Алоја | |
Aloe succotrina[2] | |
Научна класификација | |
Царство: | Plantae |
Кладус: | Tracheophytes |
Кладус: | Angiospermae |
Кладус: | Monocotyledones |
Ред: | Asparagales |
Породица: | Asphodelaceae |
Потпородица: | Asphodeloideae |
Род: | Aloe Л.[1] |
Типска врста | |
Aloe perfoliata | |
Врсте | |
Погледајте Врсте | |
Синоними[1] | |
Алоја (Aloë) је род биљака из фамилије Asphodelaceae.[3] Ово је род зељастих или дрвенастих биљака које могу достићи висину и до 20 m. Стабло им је просто или рачвасто гранато. Лишће им је розетасто, листови меснати и најчешће трнолико назубљени. Код овог рода цветови су цевасти, најчешће живих боја, сложени у гроздасте или класолике цвати. Лист садржи безбојну и безмирисну слуз и један жут, горак сок. Род алоје има око 170[4]–400 врста, углавном у пределима жарке климе. Најпознатији представник овог рода је обична алоја (Aloë vera).
Најпознатија врста је Aloe vera, или „истинска алоја“. Тако се назива зато што се гаји као стандардна сировина за разне фармацеутске сврхе.[5] Друге врсте, као што је Aloe ferox, такође се узгајају или прикупљају из дивљине за сличне примене.[6]
[уреди | уреди извор]- Aloe aaata T.A.McCoy & Lavranos
- Aloe aageodonta L.E.Newton
- Aloe abyssicola Lavranos & Bilaidi
- Aloe aculeata Pole-Evans
- Aloe acutissima H.Perrier
- Aloe adigratana Reynolds
- Aloe affinis A.Berger
- Aloe africana Mill.
- Aloe ahmarensis Favell, M.B.Mill. & Al-Gifri
- Aloe alaotrensis J.-P.Castillon
- Aloe albida (Stapf) Reynolds
- Aloe albiflora Guillaumin
- Aloe albostriata T.A.McCoy, Rakouth & Lavranos
- Aloe albovestita S.Carter & Brandham
- Aloe aldabrensis (Marais) L.E.Newton & G.D.Rowley
- Aloe alexandrei Ellert
- Aloe alfredii Rauh
- Aloe alooides (Bolus) Druten
- Aloe ambigens Chiov.
- Aloe ambositrae J.-P.Castillon
- Aloe ambrensis J.-B.Castillon
- Aloe amicorum L.E.Newton
- Aloe ammophila Reynolds
- Aloe ampefyana J.-B.Castillon
- Aloe amudatensis Reynolds
- Aloe analavelonensis Letsara, Rakotoar. & Almeda
- Aloe andersonii van Jaarsv. & P.Nel
- Aloe andongensis Baker
- Aloe andringitrensis H.Perrier
- Aloe angelica Pole-Evans
- Aloe anivoranoensis (Rauh & Hebding) L.E.Newton & G.D.Rowley
- Aloe ankaranensis Rauh & Mangelsdorff
- Aloe ankoberensis M.G.Gilbert & Sebsebe
- Aloe anodonta T.A.McCoy & Lavranos
- Aloe × anosyana J.-P.Castillon
- Aloe ansoultae Rebmann
- Aloe antandroi (Decary) H.Perrier
- Aloe antoetrana J.-B.Castillon
- Aloe antonii J.-B.Castillon
- Aloe antsingyensis (Leandri) L.E.Newton & G.D.Rowley
- Aloe arborescens Mill.
- Aloe archeri Lavranos
- Aloe arenicola Reynolds
- Aloe argenticauda Merxm. & Giess
- Aloe argentifolia T.A.McCoy, Rulkens & O.J.Baptista
- Aloe argyrostachys Lavranos, Rakouth & T.A.McCoy
- Aloe armatissima Lavranos & Collen.
