Пауколике животиње
Пауколике животиње Временски распон:
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Савремених и изумрелих пауколиких зглавкара. На слицу су приказани у смеру казаљке на сату одозго са леве стране: морски паук, pentecopterus (изумрела врста eurypterid), Gasteracantha cancriformis и атлантска потковичаста краба. | |
Научна класификација ![]() | |
Домен: | Eukaryota |
Царство: | Animalia |
Тип: | Arthropoda |
Кладус: | Arachnomorpha |
Подтип: | Chelicerata Heymons, 1901 |
Kласе | |
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Синоними | |
Пауколике животиње (Chelicerata)[1] припадају зглавкарима,[2][3][4][5][6][7][8] а од осталих зглавкара се разликују двема посебним одликама:
- немају антене и
- први пар екстремитета су хелицере.
Тело им је подељено на два телесна региона:
- прозому (главеногрудни) и
- опистозому (трбушни).
На прозоми се налази 6 пари екстремитета:
- први пар су, већ поменуте, хелицере клештоликог облика, које углавном учествују у исхрани и представљају усне екстремитете;
- други пар су педипалпи са различитим функцијама: чулна, хватање плена, парење,
- 4 пара ногу за ходање.
Опистозома има највише 13 сегмената и телзон и на њој нема екстремитета за ходање већ су они редуковани или измењени у шкрге или плућа, чулне органе и паучинасте брадавице. Облик опистозоме варира у различитим групама пауколиких животиња.
Пауколике животиње су активни ловци, мада има и оних које се хране биљном храном или паразитирају на биљкама и животињама. Грабљивице свој плен хватају хелицерама и педипалпима, а затим на њега излучују ензиме. Полусварену, кашасту храну усисавају помоћу посебно прилагођеног предњег црева.
[уреди | уреди извор]Подтип хелицерата подељен је на три класе:
- меростомата (Merostomata)
- морски пауци (Pycnogonida)
- арахнида (Arachnida)
Класа арахнида обухвата шкорпије, пауке, крпеље и др. Међу шкорпијама и пауцима има отровних врста. У нашој земљи живи шкорпија из рода Euscorpius, која је отровна, али није смртоносна. Ујед паука познатог као црна удовица (црне боје са црвеним пегама на трбуху) може код човека да изазове смрт. Код нас живе и тарантуле чији је убод болан.
Крпељи су паразити, преносиоци а истовремено представљају и природне резервоаре узрочника обољења човека:
- шугарац (Sarcoptes scabiei), који изазива шугу код човека;
- крпељ који преноси узрочника (спирохету) лајмске болести;
- крпељи који преносе вирусе који код човека могу проузроковати менингоенцефалитис
[уреди | уреди извор]- Acaroidea
- Acaronychoidea Grandjean, 1932
- Achipterioidea Thor, 1929
- Acropsopilionoidea Roewer, 1924
- Adamystoidea
- Aenictequoidea
- Alicorhagioidea Grandjean, 1939
- Allotanaupodoidea
- Alycoidea G. Canestrini and Fanzago, 1877
- Amerobelboidea Grandjean, 1954
- Ameronothroidea Vitzthum, 1943
- Amphotrombioidea
- Analgoidea
- Antennophoroidea
- Anystoidea
- Arctacaroidea
- Arrenuroidea
- Ascoidea
- Ascorhynchoidea Hoek, 1881
- Assamioidea Sørensen, 1884
- Atopochthonioidea Grandjean, 1949
- Bdelloidea
- Brachychthonioidea Thor, 1934
- Caddoidea Banks, 1892
- Caeculoidea
- Calyptostomatoidea Oudemans, 1923
- Canestrinioidea
- Carabodoidea Koch, 1843
- Celaenopsoidea
- Ceratozetoidea Jacot, 1925
- Cercomegistoidea
- Charassobatoidea Grandjean, 1958
- Charinoidea Quintero, 1986
- Charontoidea Simon, 1892
- Cheiridioidea Hansen, 1894
- Cheliferoidea Risso, 1827
- Cheyletoidea
- Chthonioidea Daday, 1888
- Chyzerioidea
- Cloacaroidea
- Colossendeidoidea
- Cosmochthonioidea Grandjean, 1947
- Crotonioidea Thorell, 1876
- Cymbaeremaeoidea Sellnick, 1928
- Damaeoidea Berlese, 1896
- Dermanyssoidea
- Diarthrophalloidea
- Dolichocyboidea
- Epedanoidea Sørensen, 1886
- Epicrioidea
- Epilohmannioidea Oudemans, 1923
- Eremaeoidea Oudemans, 1900
- Eriophyoidea
- Erythraeoidea
- Eukoenenioidea Petrunkevitch, 1955
- Eulohmannioidea Grandjean, 1931
- Euphthiracaroidea Jacot, 1930
- Eupodoidea
- Eutegaeoidea Balogh, 1965
- Eviphidoidea
- Eylaoidea
- Feaelloidea Ellingsen, 1906
- Fedrizzioidea
- Galumnoidea Jacot, 1925
- Garypinoidea Daday, 1888
- Garypoidea Simon, 1879
- Glycyphagoidea
- Gonyleptoidea Sundevall, 1833
- Gustavioidea Oudemans, 1900
- Gymnodamaeoidea Grandjean, 1954
- Halacaroidea
- Heatherelloidea
- Hemisarcoptoidea
- Hermannielloidea Grandjean, 1934
- Hermannioidea Sellnick, 1928
- Heterocheyloidea
- Heterochthonioidea Grandjean, 1954
- Heterozerconoidea
- Histiostomatoidea
- Hubbardioidea Cook, 1899
- Hydrachnoidea
- Hydrovolzioidea
- Hydrozetoidea Grandjean, 1954
- Hydryphantoidea
- Hygrobatoidea
- Hypochthonioidea Berlese, 1910
- Hypoderatoidea
- Ischyropsalidoidea Simon, 1879
- Ixodoidea
- Labidostommatoidea
- Lebertioidea
- Licneremaeoidea Grandjean, 1954
- Lohmannioidea Berlese, 1916
- Lordalycoidea Grandjean, 1939
- Megisthanoidea
- Mesoplophoroidea Ewing, 1917
- Microgynioidea
- Microzetoidea Grandjean, 1936
- Myobioidea
- Nanhermannioidea Sellnick, 1928
- Nehypochthonioidea Norton & Metz, 1980
- Nematalycoidea Strenzke, 1954
- Neobisioidea Chamberlin, 1930
- Neoliodoidea Sellnick, 1928
- Niphocepheoidea Travé, 1959
- Nymphonoidea Leach, 1816
- Oehserchestoidea Kethley, 1977
- Oppioidea Sellnick, 1937
- Oribatelloidea Jacot, 1925
- Oripodoidea Jacot, 1925
- Otocepheoidea Balogh, 1961
- Palaeacaroidea Grandjean, 1932
- Paramegistoidea
- Parantennuloidea
- Parasitoidea
- Paratydeoidea
- Parhypochthonioidea Grandjean, 1932
- Perlohmannioidea Grandjean, 1954
- Phalangioidea Latrelle, 1802
- Phalangodoidea Simon, 1879
- Phenopelopoidea Petrunkevitch, 1955
- Phoxichilidoidea G. O. Sars, 1891
- Phrynoidea Blanchard, 1852
- Phthiracaroidea Perty, 1841
- Phytoseioidea
- Plateremaeoidea Trägårdh, 1926
- Polypterozetoidea Grandjean, 1959
- Pomerantzioidea
- Protoplophoroidea Ewing, 1917
- Pterolichoidea
- Pterygosomatoidea
- Pycnogonoidea Latreille, 1803
- Pyemotoidea
- Raphignathoidea
- Rhodacaroidea
- Rhynchothoracoidea Thompson, 1909
- Ricinoidoidea Ewing, 1929
- Samooidea Sørensen, 1886
- Sarcoptoidea
- Schizoglyphoidea
- Scutacaroidea Oudemans, 1916
- Sejoidea
- Sphaerolichoidea
- Sternophoroidea Chamberlin, 1923
- Stygothrombioidea Thor, 1935
- Tanaupodoidea
- Tarsocheyloidea
- Tarsonemoidea
- Tectocepheoidea Grandjean, 1954
- Terpnacaroidea Grandjean, 1939
- Tetranychoidea
- Thelyphonoidea Lucas, 1835
- Thinozerconoidea
- Travunioidea Absolon and Kratochvil, 1932
- Triaenonychoidea Sørensen, 1886
- Trizetoidea Ewing, 1917
- Trochometridioidea
- Troguloidea Sundevall, 1833
- Trombiculoidea
- Trombidioidea
- Tydeoidea
- Unduloribatoidea Kunst, 1971
- Uropodoidea
- Veigaioidea
- Yurebilloidea
- Zalmoxoidea Sørensen, 1886
- Zerconoidea
- Zetomotrichoidea Grandjean, 1934
- Zetorchestoidea Michael, 1898
[уреди | уреди извор]- Acalyptonotidae
- Acaridae
- Acaronychidae Grandjean, 1932
- Acarophenacidae
- Achaemenothrombiidae
- Acheliidae Semper, 1874
- Acherontacaridae
- Achipteriidae Thor, 1929
- Acropsopilionidae Roewer, 1924
- Actinopodidae Simon, 1892
- Acucapitidae
- Adamystidae
- Adelphacaridae Grandjean, 1954
- Adhaesozetidae Hammer, 1973
- Aenictequidae
- Aeroglyphidae
- Agelenidae C. L. Koch, 1837
- Agoristenidae Silhavý, 1973
- Aleurodamaeidae Paschoal & Johnston, 1985
- Algophagidae
- Alicorhagiidae Grandjean, 1939
- Allochaetophoridae
- Alloptidae
- Allotanaupodidae
- Allothyridae
- Alycidae G. Canestrini and Fanzago, 1877
- Amaurobiidae Thorell, 1870
- Ameridae Bulanova-Zachvatkina, 1957
- Amerobelbidae Grandjean, 1954
- Ameronothridae Vitzthum, 1943
- Ameroseiidae
- Ametroproctidae Subías, 2004
- Ammotrechidae Roewer, 1934
- Ammoxenidae Simon, 1893
- Amoenacaridae
- Amphinectidae Forster & Wilton, 1973
- Amphotrombiidae
- Analgidae
- Anapidae Simon, 1895
- Anisitsiellidae Koenike, 1910
- Antennochelidae
- Antennophoridae
- Antrodiaetidae Gertsch, in Comstock, 1940
- Anyphaenidae Bertkau, 1878
- Anystidae
- Apheviderulicidae
- Apionacaridae
- Araneidae Clerck, 1757
- Arborichthoniidae Balogh & P. Balogh, 1992
- Arceremaeidae Balogh, 1972
- Archaeidae Koch & Berendt, 1854
- Arctacaridae
- Arenohydracaridae
- Argasidae
- Aribatidae Aoki, Takaku & Ito, 1994
- Arkyidae L. Koch, 1872
- Arrenuridae
- Ascidae
- Ascorhynchidae Hoek, 1881
- Ascouracaridae
- Assamiidae Sørensen, 1884
- Astacocrotonidae
- Astegistidae Balogh, 1961
- Asternoseiidae
- Atemnidae Kishida, 1929
- Athienemanniidae
- Athyreacaridae
- Atopochthoniidae Grandjean, 1949
- Atopomelidae
- Aturidae
- Atypidae Thorell, 1870
- Audyanidae
- Austrochilidae Zapfe, 1955
- Austrodecidae Stock, 1954
- Autognetidae Grandjean, 1960
- Avenzoariidae
- Baloghjkaszabiidae
- Bandakiopsidae
- Barbutiidae
- Barychelidae Simon, 1889
- Basilobelbidae Balogh, 1961
- Bdellidae
- Biantidae Thorell, 1889
- Blattisociidae
- Bochicidae Chamberlin, 1930
- Bogatiidae
- Bothriuridae Simon, 1880
- Brachychthoniidae Thor, 1934
- Brasiluropodidae
- Buthidae C. L. Koch, 1837
- Caddidae Banks, 1892
- Caeculidae
- Caleremaeidae Grandjean, 1965
- Caligonellidae
- Callipallenidae Hilton, 1942
- Caloppiidae Balogh, 1960
- Calyptostomatidae Oudemans, 1923
- Camerobiidae
- Canestriniidae
- Caponiidae Simon, 1890
- Caraboacaridae
- Carabodidae Koch, 1843
- Carpoglyphidae
- Caudiferidae
- Celaenopsidae
- Ceratokalummidae Balogh, 1970
- Ceratoppiidae Grandjean, 1954
- Ceratozetidae Jacot, 1925
- Cercomegistidae
- Cerocepheidae Mahunka, 1986
- Ceromidae Roewer, 1933
- Chactidae Pocock, 1893
- Chaerilidae Pocock, 1893
- Chaetodactylidae
- Chamobatidae Thor, 1937
- Chappuisididae
- Charassobatidae Grandjean, 1958
- Charinidae Quintero, 1986
- Charontidae Simon, 1892
- Cheiridiidae Hansen, 1894
- Cheliferidae Risso, 1827
- Chernetidae Menge, 1855
- Chetochelacaridae
- Cheylabididae
- Cheyletidae
- Chirodiscidae
- Chirorhynchobiidae
- Chortoglyphidae
- Chthoniidae Daday, 1888
- Chulacaridae
- Chummidae Jocqué, 2001
- Chyzeriidae
- Cillibidae
- Cithaeronidae Simon, 1893
- Clausiadinychidae
- Cloacaridae
- Clubionidae Wagner, 1887
- Cocceupodidae
- Collohmanniidae Grandjean, 1958
- Colossendeidae
- Compactozetidae Luxton, 1988
- Coprozerconidae
- Corinnidae Karsch, 1880
- Cosmetidae Koch, 1839
- Cosmochthoniidae Grandjean, 1947
- Costacaridae
- Crotalomorphidae
- Crotoniidae Thorell, 1876
- Cryptognathidae
- Crypturoptidae
- Ctenacaridae Grandjean, 1954
- Ctenidae Keyserling, 1877
- Ctenizidae Thorell, 1887
- Ctenobelbidae Grandjean, 1965
- Ctenothyadidae
- Cunaxidae
- Cuneoppiidae Balogh, 1983
- Cyatholipidae Simon, 1894
- Cybaeidae Banks, 1892
- Cycloctenidae Simon, 1898
- Cyllibulidae
- Cymbaeremaeidae Sellnick, 1928
- Cyrtaucheniidae Simon, 1889
- Cytoditidae
- Daesiidae Kraepelin, 1899
- Damaeidae Berlese, 1896
- Damaeolidae Grandjean, 1965
- Dampfiellidae Balogh, 1961
- Dasyponyssidae
- Dasythyreidae
- Davacaridae
- Decoroppiidae Mahunka, 2009
- Deinopidae C. L. Koch, 1850
- Demodicidae
- Dendrochaetidae
- Dendroeremaeidae Behan-Pelletier, Eamer & Clayton, 2005
- Deraiophoridae
- Dermanyssidae
- Dermationidae
- Dermoglyphidae
- Desidae Pocock, 1895
- Diarthrophallidae
- Dicranolasmatidae Simon, 1879
- Dictynidae O. P.-Cambridge, 1871
- Digamasellidae
- Diguetidae F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1899
- Dinychidae
- Diplocentridae Karsch, 1880
- Diplogyniidae
- Dipluridae Simon, 1889
- Diptilomiopidae
- Discourellidae
- Discozerconidae
- Dolichocybidae
- Drymobatidae J. & P. Balogh, 1984
- Drymusidae Simon, 1893
- Dysderidae C. L. Koch, 1837
- Echimyopodidae
- Elliptochthoniidae Norton, 1975
- Endeidae Norman, 1908
- Eniochthoniidae Grandjean, 1947
- Entonyssidae
- Epactozetidae Grandjean, 1930
- Epedanidae Sørensen, 1886
- Epicriidae
- Epidermoptidae
- Epilohmanniidae Oudemans, 1923
- Epimerellidae Ayyildiz & Luxton, 1989
- Epimyodicidae
- Eremaeidae Oudemans, 1900
- Eremaeozetidae Piffl, 1972
- Eremellidae Balogh, 1961
- Eremobatidae Kraepelin, 1901
- Eremobelbidae Balogh, 1961
- Eremulidae Grandjean, 1965
- Eresidae C. L. Koch, 1850
- Ereynetidae
- Eriophyidae
- Eriorhynchidae
- Erythraeidae
- Escadabiidae Kury and Pérez, 2003
- Euglycyphagidae
- Eukoeneniidae Petrunkevitch, 1955
- Eulohmanniidae Grandjean, 1931
- Eupalopsellidae
- Euphthiracaridae Jacot, 1930
- Euphysalozerconidae
- Eupodidae
- Euscorpiidae Laurie, 1896
- Eustathiidae
- Eutegaeidae Balogh, 1965
- Eutrachytidae
- Euzerconidae
- Eviphididae
- Eylaidae
- Falculiferidae
- Feaellidae Ellingsen, 1906
- Fedrizziidae
- Feltriidae
- Ferradasiidae
- Filistatidae Ausserer, 1867
- Fissiphalliidae Martens, 1988
- Fortuyniidae Hammen, 1963
- Freyanidae
- Frontipodopsidae
- Gabuciniidae
- Galeodidae Sundevall, 1833
- Gallieniellidae Millot, 1947
- Galumnellidae Balogh, 1960
- Galumnidae Jacot, 1925
- Garypidae Simon, 1879
- Garypinidae Daday, 1888
- Gastronyssidae
- Gaudiellidae
- Gaudoglyphidae
- Gehypochthoniidae Strenzke, 1963
- Geogarypidae Chamberlin, 1930
- Glycacaridae
- Glycyphagidae
- Gnaphosidae Pocock, 1898
- Gonyleptidae Sundevall, 1833
- Gradungulidae Forster, 1955
- Grandjeanicidae Kethley, 1977
- Granuloppiidae Balogh, 1983
- Gretacaridae
- Guanolichidae
- Guasiniidae González-Sponga, 1997
- Gustaviidae Oudemans, 1900
- Gylippidae Roewer, 1933
- Gymnobisiidae Beier, 1947
- Gymnodamaeidae Grandjean, 1954
- Haemogamasidae
- Hahniidae Bertkau, 1878
- Halacaridae
- Halarachnidae
- Halolaelapidae
- Haplochthoniidae Hammen, 1959
- Haplozetidae Grandjean, 1936
- Harpagopalpidae
- Harpirhynchidae
- Heatherellidae
- Hemileiidae J. & P. Balogh, 1984
- Hemisarcoptidae
- Hermanniellidae Grandjean, 1934
- Hermanniidae Sellnick, 1928
- Hersiliidae Thorell, 1870
- Hesperolpiidae Chamberlin, 1930
- Heterobelbidae Balogh, 1961
- Heterocheylidae
- Heterochthoniidae Grandjean, 1954
- Heterocoptidae
- Heteroscorpionidae Kraepelin, 1905
- Heterozerconidae
- Hexathelidae Simon, 1892
- Hexisopodidae Pocock, 1897
- Histiostomatidae
- Holarchaeidae Forster & Platnick, 1984
- Holothyridae
- Homalonychidae Simon, 1893
- Homocaligidae
- Hoplomegistidae
- Hubbardiidae Cook, 1899
- Humerobatidae Grandjean, 1971
- Hungarobelbidae Miko & Travé, 1996
