđelje Isusa Hrista. Neki od ovih ranih kvekerskih ministara bile su žene.[15] Svoju poruku zasnivali su na uverenju da je „Hristos sam došao da podučava svoj narod“, ističući važnost direktnog odnosa s Bogom kroz Isusa Hrista i direktnog verovanja u univerzalno sveštenstvo svih vernika.[16] Oni su naglašavali lično, direktno Hristovo religiozno iskustvo stečeno neposrednim religioznim iskustvom i čitanjem i proučavanjem Biblije.[17] Kvekeri su usredsredili svoje privatne živote na razvijanje ponašanja i govora koji odražavaju emocionalnu čistotu i svetlost Boga, sa ciljem hrišćanskog savršenstva.[18][19]

Poznato je da su u prošlosti kvekeri koristili kao englesku reč thee kao običnu zamenicu, odbijali da učestvuju u ratu, nosili jednostavnu odeću, odbijali da polože zakletve, protivili se ropstvu i praktikovali titotalizam.[20] Neki kvekeri osnovali su banke i finansijske institucije, uključujući Barklis, Lojds, i Frends Provident; proizvodna postrojenja, uključujući firmu za obuću Klark i tri velika britanska proizvođača slatkiša Kadberi, Rauntri i Fraj; i podržavali su filantropske napore, uključujući ukidanje ropstva, reformu zatvora i projekte socijalne pravde.[21] Godine 1947, Kvekeri predstavljeni britanskim Većem prijateljskih usluga i Američkim komitetom prijateljskih usluga (SAD) dobili su Nobelovu nagradu za mir.[22][23]

Prema jednom novinskom članku, u Novom Pazaru u poznom 17. veku je bio aktivan neki engleski kveker po imenu Džek, koji je privukao nešto pristalica, dok nije spaljen po naređenju velikog vezira Mustafa-paše Ćuprilića.[24]

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  1. ^ „Quaker Faith & Practice”. Britain Yearly Meeting. Arhivirano iz originala 19. 07. 2013. g. Pristupljeno 26. 06. 2016. 
  2. ^ „Baltimore Yearly Meeting Faith & Practice 2011 draft”. Arhivirano iz originala 13. 04. 2012. g. Pristupljeno 26. 06. 2016. 
  3. ^ „Membership | Quaker faith & practice”. Pristupljeno 9. 1. 2018. 
  4. ^ „'That of God' in every person”. Quakers in Belgium and Luxembourg. 
  5. ^ Fox, George (1903). George Fox's Journal. Isbister and Company Limited. str. 215—216. „This is the word of the Lord God to you all, and a charge to you all in the presence of the living God; be patterns, be examples in all your countries, places, islands, nations, wherever you come; that your carriage and life may preach among all sorts of people and to them: then you will come to walk cheerfully over the world, answering that of God in every one; whereby in them ye may be a blessing, and make the witness of God in them to bless you: then to the Lord God you will be a sweet savour, and a blessing. 
  6. ^ The Trouble With "Ministers" Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (19. oktobar 2013) by Chuck Fager gives an overview of the hierarchy Friends had until it began to be abolished in the mid-eighteenth century. Retrieved 26 April 2014.
  7. ^ Fager, Chuck. „The Trouble With 'Ministers'. Pristupljeno 9. 1. 2018. 
  8. ^ „FAQs about Quakers – Friends General Conference”. Arhivirano iz originala 15. 08. 2014. g. Pristupljeno 24. 6. 2014. 
  9. ^ „Finding Quakers Around the World” (PDF). 
  10. ^ „Finding Quakers Around the World” (PDF). Friends World Committee for Consultation. Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 05. 02. 2020. g. Pristupljeno 14. 3. 2019. 
  11. ^ Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Britain (2012). Epistles and Testimonies (PDF). Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 15. 1. 2016. g. 
  12. ^ Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Britain (2012). Epistles and Testimonies (PDF). str. 7. Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 19. 11. 2015. g. 
  13. ^ Drayton, Brian (23. 12. 1994). „FGC Library: Recorded Ministers in the Society of Friends, Then and Now”. Arhivirano iz originala 14. 4. 2012. g. Pristupljeno 9. 1. 2018. 