- Aloe arneodoi Rebmann
- Aloe asperifolia A.Berger
- Aloe aufensis T.A.McCoy
- Aloe aurelienii J.-B.Castillon
- Aloe austroarabica T.A.McCoy & Lavranos
- Aloe austrosudanica T.A.McCoy
- Aloe babatiensis Christian & I.Verd.
- Aloe bakeri Scott Elliot
- Aloe ballii Reynolds
- Aloe ballyi Reynolds
- Aloe barbara-jeppeae T.A.McCoy & Lavranos
- Aloe bargalensis Lavranos
- Aloe beankaensis Letsara, Rakotoar. & Almeda
- Aloe belavenokensis (Rauh & Gerold) L.E.Newton & G.D.Rowley
- Aloe bella G.D.Rowley
- Aloe bellatula Reynolds
- Aloe benishangulana Sebsebe & Tesfaye
- Aloe berevoana Lavranos
- Aloe bergeriana (Dinter) Boatwr. & J.C.Manning
- Aloe bernadettae J.-B.Castillon
- Aloe bernardii J.-P.Castillon
- Aloe bertemariae Sebsebe & Dioli
- Aloe betsileensis H.Perrier
- Aloe bicomitum L.C.Leach
- Aloe boiteaui Guillaumin
- Aloe boscawenii Christian
- Aloe bosseri J.-B.Castillon
- Aloe bowiea Schult. & Schult.f.
- Aloe boylei Baker
- Aloe braamvanwykii Gideon F.Sm. & Figueiredo
- Aloe brachystachys Baker
- Aloe branddraaiensis Groenew.
- Aloe brandhamii S.Carter
- Aloe brevifolia Mill.
- Aloe breviscapa Reynolds & P.R.O.Bally
- Aloe broomii Schönland
- Aloe brunneodentata Lavranos & Collen.
- Aloe brunneostriata Lavranos & S.Carter
- Aloe bruynsii P.I.Forst.
- Aloe buchananii Baker
- Aloe buchlohii Rauh
- Aloe buettneri A.Berger
- Aloe buhrii Lavranos
- Aloe bukobana Reynolds
- Aloe bulbicaulis Christian
- Aloe bulbillifera H.Perrier
- Aloe bullockii Reynolds
- Aloe burgersfortensis Reynolds
- Aloe bussei A.Berger
- Aloe butiabana T.C.Cole & T.G.Forrest
- Aloe × buzairiensis Lodé
- Aloe × caesia Salm-Dyck
- Aloe calcairophila Reynolds
- Aloe calidophila Reynolds
- Aloe calliantha T.A.McCoy & Lavranos
- Aloe cameronii Hemsl.
- Aloe camperi Schweinf.
- Aloe canarina S.Carter
- Aloe candelabrum A.Berger
- Aloe canis S.Lane
- Aloe cannellii L.C.Leach
- Aloe capitata Baker
- Aloe capmanambatoensis Rauh & Gerold
- Aloe carnea S.Carter
- Aloe carolineae L.E.Newton
- Aloe castanea Schönland
- Aloe castellorum J.R.I.Wood
- Aloe castilloniae J.-B.Castillon
- Aloe cataractarum T.A.McCoy & Lavranos
- Aloe catengiana Reynolds
- Aloe chabaudii Schönland
- Aloe challisii van Jaarsv. & A.E.van Wyk
- Aloe charlotteae J.-B.Castillon
- Aloe cheranganiensis S.Carter & Brandham
- Aloe chlorantha Lavranos
- Aloe chortolirioides A.Berger
- Aloe christianii Reynolds
- Aloe chrysostachys Lavranos & L.E.Newton
- Aloe cipolinicola (H.Perrier) J.-B.Castillon & J.-P.Castillon
- Aloe citrea (Guillaumin) L.E.Newton & G.D.Rowley
- Aloe citrina S.Carter & Brandham
- Aloe clarkei L.E.Newton
- Aloe classenii Reynolds
- Aloe claviflora Burch.