- Hungarohydracaridae
- Huttoniidae Simon, 1893
- Hutufeideriidae
- Hyadesiidae
- Hydrachnidae
- Hydrodromidae
- Hydrovolziidae
- Hydrozetidae Grandjean, 1954
- Hydryphantidae
- Hygrobatidae
- Hyidae Chamberlin, 1930
- Hypochilidae Marx, 1888
- Hypochthoniidae Berlese, 1910
- Hypoderatidae
- Hystrichonyssidae
- Icaleptidae Kury and Pérez, 2002
- Ichthyostomatogasteridae
- Ideoroncidae Chamberlin, 1930
- Idiopidae Simon, 1889
- Iolinidae
- Iphiopsididae
- Ischnuridae Simon, 1897
- Ischyropsalididae Simon, 1879
- Iuridae Thorell, 1876
- Ixodidae
- Ixodorhynchidae
- Johnstonianidae
- Kantacaridae
- Karschiidae Kraepelin, 1899
- Kaszabjbaloghiidae
- Kimulidae Pérez Gonzalez, Kury and Alonso-Zarazaga, 2007
- Kiwilichidae
- Klinckowstroemiidae
- Kodiakellidae Hammer, 1967
- Kramerellidae
- Krendowskiidae
- Labidostommatidae
- Laelapidae
- Laelaptonyssidae
- Lamellareidae Balogh, 1972
- Laminosioptidae
- Lamponidae Simon, 1893
- Larcidae Harvey, 1992
- Lardoglyphidae
- Larvamimidae
- Laversiidae
- Lebertiidae Thor, 1900
- Leeuwenhoekiidae
- Lemanniellidae
- Lemurnyssidae
- Leptolaelapidae
- Leptonetidae Simon, 1890
- Lethaxonidae
- Liacaridae Sellnick, 1928
- Licneremaeidae Grandjean, 1954
- Licnobelbidae Grandjean, 1965
- Licnodamaeidae Grandjean, 1954
- Liebstadiidae J. & P. Balogh, 1984
- Limnesiidae
- Limnocharidae
- Limnozetidae Thor, 1937
- Limulidae
- Linotetranidae
- Linyphiidae Blackwall, 1859
- Liocranidae Simon, 1897
- Liphistiidae Thorell, 1869
- Listrophoridae
- Lobalgidae
- Lohmanniidae Berlese, 1916
- Lordalycidae Grandjean, 1939
- Lycosidae Sundevall, 1833
- Lyroppiidae Balogh, 1983
- Machadobelbidae Balogh, 1972
- Machuellidae Balogh, 1983
- Macrochelidae
- Macrodinychidae
- Macronyssidae
- Malaconothridae Berlese, 1916
- Malgasacaridae
- Malkaridae Davies, 1980
- Manitherionyssidae
- Maudheimiidae J. & P. Balogh, 1984
- Mecicobothriidae Holmberg, 1882
- Mecognathidae
- Mecysmaucheniidae Simon, 1895
- Megacelaenopsidae
- Megisthanidae
- Melanoblossiidae Roewer, 1933
- Melicharidae
- Meliponocoptidae
- Menthidae Chamberlin, 1930
- Mesoplophoridae Ewing, 1917
- Messoracaridae
- Metagynuridae
- Metasarcidae Kury, 1994
- Micreremidae Grandjean, 1954
- Microcharmidae Lourenço, 1996
- Microdispidae Cross, 1965
- Microgyniidae
- Micropholcommatidae Hickman, 1944
- Micropsammidae Coineau and Théron, 1983
- Microstigmatidae Roewer, 1942
- Microtegeidae Balogh, 1972
- Microtrombidiidae
- Microzetidae Grandjean, 1936
- Mideidae
- Mideopsidae
- Migidae Simon, 1889
- Mimetidae Simon, 1881
- Miturgidae Simon, 1886
- Mochlozetidae Grandjean, 1960
- Momoniidae
- Multoribulidae Balogh, 1972
- Mummuciidae Roewer, 1934
- Myobiidae
- Myocoptidae
- Mysmenidae Petrunkevitch, 1928
- Nanhermanniidae Sellnick, 1928
- Nanohystricidae Norton & Fuangarworn, 2015
- Nanorchestidae Grandjean, 1937
- Nehypochthoniidae Norton & Metz, 1980
- Nemastomatidae Simon, 1872
- Nematalycidae Strenzke, 1954
- Nemesiidae Simon, 1889
- Nenteriidae
- Neoacaridae
- Neobisiidae Chamberlin, 1930
- Neogoveidae Shear, 1980
- Neoliodidae Sellnick, 1928
- Neopilionidae Lawrence, 1931
- Neopygmephoridae Cross, 1965
- Neotenogyniidae
- Neothrombiidae
- Neothyridae
- Neotrombidiidae
- Nesozetidae J. & P. Balogh, 1984
- Nesticidae Simon, 1894
- Nicodamidae Simon, 1897
- Niphocepheidae Travé, 1959
- Nippobodidae Aoki, 1959
- Nipponacaridae
- Nippononychidae Suzuki, 1975
- Nipponopsalididae Martens, 1976
- Nodocepheidae Piffl, 1972
- Nosybeidae Mahunka, 1993
- Nothogynidae
- Nothridae Berlese, 1896
- Nudomideopsidae
- Nuttalliellidae
- Nymphonidae Leach, 1816
- Ochrolichidae
- Ochyroceratidae Fage, 1912
- Oconnoriidae
- Oecobiidae Blackwall, 1862
- Oehserchestidae Kethley, 1977
- Ogoveidae Shear, 1980
- Ologamasidae
- Olpiidae Banks, 1895
- Omartacaridae
- Omentolaelapidae
- Oonopidae Simon, 1890
- Opilioacaridae With, 1902
- Oplitidae
- Oppiidae Sellnick, 1937
- Oribatellidae Jacot, 1925
- Oribatulidae Thor, 1929
- Oribellidae Kunst, 1971
- Oribotritiidae Balogh, 1943
- Oripodidae Jacot, 1925
- Orsolobidae Cooke, 1965
- Otocepheidae Balogh, 1961
- Otopheidomenidae
- Oxidae Viets, 1926
- Oxyameridae Aoki, 1965
- Oxyopidae Thorell, 1870
- Pachylaelapidae
- Palaeacaridae Grandjean, 1932
- Pallenopsidae Fry, 1978
- Palpimanidae Thorell, 1870
- Papillonotidae Balogh, 1983
- Paracharontidae Weygoldt, 1996
- Parahyidae Harvey, 1992
- Parakalummidae Grandjean, 1936
- Paramegistidae
- Paranonychidae Briggs, 1971
- Parantennulidae
- Pararchaeidae Forster & Platnick, 1984
- Parasitidae
- Paratropididae Simon, 1889
- Paratydeidae
- Parholaspididae
- Parhypochthoniidae Grandjean, 1932
- Passalozetidae Grandjean, 1954
- Pedetopodidae
- Pediculochelidae Lavoipierre, 1946
- Peloppiidae Balogh, 1943
- Pentapalpidae
- Penthaleidae
- Penthalodidae
- Periegopidae Simon, 1893
- Perlohmanniidae Grandjean, 1954
- Petrobunidae Sharma and Giribet, 2011
- Pettalidae Shear, 1980
- Pezidae
- Phalangiidae Latrelle, 1802
- Phalangodidae Simon, 1879
- Phenopelopidae Petrunkevitch, 1955
- Pheroliodidae Paschoal, 1987
- Philodanidae
- Philodromidae Thorell, 1870
- Pholcidae C. L. Koch, 1850
- Phoxichilidiidae G. O. Sars, 1891
- Phrynichidae Simon, 1892
- Phrynidae Blanchard, 1852
- Phthiracaridae Perty, 1841
- Phymatodiscidae
- Phytoptidae
- Phytoseiidae
- Phyxelididae Lehtinen, 1967
- Piersigiidae
- Pimoidae Wunderlich, 1986
- Pionidae
- Pirnodidae Grandjean, 1956
- Pisauridae Simon, 1890
- Plasmobatidae Grandjean, 1961
- Plateremaeidae Trägårdh, 1926
- Platyameridae J. & P. Balogh, 1983
- Plectreuridae Simon, 1893
- Pneumocoptidae
- Podapolipidae
- Podocinidae
- Podoctidae Roewer, 1912
- Podopterotegaeidae Piffl, 1972
- Polyaspididae
- Polypterozetidae Grandjean, 1959
- Pomerantziidae
- Pontarachnidae
- Proctophyllodidae
- Prodinychidae
- Prokoeneniidae Condé, 1996
- Promegistidae
- Proteonematalycidae Kethley, 1989
- Proterorhagiidae Lindquist and Palacios-Vargas, 1991
- Protodinychidae
- Protolophidae Banks, 1893
- Protoplophoridae Ewing, 1917
- Protoribatidae J. & P. Balogh, 1984
- Protoschizomidae Rowland, 1975
- Protosolpugidae Petrunkevitch, 1953
- Psammochthoniidae Fuangarworn & Norton, 2013
- Psechridae Simon, 1890
- Pseudochactidae Gromov, 1998
- Pseudocheylidae
- Pseudochiridiidae Chamberlin, 1923
- Pseudogarypidae Chamberlin, 1923
- Pseudoppiidae Mahunka, 1975
- Pseudotyrannochthoniidae Beier, 1932
- Psorergatidae
- Psoroptidae
- Psoroptoididae
- Pterolichidae
- Pteronyssidae
- Pterygosomatidae
- Ptiloxenidae
- Ptochacaridae
- Ptyssalgidae
- Punctoribatidae Thor, 1937
- Pycnogonidae Latreille, 1803
- Pyemotidae
- Pygmephoridae Cross, 1965
- Pyramidopidae Sharma, Prieto and Giribet, 2011
- Pyroglyphidae
- Pyrosejidae
- Quadroppiidae Balogh, 1983
- Raphignathidae
- Rectijanuidae
- Reginacharlottiidae
- Resinacaridae
- Rhagidiidae
- Rhagodidae Pocock, 1897
- Rhinonyssidae
- Rhodacaridae
- Rhynchohydracaridae
- Rhynchoribatidae Balogh, 1961
- Rhynchothoracidae Thompson, 1909
- Rhyncoptidae
- Ricinoididae Ewing, 1929
- Rioppiidae Balogh & Mahunka, 1977
- Rosensteiniidae
- Rotundabaloghiidae
- Rutripalpidae
- Sabaconidae Dresco, 1970
- Salticidae Blackwall, 1841
- Saltiseiidae
- Salvidae Özdikmen, 2008
- Samoidae Sørensen, 1886
- Sandokanidae Özdikmen and Kury, 2007
- Sarcoptidae
- Scatoglyphidae
- Scheloribatidae Grandjean, 1933
- Schizoglyphidae
- Schizogyniidae
- Sclerosomatidae Simon, 1879
- Scorpionidae Latreille, 1802
- Scorpiopidae Kraepelin, 1905
- Scutacaridae Oudemans, 1916
- Scutoverticidae Grandjean, 1954
- Scytodidae Blackwall, 1864
- Segestriidae Simon, 1893
- Seiodidae
- Sejidae
- Selenopidae Simon, 1897
- Selenoribatidae Schuster, 1963
- Senoculidae Simon, 1890
- Sicariidae Keyserling, 1880
- Sinopimoidae Li & Wunderlich, 2008
- Sironidae Simon, 1879
- Smarididae Vitzthum, 1929
- Solpugidae Leach, 1815
- Sparassidae Bertkau, 1872
- Spelaeorhynchidae
- Sperchontidae
- Sphaerochthoniidae Grandjean, 1947
- Sphaerolichidae
- Spinozetidae Balogh, 1972
- Spinturnicidae
- Staurobatidae Grandjean, 1966
- Stenochilidae Thorell, 1873
- Sternophoridae Chamberlin, 1923
- Sternoppiidae Balogh & Mahunka, 1969
- Stigmaeidae
- Stigmocheylidae
- Stiphidiidae Dalmas, 1917
- Strandtmanniidae
- Stygnidae Simon, 1879
- Stygnommatidae Roewer, 1923
- Stygnopsidae Sørensen, 1932
- Stygothrombiidae Thor, 1935
- Stygotoniidae
- Stylocellidae Hansen and Sørensen, 1904
- Suctobelbidae Jacot, 1938
- Suidasiidae
- Superstitioniidae Stahnke, 1940
- Syarinidae Chamberlin, 1930
- Symbioribatidae Aoki, 1966
- Symphytognathidae Hickman, 1931
- Synaphridae Wunderlich, 1986
- Synichotritiidae Walker, 1965
- Synotaxidae Simon, 1894
- Synthetonychiidae Forster, 1954
- Syringobiidae
- Syringophilidae
- Tanaupodidae
- Taracidae Schönhofer, 2013
- Tarsocheylidae Berlese, 1904
- Tarsonemidae
- Tectocepheidae Grandjean, 1954
- Tegeocranellidae P. Balogh, 1987
- Tegoribatidae Grandjean, 1954
- Telemidae Fage, 1913
- Teneriffiidae
- Tengellidae Dahl, 1908
- Tenuialidae Jacot, 1929
- Tenuipalpidae
- Teranyssidae
- Teratoppiidae Balogh, 1983
- Teratothyadidae
- Terpnacaridae Grandjean, 1939
- Tetrablemmidae O. P.-Cambridge, 1873
- Tetracondylidae Aoki, 1961
- Tetragnathidae Menge, 1866
- Tetranychidae
- Tetrasejaspidae
- Teutoniidae Koenike, 1910
- Thelyphonidae Lucas, 1835
- Theraphosidae Thorell, 1869
- Theridiidae Sundevall, 1833
- Theridiosomatidae Simon, 1881
- Thermacaridae
- Thinozerconidae
- Thomisidae Sundevall, 1833
- Thoracosathesidae
- Thyrisomidae Grandjean, 1954
- Thysanocercidae
- Titanoecidae Lehtinen, 1967
- Tithaeidae Sharma and Giribet, 2011
- Tokunocepheidae Aoki, 1966
- Torrenticolidae Thor, 1902
- Trachytidae
- Trachyuropodidae
- Travuniidae Absolon and Kratochvíl, 1932
- Trechaleidae Simon, 1890
- Trematuridae
- Trhypochthoniidae Willmann, 1931
- Triaenonychidae Sørensen, 1886
- Trichocyllibidae
- Trichouropodellidae
- Trichthoniidae Lee, 1982
- Tricommatidae Roewer, 1912
- Trigonuropodidae
- Triophtydeidae
- Triplogyniidae
- Trizetidae Ewing, 1917
- Trochanteriidae Karsch, 1879
- Trochometridiidae
- Trogloraptoridae Griswold, Audisio & Ledford, 2012
- Troglosironidae Shear, 1993
- Troglotayosicidae Lourenço, 1998
- Trogulidae Sundevall, 1833
- Trombellidae
- Trombiculidae
- Trombidiidae
- Trouessartiidae
- Tubulozetidae P. Balogh, 1989
- Tuckerellidae
- Tumerozetidae Hammer, 1966
- Tuparezetidae Balogh, 1972
- Turbinoptidae
- Tydeidae
- Uchidastygacaridae
- Uloboridae Thorell, 1869
- Unduloribatidae Kunst, 1971
- Unionicolidae
- Uroactiniidae
- Urodiaspididae
- Urodinychidae
- Uropodellidae
- Uropodidae
- Vaejovidae Thorell, 1876
- Varroidae Delfinado and Baker, 1974
- Veigaiidae
- Vexillariidae
- Vitzthumegistidae
- Walchiidae
- Wettinidae
- Winterschmidtiidae
- Withiidae Chamberlin, 1931
- Xenillidae Woolley & Higgins, 1966
- Xenocaligonellididae
- Xolalgidae
- Yurebillidae
- Zalmoxidae Sørensen, 1886
- Zelandothyadidae
- Zerconidae
- Zetomotrichidae Grandjean, 1934
- Zetorchestidae Michael, 1898
- Zodariidae Thorell, 1881
- Zoridae F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1893
- Zorocratidae Dahl, 1913
- Zoropsidae Bertkau, 1882
[уреди | уреди извор]- Abacoproeces Simon, 1884
- Abapeba Bonaldo, 2000
- Abboticoptes Haitlinger, 1996
- Aberdaria Holm, 1962
- Abiskoa Saaristo & Tanasevitch, 2000
- Ablemma Roewer, 1963
- Abracadabrella Zabka, 1991
- Abrolophus Berlese, 1891
- Absonus González-Sponga, 1987
- Acacesia Simon, 1895
- Acalvolia Fain, 1971
- Acalyptonotus Walter, 1911
- Acamerobia Fan and Walter, 2011
- Acantharachne Tullgren, 1910
- Acantheis Thorell, 1891
- Acanthepeira Marx, 1883
- Acanthicochernes Beier, 1964
- Acanthobelba Enami & Aoki, 1993
- Acanthoceto Mello-Leitão, 1944
- Acanthocreagris Mahnert, 1974
- Acanthoctenus Keyserling, 1877
- Acanthogonatus Karsch, 1880
- Acanthogylippus Birula, 1913
- Acantholycosa Dahl, 1908
- Acanthominua Sørensen, 1932
- Acanthonyssus Yunker and Radovsky, 1966
- Acanthopelma F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897
- Acanthophrynus Kraepelin, 1899
- Acanthoscurria Ausserer, 1871
- Acanthozetes Balogh, 1958
- Acaricesa Koçak and Kemal, 2008
- Acaricis Beard and Gerson, 2009
- Acaroceras Grandjean, 1936
- Acaronychus Grandjean, 1932
- Acaropsella Volgin, 1969
- Acaropsellina Summers, 1976
- Acartauchenius Simon, 1884
- Acentropelma Pocock, 1901
- Acentroscelus Simon, 1886
- Aceodromus Muma, 1961
- Achaearanea Strand, 1929
- Achaearyopa Barrion & Litsinger, 1995
- Achaeridion Wunderlich, 2008
- Achaetodactylus Fain, 1981
- Acheleopsis Willmann, 1951
- Achelia Hodge, 1864
- Acheliana Arnaud, 1971
- Acherontacarus Viets, 1932
- Achipteria Berlese, 1885
- Achipterina Berlese, 1916
- Acomatacarus Ewing, 1942
- Acontius Karsch, 1879
- Acorigone Wunderlich, 2008
- Acracanthostoma Mello-Leitão, 1917
- Acragas Simon, 1900
- Acritrombium Southcott, 1986
- Acroaspis Karsch, 1878
- Acrobleps Hickman, 1979
- Acroppia Balogh, 1983
- Acrosomoides Simon, 1887
- Acrotocarus Banks, 1915
- Acrotritia Jacot, 1923
- Actacarus Schulz, 1937
- Actinacantha Simon, 1864
- Actinopus Perty, 1833
- Actinosoma Holmberg, 1883
- Acuclavella Shear, 1986
- Acugamasus Lee, 1970
- Aculepeira Chamberlin & Ivie, 1942
- Acuminochernes Hoff, 1949
- Acumontia Loman, 1898
- Acuphis Karg, 1998
- Acusilas Simon, 1895
- Acutipetala Dankittipakul & Zhang, 2008
- Acutoppia Balogh, 1983
- Acutozetes Balogh, 1970
- Adaeulum Roewer, 1914
- Adaeum Karsch, 1880
- Adamystis Cunliffe, 1957
- Adcatomus Karsch, 1880
- Adelocosa Gertsch, 1973
- Adelonetria Millidge, 1991
- Adelphacarus Grandjean, 1952
- Adelphochernes Beier, 1937
- Adenacarus Hammen, 1966
- Adenodictyna Ono, 2008
- Adhaerensis Loots and Theron, 1992
- Adhaesozetes Hammer, 1966
- Adisomus Cokendolpher and Reddell, 2000
- Admestina Peckham & Peckham, 1888
- Admesturius Galiano, 1988
- Adonea Simon, 1873
- Adoribatella Woolley, 1967
- Adoristes Hull, 1916
- Adoxotoma Simon, 1909
- Adrodamaeus Paschoal, 1984
- Aebutina Simon, 1892
- Aegaeobuthus Kovarík, 2019
