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Разговор с корисником:Sb008

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С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије
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Википедија је енциклопедија на интернету коју свако може уређивати. Одвојите мало времена да бисте проучили основна начела и сазнали шта Википедија није.

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Препоручујемо да прочитате смерницу о писању српским језиком на Википедији. Чланци на Википедији на српском језику могу се равноправно уређивати ћирилицом и латиницом, екавицом и ијекавицом. Није допуштено мешање писама и изговора у једном чланку. Текстови писани без дијакритичких знакова биће уклоњени без одлагања.

If you don't speak Serbian: This is a welcome message sent to new users of the Serbian Wikipedia. Talk to us via our Village Pump in English!

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Ауторска права

Надамо се да ћете уживати доприносећи Википедији и да ћете постати њен стални корисник. Ако имате било каква питања, слободно се обратите мени или другим уредницима на некој подстраници Трга. Такође, можете поставити питање свом ментору. Пријатан боравак! --Kizule (разговор) 13:21, 23. новембар 2023. (CET)[одговори]

@Kizule: I don't think I will enjoy working on the Serbian Wikipedia. In my 2nd edit I corrected an insulting page title. The edit was undone in no time. So, I think I limit my edits to the Wikipeditia of countries where they have more respect for people. --Sb008 (разговор) 14:01, 23. новембар 2023. (CET)[одговори]
Hello, my personal opinion is that we are really respectful to people in this matter, especially because of situation regarding Kosovo. I think that @Milicevic01 probably misunderstood you or something like that, so I would wait for his response.
Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day! — --Kizule (разговор) 14:41, 23. новембар 2023. (CET)[одговори]
  1. In Serbian language country is called Holandija
  2. Yes i know its just small part of entire country
  3. Why do we called Holandija and not Nizozemska dont know
  4. If you still are not satisfied; ask why on Википедија:Трг/Разно

Милићевић (разговор) 16:57, 23. новембар 2023. (CET)[одговори]

@Milicevic01: Is Низоземска a correct Serbian word? --Sb008 (разговор) 19:01, 23. новембар 2023. (CET)[одговори]
Simply yes — Милићевић (разговор) 20:54, 23. новембар 2023. (CET)[одговори]
@Milicevic01:So, Низоземска is a correct Serbian word, and what does it mean? --Sb008 (разговор) 20:59, 23. новембар 2023. (CET)[одговори]
Ниске ЗемљеМилићевић (разговор) 21:39, 23. новембар 2023. (CET)[одговори]
@Milicevic01: You talk about Serbian langue. My native language obvious isn't Serbian, but even I know that the "а" ending in Низоземска means it's a singular and the "е" ending ln Земље means it's a plural. I don't know of any case in any language where a singular and a plural are synonyms. Ниске Земље means low countries and is a reference to the 3 countries Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. What's next, you're going to tell me Низоземска means Europe which would mean Serbia is part of Низоземска? So, again what does Низоземска mean, what's the translation of Низоземска?
You are being a bit obtuse. Nizozemska has no direct translation to English, because components are not standalone words. Nizo- prefix is for something which is low, -zem- infix is derived from zemlja, meaning land, country. -ska suffix is to turn the word into possessive adjective. It is rather typical for Serbian to build toponyms out of possesive adjectives. There is implied "država" (country) after Nizozemska, so, if you really wish to push for literal translation, it would be Lowland [country].
That all being said, while Nizozemska is a valid word in Serbian, most Serbs would call the country Holandija, which is, indeed, derived from Holland province. It is pars per toto principle here, not unlike how sometimes the Netherlands is refered colloquially as Holland in English language.
Niske Zemlje toponym seems to be invented translation of original editor of the article for old English term "Low Countries". Typically, for three countries, we use "Beneluks", like everybody else. — Ђидо (разговор) 23:09, 23. новембар 2023. (CET)[одговори]