- Aloe collenetteae Lavranos
- Aloe collina S.Carter
- Aloe × commutata Tod.
- Aloe comosa Marloth & A.Berger
- Aloe compressa H.Perrier
- Aloe comptonii Reynolds
- Aloe condyae van Jaarsv. & P.Nel
- Aloe confusa Engl.
- Aloe congdonii S.Carter
- Aloe conifera H.Perrier
- Aloe cooperi Baker
- Aloe corallina I.Verd.
- Aloe craibii Gideon F.Sm.
- Aloe crassipes Baker
- Aloe cremnophila Reynolds & P.R.O.Bally
- Aloe cryptoflora Reynolds
- Aloe cryptopoda Baker
- Aloe cyrtophylla Lavranos
- Aloe dabenorisana van Jaarsv.
- Aloe darainensis J.-P.Castillon
- Aloe dawei A.Berger
- Aloe debrana Christian
- Aloe decaryi Guillaumin
- Aloe decorsei H.Perrier
- Aloe decurva Reynolds
- Aloe deinacantha T.A.McCoy, Rakouth & Lavranos
- Aloe delicatifolia J.-B.Castillon
- Aloe delphinensis Rauh
- Aloe deltoideodonta Baker
- Aloe descoingsii Reynolds
- Aloe deserti A.Berger
- Aloe dewetii Reynolds
- Aloe dewinteri Giess ex Borman & Hardy
- Aloe dhufarensis Lavranos
- Aloe diolii L.E.Newton
- Aloe distans Haw.
- Aloe divaricata A.Berger
- Aloe djiboutiensis T.A.McCoy
- Aloe doddsiorum T.A.McCoy & Lavranos
- Aloe dominella Reynolds
- Aloe dorotheae A.Berger
- Aloe downsiana T.A.McCoy & Lavranos
- Aloe droseroides Lavranos & T.A.McCoy
- Aloe duckeri Christian
- Aloe dyeri Schönland
- Aloe ecklonis Salm-Dyck
- Aloe edouardii Rebmann
- Aloe elata S.Carter & L.E.Newton
- Aloe elegans Tod.
- Aloe elegantissima T.A.McCoy & Lavranos
- Aloe elgonica Bullock
- Aloe elkerriana Dioli & T.A.McCoy
- Aloe ellenbeckii A.Berger
- Aloe eremophila Lavranos
- Aloe erensii Christian
- Aloe ericahenriettae T.A.McCoy
- Aloe ericetorum Bosser
- Aloe erinacea D.S.Hardy
- Aloe erythrophylla Bosser
- Aloe esculenta L.C.Leach
- Aloe eumassawana S.Carter, M.G.Gilbert & Sebsebe
- Aloe excelsa A.Berger
- Aloe eximia Lavranos & T.A.McCoy
- Aloe falcata Baker
- Aloe ferox Mill.
- Aloe fibrosa Lavranos & L.E.Newton
- Aloe fievetii Reynolds
- Aloe fimbrialis S.Carter
- Aloe fleurentiniorum Lavranos & L.E.Newton
- Aloe fleuretteana Rauh & Gerold
- Aloe flexilifolia Christian
- Aloe florenceae Lavranos & T.A.McCoy
- Aloe forbesii Balf.f.
- Aloe fosteri Pillans
- Aloe fouriei D.S.Hardy & Glen
- Aloe fragilis Lavranos & Röösli
- Aloe francombei L.E.Newton
- Aloe friisii Sebsebe & M.G.Gilbert
- Aloe fulleri Lavranos
- Aloe gariepensis Pillans
- Aloe gautieri J.-P.Castillon & Nusb.
- Aloe gerstneri Reynolds
- Aloe ghibensis Sebsebe & Friis
- Aloe gilbertii T.Reynolds ex Sebsebe & Brandham
- Aloe gillettii S.Carter
- Aloe glabrescens (Reynolds & P.R.O.Bally) S.Carter & Brandham
- Aloe glauca Mill.