- Aegyptobia Sayed, 1950
- Aegyptocheyla Yousef, 1979
- Aelurillus Simon, 1884
- Aemngvantom Prendini, Ehrenthal and Loria, 2021
- Aenigmarachne Schmidt, 2005
- Aeroppia Hammer, 1961
- Aetana Huber, 2005
- Aethioppia Balogh, 1983
- Aethosolenia Baker and Lindquist, 2002
- Aethriscus Pocock, 1902
- Aethrodiscus Strand, 1913
- Aetius O. P.-Cambridge, 1896
- Aetrocantha Karsch, 1879
- Afracantha Dahl, 1914
- Afracarella Vercammen-Grandjean and Kolebinova, 1968
- Afraflacilla Berland & Millot, 1941
- Afrarchaea Forster & Platnick, 1984
- Afribactrus Wunderlich, 1995
- Africactenus Hyatt, 1954
- Africepheia Miller, 2007
- Africogalumna Starý, 2005
- Africoribates Evans, 1953
- Africoseius Krantz, 1962
- Afrilobus Griswold & Platnick, 1987
- Afrobeata Caporiacco, 1941
- Afroblemma Lehtinen, 1981
- Afrocanestrinia Cooreman, 1955
- Afrochthonius Beier, 1930
- Afrocypholaelaps Elsen, 1972
- Afrodacarellus Hurlbutt, 1974
- Afrofilistata Benoit, 1968
- Afrogamasellus Loots and Ryke, 1968
- Afrogarypus Beier, 1931
- Afroisometrus Kovarík, 1997
- Afroleius Mahunka, 1984
- Afrolychas Kovarík, 2019
- Afromarengo Benjamin, 2004
- Afromynoglenes Merrett & Russell-Smith, 1996
- Afroneta Holm, 1968
- Afronothrus Wallwork, 1961
- Afronychus Meyer, 1979
- Afrophioptes Fain, 1962
- Afropisaura Blandin, 1976
- Afropolonia Goff, 1983
- Afroppia Koçak & Kemal, 2008
- Afroroncus Mahnert, 1981
- Afrosternophorus Beier, 1967
- Afrotocepheus Mahunka, 1985
- Afrotrombicula Kolebinova and Vercammen-Grandjean, 1978
- Afrozetes Engelbrecht, 1972
- Afrozomus Reddell and Cokendolpher, 1995
- Afticarabodes Fernández, Theron & Rollard, 2013
- Agalenatea Archer, 1951
- Agalenocosa Mello-Leitão, 1944
- Aganippe O. P.-Cambridge, 1877
- Agastoschizomus Rowland, 1971
- Agaue Lohmann, 1889
- Agauopsis Viets, 1927
- Agelena Walckenaer, 1805
- Agelenella Lehtinen, 1967
- Agelenopsis Giebel, 1869
- Ageleradix Xu & Li, 2007
- Agelescape Levy, 1996
- Agistemus Summers, 1960
- Aglaochitra J. C. Chamberlin, 1952
- Aglaoctenus Tullgren, 1905
- Agnostopelma Pérez-Miles & Weinmann, 2010
- Agnyphantes Hull, 1932
- Agobardus Keyserling, 1885
- Agorioides Maddison & Szuts, 2019
- Agorius Thorell, 1877
- Agraecina Simon, 1932
- Agroeca Westring, 1861
- Aguapanela Perafán & Cifuentes, 2015
- Agyneta Hull, 1911
- Agyphantes Saaristo & Marusik, 2004
- Ahua Forster & Wilton, 1973
- Aillutticus Galiano, 1987
- Ainerigone Eskov, 1993
- Aisthetowithius Beier, 1967
- Aitkenius Brennan, 1970
- Aituaria Esyunin & Efimik, 1998
- Ajaraneola Wesolowska & A. Russell-Smith, 2011
- Ajmonia Caporiacco, 1934
- Akamasia Bosselaers, 2002
- Akansilvanus Fujikawa, 1993
- Akatorea Forster & Wilton, 1973
- Akdalima Silhavý, 1977
- Akela Peckham & Peckham, 1896
- Akentrobuthus Lamoral, 1976
- Akodonacarus Goff and Webb, 1989
- Akrav Levy, 2007
- Akrostomma Robaux, 1977
- Akyttara Jocqué, 1987
- Alabamocreagris B. Curcic, 1984
- Alacran Francke, 1982
- Alaranea Griswold, 1997
- Alaskozetes Hammer, 1955
- Alaxchelicera Butler, 1932
- Alayotityus Armas, 1973
- Albeckia Vercammen-Grandjean and Watkins, 1966
- Albia Thor, 1899
- Albinorattia Haitlinger, 1989
- Albionella Chickering, 1946
- Albiorix J. C. Chamberlin, 1930
- Alcimochthes Simon, 1885
- Alcimosphenus Simon, 1895
- Alcmena C. L. Koch, 1846
- Aldabrinus J. C. Chamberlin, 1930
- Alenatea Song & Zhu, 1999
- Aleurodamaeus Grandjean, 1954
- Alexfainia Yunker and Jones, 1961
- Alfenus Simon, 1902
- Algidia Hogg, 1920
- Algidiella Rix & Harvey, 2010
- Algidus Simon, 1898
- Algophagopsis Fain and Johnston, 1975
- Algophagus Hughes, 1955
- Aliatypus Smith, 1908
- Alicorhagia Berlese, 1910
- Alioranus Simon, 1926
- Alismobates Luxton, 1992
- Alistra Thorell, 1894
- Aljassa Brescovit, 1997
- Allagelena Zhang, Zhu & Song, 2006
- Allende Alvarez-Padilla, 2007
- Alliea Yunker, 1960
- Allobelba Kunst, 1961
- Allobunus Hickman, 1958
- Allocaeculus Franz, 1952
- Allocalvolia Fain and Rack, 1987
- Allochernes Beier, 1932
- Allochthonius J. C. Chamberlin, 1929
- Alloclubionoides Paik, 1992
- Allococalodes Wanless, 1982
- Allocosa Banks, 1900
- Allocyclosa Levi, 1999
- Allodamaeus Banks, 1947
- Allodecta Bryant, 1950
- Allogalumna Grandjean, 1936
- Allogamasellus Athias-Henriot, 1961
- Allokoenenia Silvestri, 1913
- Allomengea Strand, 1912
- Allomicythus Ono, 2009
- Allomycobates Aoki, 1976
- Allonothrus Hammen, 1953
- Allonuncia Hickman, 1958
- Allosuctobelba Moritz, 1970
- Allothele Tucker, 1920
- Allothymoites Ono, 2007
- Allothyrus Van der Hammen, 1961
- Allotiso Tanasevitch, 1990
- Allotrochosina Roewer, 1960
- Allozelotes Yin & Peng, 1998
- Allozetes Berlese, 1913
- Almafuerte Grismado & Carrión, 2017
- Almuerzothyas Goldschmidt & Gerecke, 2003
- Alocobisium Beier, 1952
- Alopecosa Simon, 1885
- Alpaida O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1889
- Alpazia Özdikmen and Kury, 2006
- Alpiscorpius Gantenbein, Fet, Largiadèr and Scholl, 1999
- Altella Simon, 1884
- Altellopsis Simon, 1905
- Althepus Thorell, 1898
- Alycosmesis Grandjean, 1939
- Alycus C. L. Koch, 1842
- Amaloxenops Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1958
- Amansiella Khaustov and Eidelberg, 2001
- Amapalea Silva & Lise, 2006
- Amarucoptes Haitlinger, 2001
- Amatola Lawrence, 1931
- Amatorculus Ruiz & Brescovit, 2005
- Amaurobioides O. P.-Cambridge, 1883
- Amaurobius C. L. Koch, 1837
- Amaurochelifer Beier, 1951
- Amauropelma Raven, Stumkat & Gray, 2001
- Amazonacarus Vázquez, Araújo and Feres, 2014
- Amazonepeira Levi, 1989
- Amazoppia Balogh & Mahunka, 1969
- Amazoromus Brescovit & Höfer, 1994
- Ambengana Millidge & Russell-Smith, 1992
- Ambicodamus Harvey, 1995
- Ambilohylla Haitlinger, 1990
- Amblyolpium E. Simon, 1898
- Amblyomma Koch, 1844
- Amblyothele Simon, 1910
- Amblypalpus Mitrofanov and Strunkova, 1978
- Ambohima Griswold, 1990
- Amboinophela Haitlinger, 1993
- Ambulantactus Monjaraz-Ruedas, Prendini and Francke, 2019
- Ameranoetus Ide and Mahunka, 1978
- Americhernes Muchmore, 1976
- Americobunus Muñoz-Cuevas, 1972
- Americocreagris B. Curcic, 1982
- Ameridion Wunderlich, 1995
- Amerioppia Hammer, 1961
- Amerobelba Berlese, 1908
- Ameronothrus Berlese, 1896
- Ameroseiella Bregetova, 1977
- Ameroseius Berlese, 1904
- Amerothyasella Smith & Cook, 1999
- Amerus Berlese, 1896
- Ametroproctus Higgins & Woolley, 1968
- Amhyadesia Fain and Ganning, 1979
- Ami Pérez-Miles, 2008
- Ammogarypus Beier, 1962
- Ammonius Thorell, 1899
- Ammothea Leach, 1814
- Ammothella Verrill, 1900
- Ammotrecha Banks, 1900
- Ammotrechelis Roewer, 1934
- Ammotrechella Roewer, 1934
- Ammotrechesta Roewer, 1934
- Ammotrechinus Roewer, 1934
- Ammotrechula Roewer, 1934
- Ammoxenus Simon, 1893
- Amnemochthonius Grandjean, 1949
- Amphialycus Zachvatkin, 1949
- Amphidraus Simon, 1900
- Amphiledorus Jocqué & Bosmans, 2001
- Amphinecta Simon, 1898
- Ampullobates Grandjean, 1962
- Amusia Tullgren, 1910
- Amyciaea Simon, 1885
- Amycus C. L. Koch, 1846
- Amyzanoetus Fain, 1976
- Anaceros Lawrence, 1959
- Anachemmis Chamberlin, 1919
- Anachipteria Grandjean, 1932
- Anaclubiona Ono, 2010
- Anacornia Chamberlin & Ivie, 1933
- Anagarypus J. C. Chamberlin, 1930
- Anagraphis Simon, 1893
- Anagrina Berland, 1920
- Anahita Karsch, 1879
- Anahuacia Hoffmann, 1963
- Anakingia Hammer, 1961
- Aname L. Koch, 1873
- Anamota Silhavý, 1979
- Ananeon Richardson, 2013
- Anansi Benavides & Hormiga, 2017
- Anansia Lehtinen, 1981
- Anansus Huber, 2007
- Ananteris Thorell, 1891
- Ananteroides Borelli, 1911
- Anaperochernes Beier, 1964
- Anapis Simon, 1895
- Anapisona Gertsch, 1941
- Anapistes Summers and Schuster, 1982
- Anapistula Gertsch, 1941
- Anapogonia Simon, 1905
- Anaptomecus Simon, 1903
- Anarchaea Rix, 2006
- Anarrhotus Simon, 1902
- Anasaitis Bryant, 1950
- Anatea Berland, 1927
- Anatemnus Beier, 1932
- Anatolidion Wunderlich, 2008
- Anatoliurus Parmakelis et al., 2022
- Anaulacodithella Beier, 1944
- Anaurus Simon, 1900
- Anaxibia Thorell, 1898
- Ancepitilobus Richardson, 2016
- Anchigarypus Harvey in Harvey, Hillyer, Carvajal and Huey, 2020
- Anchognatha Thorell, 1881
- Anchonastus Simon, 1898
- Ancistrochelifer Beier, 1951
- Ancoracarus Takahashi, Misumi and Takahashi, 2012
- Ancylometes Bertkau, 1880
- Ancylotrypa Simon, 1889
- Ancyranoetus Fain and Santiago-Blay, 1993
- Ancystropus Kolenati, 1856
- Andalgalomacarus Goff and Whitaker, 1984
- Andasta Simon, 1895
- Anderemaeus Hammer, 1958
- Andesamerus Hammer, 1962
- Andethele Coyle, 1995
- Andocaeculus Coineau, 1974
- Andoharano Lehtinen, 1967
- Andrevella Southcott, 1961
- Androctonus Ehrenberg, 1828
- Andromma Simon, 1893
- Anelosimus Simon, 1891
- Anemesia Pocock, 1895
- Anephiasca Athias-Henriot, 1969
- Aneplasa Tucker, 1923
- Anepsion Strand, 1929
- Anepsiozomus Harvey, 2001
- Angaeus Thorell, 1881
- Angka Raven & Schwendinger, 1995
- Anguliphantes Saaristo & Tanasevitch, 1996
- Angullozetes Hammer, 1967
- Anharpyrhynchus Fain, 1972
- Aniatrus Brennan and Jones, 1961
- Anibontes Chamberlin, 1924
- Anicius Chamberlin, 1925
- Anidiops Pocock, 1897
- Anisacate Mello-Leitão, 1941
- Anisaedus Simon, 1893
- Anisaspis Simon, 1891
- Anisaspoides F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1896
- Anisoditha J. C. Chamberlin and R. V. Chamberlin, 1945
- Anjouanella Baert, 1986
- Ankaratrix Lawrence, 1959
- Ankelothyas Besch, 1964
- Ankylonuncia Hickman, 1958
- Annandaliella Hirst, 1909
- Annapolis Millidge, 1984
- Annazomus De Francesco Magnussen and S. P. Müller in De Francesco Magnussen et al., 2022
- Annectacarus Grandjean, 1950
- Annerossella Habeeb, 1966
- Annobonzetes Pérez-Íñigo, 1983
- Anodoration Millidge, 1991
- Anoetoglyphus Oudemans, 1927
- Anoetus Dujardin, 1842
- Anokopsis Bauab & Soares, 1980
- Anomalaspis Brennan, 1952
- Anomalobuthus Kraepelin, 1900
- Anomalogalumna Ermilov & Martens, 2021
- Anomalohalacarus Newell, 1949
- Anomalohimalaya Hoogstraal, Kaiser and Mitchell, 1970
- Anomalomma Simon, 1890
- Anomaloppia Subías, 1978
- Anomalosa Roewer, 1960
- Anophthalmoonops Benoit, 1976
- Anoplocheylus Berlese, 1910
- Anoplodactylus Wilson, 1878
- Anoploscelus Pocock, 1897
- Anoplozetes Lee & Pajak, 1987
- Anopsicus Chamberlin & Ivie, 1938
- Anopsolobus Forster & Platnick, 1985
- Anoripoda Sellnick, 1959
- Anoropallene Stock, 1956
- Anoteropsis L. Koch, 1878
- Ansiea Lehtinen, 2005
- Ansienulina Wesolowska, 2015
- Antarcticola Wallwork, 1967
- Antarctozetes Balogh, 1961
- Antennocheles Lindquist and Moraza, 2014
- Antennolaelaps Womersley, 1956
- Antennoseius Berlese, 1916
- Anthrenochernes Lohmander, 1939
- Anthribicheyla Thewke, 1980
- Anthrobia Tellkampf, 1844
- Anthrohoekia De la Cruz and Daniel, 1994
- Antillattus Bryant, 1943
- Antillena Bertani, Huff & Fukushima, 2017
- Antillobisium Dumitresco and Orghidan, 1977
- Antillochernes Muchmore, 1984
- Antillognatha Bryant, 1945
- Antillolpium Muchmore, 1991
- Antillorena Jocqué, 1991
- Antillostenochrus Armas and Teruel, 2002
- Antillotrecha Armas, 1994
- Antistea Simon, 1898
- Antongila Roewer, 1931
- Antongilibodes Fernández, Theron, Leiva, Rollard & Tiedt, 2014
- Antoonops Fannes & Jocqué, 2008
- Antricola Cooley and Kohls, 1942
- Antridiscalceatus Rossi, 2018
- Antrodiaetus Ausserer, 1871
- Antrohyphantes Dumitrescu, 1971
- Anuroctonus Pocock, 1893
- Anuvinda Lehtinen, 1967
- Anyphaena Sundevall, 1833
- Anyphaenoides Berland, 1913
- Anyphops Benoit, 1968
- Anysrius Harvey, 1998
- Anystipalpus Berlese, 1911
- Anystis von Heyden, 1826
- Anzacia Dalmas, 1919
- Aokiella Balogh & Mahunka, 1967
- Aops Volschenk and Prendini, 2008
- Aorangia Forster & Wilton, 1973
- Aotearoa Forster & Platnick, 1984
- Apalotacarus Summers and Schuster, 1981
- Apatochernes Beier, 1948
- Aperittochelifer Beier, 1955
- Aphantaulax Simon, 1878
- Aphantochilus O. P.-Cambridge, 1870
- Aphelacarus Grandjean, 1932
- Aphelolpium Hoff, 1964
- Apheviderulix Gerecke, Smith & Cook, 1999
- Aphileta Hull, 1920
- Aphirape C. L. Koch, 1850
- Aphodanoetus Bongers, OConnor and Lukoschus, 1985
- Aphonopelma Pocock, 1901
- Aphrastochthonius J. C. Chamberlin, 1962
- Apistobuthus Finnegan, 1932
- Aplodontophila Wrenn and Maser, 1981
- Apneumonella Fage, 1921
- Apobrata Miller, 2004
- Apocaligonellidus Fan and Chen, 2008
- Apocheiridium J. C. Chamberlin, 1924
- Apochinomma Pavesi, 1881
- Apochthonius J. C. Chamberlin, 1929
- Apodemodex Bukva, 1996
- Apodicheles Fain, 1979
- Apodisyringiana Skoracki, 2005
- Apodisyringophilus Skoracki and OConnor, 2010
- Apodrassodes Vellard, 1924
- Apodrassus Chamberlin, 1916
- Apohya Muchmore, 1973
- Apokayana Huber, 2018
- Apolania Simon, 1898
- Apollophanes O. P.-Cambridge, 1898
- Apolonia Torres and Braga, 1938
- Apolpium J. C. Chamberlin, 1930
- Apomastus Bond & Opell, 2002
- Apomerantzia Q.-H. Fan and Y. Chen, 2005
- Apoplophora Aoki, 1980
- Apopyllus Platnick & Shadab, 1984
- Aporochelifer Beier, 1953
- Apostenus Westring, 1851
- Apotomocepheus Aoki, 1965
- Apotritia Norton & Lions, 1992
- Apozomus Harvey, 1992
- Appaleptoneta Platnick, 1986
- Apricia Richardson, 2016
- Aprifrontalia Oi, 1960
- Aprusia Simon, 1893
- Aptostichus Simon, 1891
- Apyretina Strand, 1929
- Aquanothrus Engelbrecht, 1975
- Arabapolonia Stekolnikov, Carranza and Gomez-Diaz, 2012
- Arabelia Bosselaers, 2009
- Arachnomura Mello-Leitão, 1917
- Arachnotermes Mello-Leitão, 1928
- Arachnura Vinson, 1863
- Arachnyssus Ma Liming, 2002
- Arachosia O. P.-Cambridge, 1882
- Arachosinella Denis, 1958
- Aracus Thorell, 1887
- Araegeus Simon, 1901
- Araeoncus Simon, 1884
- Araguita González-Sponga, 1987
- Araiya Ramirez, 2003
- Arandisa Lawrence, 1938
- Araneotanna Özdikmen & Kury, 2006
- Araneus Clerck, 1757
- Arangina Lehtinen, 1967
- Araniella Chamberlin & Ivie, 1942
- Aranoethra Butler, 1873
- Arasia Simon, 1901
- Araucanobunus Muñoz-Cuevas, 1973
- Arauchemus Ott & Brescovit, 2012
- Arbanitis L. Koch, 1874
- Arbasus Roewer, 1935
- Arboribelba Miko, 2021
- Arborichthonius Norton, 1982
- Arcanobisium Zaragoza, 2010
- Arceremaeus Hammer, 1961