  14. ^ Christian Scholar's Review, Volume 27 (na jeziku: engleski). Hope College. 1997. str. 205. „This was especially true of proto-evangelical movements like the Quakers, organized as the Religious Society of Friends by George Fox in 1668 as a group of Christians who rejected clerical authority and taught that the Holy Spirit guided 
  15. ^ Bacon, Margaret (1986). Mothers of Feminism: The Story of Quaker Women in America. San Francisco: Harper & Row. str. 24. ISBN 9780062500434. 
  16. ^ Fox, George (1803). Armistead, Wilson, ur. Journal of George Fox. 2 (7 izd.). str. 186. 
  17. ^ World Council of Churches. „Friends (Quakers)”. Church Families. Arhivirano iz originala 11. 8. 2011. g. 
  18. ^ Stewart, Kathleen Anne (1992). The York Retreat in the Light of the Quaker Way: Moral Treatment Theory : Humane Therapy Or Mind Control? (na jeziku: engleski). William Sessions. ISBN 9781850720898. „On the other hand, Fox believed that perfectionism and freedom from sin were possible in this world. 
  19. ^ Levy, Barry (30. 6. 1988). Quakers and the American Family: British Settlement in the Delaware ValleyNeophodna slobodna registracija. Oxford University Press, USA. str. 128. ISBN 9780198021674. 
  20. ^ „Society of Friends | religion”. Encyclopædia Britannica. Pristupljeno 13. 6. 2017. 
  21. ^ Jackson, Peter (20. 1. 2010). „How did Quakers conquer the British sweet shop?”. BBC News. Pristupljeno 9. 1. 2018. 
  22. ^ Jahn, Gunnar. „Award Ceremony Speech (1947)”. Nobel Foundation. Pristupljeno 6. 10. 2011. 
  23. ^ Abrams, Irwin (1991). „The Quaker Peace Testimony and the Nobel Peace Prize”. Pristupljeno 24. 11. 2018. 
  24. ^ "Vreme", 21. mart 1939, str. 7.
  25. ^ Bičer-Stou, Harijete (1992). Čiča-Tomina koliba. Prevod: Sofronijević, Milorad. Gornji Milanovac: Dečje novine. ISBN 86-367-0646-7. 


[uredi | uredi izvor]
  • Abbott, Margery; Chijioke, Mary Ellen; Dandelion, Pink; Oliver, John William, ur. (jun 2003). Historical Dictionary of The Friends (Quakers). Scarecrow Press. ISBN 978-0-8108-4483-4. 
  • Bacon, Margaret Hope (april 2000). The Quiet Rebels: The Story of the Quakers in America. Pendle Hill Publications. str. 249. ISBN 978-0-87574-935-8. 
  • Margaret Hope Bacon, "Quakers and Colonization" Quaker History. 95 (Spring 2006), 26–43
  • Hugh Barbour and J. William Frost, The Quakers. (1988), 412 pp.; historical survey, including many capsule biographies online edition Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (27. jun 2012)
  • Barbour, Hugh (oktobar 1985). The Quakers in Puritan England. Friends United Press. str. 272. ISBN 978-0-913408-87-2. 