- Aloe globuligemma Pole-Evans
- Aloe gneissicola (H.Perrier) J.-B.Castillon & J.-P.Castillon
- Aloe gossweileri Reynolds
- Aloe gracilicaulis Reynolds & P.R.O.Bally
- Aloe graciliflora Groenew.
- Aloe grandidentata Salm-Dyck
- Aloe graniticola Rebmann
- Aloe grata Reynolds
- Aloe greatheadii Schönland
- Aloe greenii Green
- Aloe grisea S.Carter & Brandham
- Aloe guerrae Reynolds
- Aloe guillaumetii Cremers
- Aloe haggeherensis T.A.McCoy & Lavranos
- Aloe hahnii Gideon F.Sm. & Klopper
- Aloe hardyi Glen
- Aloe harlana Reynolds
- Aloe haroniensis T.A.McCoy, Plowes & O.J.Baptista
- Aloe haworthioides Baker
- Aloe hazeliana Reynolds
- Aloe helenae Danguy
- Aloe heliderana Lavranos
- Aloe hemmingii Reynolds & P.R.O.Bally
- Aloe hendrickxii Reynolds
- Aloe hereroensis Engl.
- Aloe × hexapetala Salm-Dyck
- Aloe heybensis Lavranos
- Aloe hildebrandtii Baker
- Aloe hlangapies Groenew.
- Aloe hoffmannii Lavranos
- Aloe humbertii H.Perrier
- Aloe humilis (L.) Mill.
- Aloe huntleyana van Jaarsv. & Swanepoel
- Aloe ibitiensis H.Perrier
- Aloe ifanadianae J.-B.Castillon
- Aloe ikiorum Dioli & G.Powys
- Aloe imalotensis Reynolds
- Aloe × imerinensis Bosser
- Aloe immaculata Pillans
- Aloe inamara L.C.Leach
- Aloe inconspicua Plowes
- Aloe inermis Forssk.
- Aloe inexpectata Lavranos & T.A.McCoy
- Aloe × inopinata Gideon, F.Sm., N.R.Crouch & Oosth.
- Aloe integra Reynolds
- Aloe inyangensis Christian
- Aloe irafensis Lavranos, T.A.McCoy & Al-Gifri
- Aloe isaloensis H.Perrier
- Aloe ithya T.A.McCoy & L.E.Newton
- Aloe ivakoanyensis Letsara, Rakotoar. & Almeda
- Aloe jacksonii Reynolds
- Aloe jawiyon S.J.Christie, D.P.Hannon & Oakman ex A.G.Mill.
- Aloe jeppeae Klopper & Gideon F.Sm.
- Aloe jibisana L.E.Newton
- Aloe johannis J.-B.Castillon
- Aloe johannis-bernardii J.-P.Castillon
- Aloe johannis-philippei J.-B.Castillon
- Aloe jucunda Reynolds
- Aloe juvenna Brandham & S.Carter
- Aloe kahinii T.A.McCoy & Lavranos
- Aloe kamnelii van Jaarsv.
- Aloe kaokoensis van Jaarsv., Swanepoel & A.E.van Wyk
- Aloe karasbergensis Pillans
- Aloe × keayi Reynolds
- Aloe kedongensis Reynolds
- Aloe kefaensis M.G.Gilbert & Sebsebe
- Aloe ketabrowniorum L.E.Newton
- Aloe khamiesensis Pillans
- Aloe kilifiensis Christian
- Aloe knersvlakensis S.J.Marais
- Aloe kniphofioides Baker
- Aloe koenenii Lavranos & Kerstin Koch
- Aloe komaggasensis Kritz. & Jaarsveld
- Aloe komatiensis Reynolds
- Aloe kouebokkeveldensis van Jaarsv. & A.B.Low
- Aloe krapohliana Marloth
- Aloe kraussii Baker
- Aloe kulalensis L.E.Newton & Beentje
- Aloe kwasimbana T.A.McCoy & Lavranos
- Aloe labworana (Reynolds) S.Carter
- Aloe laeta A.Berger
- Aloe lanata T.A.McCoy & Lavranos
- Aloe latens T.A.McCoy & Lavranos
- Aloe lateritia Engl.