- Archaeoananteroides Lourenço in Lourenço and Velten, 2016
- Archaeobuthus Lourenço, 2001
- Archaeocroton Barker and Burger, 2018
- Archaeodictyna Caporiacco, 1928
- Archaeoroncus B. Curcic, Dimitrijevic, T. Rada, Makarov and Ilic, 2012
- Archaeoscorpiops Lourenço, 2015
- Archaraeoncus Tanasevitch, 1987
- Archegocepheus Aoki, 1965
- Archegozetes Grandjean, 1931
- Archeonothrus Trägårdh, 1906
- Archeremella Balogh & Mahunka, 1974
- Archipirata Simon, 1898
- Architis Simon, 1898
- Archoleptoneta Gertsch, 1974
- Archoplophora Hammen, 1959
- Arcochthonius Schatz, 2021
- Arcoppia Hammer, 1977
- Arcozetes Hammer, 1958
- Arctella Holm, 1945
- Arcterigone Eskov & Marusik, 1994
- Arctobius Lehtinen, 1967
- Arctorhagidia Zacharda, 1980
- Arctosa C. L. Koch, 1847
- Arctoseiodes Willmann, 1949
- Arctoseius Thor, 1930
- Arctosippa Roewer, 1955
- Arctosomma Roewer, 1960
- Arcuphantes Chamberlin & Ivie, 1943
- Arenita Huber & Carvalho, 2019
- Arenozetes Krivolutsky, 1971
- Areozetes Hammer, 1961
- Arganotus Silhavý, 1977
- Argas Latreille, 1796
- Argenna Thorell, 1870
- Argennina Gertsch & Mulaik, 1936
- Argentinacarus Goff and Gettinger, 1995
- Argiope Audouin, 1826
- Argistes Simon, 1897
- Argitis Yunker and Saunders, 1973
- Argoctenus L. Koch, 1878
- Argyrodella Saaristo, 2006
- Argyrodes Simon, 1864
- Argyroneta Latreille, 1804
- Arhagidia Lindquist and Zacharda, 1987
- Arhodeoporus Newell, 1947
- Ariadna Audouin, 1826
- Ariamnes Thorell, 1869
- Aribates Aoki, Takaku & Ito, 1994
- Aridella Saaristo, 2002
- Ariston O. P.-Cambridge, 1896
- Arkys Walckenaer, 1837
- Arnapa Huber, 2019
- Arnoliseus Braul, 2002
- Arocha Simon, 1893
- Arochoides Mello-Leitão, 1935
- Arotrobates Luxton, 1992
- Arraphosoma Summers and Schuster, 1981
- Arrenurus Dugès, 1834
- Arrhenoseius Walter and Lindquist, 2000
- Arrunsithiana Haitlinger, 1991
- Artabrus Simon, 1902
- Artacarus Cook, 1899
- Artema Walckenaer, 1837
- Arthrhoplophora Berlese, 1910
- Arthrodamaeus Grandjean, 1954
- Arthrovertex Balogh, 1970
- Artifex Kallal & Hormiga, 2018
- Artonis Simon, 1895
- Artoria Thorell, 1877
- Artoriellula Roewer, 1960
- Artoriopsis Framenau, 2007
- Aruana Strand, 1911
- Aruattus Logunov & Azakina, 2008
- Arulla Suzuki, 1969
- Arushina Caporiacco, 1947
- Asadipus Simon, 1897
- Asagena Sundevall, 1833
- Asaphobelis Simon, 1902
- Asaracus C. L. Koch, 1846
- Asca von Heyden, 1826
- Ascetomylla Kethley, 1970
- Ascetophantes Tanasevitch & Saaristo, 2006
- Asceua Thorell, 1887
- Aschema Jocqué, 1991
- Ascorhynchus G. O. Sars, 1877
- Ascoschoengastia Ewing, 1948
- Ascurisoma Strand, 1928
- Ascuta Forster, 1956
- Ascyltus Karsch, 1878
- Asemesthes Simon, 1887
- Asemonea O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1869
- Asemostera Simon, 1898
- Ashtabula Peckham & Peckham, 1894
- Asiabadus Roewer, 1961
- Asianellus Logunov & Heciak, 1996
- Asiceratinops Eskov, 1992
- Asiohahnia Ovtchinnikov, 1992
- Asiophantes Eskov, 1993
- Asmea Gray & Smith, 2008
- Asperemaeus Behan-Pelletier, 1982
- Asperolaelaps Womersley, 1956
- Asperthorax Oi, 1960
- Aspidolasius Simon, 1887
- Aspurochelifer Benedict and Malcolm, 1979
- Astavakra Lehtinen, 1967
- Astegistes Hull, 1916
- Asterochernes Beier, 1955
- Asteron Jocqué, 1991
- Asthenargellus Caporiacco, 1949
- Asthenargoides Eskov, 1993
- Asthenargus Simon & Fage, 1922
- Asthenoctenus Simon, 1897
- Astia L. Koch, 1879
- Astilodes Zabka, 2009
- Asygyna Agnarsson, 2006
- Atalotegaeus Luxton, 1988
- Atarsacheylus Thewke, 1980
- Atelepalme Brennan and Reed, 1973
- Atelidea Simon, 1895
- Atelolathys Simon, 1892
- Atelurius Simon, 1901
- Atemnus Canestrini, 1884
- Aterigena Bolzern, Hänggi & Burckhardt, 2010
- Athamas O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1877
- Atherochernes Beier, 1954
- Athiasella Lee, 1973
- Athiashenriotis Özdikmen, 2008
- Athienemannia Viets, 1920
- Athleticatemnus Beier, 1979
- Athogavia Haitlinger, 1989
- Atmetochilus Simon, 1887
- Atomosphyrus Simon, 1902
- Atopochthonius Grandjean, 1949
- Atractides C. L. Koch, 1837
- Atrax O. P.-Cambridge, 1877
- Atrichonyssus Radovsky, 2010
- Atropacarus Ewing, 1917
- Atrophothele Pocock, 1903
- Attacobius Mello-Leitão, 1925
- Attaleachernes Mahnert, 2009
- Attenuizomus Harvey, 2000
- Attidops Banks, 1905
- Attulus Simon, 1889
- Aturus Kramer, 1875
- Atypena Simon, 1894
- Atypus Latreille, 1804
- Aucana Huber, 2000
- Audifia Keyserling, 1884
- Audytrombicula Vercammen-Grandjean, 1963
- Augacephalus Gallon, 2002
- Augusta O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1877
- Augustaea Szombathy, 1915
- Augustsonella Southcott, 1961
- Auhunga Forster & Wilton, 1973
- Aulobia Kethley, 1970
- Aulonastus Kethley, 1970
- Aulonia C. L. Koch, 1847
- Auloniella Roewer, 1960
- Aurecocrypta Raven, 1994
- Auricanoetus Fain and Zumpt, 1974
- Aurilossongia Haitlinger, 1989
- Austmusia Gray, 1983
- Austracantha Dahl, 1914
- Austracarus Lawrence, 1949
- Austrachelas Lawrence, 1938
- Austrachipteria Balogh & Mahunka, 1966
- Australaena Berland, 1942
- Australinocreagris B. Curcic, 1984
- Australiothyas Cook, 1986
- Australobus Forster & Platnick, 1985
- Australobuthus Locket, 1990
- Australochelifer Beier, 1975
- Australoechemus Schmidt & Piepho, 1994
- Australolinyphia Wunderlich, 1976
- Australomimetus Heimer, 1986
- Australoonops Hewitt, 1915
- Australopalpus Smiley and Gerson, 1995
- Australothele Raven, 1984
- Australothyrus Van der Hammen, 1983
- Australutica Jocqué, 1995
- Austrammo Platnick, 2002
- Austranoetus Fain, 1976
- Austrapiersigia Smit, 1998
- Austrarchaea Forster & Platnick, 1984
- Austrocarabodes Hammer, 1966
- Austroceratoppia Hammer, 1979
- Austrochernes Beier, 1932
- Austrochilus Gertsch & Zapfe, 1955
- Austrochthonius J. C. Chamberlin, 1929
- Austrodamaeus Balogh & Mahunka, 1981
- Austrodecus Hodgson, 1907
- Austrodomus Lawrence, 1947
- Austroeremulus Mahunka, 1985
- Austrogneta Balogh & Csiszár, 1963
- Austrohahnia Mello-Leitão, 1942
- Austrohorus Beier, 1966
- Austrolimnochares Harvey, 1998
- Austrombicula Lawrence, 1949
- Austromontia Lawrence, 1931
- Austronothrus Hammer, 1966
- Austronuncia Lawrence, 1931
- Austropallene Hodgson, 1914
- Austrophaea Lawrence, 1952
- Austropholcomma Rix & Harvey, 2010
- Austroppia Balogh, 1983
- Austroraptus Hodgson, 1907
- Austrotritia Sellnick, 1959
- Ausulus Roewer, 1927
- Autenriethia Oudemans, 1936
- Autogneta Hull, 1916
- Auximella Strand, 1908
- Auyantepuia González-Sponga, 1978
- Avarua Marples, 1955
- Avelis Simon, 1895
- Avella O. P.-Cambridge, 1877
- Avellopsis Purcell, 1904
- Averithiana Haitlinger, 1999
- Avicularia Lamarck, 1818
- Avilaia González-Sponga, 1998
- Avitus Peckham & Peckham, 1896
- Axiogastia Loomis, 1966
- Axonopsis Piersig, 1893
- Axyracrus Simon, 1884
- Aymaria Huber, 2000
- Aysenia Tullgren, 1902
- Aysenoides Ramírez, 2003
- Aysha Keyserling, 1891
- Ayyalonia B. Curcic, 2008
- Azanialobus Griswold & Platnick, 1987
- Azerithonica Guseinov, Marusik & Loginov, 2005
- Azilia Keyserling, 1881
- Aztecocheyletus Bochkov and Klimov, 2004
- Azulitaia González-Sponga, 1987
- Baalrog Monjaraz-Ruedas, Prendini and Francke, 2019
- Baalzebub Coddington, 1986
- Babiangia Southcott, 1954
- Babrius Thorell, 1891
- Babycurus Karsch, 1886
- Bacelarella Berland & Millot, 1941
- Bacillemma Deeleman-Reinhold, 1993
- Bacillochilus Gallon, 2010
- Bacillocnemis Mello-Leitão, 1938
- Backobourkia Framenau, Dupérré, Blackledge & Vink, 2010
- Bactrogyna Millidge, 1991
- Baculigerus H. Soares, 1979
- Badessa Sørensen, 1886
- Badessania Roewer, 1949
- Badia Roewer, 1961
- Badumna Thorell, 1890
- Bagheera Peckham & Peckham, 1896
- Bahrucoptes Haitlinger, 1999
- Baiami Lehtinen, 1967
- Bajacalilena Maya-Morales & Jiménez, 2017
- Bak Yunker, 1961
- Bakala Davies, 1990
- Bakericheyla Volgin, 1966
- Balanowithius Beier, 1959
- Balaustium von Heyden, 1826
- Balgachernes Harvey, 2018
- Balkanoroncus B. Curcic, 1975
- Ballus C. L. Koch, 1850
- Balmaceda Peckham & Peckham, 1894
- Baloghacarus Balogh & Mahunka, 1981
- Balogheremaeus Arillo & Subías, 2006
- Baloghia Mahunka, 1994
- Baloghiella Bulanova-Zachvatkina, 1972
- Baloghoppia Mahunka, 1983
- Baloorthochirus Kovarík, 1996
- Balsateres González-Santillán and Prendini, 2013
- Bamazomus Harvey, 1992
- Bamberene Staples, 2014
- Banaidja Lehtinen, 1967
- Bandakia Thor, 1913
- Bandakiopsis Smith, 1979
- Bango Bamber, 2004
- Banksetosa Chickering, 1946
- Banksinoma Oudemans, 1930
- Banksolpium Muchmore, 1986
- Banksula Roewer, 1949
- Barahna Davies, 2003
- Barbaracurus Kovarík, Lowe and Stáhlavsky, 2018
- Barbaraella Harvey, 1995
- Barbiangia Haitlinger, 1993
- Barbutia Oudemans, 1927
- Bardala Saaristo, 2006
- Barellea Oudemans, 1936
- Barraina Richardson, 2013
- Barrisca Chamberlin & Ivie, 1936
- Barronopsis Chamberlin & Ivie, 1941
- Barropelma Chamberlin, 1940
- Barrowammo Platnick, 2002
- Barrus Simon, 1880
- Barrussus Roewer, 1928
- Barusia Kratochvíl, 1978
- Barycheloides Raven, 1994
- Barychelus Simon, 1889
- Barylestis Simon, 1910
- Baryphas Simon, 1902
- Baryphyma Simon, 1884
- Baryphymula Eskov, 1992
- Basasteron Baehr, 2003
- Basiceremaeus Corpuz-Raros, 1979
- Basidoppia Mahunka, 1983
- Basilobelba Balogh, 1958
- Basiloppia Balogh, 1983
- Bassaniana Strand, 1928
- Bassaniodes Pocock, 1903
- Batesiella Pocock, 1903
- Bathippus Thorell, 1892
- Bathocepheus Aoki, 1978
- Bathylinyphia Eskov, 1992
- Bathypallenopsis Stock, 1975
- Bathyphantes Menge, 1866
- Bathyzetes Stock, 1955
- Batmanacarus Bassini-Silva, Jacinavicius and Ochoa in Bassini-Silva et al., 2021
- Battalus Karsch, 1878
- Batueta Locket, 1982
- Bauchania Beard and Seeman in Beard et al., 2022
- Bavia Simon, 1877
- Baviola Simon, 1898
- Bavirecta Kanesharatnam & Benjamin, 2018
- Bdellophaga Wharton, 1981
- Bealeyia Forster & Platnick, 1985
- Beamerella Brennan, 1958
- Beata Peckham & Peckham, 1895
- Bebedoura Roewer, 1949
- Beckiella Grandjean, 1964
- Bedoslohmannia Fernández, Theron, Rollard & Castillo, 2014
- Beeriphotia Haitlinger, 1994
- Behanpseudoppia Subías, 2017
- Beierius J. C. Chamberlin, 1932
- Beierobisium Vitali-di Castri, 1970
- Beierochelifer Mahnert, 1977
- Beierolpium Heurtault, 1976
- Beierowithius Mahnert, 1979
- Beklemishevia Zachvatkin, 1945
- Belba Heyden, 1826
- Belbodamaeus Bulanova-Zachvatkina, 1967
- Belemarua Roewer, 1949
- Belicenochrus Armas and Víquez, 2010
- Belippo Simon, 1910
- Belisana Thorell, 1898
- Belisarius Simon, 1879
- Belliena Simon, 1902
- Belloppia Hammer, 1968
- Bellota Peckham & Peckham, 1892
- Belorchestes Grandjean, 1951
- Bengalla Gray & Thompson, 2001
- Benoibates Balogh, 1958
- Benoinyssus Fain, 1958
- Benoitia Lehtinen, 1967
- Benoitinus Rambla, 1984
- Benoitodes Platnick, 1993
- Beregama Hirst, 1990
- Berinda Roewer, 1928
- Berlandia Lessert, 1921
- Berlandiella Mello-Leitão, 1929
- Berlandina Dalmas, 1922
- Berlesezetes Mahunka, 1980
- Berlesiella Hammer, 1979
- Berniniella Balogh, 1983
- Bertrana Keyserling, 1884
- Betaburmesebuthus Lourenço in Lourenço and Beigel, 2015
- Betaryringophiloidus Skoracki, 2011
- Bewsiella Domrow, 1958
- Bharatovolzia Cook, 1967
- Bhutaniella Jäger, 2000
- Biacumontia Lawrence, 1931
- Bianor Peckham & Peckham, 1886
- Biantella Roewer, 1927
- Biantes Simon, 1885
- Biantessus Roewer, 1949
- Biantomma Roewer, 1942
- Bibulothiana Haitlinger, 1993
- Bichito González-Sponga, 1998
- Biconibunus Roewer, 1915
- Bicyrthermannia Hammer, 1979
- Bidoma Silhavý, 1973
- Bifidocoelotes Wang, 2002
- Bifurcia Saaristo, Tu & Li, 2006
- Bigenditia Platnick, 2000
- Bimichaelia Thor, 1902
- Bindax Thorell, 1892
- Bindoona Roewer, 1929
- Binodacarus Castilho and Moraes, 2010
- Bioculus Stahnke, 1968
- Bipassalozetes Mihelcic, 1957
- Bipeltochernes Dashdamirov, 2005
- Birabenia Mello-Leitão, 1941
- Bircericola Haitlinger, 2000
- Birgerius Saaristo, 1973
- Birobates Balogh, 1970
- Birotegaeus Luxton, 1988
- Birrana Raven & Stumkat, 2005
- Birsteinius Krivolutsky, 1965
- Birulatus Vachon, 1974
- Birupes Gabriel & Sherwood, 2019
- Bisetifer Tanasevitch, 1987
- Bisetocreagris B. Curcic, 1983
- Bisetulobius du Toit, Theron and Ueckermann, 1998
- Bishopella Roewer, 1927
- Bishopiana Eskov, 1988
- Bishoplinia Vercammen-Grandjean and Nadchatram, 1965
- Bissopius Roewer, 1949
- Bistriopelma Kaderka, 2015
- Biton Karsch, 1880
- Bitonota Roewer, 1933
- Bitonupa Roewer, 1933
- Bituberochernes Muchmore, 1974
- Bituberoroncus B. Curcic, 2013
- Blabomma Chamberlin & Ivie, 1937
- Blakistonia Hogg, 1902
- Blanciella Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960
- Blancoa Huber, 2000
- Blandinia Tonini, Paulo da Silva, Serpa Filho & Freitas, 2016
- Blanioonops Simon & Fage, 1922
- Blankaartia Oudemans, 1911
- Blaszakia Skoracki and Sikora, 2008
- Blattisocius Keegan, 1944
- Blestia Millidge, 1993
- Blix Brennan and Yunker, 1966
- Blossia Simon, 1880
- Blossiana Roewer, 1933
- Boagrius Simon, 1893
- Bochica J. C. Chamberlin, 1930
- Bochkovia Skoracki and OConnor, 2010
- Bocus Peckham & Peckham, 1892
- Boehmia Hoek, 1881
- Boetophela Haitlinger, 1989
- Bogdocosa Ponomarev & Belosludtsev, 2008
- Bokokius Roewer, 1942
- Boleohylla Haitlinger, 1991
- Bolephthyphantes Strand, 1901
- Boliscodes Simon, 1909
- Boliscus Thorell, 1891
- Bolostromoides Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1945
- Bolostromus Ausserer, 1875
- Bolyphantes C. L. Koch, 1837
- Bomis L. Koch, 1874
- Bonapruncinia Benoit, 1977
- Bonnetina Vol, 2000
- Bonomoia Oudemans, 1911
- Boolathana Platnick, 2002
- Borboropactus Simon, 1884
- Bordea Bosmans, 1995
- Boreonymphon G. O. Sars, 1888
- Borhidia Balogh & Mahunka, 1974
- Borneanapis Snazell, 2009
- Bornebuschia Hammer, 1966
- Borneomma Deeleman-Reinhold, 1980
- Borneoridion Deeleman & Wunderlich, 2011
- Borneozetes Mahunka, 1997
- Borneremaeus Mahunka, 1991
- Borrala Gray & Smith, 2004
- Boshellia Ewing, 1950
- Boshkerria Fauran, 1959
- Bothriocroton Keirans, King and Sharrad, 1994
- Bothriocyrtum Simon, 1891
- Bothriurus Simon, 1880
- Bothrocheyla Volgin, 1964