  • Philip Benjamin, Philadelphia Quakers in an Age of Industrialism, 1870–1920 (1976)
  • J. Brent Bill, Holy Silence: The Gift of Quaker Spirituality ISBN 1-55725-420-6
  • David Boulton, ed., 2006, Godless for God's Sake: Nontheism in Contemporary Quakerism Dales Historical Monographs. ISBN 0-9511578-6-8
  • Michael L. Birkel, Silence and Witness: The Quaker Tradition ISBN 1-57075-518-3 (in the UK, ISBN 0-232-52448-3)
  • William C. Braithwaite, The Beginnings of Quakerism. (1912); revised by Henry J. Cadbury (1955) online edition Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (21. јул 2012)
  • William C. Braithwaite, Second Period of Quakerism. (1919); revised by Henry Cadbury (1961), covers 1660 to 1720s in Britain
  • Howard H. Brinton, Friends for 350 Years ISBN 0-87574-903-8
  • Peter Brock, Pioneers of the Peaceable Kingdom. (1968) on Peace Testimony from the 1650s to 1900
  • Edwin B. Bronner, William Penn's Holy Experiment (1962)
  • G. B. Burnet, Story of Quakerism in Scotland. The Lutterworth Press 2007, Cambridge ISBN 978-0-7188-9176-3
  • Jennifer Connerley, Friendly Americans: Representing Quakers in the United States, 1850–1920 PhD dissertation U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 2006. 277 pp. Citation: DAI 2006 67(2): 600-A. DA3207363 online at ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
  • Wilmer A. Cooper, A Living Faith: An Historical and Comparative Study of Quaker Beliefs 2nd ed. ISBN 0-944350-53-4
  • A. Glenn Crothers, Quakers Living in the Lion's Mouth: The Society of Friends in Northern Virginia, 1730–1865. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2012
  • Pink Dandelion, A Sociological Analysis of the Theology of the Quakers: The Silent Revolution (Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1996) ISBN 0-7734-8807-3
  • Pink Dandelion, The Quakers: A Very Short Introduction ISBN 978-0-19-920679-7
  • Adrian Davies, The Quakers in English Society, 1655–1725 (2000) 261 pp.
  • Robert Doherty, The Hicksite Separation. (1967), uses the new social history to inquire who joined which side
  • Mary Maples Dunn, William Penn: Politics and Conscience (1967)
  • J. William Frost, The Quaker Family in Colonial America: A Portrait of the Society of Friends. (1973), emphasis on social structure and family life
  • Frost, J. William (1978). „The Origins of the Quaker Crusade Against Slavery: A Review of Recent Literature”. Quaker History. 67 (1): 42—58. JSTOR 41946850. doi:10.1353/qkh.1978.0015. 
  • Jonathan Fryer, ed., George Fox and the Children of the Light (London: Kyle Cathie, 1991) ISBN 1-85626-024-0
  • Harvey Gillman, A Light that is Shining: Introduction to the Quakers ISBN 0-85245-213-6
  • George H. Gorman, Introducing Quakers. (3rd revised reprint) (London: Quaker Home Service, 1981) ISBN 0-85245-005-2
  • Gerard Guiton, The Growth and Development of Quaker Testimony ISBN 0-7734-6002-0
  • Thomas Hamm, The Quakers in America. (2003). 293 pp., strong analysis of current situation, with brief history
  • Thomas Hamm, The Transformation of American Quakerism: Orthodox Friends, 1800–1907. (1988), looks at the impact of the Holiness movement on the Orthodox faction
  • Thomas D. Hamm, Earlham College: A History, 1847–1997. (1997) 448 pp.
  • Jean Hatton, Betsy: The Dramatic Biography of Prison Reformer Elizabeth Fry (2005) ISBN 1-85424-705-0 and ISBN 0-8254-6092-1
  • Jean Hatton, George Fox: Founder of the Quakers (2007) ISBN 1854247530 and ISBN 978-0-8254-6106-4
  • Hubbard, Geoffrey, Quaker by Convincement. ISBN 0-85245-189-X and ISBN 0-14-021663-4
  • Joseph E. Illick, Colonial Pennsylvania: A History. 1976. online edition Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (29. мај 2012)
  • H. Larry Ingle, First Among Friends: George Fox and the Creation of Quakerism ISBN 0-19-507803-9 and ISBN 0-19-510117-0
  • H. Larry Ingle, Nixon's First Cover-up: The Religious Life of a Quaker President ISBN 978-0-8262-2042-4
  • H. Larry Ingle, Quakers in Conflict: The Hicksite Reformation ISBN 0-87574-926-7
  • Sydney James, A People among Peoples: Quaker Benevolence in Eighteenth-Century America. (1963), broad-ranging study that remains the best history in America before 1800
  • Rufus M. Jones, Amelia M. Gummere and Isaac Sharpless. Quakers in the American Colonies (1911), history to 1775 online edition Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (26. jun 2012)
  • Rufus M. Jones, Later Periods of Quakerism. 2 vols. (1921), covers England and America until World War I.