- Aloe lavranosii Reynolds
- Aloe leachii Reynolds
- Aloe leandrii Bosser
- Aloe leedalii S.Carter
- Aloe lensayuensis Lavranos & L.E.Newton
- Aloe lepida L.C.Leach
- Aloe leptosiphon A.Berger
- Aloe lettyae Reynolds
- Aloe liliputana van Jaarsv. & Harrower
- Aloe lindenii Lavranos
- Aloe linearifolia A.Berger
- Aloe lineata (Aiton) Haw.
- Aloe littoralis Baker
- Aloe lolwensis L.E.Newton
- Aloe lomatophylloides Balf.f.
- Aloe longibracteata Pole-Evans
- Aloe longistyla Baker
- Aloe luapulana L.C.Leach
- Aloe lucile-allorgeae Rauh
- Aloe lukeana T.C.Cole
- Aloe luntii Baker
- Aloe lutescens Groenew.
- Aloe macleayi Reynolds
- Aloe macra Haw.
- Aloe macrocarpa Tod.
- Aloe macroclada Baker
- Aloe macrosiphon Baker
- Aloe maculata All.
- Aloe mahraensis Lavranos & T.A.McCoy
- Aloe manandonae J.-B.Castillon & J.-P.Castillon
- Aloe mandotoensis J.-B.Castillon
- Aloe mandrarensis J.-P.Castillon
- Aloe mangeaensis L.E.Newton & S.Carter
- Aloe maningoryensis J.-P.Castillon
- Aloe marlothii A.Berger
- Aloe martialii J.-B.Castillon
- Aloe massawana Reynolds
- Aloe mawii Christian
- Aloe mayottensis A.Berger
- Aloe mccoyi Lavranos & Mies
- Aloe mcloughlinii Christian
- Aloe medishiana Reynolds & P.R.O.Bally
- Aloe megalacantha Baker
- Aloe megalocarpa Lavranos
- Aloe melanacantha A.Berger
- Aloe × menachensis (Schweinf.) Blatt.
- Aloe mendesii Reynolds
- Aloe menyharthii Baker
- Aloe metallica Engl. & Gilg
- Aloe meyeri van Jaarsv.
- Aloe micracantha Haw.
- Aloe microdonta Chiov.
- Aloe microstigma Salm-Dyck
- Aloe millotii Reynolds
- Aloe milne-redheadii Christian
- Aloe minima Baker
- Aloe miskatana S.Carter
- Aloe mitsioana J.-B.Castillon
- Aloe mocamedensis van Jaarsv.
- Aloe modesta Reynolds
- Aloe molederana Lavranos & Glen
- Aloe monotropa I.Verd.
- Aloe monticola Reynolds
- Aloe montis-nabro Orlando & El Azzouni
- Aloe morijensis S.Carter & Brandham
- Aloe mossurilensis Ellert
- Aloe mottramiana J.-B.Castillon
- Aloe mubendiensis Christian
- Aloe mudenensis Reynolds
- Aloe multicolor L.E.Newton
- Aloe munchii Christian
- Aloe murina L.E.Newton
- Aloe musapana Reynolds
- Aloe mutabilis Pillans
- Aloe myriacantha (Haw.) Schult. & Schult.f.
- Aloe mzimbana I.Verd. & Christian
- Aloe namibensis Giess
- Aloe namorokaensis (Rauh) L.E.Newton & G.D.Rowley
- Aloe neilcrouchii Klopper & Gideon F.Sm.
