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Druzi u Siriji

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Druzi u Siriji
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Srodne etničke grupe
Sirijski druzi

Druzi u Siriji su značajna manjinska religijska zajednica u Siriji.

Prema The World Factbook, Druzi čine oko 3,2 procenta stanovništva (od 2010. godine),[1][2] ili približno 700.000 pripadnika, uključujući stanovnike Golanske visoravni.[3] Druzi su koncentrisani u ruralnim, planinskim oblastima istočno i južno od Damaska, u oblasti koja je zvanično poznata kao Džabal al-Druze.[4]

Druzi su monoteistička i avramska religija.[5][6][7][8][9][10][11] Sirija ima najveću populaciju Druzita na svetu,[12] a mnogi sirijski Druzi takođe žive u inostranstvu, posebno u Venecueli, gde žive poslednjih sto godina.[13]

Druzi su abrahamska monoteistička religija koja je gnostički izdanak i neoplatonistička sekta ismailizma, ogranka šiitskog islama. Druzi su evoluirali iz religije islama i sada su nezavisna religija, odvojena od islama.[14]

Prema jednoj proceni koju je napravila Elisabet Granli sa Univerziteta u Oslu, oko 1.920 sirijskih Druza je prešlo u hrišćanstvo,[15] prema istoj studiji Hrišćani druzijskog porekla i dalje sebe smatraju Druzima,[15] i tvrde da nema protivrečnosti između toga da si Druz i da budeš hrišćanin.[15]


[uredi | uredi izvor]
  1. ^ The World Factbook: Syria
  2. ^ The population of Syria dropped during the civil war, and the Druze were strongly affected.
  3. ^ „The Economist”. 390 (8618–24). 2014: 49. 
  4. ^ The Druze and Assad: Strategic Bedfellows
  5. ^ Pintak, Lawrence (2019). America & Islam: Soundbites, Suicide Bombs and the Road to Donald Trump. Bloomsbury Publishing. str. 86. ISBN 9781788315593. 
  6. ^ Jonas, Margaret (2011). The Templar Spirit: The Esoteric Inspiration, Rituals and Beliefs of the Knights Templar. Temple Lodge Publishing. str. 83. ISBN 9781906999254. „[Druze] often they are not regarded as being Muslim at all, nor do all the Druze consider themselves as Muslim 
  7. ^ „Are the Druze People Arabs or Muslims? Deciphering Who They Are”. Arab America (na jeziku: engleski). Arab America. 8. 8. 2018. Pristupljeno 13. 4. 2020. 
  8. ^ J. Stewart, Dona (2008). The Middle East Today: Political, Geographical and Cultural Perspectives. Routledge. str. 33. ISBN 9781135980795. „Most Druze do not consider themselves Muslim. Historically they faced much persecution and keep their religious beliefs secrets. 
  9. ^ Yazbeck Haddad, Yvonne (2014). The Oxford Handbook of American Islam. Oxford University Press. str. 142. ISBN 9780199862634. „While they appear parallel to those of normative Islam, in the Druze religion they are different in meaning and interpretation. The religion is consider distinct from the Ismaili as well as from other Muslims belief and practice... Most Druze consider themselves fully assimilated in American society and do not necessarily identify as Muslims.. 
  10. ^ „Are the Druze People Arabs or Muslims? Deciphering Who They Are”. Arab America (na jeziku: engleski). Arab America. 8. 8. 2018. Pristupljeno 13. 4. 2020. 
  11. ^ De McLaurin, Ronald (1979). The Political Role of Minority Groups in the Middle East. Praeger Special Studies. Praeger. str. 114. ISBN 9780030525964. „Theologically, one would have to conclude that the Druze are not Muslims. They do not accept the five pillars of Islam. In place of these principles the Druze have instituted the seven precepts noted above.. 
  12. ^ „Druze | History, Religion, & Facts”. Encyclopedia Britannica (na jeziku: engleski). Pristupljeno 2021-07-30. 
  13. ^ Khalifa 2013, 6-7.
  14. ^ „Are the Druze People Arabs or Muslims? Deciphering Who They Are”. Arab America (na jeziku: engleski). Arab America. 8. 8. 2018. 
  15. ^ a b v Granli, Elisabet (2011). „Religious conversion in Syria : Alawite and Druze believers”. University of Oslo.