- Bothyanoetus Fain and Camerik, 1978
- Botswanoncus Harvey and Du Preez, 2014
- Bovicarabodes Fernández, Theron & Rollard, 2013
- Bovidromus Coineau, Theron and Fernandez, 2006
- Brachionopus Pocock, 1897
- Brachioppia Hammer, 1961
- Brachioppiella Hammer, 1962
- Brachistosternus Pocock, 1893
- Brachycerasphora Denis, 1962
- Brachychthonius Berlese, 1910
- Brachyoripoda Balogh, 1970
- Brachypelma Simon, 1891
- Brachyphaea Simon, 1895
- Brachypoda Lebert, 1879
- Brachythele Ausserer, 1871
- Bradyagaue Newell, 1971
- Bradypallene Kim & Hong, 1987
- Bradystichus Simon, 1884
- Bramkeria Bassini-Silva, Jacinavicius and Ochoa in Bassini-Silva et al., 2021
- Branchia Muma, 1951
- Brancus Simon, 1902
- Brasilacarus Vázquez, Araújo and Feres, 2015
- Brasilionata Wunderlich, 1995
- Brasiloctis Mello-Leitão, 1938
- Brasilomma Brescovit, Ferreira & Rheims, 2012
- Brassiella Balogh, 1970
- Brassoppia Balogh, 1983
- Brazilatemnus Muchmore, 1975
- Brazilobothriurus Lourenço and Monod, 2000
- Brazilozetes Balogh & Mahunka, 1969
- Breda Peckham & Peckham, 1894
- Brennanacarus Goff, Yunker and Wheeler, 1987
- Brettus Thorell, 1895
- Breviacantha Kauri, 1954
- Brevilabus Strand, 1908
- Brevipalpia Zacharda, 1980
- Brevipalpus Donnadieu, 1875
- Briggsus Özdikmen and Demir, 2008
- Brignolia Dumitrescu & Georgescu, 1983
- Brignoliella Shear, 1978
- Brignolizomus Harvey, 2000
- Bristowia Reimoser, 1934
- Bristowiella Saaristo, 1980
- Bromelina Brescovit, 1993
- Brommella Tullgren, 1948
- Brontispalaelaps Womersley, 1956
- Brotasus Roewer, 1928
- Broteochactas Pocock, 1893
- Brotheas C. L. Koch, 1837
- Brunehaldia Vercammen-Grandjean, 1956
- Brunepisinus Yoshida & Koh, 2011
- Bryantella Chickering, 1946
- Brygoovia Stekolnikov and Fain, 2004
- Bryonuncia Hickman, 1958
- Bubophilus Philips and Norton, 1978
- Bucinozomus Armas and Rehfeldt, 2015
- Buckupiella Brescovit, 1997
- Buclypeus Brennan, 1972
- Bucranium O. P.-Cambridge, 1881
- Buemarinoa Roewer, 1956
- Buibui Griswold, 2001
- Buitinga Huber, 2003
- Bukitritia Mahunka, 1990
- Bulbocepheus Mahunka, 1988
- Bulleremaeus Hammer, 1966
- Bullibates Subías & Shtanchaeva, 2012
- Bulolia Zabka, 1996
- Bumba Pérez-Miles, Bonaldo & Miglio, 2014
- Bunabodes Fujikawa, 2004
- Burmacharon Hu, Lei, Luo, Jarzembowski, Wang and Xiao, 2020
- Burmattus Prószynski, 1992
- Burmesescorpiops Lourenço, 2016
- Burmezomus Bastawade, 2004
- Bursaustium Haitlinger, 2000
- Bursellia Holm, 1962
- Bursoplophora Subías & Pérez-Íñigo, 1978
- Buruquelia González-Sponga, 1999
- Buthacus Birula, 1908
- Butheoloides Hirst, 1925
- Butheolus Simon, 1882
- Buthiscus Birula, 1905
- Buthoscorpio Werner, 1936
- Buthus Leach, 1815
- Buyina Davies, 1998
- Bymainiella Raven, 1978
- Byrsochernes Beier, 1959
- Bythocrotus Simon, 1903
- Caamembecaia Gazêta, Amorim, Bossi, Linhares and Serra-Freire, 2006
- Caayguara Rheims, 2010
- Cabanadrassus Mello-Leitão, 1941
- Cabello Levi, 1964
- Cabolena Maya-Morales & Jiménez, 2017
- Cacodemonius J. C. Chamberlin, 1931
- Cacoxylus Beier, 1965
- Caddo Banks, 1892
- Caecatemnus Mahnert, 1985
- Caecobunus Roewer, 1927
- Caecogarypinus Dashdamirov, 2007
- Caecoonops Benoit, 1964
- Caeculisoma Berlese, 1888
- Caeculus Dufour, 1832
- Caenobelba Norton, 1980
- Caenonetria Millidge & Russell-Smith, 1992
- Caenonychus Oudemans, 1902
- Caenosamerus Higgins & Woolley, 1969
- Caerostris Thorell, 1868
- Caesetius Simon, 1893
- Caffrowithius Beier, 1932
- Calacadia Exline, 1960
- Calamincola Casto, 1978
- Calamistrula Dahl, 1901
- Calamoneta Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001
- Calamopus Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001
- Calapnita Simon, 1892
- Calathotarsus Simon, 1903
- Calcarsynotaxus Wunderlich, 1995
- Calchas Birula, 1899
- Calcitro Petrunkevitch, 1945
- Calcoschizomus Pierce, 1951
- Calculus Purcell, 1910
- Caledanapis Platnick & Forster, 1989
- Caledomedes Raven & Hebron, 2018
- Caledothele Raven, 1991
- Caleremaeus Berlese, 1910
- Caleupodes A. Baker, 1987
- Calholaspis Berlese, 1918
- Calicina Ubick and Briggs, 1989
- Calicynorta C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1943
- Calidiochernes Beier, 1954
- Caligohomus Habeeb, 1966
- Caligonella Berlese, 1910
- Calilena Chamberlin & Ivie, 1941
- Calileptoneta Platnick, 1986
- Calima Moreno-González and Villarreal, 2012
- Caliphis Lee, 1970
- Calipteremaeus Paschoal, 1987
- Calisoga Chamberlin, 1937
- Callevophthalmus Simon, 1906
- Callevopsis Tullgren, 1902
- Callidalena Maya-Morales & Jiménez, 2017
- Callidosoma Womersley, 1936
- Callihamina Roewer, 1942
- Callihamus Roewer, 1931
- Callilepis Westring, 1874
- Callipallene Flynn, 1929
- Callipelis Zamani & Marusik, 2017
- Callipenthalodes Qin, 1998
- Callitrichia Fage, 1936
- Calliuncus Roewer, 1931
- Callobius Chamberlin, 1947
- Calocaeculus Coineau, 1974
- Calocheiridius Beier and Turk, 1952
- Calocheirus J. C. Chamberlin, 1930
- Caloctenus Keyserling, 1877
- Calodipoena Gertsch & Davis, 1936
- Calommata Lucas, 1837
- Calomyspoena Baert & Maelfait, 1983
- Calonyx Walter, 1907
- Calorema Southcott, 1963
- Calositticus Lohmander, 1944
- Calothrombium Berlese, 1919
- Calozetes Balogh & Mahunka, 1969
- Calponia Platnick, 1993
- Calvolia Oudemans, 1911
- Calymmachernes Beier, 1954
- Calymmaria Chamberlin & Ivie, 1937
- Calypsopycnon Hedgpeth, 1948
- Calyptoseius Lindquist and Moraza, 2016
- Calyptostoma Cambridge, 1875
- Camaricus Thorell, 1887
- Cambalida Simon, 1910
- Cambridgea L. Koch, 1872
- Camcarabodes Ermilov & Starý, 2018
- Camerobia Southcott, 1957
- Cameroneta Bosmans & Jocqué, 1983
- Cameronidion Wunderlich, 2011
- Cameronieta Machado-Allison, 1965
- Camillina Berland, 1919
- Caminacarus Fain, 1968
- Camincheyletus Smiley and Whitaker, 1981
- Camirohylla Haitlinger, 1991
- Camisia Heyden, 1826
- Campachipteria Aoki, 1995
- Campanicola Yoshida, 2015
- Campbellobates Wallwork, 1964
- Campostichomma Karsch, 1891
- Campostrecha Mello-Leitão, 1937
- Camptocosa Dondale, Jiménez & Nieto, 2005
- Camptoscaphiella Caporiacco, 1934
- Canaima Huber, 2000
- Canala Gray, 1992
- Canalidion Wunderlich, 2008
- Canama Simon, 1903
- Canarichelifer Beier, 1965
- Canariellanum Wunderlich, 1987
- Canariognapha Wunderlich, 2011
- Canarionesticus Wunderlich, 1992
- Canariphantes Wunderlich, 1992
- Canestrinia Berlese, 1881
- Canestriniella Berlese, 1910
- Cangazomus Pinto-da-Rocha, Andrade and Moreno-González, 2016
- Cangoderces Harington, 1951
- Cantabrochthonius Zaragoza, 2017
- Cantharozetes Hammer, 1961
- Cantikus Huber, 2018
- Cantuaria Hogg, 1902
- Capedulia Meyer, 1979
- Capeta Ruiz & Brescovit, 2005
- Capeyorkia Richardson, 2016
- Capheris Simon, 1893
- Capidava Simon, 1902
- Capillibates Hammer, 1966
- Capilloppia Balogh & Mahunka, 1966
- Caponia Simon, 1887
- Caponina Simon, 1891
- Caporiaccosa Roewer, 1960
- Capronomoia Mahunka, 1976
- Capsulia Saaristo, Tu & Li, 2006
- Carabella Chickering, 1946
- Carabocepheus Berlese, 1910
- Caraboctonus Pocock, 1893
- Carabodes Koch, 1835
- Caraboecius Cooreman, 1950
- Caracladus Simon, 1884
- Caraimatta Lehtinen, 1981
- Carapoia González-Sponga, 1998
- Carastrum Southcott, 1988
- Carathea Moran, 1986
- Carayaca González-Sponga, 1998
- Carbinea Davies, 1999
- Carcinarachne Schmidt, 1956
- Carcinoscorpius Pocock, 1902
- Cardiolpium Mahnert, 1986
- Cardiopelma Vol, 1999
- Carebareia Goff and Brennan, 1977
- Carepalxis L. Koch, 1872
- Caribattus Bryant, 1950
- Caribbiantes Silhavý, 1973
- Caribchthonius Muchmore, 1976
- Caribeacarus Vázquez and Klompen, 2009
- Caribena Fukushima & Bertani, 2017
- Caribezomus Armas, 2011
- Caribochernes Beier, 1976
- Caribothyrus Kontschán and Mahunka, 2004
- Caribula Silhavý, 1979
- Caricelea Silva & Lise, 2007
- Carinabella Hammer, 1977
- Carinogalumna Engelbrecht, 1973
- Carinozetes Pfingstl & Schuster, 2012
- Caripetella Strand, 1928
- Carniella Thaler & Steinberger, 1988
- Carorita Duffey & Merrett, 1963
- Carparachne Lawrence, 1962
- Carpathonesticus Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980
- Carpoglyphus Robin, 1869
- Carrai Raven, 1984
- Carrhotus Thorell, 1891
- Carteroniella Strand, 1907
- Carteronius Simon, 1897
- Caspicosa Ponomarev, 2007
- Cassafroneta Blest, 1979
- Cassiocoptes Haitlinger, 1996
- Castanilla Caporiacco, 1936
- Castianeira Keyserling, 1879
- Castoponera Deeleman-Reinhold, 1993
- Catacercus Millidge, 1985
- Catageus Thorell, 1889
- Cataleptoneta Denis, 1955
- Catalinia Soleglad, Ayrey, Graham and Fet, 2017
- Catanduba Yamamoto, Lucas & Brescovit, 2012
- Catatemnus Beier, 1932
- Cataxia Rainbow, 1914
- Catonetria Millidge & Ashmole, 1994
- Catumiri Guadanucci, 2004
- Caucaseremaeus Subías & Shtanchaeva, 2006
- Caucasiozetes Shtanchaeva, 1984
- Caucasopisthes Tanasevitch, 1990
- Caudacheles Gerson, 1968
- Caudalia Alayón, 1980
- Caudamaeolus P. Balogh, 1988
- Cautinella Millidge, 1985
- Cavaecarabodes Fernández, Theron, Rollard & Castillo, 2014
- Cavasteron Baehr & Jocqué, 2000
- Caveremulus Mahunka, 1983
- Cavernocarabodes Mahunka, 1974
- Cavernocepheus Balogh & Mahunka, 1969
- Cavernocymbium Ubick, 2005
- Cavernozetes Mahunka, 1984
- Cavillator Wesolowska, 2000
- Caviphantes Oi, 1960
- Cavisternum Baehr, Harvey & Smith, 2010
- Cazierius Francke, 1978
- Cebrenninus Simon, 1887
- Cebrennus Simon, 1880
- Cecidopus Karsch, 1879
- Cederhjelmia Oudemans, 1931
- Cedicoides Charitonov, 1946
- Cedicus Simon, 1875
- Ceglusa Thorell, 1895
- Celaenia Thorell, 1868
- Celaetycheus Simon, 1897
- Cembalea Wesolowska, 1993
- Cenefia Roewer, 1931
- Cenemus Saaristo, 2001
- Cenopalpus Pritchard and Baker, 1958
- Centriacarus Klimov and OConnor, 2007
- Centrocalia Platnick, 2000
- Centrochelifer Beier, 1959
- Centrochthonius Beier, 1931
- Centroctenus Mello-Leitão, 1929
- Centroina Platnick, 2002
- Centrolimnesia Lundblad, 1935
- Centromachetes Lönnberg, 1897
- Centromerita Dahl, 1912
- Centromerus Dahl, 1886
- Centrophantes Miller & Polenec, 1975
- Centroribates Berlese, 1914
- Centrothele L. Koch, 1873
- Centruroides Marx, 1890
- Centsymplia Platnick, 2000
- Cephalobares O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871
- Cepheia Simon, 1894
- Cepheus Koch, 1835
- Ceraarachne Keyserling, 1880
- Cerachipteria Grandjean, 1935
- Ceraticelus Simon, 1884
- Ceratinella Emerton, 1882
- Ceratinops Banks, 1905
- Ceratinopsidis Bishop & Crosby, 1930
- Ceratinopsis Emerton, 1882
- Ceratobates Balogh & Mahunka, 1969
- Ceratobiton Delle Cave and Simonetta, 1971
- Ceratochernes Mahnert, 1994
- Ceratocyba Holm, 1962
- Ceratogyrus Pocock, 1897
- Ceratolasma C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Ceratomontia Roewer, 1915
- Ceratoppia Berlese, 1908
- Ceratoppiella Hammer, 1977
- Ceratorchestes Balogh & Mahunka, 1969
- Ceratotenuiala Aoki & Maruyama, 1983
- Ceratozetella Shaldybina, 1966
- Ceratozetes Berlese, 1908
- Cerbalus Simon, 1897
- Cercidia Thorell, 1869
- Cercophonius Peters, 1861
- Ceriochernes Beier, 1937
- Ceriomura Simon, 1901
- Cerionesta Simon, 1901
- Cerocepheus Trägårdh, 1931
- Cerocida Simon, 1894
- Ceroma Karsch, 1885
- Ceromella Roewer, 1933
- Cersa Silhavý, 1979
- Ceryerda Simon, 1909
- Cesonia Simon, 1893
- Cethegus Thorell, 1881
- Cetonana Strand, 1929
- Cetonicola Cooreman, 1955
- Cetratus Kulczynski, 1911
- Ceuthothrombium Robaux, Webb & Campbell, 1976
- Ceylanoetus Mahunka, 1974
- Ceylobodes Balogh & P. Balogh, 1992
- Chaco Tullgren, 1905
- Chactas Gervais, 1844
- Chactopsis Kraepelin, 1912
- Chactopsoides Ochoa, Rojas-Runjaic, Pinto-da-Rocha and Prendini, 2013
- Chaerea Simon, 1884
- Chaerilobuthus Lourenço and Beigel, 2011
- Chaerilus Simon, 1877
- Chaetodactylus Rondani, 1866
- Chaetodellus Masán and Halliday, 2013
- Chaetopelma Ausserer, 1871
- Chalcolecta Simon, 1884
- Chalcolemia Zhang & Maddison, 2012
- Chalcoscirtus Bertkau, 1880
- Chalcotropis Simon, 1902
- Chamaia González-Sponga, 1987
- Chamberlinarius Heurtault, 1990
- Chamobates Hull, 1916
- Chanbria Muma, 1951
- Chanea Miller, Griswold & Yin, 2009
- Chaneke Francke, Teruel and Santibáñez-López, 2014
- Chapoda Peckham & Peckham, 1896
- Charadriineopicobia Skoracki, Spicer and OConnor, 2014
- Charadrinyssus Butenko, 1984
- Charadriphilus Bochkov and Chistyakov, 2001
- Charassobates Grandjean, 1929
- Charinus Simon, 1892
- Chariobas Simon, 1893
- Charippus Thorell, 1895
- Charletonia Oudemans, 1910
- Charminus Thorell, 1899
- Charmus Karsch, 1879
- Charon Karsch, 1879
- Chasmocephalon O. P.-Cambridge, 1889
- Chatia Brennan, 1946
- Chatzakia Lissner & Bosmans, 2016
- Chaudhripalpus Mesa, Welbourn and Evans in Mesa et al., 2009
- Chaussieria Oudemans, 1937
- Chavinia Hammer, 1961
- Chedima Simon, 1873
- Cheilopallene Stock, 1955
- Cheiracanthium C. L. Koch, 1839
- Cheiramiona Lotz & Dippenaar-Schoeman, 1999
- Cheiridium Menge, 1855
- Cheirochelifer Beier, 1967
- Cheiroseiulus Evans and Baker, 1991
- Cheiroseius Berlese, 1916
- Chelacaropsis Baker, 1949
- Chelacheles Baker, 1958
- Cheladonta Lipovsky, Crossley and Loomis, 1955
- Chelanops Gervais, 1849
- Chelanyssus Zumpt and Till, 1953
- Cheletacarus Volgin, 1961
- Cheletogenes Oudemans, 1905
- Cheletoides Oudemans, 1904
- Cheletomimus Oudemans, 1904
- Cheletomorpha Oudemans, 1904
- Cheletonella Womersley, 1941
- Cheletophanes Oudemans, 1904
- Cheletophyes Oudemans, 1914
- Cheletopsis Oudemans, 1904
- Cheletosoma Oudemans, 1905
- Cheliceroides Zabka, 1985
- Chelifer Geoffroy, 1762
- Cheliferoides F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1901
- Chelignathus Menge, 1854
- Chelinochroa Summers and Schuster, 1982
- Cheloctonus Pocock, 1892
- Chelodamus R. V. Chamberlin, 1925
- Chelomideopsis Romijn, 1920
- Chelonacarus Pence and Wright, 1998
- Chelonotus Berlese, 1893
- Cheloppia Hammer, 1971
- Chelypus Purcell, 1902
- Cheniseo Bishop & Crosby, 1935
- Chenisides Denis, 1962
- Chenistonia Hogg, 1901
- Chenophila Kethley, 1970
- Chernes Menge, 1855
- Cherserigone Denis, 1954
- Chersonesometrus Couzijn, 1978
- Chetochelacarus Fain, 1987
- Cheyletia Haller, 1884