- Aloe neoqaharensis T.A.McCoy
- Aloe neosteudneri Lavranos & T.A.McCoy
- Aloe newtonii J.-B.Castillon
- Aloe ngobitensis Reynolds
- Aloe ngongensis Christian
- Aloe nicholsii Gideon F.Sm. & N.R.Crouch
- Aloe niebuhriana Lavranos
- Aloe niensiensis L.E.Newton
- Aloe nigrimontana T.A.McCoy & Lavranos
- Aloe nordaliae Wabuyele
- Aloe nubigena Groenew.
- Aloe nugalensis Thulin
- Aloe nuttii Baker
- Aloe nyeriensis Christian & I.Verd.
- Aloe occidentalis (H.Perrier) L.E.Newton & G.D.Rowley
- Aloe officinalis Forssk.
- Aloe oligophylla Baker
- Aloe omavandae van Jaarsv.
- Aloe omoana T.A.McCoy & Lavranos
- Aloe orientalis (H.Perrier) L.E.Newton & G.D.Rowley
- Aloe orlandi Lavranos
- Aloe ortholopha Christian & Milne-Red.
- Aloe otallensis Baker
- Aloe pachydactylos T.A.McCoy & Lavranos
- Aloe pachygaster Dinter
- Aloe paedogona A.Berger
- Aloe palmiformis Baker
- Aloe parallelifolia H.Perrier
- Aloe parvibracteata Schönland
- Aloe parvicapsula Lavranos & Collen.
- Aloe parvidens M.G.Gilbert & Sebsebe
- Aloe parviflora Baker
- Aloe parvula A.Berger
- Aloe patersonii B.Mathew
- Aloe pavelkae van Jaarsv., Swanepoel, A.E.van Wyk & Lavranos
- Aloe pearsonii Schönland
- Aloe peckii P.R.O.Bally & I.Verd.
- Aloe peglerae Schönland
- Aloe pembana L.E.Newton
- Aloe pendens Forssk.
- Aloe penduliflora Baker
- Aloe percrassa Tod.
- Aloe perdita Ellert
- Aloe perfoliata L.
- Aloe perrieri Reynolds
- Aloe perryi Baker
- Aloe petricola Pole-Evans
- Aloe petrophila Pillans
- Aloe peyrierasii Cremers
- Aloe × philippei J.-B.Castillon
- Aloe pictifolia D.S.Hardy
- Aloe pienaarii Pole-Evans
- Aloe pirottae A.Berger
- Aloe plowesii Reynolds
- Aloe pluridens Haw.
- Aloe polyphylla Pillans
- Aloe porphyrostachys Lavranos & Collen.
- Aloe powysiorum L.E.Newton & Beentje
- Aloe praetermissa T.A.McCoy & Lavranos
- Aloe pratensis Baker
- Aloe pretoriensis Pole-Evans
- Aloe prinslooi I.Verd. & D.S.Hardy
- Aloe procera L.C.Leach
- Aloe pronkii Lavranos, Rakouth & T.A.McCoy
- Aloe propagulifera (Rauh & Razaf.) L.E.Newton & G.D.Rowley
- Aloe prostrata (H.Perrier) L.E.Newton & G.D.Rowley
- Aloe pruinosa Reynolds
- Aloe pseudoparvula J.-B.Castillon
- Aloe pseudorubroviolacea Lavranos & Collen.
- Aloe × puberula (Schweinf.) A.Berger
- Aloe pubescens Reynolds
- Aloe pulcherrima M.G.Gilbert & Sebsebe
- Aloe purpurea Lam.