  • Rufus M. Jones, The Story of George Fox. (1919) 169 pp. online edition
  • Rufus M. Jones, A Service of Love in War Time: American Friends Relief Work in Europe, 1917–1919 (1922) online edition
  • Ryan Jordan, "The Dilemma of Quaker Pacifism in a Slaveholding Republic, 1833–1865", Civil War History Vol. 53, 2007 online edition Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (29. јул 2012)
  • Ryan Jordan, Slavery and the Meetinghouse: The Quakers and the Abolitionist Dilemma, 1820–1865. (2007) 191 pp.
  • Thomas C. Kennedy, British Quakerism, 1860–1920: The Transformation of a Religious Community. (2001). 477 pp.
  • Rebecca Larson, Daughters of Light: Quaker Women Preaching and Prophesying in the Colonies and Abroad, 1700–1775 (1999) 399 pp.
  • James David LeShana, "'Heavenly Plantations': Quakers in Colonial North Carolina." PhD dissertation: U. of California, Riverside 1998. 362 pp. DAI 2000 61(5): 2005-A. DA9974014 Fulltext: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
  • Mark Minear, Richmond, 1887: A Quaker Drama Unfolds ISBN 9780913408988
  • Rosemary Moore, The Light in Their Consciences: The Early Quakers in Britain 1646–1666 (2000) 314 pp. ISBN 0-271-01989-1
  • John A. Moretta, William Penn and the Quaker Legacy ISBN 0-321-16392-3
  • Michael Mullet, ed., New Light on George Fox ISBN 1-85072-142-4
  • Gary Nash, Quakers and Politis: Pennsylvania, 1680–1726 (1968)
  • John Punshon, Portrait in Grey : A Short History of the Quakers (2nd ed.) (London: Quaker Books, 2006) ISBN 0-85245-399-X
  • Ane Marie Bak Rasmussen, A History of the Quaker Movement in Africa (1994) 168 pp.
  • Elbert Russell, The History of Quakerism (1942) online edition Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (15. septembar 2011)
  • Harold Smuck, Friends in East Africa (Richmond, Indiana: 1987)
  • Douglas Steere, 1967 On Being Present Where You Are Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (14. децембар 2007) Wallingford, Pa: Pendle Hill Pamphlet No. 151
  • Frederick B. Tolles, Meeting House and Counting House (1948), on Quaker businessmen in colonial Philadelphia
  • Frederick B. Tolles, Quakers and the Atlantic Culture (1960)
  • D. Elton Trueblood The People Called Quakers (1966)
  • Vlach, John Michael (1981). „Quaker Tradition and the Paintings of Edward Hicks: A Strategy for the Study of Folk Art”. The Journal of American Folklore. 94 (372): 145—165. JSTOR 540122. doi:10.2307/540122. 
  • Karen Anna Vogel, Christmas Union: Quaker Abolitionists of Chester County, PA. Murray Pura's Cry of Freedom Series, Volume 5
  • James Walvin, The Quakers: Money and Morals (1997) 243 pp.
  • Clarence H. Yarrow, The Quaker Experience in International Conciliation (1979) for post-1945
  • J. Brent Bill, Imagination and Spirit: A Contemporary Quaker Reader ISBN 0-944350-61-5
  • Amelia Gummere, ed. The Journal and Essays of John Woolman (1922) online edition
  • Rufus M. Jones, ed. The Journal of George Fox: An Autobiography online edition
  • Lucretia Coffin Mott, ed. Beverly Wilson Palmer, Selected Letters of Lucretia Coffin Mott, U. of Illinois Press, 2002, 580 pp.
  • Robert Lawrence Smith, A Quaker Book of Wisdom ISBN 0-688-17233-4
  • Jessamyn West, ed. The Quaker Reader (1962) ISBN 0-87574-916-X collection of essays by Fox, Penn and other notable Quakers
  • Marguerite De Angeli, Thee, Hannah! ISBN 0-8361-9106-4
  • Katherine Milhous
  • Brinton Turkle,

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