- Cheyletiella Canestrini, 1886
- Cheyletus Latreille, 1796
- Cheylostigmaeus Willmann, 1952
- Chiangmaia Millidge, 1995
- Chiapacheylus De Leon, 1962
- Chiasmanyssus Gomes-Almeida and Pepato, 2021
- Chiasmopes Pavesi, 1883
- Chibchea Huber, 2000
- Chihuahuanus González-Santillán and Prendini, 2013
- Chikunia Yoshida, 2009
- Chilacarus Webb, Bennett and Loomis, 1986
- Chilarchaea Forster & Platnick, 1984
- Chilehexops Coyle, 1986
- Chilelopsis Goloboff, 1995
- Chilenodes Platnick & Forster, 1987
- Chileolobus Forster & Platnick, 1985
- Chileomma Platnick, Shadab & Sorkin, 2005
- Chileotaxus Platnick, 1990
- Chileotrecha Maury, 1987
- Chileuma Platnick, Shadab & Sorkin, 2005
- Chiliochthonius Vitali-di Castri, 1975
- Chiloanoetus Fain, 1974
- Chilobrachys Karsch, 1892
- Chilobunus Hickman, 1958
- Chilongius Platnick, Shadab & Sorkin, 2005
- Chilumena Jocqué, 1995
- Chimerathyas Mitchell, 2003
- Chinattus Logunov, 1999
- Chinchippus Chamberlin, 1920
- Chinophrys Zhang & Maddison, 2012
- Chinoscopus Simon, 1901
- Chinquipellobunus C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1944
- Chira Peckham & Peckham, 1896
- Chiridiochernes Muchmore, 1972
- Chirimena González-Sponga, 1999
- Chiroecetes Herrin and Radovsky, 1974
- Chiromachetes Pocock, 1899
- Chiromachus Pocock, 1893
- Chiroptella Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960
- Chiropteranoetus Womersley, 1942
- Chiroptonyssus Augustson, 1945
- Chirothecia Taczanowski, 1878
- Chisosa Huber, 2000
- Chistyakovella Ermilov, Aoki & Anichkin, 2013
- Chitrella Beier, 1932
- Chitrellina Muchmore, 1996
- Choiroblemma Bourne, 1980
- Choixenillus Subías, 2016
- Chonothea Nakamura & Child, 1983
- Chorizomma Simon, 1872
- Chorizopella Lawrence, 1947
- Chorizopes O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871
- Chorizopesoides Mi & Wang, 2018
- Chresiona Simon, 1903
- Chrestobunus Roewer, 1915
- Christovizetes Krivolutsky, 1975
- Chromatopelma Schmidt, 1995
- Chromotydaeus Berlese, 1903
- Chrosioderma Simon, 1897
- Chrosiothes Simon, 1894
- Chrysilla Thorell, 1887
- Chrysochernes Hoff, 1956
- Chrysometa Simon, 1894
- Chrysso O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1882
- Chthiononetes Millidge, 1993
- Chthonius C. L. Koch, 1843
- Chthonos Coddington, 1986
- Chudalupia Wallwork, 1981
- Chulacarus Fuangarworn, Lekprayoon and Butcher, 2016
- Chumma Jocqué, 2001
- Ciboneya Pérez, 2001
- Cicileiurus Teruel, 2007
- Cicileus Vachon, 1948
- Cicirra Simon, 1886
- Cicurina Menge, 1871
- Cicynethus Simon, 1910
- Cilunculus Loman, 1908
- Cinetata Wunderlich, 1995
- Ciniflella Mello-Leitão, 1921
- Circellobates Luxton, 1992
- Cispinilus Roewer, 1955
- Cispius Simon, 1898
- Cithaeron O. P.-Cambridge, 1872
- Citharacanthus Pocock, 1901
- Citharognathus Pocock, 1895
- Civizelotes Senglet, 2012
- Cladomelea Simon, 1895
- Cladothela Kishida, 1928
- Cladycnis Simon, 1898
- Clastes Walckenaer, 1837
- Clathrosperchon Lundblad, 1936
- Clathrosperchonella Lundblad, 1937
- Claverythraeus Trägårdh, 1937
- Claveupodes Strandtmann and Prasse, 1977
- Claviphantes Tanasevitch & Saaristo, 2006
- Clavismaris Southcott, 1963
- Clavizomus Reddell and Cokendolpher, 1995
- Clavopelma Chamberlin, 1940
- Cleocnemis Simon, 1886
- Cleombrotus Sørensen, 1932
- Clinobiantes Roewer, 1927
- Clitaetra Simon, 1889
- Cloacarus Camin, Moss, Oliver and Singer, 1967
- Clubiona Latreille, 1804
- Clubionina Berland, 1947
- Cluniella Forster, 1955
- Clynotis Simon, 1901
- Clynotoides Mello-Leitão, 1944
- Cnecoderma Summers and Schuster, 1981
- Cnephalocotes Simon, 1884
- Cnodalia Thorell, 1890
- Coartobelba Mahunka, 2001
- Cobanus F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1900
- Cobranyssus Fain, 1960
- Cocalodes Pocock, 1897
- Cocalus C. L. Koch, 1846
- Cocceupodes Thor, 1934
- Coccorchestes Thorell, 1881
- Coccorhagidia Thor, 1934
- Cocinachernes Hentschel and Muchmore, 1989
- Coddingtonia Miller, Griswold & Yin, 2009
- Coelossia Simon, 1895
- Coelotes Blackwall, 1841
- Coenoptychus Simon, 1885
- Coenypha Simon, 1895
- Coetzeella Ermilov, Hugo-Coetzee & Khaustov, 2017
- Coillina Yin & Peng, 1998
- Cokendolpherius Armas, 2002
- Colaranea Court & Forster, 1988
- Colaxes Simon, 1900
- Colcarteria Gray, 1992
- Coleacarus Meyer, 1979
- Coleogyphus Berlese, 1910
- Coleopterophagus Berlese, 1882
- Coleosoma O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1882
- Colicus Brennan, 1970
- Colima Jocqué & Baert, 2005
- Colinophilus Kethley, 1973
- Colisyringophilus Skoracki, Unsoeld and Ozminski, 2013
- Collemboerythraeus Noei, Saboori and Hakimitabar in Noei et al., 2017
- Collina Urquhart, 1891
- Collinsia O. P.-Cambridge, 1913
- Collohmannia Sellnick, 1922
- Colombiazomus Armas and Delgado-Santa, 2012
- Coloncus Chamberlin, 1948
- Colonus F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1901
- Colopalpus Pritchard and Baker, 1958
- Colopea Simon, 1893
- Colossendeis Jarzynsky, 1870
- Colphepeira Archer, 1941
- Columbiathyas Smith & Cook, 1998
- Columbicheyla Thewke and Enns, 1972
- Columbiphilus Kivganov and Sharafat, 1995
- Colyttus Thorell, 1891
- Comaroma Bertkau, 1889
- Comatacarus Ewing, 1942
- Comeremaeus Hammer, 1962
- Commoris Simon, 1902
- Comorella Jocqué, 1985
- Comorozetes Mahunka, 1994
- Compactozetes Hammer, 1966
- Compsaditha J. C. Chamberlin, 1929
- Compsobuthus Vachon, 1949
- Compsodecta Simon, 1903
- Conakrya Schmidt, 1956
- Concavocephalus Eskov, 1989
- Conchycoptes Haitlinger, 2002
- Conculus Komatsu, 1940
- Condylobelba Mahunka, 2001
- Condyloppia Balogh, 1983
- Conglanoetus Mahunka, 1978
- Congobuthus Lourenço, 1999
- Congocepheus Balogh, 1958
- Congochthonius Beier, 1959
- Congoppia Balogh, 1983
- Congovidia Fain and Elsen in Fain, 1971
- Conicochernes Beier, 1948
- Conifaber Opell, 1982
- Connithorax Eskov, 1993
- Conoppia Berlese, 1908
- Conothele Thorell, 1878
- Conozetes Balogh & Mahunka, 1969
- Constrictobates Balogh & Mahunka, 1966
- Contramelisia Samsinák, 1969
- Contuor Roewer, 1963
- Cooremania Nesbitt, 1976
- Copa Simon, 1886
- Copidognathus Trouessart, 1888
- Copocrossa Simon, 1901
- Coproglyphus E. Türk and F. Türk, 1957
- Coptocheles Summers and Schlinger, 1955
- Coptoprepes Simon, 1884
- Corambis Simon, 1901
- Coras Simon, 1898
- Corasoides Butler, 1929
- Corcovetella Galiano, 1975
- Cordiozetes Mahunka, 1983
- Cordiseta Hoffmann, 1954
- Cordobulgida Mello-Leitão, 1938
- Cordylochele G. O. Sars, 1888
- Cordylochernes Beier, 1932
- Coremiocnemis Simon, 1892
- Coreodrassus Paik, 1984
- Coreorgonal Bishop & Crosby, 1935
- Coriarachne Thorell, 1870
- Corinna C. L. Koch, 1841
- Corinnomma Karsch, 1880
- Cornicephalus Saaristo & Wunderlich, 1995
- Cornifalx Hickman, 1979
- Cornuroncus Nassirkhani, Zaragoza and Mumladze, 2019
- Coronibatula Mahunka, 1988
- Corosoma Karsch, 1879
- Cortestina Knoflach, 2009
- Corticattus Zhang & Maddison, 2012
- Corticochernes Tooren, 2008
- Corusca Zhou & Li, 2013
- Corvitorotroglus Skoracki and Bochkov, 2010
- Corynethrix L. Koch, 1876
- Corynoppia Balogh, 1983
- Coryphasia Simon, 1902
- Coryssiphus Simon, 1903
- Coryssocnemis Simon, 1893
- Corythalia C. L. Koch, 1850
- Coscinida Simon, 1895
- Cosmiomma Schulze, 1919
- Cosmobates Balogh, 1959
- Cosmochthonius Berlese, 1910
- Cosmogneta Grandjean, 1960
- Cosmohermannia Aoki & Yoshida, 1970
- Cosmopelma Simon, 1889
- Cosmophasis Simon, 1901
- Cosmopirnodus Balogh, 1970
- Cosmozetes Balogh & Mahunka, 1969
- Costabrimma C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1983
- Costacarabodes Fernández, Theron, Leiva & Jordaan, 2018
- Costacosa Framenau & Leung, 2013
- Costeremus Aoki, 1970
- Cotinusa Simon, 1900
- Cotztetlana Mendoza, 2012
- Couranga Gray & Smith, 2008
- Cousinea Saaristo, 2001
- Cowichania Smith, 1983
- Coxapopha Platnick, 2000
- Cozyptila Marusik & Lehtinen, 2005
- Crabrovidia Zachvatkin, 1941
- Craspedisia Simon, 1894
- Crassacarus Bochkov, OConnor and Klompen, 2015
- Crassanapis Platnick & Forster, 1989
- Crassicrus Reichling & West, 1996
- Crassignatha Wunderlich, 1995
- Crassocheles Zacharda, 1980
- Crassoribatula Hammer, 1967
- Cratosolpuga Selden, 1996
- Creagonycha Kethley, 1970
- Cresmatoneta Simon, 1929
- Cretaceousbuthus Lourenço, 2022
- Cretaceoushormiops Lourenço, 2018
- Cretaceousopisthacanthus Lourenço in Lourenço and Velten, 2021
- Cretaceozomus De Francesco Magnussen and S. P. Müller in De Francesco Magnussen et al., 2022
- Creugas Thorell, 1878
- Creutzeria Oudemans, 1932
- Cribrozetes Balogh, 1970
- Criokeron Volgin, 1966
- Crispiphantes Tanasevitch, 1992
- Cristeremaeus Balogh & Csiszár, 1963
- Crocodilosa Caporiacco, 1947
- Crosbyarachne Charitonov, 1937
- Crosbycus Roewer, 1914
- Crosbyella Roewer, 1927
- Crosbylonia Eskov, 1988
- Crossipalpus Smiley, Frost and Gerson, 1996
- Crossopriza Simon, 1893
- Crotiscus Ewing, 1944
- Crotonasis Brennan and Yunker, 1966
- Crotonia Thorell, 1876
- Crotophagisyringophilus Skoracki, 2008
- Crozetulus Hickman, 1939
- Crustulina Menge, 1868
- Cryphoeca Thorell, 1870
- Cryphoecina Deltshev, 1997
- Cryptacarus Grandjean, 1950
- Cryptachaea Archer, 1946
- Cryptadaeum Lawrence, 1931
- Cryptaranea Court & Forster, 1988
- Cryptobiantes Kauri, 1961
- Cryptobothria Wallwork, 1963
- Cryptocellus Westwood, 1874
- Cryptocheiridium J. C. Chamberlin, 1931
- Cryptocreagris B. Curcic, 1984
- Cryptoditha J. C. Chamberlin and R. V. Chamberlin, 1945
- Cryptodrassus Miller, 1943
- Cryptoerithus Rainbow, 1915
- Cryptofavognathus Sa. Dogan and Dönel, 2010
- Cryptogalumna Grandjean, 1957
- Cryptognathus Kramer, 1879
- Cryptoiclus Teruel and Kovarík, 2012
- Cryptolinyphia Millidge, 1991
- Cryptomaster Briggs, 1969
- Cryptonyssus Radovsky, 1966
- Cryptoparachtes Dunin, 1992
- Cryptoplophora Grandjean, 1932
- Cryptoppia Csiszár, 1961
- Cryptoribatula Jacot, 1934
- Cryptothele L. Koch, 1872
- Cryptowithius Beier, 1967
- Ctenacarus Grandjean, 1939
- Ctenamerus Balogh & P. Balogh, 1992
- Cteniza Latreille, 1829
- Ctenobelba Balogh, 1943
- Ctenolophus Purcell, 1904
- Ctenophysis Millidge, 1985
- Ctenoppia Balogh, 1983
- Ctenothyas Lundblad, 1936
- Ctenus Walckenaer, 1805
- Cuangoblemma Brignoli, 1974
- Cubabodes Balogh & Mahunka, 1974
- Cubacanthozomus Teruel, 2007
- Cubachelifer Hoff, 1946
- Cubachipteria Balogh & Mahunka, 1979
- Cubanana Ortiz, 2008
- Cubanopyllus Alayón & Platnick, 1993
- Cubanothrombidium Feider, 1983
- Cubaoppia Balogh, 1983
- Cubazomus Reddell and Cokendolpher, 1995
- Cubiria González-Sponga, 1987
- Cucudeta Maddison, 2009
- Cuculisyringophilus Skoracki, 2008
- Cultrobates Willmann, 1930
- Cultroribella Mahunka, 1985
- Cultroribula Berlese, 1908
- Cuneoppia Balogh & Mahunka, 1969
- Cunliffea Schubart, 1973
- Cunliffella Volgin, 1969
- Cunnawarra Davies, 1998
- Cupa Strand, 1906
- Cupiennius Simon, 1891
- Curanahuel Botero-Trujillo, 2019
- Curculanoetus Fain, 1974
- Curicaberis Rheims, 2015
- Curimagua Forster & Platnick, 1977
- Curimaguanus González-Sponga, 2003
- Curteria Southcott, 1961
- Curubis Simon, 1902
- Cuspidozetes Hammer, 1962
- Cuspitegula Hammer, 1966
- Cuyanopuga Iuri in Iuri, Ramírez, Mattoni and Ojanguren-Affilastro, 2021
- Cyatholipus Simon, 1894
- Cybaeina Chamberlin & Ivie, 1932
- Cybaeodamus Mello-Leitão, 1938
- Cybaeodes Simon, 1878
- Cybaeolus Simon, 1884
- Cybaeopsis Strand, 1907
- Cybaeota Chamberlin & Ivie, 1933
- Cybaeozyga Chamberlin & Ivie, 1937
- Cybaeus L. Koch, 1868
- Cybella Judson, 2017
- Cycais Thorell, 1877
- Cyclatemnus Beier, 1932
- Cyclocarcina Komatsu, 1942
- Cyclochernes Beier, 1970
- Cyclocosmia Ausserer, 1871
- Cycloctenus L. Koch, 1878
- Cyclohydryphantes Lundblad, 1941
- Cycloppia Balogh, 1983
- Cyclosa Menge, 1866
- Cyclosternum Ausserer, 1871
- Cyclothyas Lundblad, 1941
- Cydrela Thorell, 1873
- Cylistella Simon, 1901
- Cyllodania Simon, 1902
- Cyllognatha L. Koch, 1872
- Cymbacha L. Koch, 1874
- Cymbachina Bryant, 1933
- Cymbaeremaeus Berlese, 1896
- Cymiphis Lee, 1970
- Cynapes Simon, 1900
- Cynathea Simon, 1895
- Cynosa Caporiacco, 1933
- Cyperacarus Beard and Ochoa, 2011
- Cyphalonotus Simon, 1895
- Cyphonetria Millidge, 1995
- Cyphonisia Simon, 1889
- Cyrba Simon, 1876
- Cyriocosmus Simon, 1903
- Cyrioctea Simon, 1889
- Cyriogonus Simon, 1886
- Cyriopagopus Simon, 1887
- Cyrtarachne Thorell, 1868
- Cyrtauchenius Thorell, 1869
- Cyrthermannia Balogh, 1958
- Cyrtobill Framenau & Scharff, 2009
- Cyrtocarenum Ausserer, 1871
- Cyrtognatha Keyserling, 1881
- Cyrtogrammomma Pocock, 1895
- Cyrtolaelaps Berlese, 1887
- Cyrtopholis Simon, 1892
- Cyrtophora Simon, 1864
- Cyrtowithius Beier, 1955
- Cystowithius Harvey, 2004
- Cytaea Keyserling, 1882
- Czenspinskia Oudemans, 1923
- Dactylochelifer Beier, 1932
- Dactylopisthes Simon, 1884
- Dactylopisthoides Eskov, 1990
- Daesiella Hewitt, 1934
- Daesiola Roewer, 1933
- Dalquestia Cokendolpher, 1984
- Damaeolus Paoli, 1908
- Damaeus Koch, 1835
- Damarchus Thorell, 1891
- Damastes Simon, 1880
- Dambullaeus Haitlinger, 2001
- Dameobelba Sellnick, 1928
- Damoetas Peckham & Peckham, 1886
- Damon C. L. Koch, 1850
- Dampfiella Sellnick, 1931
- Danaithiana Haitlinger, 1991
- Daramulunia Lehtinen, 1967
- Darchenia Vachon, 1977
- Dardurus Davies, 1976
- Darkoneta Ledford & Griswold, 2010
- Darwinneon Cutler, 1971
- Dasitrombium Zhang, 1994
- Dasumia Thorell, 1875
- Dasychernes J. C. Chamberlin, 1929
- Dasycleobis Mello-Leitão, 1940
- Dasycyptus Simon, 1902
- Dasyponyssus Fonseca, 1940
- Dasythyreus Atyeo, 1961
- Daviesa Kocak & Kemal, 2008
- Davus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1892
- Decachela Hilton, 1939
- Decaphora Franganillo, 1931
- Decaphyllobius Bolland, 1986
- Decarynella Fage, 1945
- Deccanometrus Prendini and Loria, 2020
- Decipiphantes Saaristo & Tanasevitch, 1996
- Decolopoda Eights, 1835
- Decoroppia Mahunka, 2009
- Decuana Dumitrescu & Georgescu, 1987
- Decuella Avram, 1977
- Deelemanella Yoshida, 2003
- Deelemania Jocqué & Bosmans, 1983
- Deelemanikara Jäger, 2021
- Defectrix Petrunkevitch, 1925
- Deinopis MacLeay, 1839
- Deione Thorell, 1898