- Aloe pustuligemma L.E.Newton
- Aloe rabaiensis Rendle
- Aloe rapanarivoi J.-P.Castillon
- Aloe rauhii Reynolds
- Aloe rebmannii Lavranos
- Aloe reitzii Reynolds
- Aloe rendilliorum L.E.Newton
- Aloe retrospiciens Reynolds & P.R.O.Bally
- Aloe reynoldsii Letty
- Aloe rhodesiana Rendle
- Aloe ribauensis T.A.McCoy, Rulkens & O.J.Baptista
- Aloe richardsiae Reynolds
- Aloe richaudii Rebmann
- Aloe rigens Reynolds & P.R.O.Bally
- Aloe rivae Baker
- Aloe rivierei Lavranos & L.E.Newton
- Aloe rodolphei J.-B.Castillon
- Aloe roeoeslii Lavranos & T.A.McCoy
- Aloe rosea (H.Perrier) L.E.Newton & G.D.Rowley
- Aloe rouxii van Jaarsv.
- Aloe rubrodonta T.A.McCoy & Lavranos
- Aloe rubroviolacea Schweinf.
- Aloe rugosifolia M.G.Gilbert & Sebsebe
- Aloe rugosquamosa (H.Perrier) J.-B.Castillon & J.-P.Castillon
- Aloe rulkensii T.A.McCoy & O.J.Baptista
- Aloe rupestris Baker
- Aloe rupicola Reynolds
- Aloe ruspoliana Baker
- Aloe ruvuensis T.A.McCoy & Lavranos
- Aloe saudiarabica T.A.McCoy
- Aloe saundersiae (Reynolds) Reynolds
- Aloe scabrifolia L.E.Newton & Lavranos
- Aloe schelpei Reynolds
- Aloe schilliana L.E.Newton & G.D.Rowley
- Aloe × schimperi Tod.
- Aloe schoelleri Schweinf.
- Aloe schomeri Rauh
- Aloe schweinfurthii Baker
- Aloe scobinifolia Reynolds & P.R.O.Bally
- Aloe scorpioides L.C.Leach
- Aloe secundiflora Engl.
- Aloe seibanica Orlando & El Azzouni
- Aloe seretii De Wild.
- Aloe serriyensis Lavranos
- Aloe shadensis Lavranos & Collen.
- Aloe sharoniae N.R.Crouch & Gideon F.Sm.
- Aloe sheilae Lavranos
- Aloe silicicola H.Perrier
- Aloe simii Pole-Evans
- Aloe sinana Reynolds
- Aloe sinkatana Reynolds
- Aloe sobolifera (S.Carter) Wabuyele
- Aloe socialis (H.Perrier) L.E.Newton & G.D.Rowley
- Aloe somaliensis C.H.Wright ex W.Watson
- Aloe soutpansbergensis I.Verd.
- Aloe speciosa Baker
- Aloe spectabilis Reynolds
- Aloe spicata L.f.
- Aloe spinitriaggregata J.-B.Castillon
- Aloe springatei-neumannii L.E.Newton
- Aloe squarrosa Baker ex Balf.f.
- Aloe steudneri Schweinf.
- Aloe striata Haw.
- Aloe suarezensis H.Perrier
- Aloe subacutissima G.D.Rowley
- Aloe subspicata (Baker) Boatwr. & J.C.Manning
- Aloe succotrina Weston
- Aloe suffulta Reynolds
- Aloe suprafoliata Pole-Evans
- Aloe suzannae Decary
- Aloe swynnertonii Rendle
- Aloe tartarensis T.A.McCoy & Lavranos
- Aloe tauri L.C.Leach
- Aloe tegetiformis L.E.Newton
- Aloe teissieri Lavranos
- Aloe tewoldei M.G.Gilbert & Sebsebe
- Aloe thompsoniae Groenew.
- Aloe thorncroftii Pole-Evans
- Aloe thraskii Baker
- Aloe tomentosa Deflers
- Aloe tormentorii (Marais) L.E.Newton & G.D.Rowley
- Aloe tororoana Reynolds
- Aloe torrei I.Verd. & Christian
- Aloe trachyticola (H.Perrier) Reynolds
- Aloe transvaalensis Kuntze
- Aloe trichosantha A.Berger
- Aloe trigonantha L.C.Leach
- Aloe trothae A.Berger
- Aloe tsitongambarikana J.-P.Castillon & J.-B.Castillon
- Aloe turkanensis Christian
- Aloe ukambensis Reynolds
- Aloe umfoloziensis Reynolds
- Aloe vacillans Forssk.
- Aloe vallaris L.C.Leach
- Aloe vanbalenii Pillans
- Aloe vandermerwei Reynolds
- Aloe vanrooyenii Gideon F.Sm. & N.R.Crouch
- Aloe vaombe Decorse & Poiss.
- Aloe vaotsanda Decary
- Aloe varimaculata T.A.McCoy
- Aloe venenosa Engl.
- Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f.
- Aloe verecunda Pole-Evans
- Aloe versicolor Guillaumin
- Aloe veseyi Reynolds
- Aloe viguieri H.Perrier
- Aloe virginieae J.-P.Castillon
- Aloe viridiflora Reynolds
- Aloe vituensis Baker
- Aloe vogtsii Reynolds
- Aloe volkensii Engl.
- Aloe vossii Reynolds
- Aloe vryheidensis Groenew.
- Aloe wanalensis T.C.Cole & T.G.Forrest
- Aloe welmelensis Sebsebe & Nordal
- Aloe weloensis Sebsebe
- Aloe welwitschii Klopper & Gideon F.Sm.
- Aloe werneri J.-B.Castillon
- Aloe whitcombei Lavranos
- Aloe wickensii Pole-Evans
- Aloe wildii (Reynolds) Reynolds
- Aloe wilsonii Reynolds
- Aloe wollastonii Rendle
- Aloe woodii Lavranos & Collen.
- Aloe wrefordii Reynolds
- Aloe yavellana Reynolds
- Aloe yemenica J.R.I.Wood
- Aloe zebrina Baker
- Aloe zombitsiensis Rauh & M.Teissier
- Aloe zubb T.A.McCoy & Lavranos
Види још
[уреди | уреди извор]Референце
[уреди | уреди извор]- ^ а б „Aloe”. World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Архивирано из оригинала 18. 05. 2013. г. Приступљено 2013-02-25.
- ^ 1897 illustration from Franz Eugen Köhler, Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen
- ^ The Plant List (2010). Version 1. Published on the Internet; http://www.theplantlist.org/ (accessed July 2013)
- ^ ––. 1959. Алоја. У: Мала енциклопедија Просвета - Општа Енциклопедија (А-Љ). Издавачко предузеће Просвета: Београд.
- ^ „Aloe Vera: Science and Safety”. NIH National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. април 2012. Приступљено 31. 3. 2013.
- ^ Salehi, Bahare; Albayrak, Sevil; Antolak, Hubert; Kręgiel, Dorota; Pawlikowska, Ewelina; Sharifi-Rad, Mehdi; Uprety, Yadav; Tsouh Fokou, Patrick Valere; Yousef, Zubaida; Amiruddin Zakaria, Zainul; Varoni, Elena Maria (2018-09-19). „Aloe Genus Plants: From Farm to Food Applications and Phytopharmacotherapy”. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 19 (9): 2843. ISSN 1422-0067. PMID 30235891. doi:10.3390/ijms19092843.
[уреди | уреди извор]- Carter, Susan (2011). Aloes : the definitive guide. British Cactus and Succulent Society. Richmond, Surrey, UK: Kew Pub. ISBN 9781842464397. OCLC 670480354.
- Ben-Erik, Van Wyk; Smith, Gideon (2014). Guide to the aloes of South Africa (Third изд.). Pretoria, South Africa. ISBN 9781920217389. OCLC 897036340.
Спољашње везе
[уреди | уреди извор]- „Civic Heraldry of Namibia”. Heraldry of the World. Ralf Hartemink. Архивирано из оригинала 27. 12. 2007. г. Приступљено 31. 3. 2013.