- Dejerosa Roewer, 1960
- Delena Walckenaer, 1837
- Deliochus Simon, 1894
- Deliriosa Kovblyuk, 2009
- Deltoclita Simon, 1887
- Deltshevia Maruskin & Fet, 2009
- Demadiana Strand, 1929
- Demelodos Mello-Leitão, 1943
- Demisalto Coetzee, 1993
- Demodex Owen, 1843
- Demogenes Simon, 1895
- Dendracarus Balogh, 1961
- Dendrochaetus Olivier, 2008
- Dendrochernes Beier, 1932
- Dendroeremaeus Behan-Pelletier, Eamer & Clayton, 2005
- Dendrohermannia P. Balogh, 1985
- Dendrolasma Banks, 1894
- Dendrolycosa Doleschall, 1859
- Dendronetria Millidge & Russell-Smith, 1992
- Dendroseius Karg, 1965
- Dendrozetes Aoki, 1970
- Dendryphantes C. L. Koch, 1837
- Denisiphantes Tu, Li & Rollard, 2005
- Dentachipteria Nevin, 1974
- Denticynorta Roewer, 1947
- Dentizetes Hammer, 1952
- Dentocreagris Dashdamirov, 1997
- Depreissia Lessert, 1942
- Dermacentor Koch, 1844
- Dermadelema Pomeroy and Loomis, 1984
- Dermanyssus Dugès, 1834
- Dermochrosia Mello-Leitão, 1940
- Descanso Peckham & Peckham, 1892
- Desectophis Karg, 2003
- Desis Walckenaer, 1837
- Desognanops Platnick, 2008
- Desognaphosa Platnick, 2002
- Detlefilus Roewer, 1949
- Devade Simon, 1884
- Devendra Lehtinen, 1967
- Dexippus Thorell, 1891
- Dhanus J. C. Chamberlin, 1930
- Diaea Thorell, 1869
- Diaenobunus Roewer, 1915
- Diaguitacarus Stekolnikov and González-Acuña, 2015
- Diahogna Roewer, 1960
- Diallomus Simon, 1897
- Dianleucauge Song & Zhu, 1994
- Diaphorocellus Simon, 1893
- Diaphractus Purcell, 1907
- Diapontia Keyserling, 1876
- Diaprograpta Simon, 1909
- Diapterobates Grandjean, 1936
- Diasia Sørensen, 1902
- Diastanillus Simon, 1926
- Diblemma O. P.-Cambridge, 1908
- Dicanestrinia Berlese, 1911
- Dicatozetes Grandjean, 1956
- Dichela Menge, 1854
- Dichodactylus Okumura, 2017
- Dichotomiopus Fain and Camerik, 1978
- Dicornua Oi, 1960
- Dicrognatus Gerlach, Lehtinen and Madl, 2010
- Dicrotegaeus Luxton, 1988
- Dictis L. Koch, 1872
- Dictyna Sundevall, 1833
- Dictynomorpha Spassky, 1939
- Dicymbium Menge, 1868
- Didectoprocnemis Denis, 1949
- Didelphialges Bochkov, OConnor and Grootaert, 2013
- Didymocentrus Kraepelin, 1905
- Diechomma Millidge, 1991
- Dietopsa Strand, 1932
- Diguetia Simon, 1895
- Dimidamus Harvey, 1995
- Dimidiogalumna Engelbrecht, 1972
- Diminutella Rheims & Alayón, 2018
- Dimizonops Pocock, 1903
- Dinaria Roewer, 1915
- Dingosa Roewer, 1955
- Dingupa Forster, 1952
- Dinocheirus J. C. Chamberlin, 1929
- Dinochernes Beier, 1933
- Dinorhax Simon, 1879
- Dinozetes Balogh, 1962
- Diolenius Thorell, 1870
- Diores Simon, 1893
- Diphya Nicolet, 1849
- Diplocanthopoda Abraham, 1925
- Diplocentria Hull, 1911
- Diplocentrus Peters, 1861
- Diplocephaloides Oi, 1960
- Diplocephalus Bertkau, 1883
- Diplodontus Dugès, 1834
- Diploglena Purcell, 1904
- Diplognathophilus Cooreman, 1955
- Diploplecta Millidge, 1988
- Diplopodocoptes Fain, 1987
- Diplostyla Emerton, 1882
- Diplotemnus J. C. Chamberlin, 1933
- Diplothele O. P.-Cambridge, 1890
- Diplothelopsis Tullgren, 1905
- Diplothrixochernes Beier, 1962
- Diplothyron Millidge, 1991
- Diplothyrus Lehtinen, 1999
- Diplotychus Simon, 1903
- Diplura C. L. Koch, 1850
- Dipoena Thorell, 1869
- Dipoenata Wunderlich, 1988
- Dipoenura Simon, 1909
- Dippenaaria Wunderlich, 1995
- Dipristes Roewer, 1931
- Dirksia Chamberlin & Ivie, 1942
- Discoppia Balogh, 1983
- Discoseius Lindquist and Moraza, 2012
- Disembolus Chamberlin & Ivie, 1933
- Dismodicus Simon, 1884
- Dissorhina Hull, 1916
- Ditha J. C. Chamberlin, 1929
- Dithella J. C. Chamberlin and R. V. Chamberlin, 1945
- Divilia Sevastianov, 1969
- Dodecolopoda Calman & Gordon, 1933
- Doenitzius Oi, 1960
- Dolabritor Millidge, 1991
- Dolicheremaeus Jacot, 1938
- Dolichognatha O. P.-Cambridge, 1869
- Dolichoneon Caporiacco, 1935
- Dolichotetranychus Sayed, 1938
- Dolichothele Mello-Leitão, 1923
- Dolichotrombicula Feider, 1977
- Dolichowithius J. C. Chamberlin, 1931
- Doliomalus Simon, 1897
- Dolocosa Roewer, 1960
- Doloisia Oudemans, 1910
- Dolomedes Latreille, 1804
- Dolophones Walckenaer, 1837
- Domatha Simon, 1895
- Dometorina Grandjean, 1951
- Donacochara Simon, 1884
- Donacosa Alderweireldt & Jocqué, 1991
- Donaldius Chickering, 1946
- Dongyangsha Wen, 1984
- Donnelaphontia Lavoipierre, 1959
- Donuea Strand, 1932
- Dorceus C. L. Koch, 1846
- Dorjulopirata Buchar, 1997
- Dorymetaecus Rainbow, 1920
- Dorynothiana Haitlinger, 1999
- Doryonychus Simon, 1900
- Dossenus Simon, 1898
- Draconarius Ovtchinnikov, 1999
- Draconyssus Yunker and Radovsky in Wenzel and Tipton, 1966
- Draculoides Harvey, 1992
- Drapetisca Menge, 1866
- Draposa Kronestedt, 2010
- Drassinella Banks, 1904
- Drassodella Hewitt, 1916
- Drassodes Westring, 1851
- Drassodex Murphy, 2007
- Drassyllus Chamberlin, 1922
- Drepanochthonius Beier, 1964
- Drepanoppia Balogh, 1983
- Drepanotylus Holm, 1945
- Dresconella Denis, 1950
- Dresserus Simon, 1876
- Drizztius Edwards, 2015
- Dromedopycnon Child, 1982
- Druzia Ruiz & Brescovit, 2013
- Drymobates Grandjean, 1930
- Drymobatoides Jacot, 1936
- Drymusa Simon, 1891
- Dubiaranea Mello-Leitao, 1943
- Dubiepeira Levi, 1991
- Dubininiola Volgin, 1969
- Dudichella Balogh, 1970
- Dudichoplophora Mahunka, 1982
- Dugdalea Forster & Platnick, 1985
- Dumitrescoella Teruel, 2017
- Dumoga Millidge & Russell-Smith, 1992
- Dundocera Machado, 1951
- Dunedinia Millidge, 1988
- Duninia Marusik & Fet, 2009
- Dunstanoides Forster & Wilton, 1989
- Duripelta Forster, 1956
- Durodamus Harvey, 1995
- Dusmadiores Jocqué, 1987
- Dynatozetes Grandjean, 1960
- Dyrines Simon, 1903
- Dyschiriognatha Simon, 1893
- Dysdera Latreille, 1804
- Dysderella Dunin, 1992
- Dysderina Simon, 1891
- Dysderocrates Deeleman-Reinhold & Deeleman, 1988
- Dysderoides Fage, 1946
- Dytiscacarus Hajikanbar and Lindquist, 2018
- Dzhungarocosa Fomichev & Marusik, 2017
- Eatoniana Cambridge, 1898
- Ebelingia Lehtinen, 2005
- Eberlanzia Roewer, 1941
- Ebo Keyserling, 1884
- Eborilaira Eskov, 1989
- Ebrechtella Dahl, 1907
- Eburneana Wesolowska & Szuts, 2001
- Echeclus Thorell, 1890
- Echemella Strand, 1906
- Echemographis Caporiacco, 1955
- Echemoides Mello-Leitão, 1938
- Echemus Simon, 1878
- Echinacrus Kiefer, 1966
- Echinax Deeleman-Reinhold, 1995
- Echinocreagris Dashdamirov, 2012
- Echinoeupodes Khaustov, 2017
- Echinotheridion Levi, 1963
- Echinussa Simon, 1901
- Ecitocobius Bonaldo & Brescovit, 1998
- Ectactolpium Beier, 1947
- Ectatosticta Simon, 1892
- Ectoantennoseius Walter, 1998
- Ectoceras Stecker, 1875
- Ectonyx Brennan, 1960
- Ectromachernes Beier, 1944
- Ecuadattus Zhang & Maddison, 2012
- Ecuadoribates Ermilov & Kalúz, 2012
- Edenticosa Roewer, 1960
- Edilemma Ruiz & Brescovit, 2006
- Edricus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1890
- Edwardsya Ruiz & Bustamante, 2016
- Edwardzetes Berlese, 1913
- Efate Berland, 1938
- Egyptobuthus Lourenço, 1999
- Eidmannella Roewer, 1935
- Eilica Keyserling, 1891
- Elanapis Platnick & Forster, 1989
- Elaphoppia Balogh, 1983
- Elaphrolaelaps Berlese, 1910
- Elassoctenus Simon, 1909
- Elassorhis Child, 1982
- Elattogarypus Beier, 1964
- Elaver O. P.-Cambridge, 1898
- Eldonnia Tanasevitch, 2008
- Electrobisium Cockerell, 1917
- Electrochaerilus Santiago-Blay, Fet, Soleglad and Anderson, 2004
- Electrochelifer Beier, 1937
- Eleleis Simon, 1893
- Elianella Vercammen-Grandjean, 1956
- Elleguna Gray & Smith, 2008
- Ellingsenius J. C. Chamberlin, 1932
- Elliotta Zacharda, 1980
- Ellipsozetes Bernini, 1980
- Elliptochthonius Norton, 1975
- Emathis Simon, 1899
- Emballonuria Uchikawa, Zhang, O'Connor and Klompen, 1994
- Emblyna Chamberlin, 1948
- Emenista Simon, 1894
- Emertonella Bryant, 1945
- Emertonius Peckham & Peckham, 1892
- Eminella Özdikmen, 2007
- Emmenomma Simon, 1884
- Empanda Simon, 1903
- Emplesiogonus Simon, 1903
- Emyduracarus Fain, 1968
- Enacrosoma Mello-Leitão, 1932
- Enantioppia Balogh & Mahunka, 1969
- Encolpius Simon, 1900
- Encoptarthria Main, 1954
- Encymachus Simon, 1902
- Encyocratella Strand, 1907
- Encyocrates Simon, 1892
- Encyocrypta Simon, 1889
- Encyosaccus Simon, 1895
- Endeis Philippi, 1843
- Endophionyssus Radovsky, 2010
- Endopodoseius Abo-Shnaf and Moraes in Abo-Shnaf et al., 2023
- Endotrombicula Ewing, 1931
- Enetea Huber, 2000
- Enguterothrix Denis, 1962
- Enielkenie Ono, 2007
- Enigmazomus Harvey, 2006
- Enigmina Ubick and Briggs, 2008
- Enisella Ayyildiz & Luxton, 1989
- Enna O. P.-Cambridge, 1897
- Ennodithiana Haitlinger, 1993
- Enoploctenus Simon, 1897
- Enoplognatha Pavesi, 1880
- Enoplomischus Giltay, 1931
- Ensliniella Vitzthum, 1925
- Entelecara Simon, 1884
- Entonyssus Ewing, 1923
- Entophionyssus Fain, 1960
- Entophiophaga Fain, 1960
- Entophioptes Fain, 1960
- Entychides Simon, 1888
- Entypesa Simon, 1902
- Envia Ott & Höfer, 2003
- Eobrachychthonius Jacot, 1936
- Eognosippus Dunlop, Erdek and Bartel, 2023
- Eohypochthonius Jacot, 1938
- Eordea Simon, 1899
- Epactiochernes Muchmore, 1974
- Epactozetes Grandjean, 1930
- Epectris Simon, 1893
- Epeiroides Keyserling, 1885
- Epeirotypus O. P.-Cambridge, 1894
- Eperiella Rix & Harvey, 2010
- Epeus Peckham & Peckham, 1886
- Ephebopus Simon, 1892
- Ephippiochthonius Beier, 1930
- Ephyrogymna Hedgpeth, 1943
- Epibellowia Tanasevitch, 1996
- Epicadinus Simon, 1895
- Epicadus Simon, 1895
- Epiceraticelus Crosby & Bishop, 1931
- Epicharitus Rainbow, 1916
- Epichernes Muchmore, 1982
- Epicratinus Jocqué & Baert, 2005
- Epicriopsis Berlese, 1916
- Epidelaxia Simon, 1902
- Epidius Thorell, 1877
- Epieremulus Berlese, 1916
- Epigastrina Rix & Harvey, 2010
- Epigyphantes Saaristo & Tanasevitch, 2004
- Epigytholus Tanasevitch, 1995
- Epilineutes Coddington, 1986
- Epilohmannia Berlese, 1910
- Epilohmannoides Jacot, 1936
- Epimecinus Simon, 1908
- Epimerella Kulijev, 1967
- Epimyodex Fain and Orts, 1969
- Episinus Walckenaer in Latreille, 1809
- Episolder Tanasevitch, 1995
- Epiwubana Millidge, 1991
- Epocilla Thorell, 1887
- Equitius Simon, 1880
- Erasinus Simon, 1899
- Eratigena Bolzern, Burckhardt & Hänggi, 2013
- Erebomaster Cope, 1872
- Eremaeozetes Berlese, 1913
- Eremaeus Koch, 1835
- Eremella Berlese, 1913
- Eremobates Banks, 1900
- Eremobelba Berlese, 1908
- Eremobodes Jacot, 1937
- Eremochelis Roewer, 1934
- Eremochernes Beier, 1932
- Eremocosta Roewer, 1934
- Eremogarypus Beier, 1955
- Eremorhax Roewer, 1934
- Eremothera Muma, 1951
- Eremulus Berlese, 1908
- Erendira Bonaldo, 2000
- Eresus Walckenaer, 1805
- Ergane L. Koch, 1881
- Eriauchenius O. P.-Cambridge, 1881
- Erica Peckham & Peckham, 1892
- Ericaella Bonaldo, 1994
- Ericotrombidium Vercammen-Grandjean, 1965
- Eridantes Crosby & Bishop, 1933
- Erigone Audouin, 1826
- Erigonella Dahl, 1901
- Erigonoploides Eskov, 1989
- Erigonoplus Simon, 1884
- Erigonops Scharff, 1990
- Erigophantes Wunderlich, 1995
- Eriophora Simon, 1864
- Erioppia Balogh, 1983
- Eriorhynchus Qin and Halliday, 1997
- Eriovixia Archer, 1951
- Eris C. L. Koch, 1846
- Erissoides Mello-Leitão, 1929
- Erissus Simon, 1895
- Ermetus Ponomarev, 2008
- Ernstmayria B. Curcic and Dimitrijevic, 2006
- Ero C. L. Koch, 1836
- Erotylocoptes Fain, 1987
- Eryciniolia Strand, 1912
- Eryngiopus Summers, 1964
- Erynglpusopsis Tseng, 1982
- Erythracarus Berlese, 1903
- Erythraeus Latreille, 1806
- Erythraxus Southcott, 1961
- Erythrellus Southcott, 1946
- Erythrites Southcott, 1961
- Erythrocheylus Berlese, 1903
- Erythroides Southcott, 1946
- Escadabius Roewer, 1949
- Escaphiella Platnick & Dupérré, 2009
- Eskimaia Zacharda, 1980
- Eskovia Marusik & Saaristo, 1999
- Eskovina Kocak & Kemal, 2006
- Espeletiacarus Fain, 1987
- Estellacarus Habeeb, 1954
- Estelloxus Habeeb, 1963
- Estrandia Blauvelt, 1936
- Eterosonycha Butler, 1932
- Ethiovertex Mahunka, 1982
- Ethobuella Chamberlin & Ivie, 1937
- Ethobunus Chamberlin, 1925
- Etienneus Heurtault, 1984
- Euagrus Ausserer, 1875
- Euasteron Baehr, 2003
- Euathlus Ausserer, 1875
- Eubelba Miko, 2021
- Eubiantes Roewer, 1915
- Eubrachycercus Pocock, 1897
- Eubunus Hickman, 1958
- Eucamptopus Pocock, 1900
- Eucheletopsis Volgin, 1969
- Eucheyletia Baker, 1949
- Eucheyletiella Volgin, 1960
- Eucratoscelus Pocock, 1898
- Eucteniza Ausserer, 1875
- Eucyrtops Pocock, 1897
- Euepicrius Womersley, 1942
- Eueremaeus Mihelcic, 1963
- Eukoenenia Börner, 1901
- Eulacurbs Roewer, 1949
- Eulaira Chamberlin & Ivie, 1933
- Eulohmannia Berlese, 1910
- Eumecochernes Beier, 1932
- Eumenophorus Pocock, 1897
- Euminua Sørensen, 1932
- Euminuoides Mello-Leitão, 1935
- Eunicolina Berlese, 1911
- Eunorithiana Haitlinger, 2001
- Euochin Prószynski, 2018
- Euophrys C. L. Koch, 1834
- Euoplos Rainbow, 1914
- Eupalaestrus Pocock, 1901
- Eupalopsellus Sellnick, 1949
- Eupalopsis Canestrini, 1886
- Euparholaspulus Petrova, 1967
- Eupatrella Walter, 1935
- Eupelops Ewing, 1917
- Euphrictus Hirst, 1908
- Euphrynichus Weygoldt, 1995
- Euphthiracarus Ewing, 1917
- Eupoa Zabka, 1985
- Eupodes C. L. Koch, 1835
- Eupograpta Raven, 2009
- Euprosthenops Pocock, 1897
- Euprosthenopsis Blandin, 1974
- Eupterotegaeus Berlese, 1916
- Eurhynchoribates Miko, 2016
- Eurocoelotes Wang, 2002
- Eurostocepheus Aoki, 1965
- Euryattus Thorell, 1881
- Eurybunus Banks, 1893
- Eurycyde Schiödte, 1857
- Euryeidon Dankittipakul & Jocqué, 2004
- Eurymorion Millidge, 1993
- Euryolpium Redikorzev, 1938
- Euryopis Menge, 1868
- Euryparasitus Oudemans, 1902
- Eurypelmella Strand, 1907
- Eurypoena Wunderlich, 1992
- Eusaperium Brennan, 1970
- Euscheloribates Kunst, 1958
- Euschoengastia Ewing, 1938
- Euschoengastoides Loomis, 1954
- Euscorpius Thorell, 1876
- Eusimonia Kraepelin, 1899
- Euso Saaristo, 2001
- Eusparassus Simon, 1902
- Eustacesia Caporiacco, 1954
- Eustala Simon, 1895
- Eustigmaeus Berlese, 1910
- Eustiromastix Simon, 1902
- Eutegaeus Berlese, 1916
- Euthyas Piersig, 1898
- Euthycaelus Simon, 1889
- Eutichurus Simon, 1897
- Eutogenes Baker, 1949
- Eutrecha Maury, 1982
- Eutrombicula Ewing, 1938
- Euvarroa Delfinado and Baker, 1974
- Euwandesia André & Naudo, 1962
- Euzetes Berlese, 1908
- Evadorhagidia Zacharda, 1980
- Evansia O. P.-Cambridge, 1900
- Evanssellus Ryke, 1961
- Evarcha Simon, 1902
- Evippa Simon, 1882
- Evippomma Roewer, 1959
- Exalbidion Wunderlich, 1995
- Exanthoppia Balogh & P. Balogh, 1983
- Exechocentrus Simon, 1889
- Exechopsis Millidge, 1991
- Exochocepheus Woolley & Higgins, 1968
- Exocora Millidge, 1991
- Exopalystes Hogg, 1914
- Exoribatula Jacot, 1936
- Exothorhis Summers, 1960
- Extenuipalpus Reck, 1959
- Extraordinarius Rheims, 2019
- Extraschoengastia Kudryashova, 1998
- Eylais Latreille, 1796
- Eyndhovenia Rudnick, 1960
- Fageia Mello-Leitão, 1929
- Fageibiantes Roewer, 1949
- Fageicera Dumitrescu & Georgescu, 1992
- Fageiella Kratochvíl, 1934
- Faiditus Keyserling, 1884
- Fainharpirhynchus Bochkov and Galloway, 2013
- Falcileptoneta Komatsu, 1970
- Falconina Brignoli, 1985
- Falklandia Forster & Platnick, 1985
- Falklandoglenes Usher, 1983
- Fallablemma Shear, 1978
- Falsivalgothrombium Zhang & Xin, 1989
- Faradja Grasshoff, 1970
- Farajimaeus Ueckermann, 2008
- Farchacarus Wallwork, 1967
- Farqua Saaristo, 2001
- Farrellioides Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960
- Fauranius Brennan and Lukoschus, 1971
- Favognathus Luxton, 1973
- Feaella Ellingsen, 1906
- Featheroides Peng, Yin, Xie & Kim, 1994
- Fecenia Simon, 1887
- Fedotovia Charitonov, 1946
- Feiderzetes Subías, 1977
- Felsina Simon, 1895
- Feltria Koenike, 1892
- Femoracoelotes Wang, 2002
- Femtobuthus Lowe, 2010
- Fenestrobelba Balogh, 1970
- Fenichelia Balogh, 1970
- Ferchestina Saaristo & Marusik, 2004
- Feretrius Simon, 1879
- Fereus Brennan and Jones, 1961
- Fernandezina Birabén, 1951
- Fernandocepheus Mahunka, 1982
- Ferolocella Grabowski, 1971
- Ferrandia Roewer, 1933
- Ferrieria Tullgren, 1901
- Fessonia Heyden, 1826
- Festucula Simon, 1901
- Fetilinia Lowe and Kovarík, 2021
- Fibulanoetus Mahunka, 1973
- Fijibates Hammer, 1971
- Fijicolana Roewer, 1963
- Fijocrypta Raven, 1994
- Filieupodes Jesionowska, 2010
- Filistata Latreille, 1810
- Filistatinella Gertsch & Ivie, 1936
- Filistatoides F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1899
- Firmicus Simon, 1895
- Fissarena Henschel, Davies & Dickman, 1995
- Fissicepheus Balogh & Mahunka, 1967
- Fissilicreagris B. Curcic, 1984
- Fissiphallius Martens, 1988
- Fissiscapus Millidge, 1991
- Fissurobates Balogh & Mahunka, 1969
- Fistulaphantes Tanasevitch & Saaristo, 2006
- Flabellobelba Pérez-Íñigo, 1995
- Flabellorhagidia Elliott, 1976
- Flacillula Strand, 1932
- Flagelliphantes Saaristo & Tanasevitch, 1996
- Flagellocepheus P. Balogh, 1984
- Flagellozetes Balogh, 1970
- Flamencopsis Goloboff, 1995
- Flammaeremaeus Balogh, 1968
- Flavarchaea Rix, 2006
- Flavonuncia Lawrence, 1959
- Flexicoelotes Chen, Li & Zhao, 2015
- Flexicrurum Tong & Li, 2007
- Florichelifer Hoff, 1964
- Floricomus Crosby & Bishop, 1925
- Florinda O. P.-Cambridge, 1896
- Floritrichus Coetzee, 2003
- Floronia Simon, 1887
- Fluda Peckham & Peckham, 1892
- Foliabitus Zhang & Maddison, 2012
- Folkia Kratochvíl, 1970
- Fonsecia Radford, 1942
- Fonsecula Loomis, 1966
- Foraminoppia Subías & Arillo, 1998
- Forania Southcott, 1961
- Forelia Halller, 1882
- Formiphantes Saaristo & Tanasevitch, 1996
- Forstera Koçak & Kemal, 2008
- Forsterella Jocqué, 1991
- Forsterina Lehtinen, 1967
- Forsteriola Brignoli, 1981
- Forstertyna Harvey, 1995
- Forstrarchaea Rix, 2006
- Fortuynia Hammen, 1960
- Fosseremus Grandjean, 1954
- Fossoppia Mahunka, 1994
- Foveacheles Zacharda, 1980
- Foveolatoppia Mahunka, 1988
- Foveosa Russell-Smith, Alderweireldt & Jocqué, 2007
- Fozustium Haitlinger, 2005
- Franckeus Soleglad and Fet, 2005
- Francochthonius Vitali-di Castri, 1975
- Frederickus Paquin et al., 2008
- Frespera Braul & Lise, 2002
- Frewena Richardson, 2013
- Freya C. L. Koch, 1850
- Frigga C. L. Koch, 1850
- Fritschisyringophilus Bochkov, Fain and Skoracki, 2004
- Fritzia O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879
- Friula O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897
- Frontella Kulczynski, 1908
- Frontinella F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1902
- Frontinellina van Helsdingen, 1969
- Frontiphantes Wunderlich, 1987
- Frontipoda Koenike, 1891
- Fuchiba Haddad & Lyle, 2008
- Fuchibotulus Haddad & Lyle, 2008
- Fudeci González-Sponga, 1998
- Fuentes Peckham & Peckham, 1894
- Fufius Simon, 1888
- Fumontana Shear, 1977
- Fungiseius Moraza and Lindquist, 2011
- Furcobates Sellnick, 1959
- Furcodamaeus Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio, 1980
- Furcoppia Balogh & Mahunka, 1966
- Furcoribula Balogh, 1943
- Furculattus Balogh, 1980
- Fusciphantes Oi, 1960
- Fuscozetes Sellnick, 1928
- Fusohericia Vitzthum, 1931
- Fusozetes Balogh, 1972
- Fusuloppia Balogh, 1983
- Gahniacarus Beard and Ochoa, 2011
- Gahrliepia Oudemans, 1912
- Gaiziapis Miller, Griswold & Yin, 2009
- Galagocheles Fain, 1979
- Galanomma Juberthie, 1970
- Galapa Huber, 2000
- Galapagacarus P. Balogh, 1985
- Galapagodinus Beier, 1978
- Galaporella Levi, 2009
- Galeodes Olivier, 1791
- Galeodopsis Birula, 1903
- Galeodumus Roewer, 1960
- Galeosoma Purcell, 1903
- Galianoella Goloboff, 2000
- Galianora Maddison, 2006
- Galibrotus Silhavý, 1973
- Galliena Simon, 1898
- Gallieniella Millot, 1947
- Galliphilopsis Skoracki and Sikora, 2004
- Galumna Heyden, 1826
- Galumnella Berlese, 1916
- Galumnopsis Grandjean, 1931
- Gamakia Ramírez, 2003
- Gamasellevans Loots and Ryke, 1967
- Gamaselliphis Ryke, 1961
- Gamasellodes Athias-Henriot, 1961
- Gamasellopsis Loots and Ryke, 1966
- Gamasellus Berlese, 1892
- Gamasholaspis Berlese, 1904
- Gamasiphis Berlese, 1904
- Gamasiphoides Womersley, 1956
- Gamasitus Womersley, 1956
- Gamasomorpha Karsch, 1881
- Gambacarus Mahunka, 1975
- Gambaquezonia Barrion & Litsinger, 1995
- Gammaridacarus Canaris, 1962
- Gandanameno Lehtinen, 1967
- Gaoligonga Miller, Griswold & Yin, 2009
- Garanhunsa Roewer, 1949
- Garcorops Corronca, 2003
- Garyops Banks, 1909
- Garypinidius Beier, 1955
- Garypinus Daday, 1888
- Garypus L. Koch, 1873
- Gascaricoptes Haitlinger, 2002
- Gasparia Marples, 1956
- Gasteracantha Sundevall, 1833
- Gastromicans Mello-Leitão, 1917
- Gastroxya Benoit, 1962
- Gasuthiana Haitlinger, 1989
- Gaucelmus Keyserling, 1884
- Gaucha Mello-Leitão, 1924
- Gavarilla Ruiz & Brescovit, 2006
- Gayenna Nicolet, 1849
- Gayennoides Ramírez, 2003
- Gea C. L. Koch, 1843
- Geayia Thor, 1897
- Gedea Simon, 1902
- Gehypochthonius Jacot, 1936
- Gelachernes Beier, 1940
- Gelanor Thorell, 1869
- Gelotia Thorell, 1890
- Geminia Thorell, 1897
- Geminozetes Balogh & Csiszár, 1963
- Genavensia Mahunka, 1983
- Genysa Simon, 1889
- Geogamasus Lee, 1970
- Geogarypus J. C. Chamberlin, 1930
- Geolycosa Montgomery, 1904
- Gephyrazetes Hirauchi, 1999
- Gephyrellula Strand, 1932
- Gephyrina Simon, 1895
- Gephyroctenus Mello-Leitão, 1936
- Gephyrota Strand, 1932
- Geraesta Simon, 1889
- Gerbillicula Kolebinova, 1984
- Gerloubia Coetzer, 1968
- Gertschanapis Platnick & Forster, 1990
- Gertschiola Brignoli, 1981
- Gertschius Graham and Soleglad, 2007
- Gertschosa Platnick & Shadab, 1981
- Ghanoetus Mahunka, 1973
- Ghelna Maddison, 1996
- Ghilarovizetes Shaldybina, 1969
- Ghilarovus Krivolutsky, 1966
- Ghumattus Prószynski, 1992
- Gibbafroneta Merrett, 2004
- Gibbaranea Archer, 1951
- Gibbicepheus Balogh, 1958
- Gibothorax Eskov, 1989
- Gigantochernes Beier, 1932
- Gigantometrus Couzijn, 1978
- Gigantoppia Mahunka, 2008
- Gigapassus Miller, 2007
- Gigiella Rix & Harvey, 2010
- Gilarovella Lange, 1974
- Giloloa Huber, 2019
- Ginosigma Speijer, 1936
- Gint Kovarík, Lowe, Plísková and Stáhlavsky, 2013
- Gioharattia Haitlinger, 1989
- Gippsicola Hogg, 1900
- Girardwithius Heurtault, 1993
- Gittella Hammer, 1961
- Giuiria Strand, 1906
- Gjellerupia Roewer, 1913
- Gladicosa Brady, 1987
- Glanderemaeus Balogh & Csiszár, 1963
- Glauconyssus Uchikawa, 1991
- Gledhillia Valdecasas, 2001
- Glenognatha Simon, 1887
- Globignatha Balogh & Loksa, 1968
- Globochthonius Beier, 1931
- Globocreagris B. Curcic, 1984
- Globogalumna Balogh & P. Balogh, 1990
- Globoppia Hammer, 1962
- Globosophotia Haitlinger, 1991
- Globozetes Sellnick, 1928
- Glossicodex Izdebska and Rolbiecki, 2016
- Gluvia C. L. Koch, 1842
- Gluviella Caporiacco, 1948
- Gluviema Caporiacco, 1937
- Gluviola Roewer, 1933
- Gluviopsida Roewer, 1933
- Gluviopsilla Roewer, 1933
- Gluviopsis Kraepelin, 1899
- Gluviopsona Roewer, 1933
- Glyphanoetus Oudemans, 1929
- Glyphesis Simon, 1926
- Glyptobunus Roewer, 1915
- Glyptogluteus Rowland, 1973
- Glyptogona Simon, 1884
- Gmogala Keyserling, 1890
- Gnaphiscus Koenike, 1898
- Gnaphosa Latreille, 1804
- Gnatholycosa Mello-Leitão, 1940
- Gnathonargus Bishop & Crosby, 1935
- Gnathonarium Karsch, 1881
- Gnathonaroides Bishop & Crosby, 1938
- Gnathopalystes Rainbow, 1899
- Gnoerichia Dahl, 1907
- Gnolus Simon, 1879
- Gnosippus Karsch, 1880
- Gobichelifer Krumpál, 1979
- Goeldia Keyserling, 1891
- Goffacarus Bassini-Silva, Jacinavicius and Welbourn, 2021
- Gohia Dalmas, 1917
- Goleba Wanless, 1980
- Goleta Peckham & Peckham, 1894
- Goloboffia Griswold & Ledford, 2001
- Gomphochernes Beier, 1932
- Gonatium Menge, 1868
- Gonatoraphis Millidge, 1991
- Goneatara Bishop & Crosby, 1935
- Gongylidiellum Simon, 1884
- Gongylidioides Oi, 1960
- Gongylidium Menge, 1868
- Goniochernes Beier, 1932
- Gorbothorax Tanasevitch, 1998
- Gordialycus Coineau, Fize and Delamare Deboutteville, 1967
- Gorgasella Chickering, 1946
- Gorgyrella Purcell, 1902
- Goyenia Forster, 1970
- Goyoppia Balogh, 1983
- Gozmanyina Balogh & Mahunka, 1983
- Gradungula Forster, 1955
- Graemeloweus Soleglad, Fet, Graham and Ayrey, 2016
- Graemontia Lawrence, 1931
- Grallacheles De Leon, 1962
- Gramenca Rollard & Wesolowska, 2002
- Grammonota Emerton, 1882
- Grammostola Simon, 1892
- Grancanaridion Wunderlich, 2011
- Grandiella Lombardini, 1939
- Grandiellopsis Fain, 1989
- Grandjeana Kocak and Kemal, 2009
- Grandjeanella Southcott, 1961
- Grandjeania Balogh, 1963
- Grandjeanicus Théron, 1974
- Grandjeanoplophora Balogh & Mahunka, 1979
- Granizetes Hammer, 1961
- Granulaia González-Sponga, 1997
- Granulocheyletus Fain and Bochkov, 2002
- Granuloppia Balogh, 1958
- Granuloteratoppia P. Balogh, 1988
- Graphomoa Chamberlin, 1924
- Graptartia Simon, 1896
- Graptoppia Balogh, 1983
- Gravelyzomus Kulkarni, 2012
- Gravipalpus Millidge, 1991
- Graycassis Platnick, 2000
- Grayenulla Zabka, 1992
- Gredosella Gil-Martín, Arillo & Subías, 2000
- Gressittolus Balogh, 1970
- Griswoldia Dippenaar-Schoeman & Jocqué, 1997
- Groehnizomus De Francesco Magnussen and S. P. Müller in De Francesco Magnussen et al., 2022
- Grosphus Simon, 1880
- Grymeus Harvey, 1987
- Grypoceramerus Suzuki & Aoki, 1970
- Guadana Rheims, 2010
- Guagonia González-Sponga, 1987
- Guaiquinimia González-Sponga, 1997
- Guanazomus Teruel and Armas, 2002
- Guanolichoides Fain, 1979
- Guanolichus Fain, 1968
- Guaraniella Baert, 1984
- Guaranita Huber, 2000
- Guaranozetes Balogh & Mahunka, 1981
- Guasinia González-Sponga, 1997
- Guayania González-Sponga, 1999
- Guilotes Zhao & S. Q. Li, 2018
- Guiniella Rix & Harvey, 2010
- Guizygiella Zhu, Kim & Song, 1997
- Gulocosa Marusik, Omelko & Koponen, 2015
- Gunabopicobia Skoracki and Hromada, 2013
- Gunasekara Lehtinen, 1981
- Guntheria Womersley, 1939
- Gunturius Roewer, 1949
- Gunvoria Kauri, 1961
- Gustavia Kramer, 1879
- Guyanochactas Lourenço, 1998
- Guyruita Guadanucci, Lucas, Indicatti & Yamamoto, 2007
- Gylippus Simon, 1879
- Gymnobates Banks, 1902
- Gymnobatoides Woolley, 1966
- Gymnobisium Beier, 1931
- Gymnobodes Balogh, 1965
- Gymnodamaeus Kulczynski, 1902
- Gymnodampia Jacot, 1937
- Gymnostigmaeus Ehara and Ueckermann, 2006
- Gypogyna Simon, 1900
- Haarlovina Lawrence, 1956
- Habreuresis Millidge, 1991
- Habrocestoides Prószynski, 1992
- Habrocestum Simon, 1876
- Habronattus F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1901
- Habronestes L. Koch, 1872
- Hackmania Lehtinen, 1967
- Hadites Keyserling, 1862
- Hadoblothrus Beier, 1952
- Hadogenes Kraepelin, 1894
- Hadrobunus Banks, 1900
- Hadronyche L. Koch, 1873
- Hadrotarsus Thorell, 1881
- Hadrurochactas Pocock, 1893
- Hadruroides Pocock, 1893
- Hadrurus Thorell, 1876
- Haedanula Caporiacco, 1941
- Haemaphysalis Koch, 1844
- Hafenferrefia Jacot, 1939
- Hafenrefferia Oudemans, 1906
- Hahnia C. L. Koch, 1841
- Haitlingeria Kim et al., 2006
- Haitonia González-Sponga, 1987
- Hakka Berry & Prószynski, 2001
- Hala Jocqué, 1994
- Halacarellus Viets, 1927
- Halacarus Gosse, 1855
- Halarachne Allman, 1847
- Halobisium J. C. Chamberlin, 1930
- Halocosa Azarkina & Trilikauskas, 2019
- Halodromus Muster, 2009
- Halominniza Mahnert, 1975
- Halorates Hull, 1911
- Haloribatula Schuster, 1957
- Halotydeus Berlese, 1891
- Halozetes Berlese, 1916
- Hamadruas Deeleman-Reinhold, 2009
- Hamataliwa Keyserling, 1887
- Hamertonia Turk, 1947
- Hammenia Zacharda, 1980
- Hammenius Lehtinen, 1981
- Hammerabates Balogh, 1970
- Hammerella Balogh, 1983
- Hanea Forster, 1988
- Hannemania Oudemans, 1911
- Hannonia Hoek, 1881
- Hansenius J. C. Chamberlin, 1932
- Hansenochrus Reddell and Cokendolpher, 1995
- Hantu Huber, 2016
- Hapalopus Ausserer, 1875
- Hapalotremus Simon, 1903
- Haplacarus Wallwork, 1962
- Haplamerus Balogh & P. Balogh, 1992
- Haplinis Simon, 1894
- Haplobelba Balogh & Mahunka, 1969
- Haplochelifer J. C. Chamberlin, 1932
- Haplochernes Beier, 1932
- Haplochthonius Willmann, 1930
- Haploclastus Simon, 1892
- Haplocosmia Schmidt & von Wirth, 1996
- Haploditha Caporiacco, 1951
- Haplodrassus Chamberlin, 1922
- Haplogarypinus Beier, 1959
- Haplomaro Miller, 1970
- Haplopsecas Caporiacco, 1955
- Haplothyrus Lehtinen, 1995
- Haplotmarus Simon, 1909
- Hapona Forster, 1970
- Happlodontus Poinar and Santiago-Blay, 1989
- Hardybodes Balogh, 1970
- Hargeinella Haitlinger, 1989
- Harmiella Brignoli, 1979
- Harmochirus Simon, 1885
- Harmonicon F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1896
- Harpactea Bristowe, 1939
- Harpactira Ausserer, 1871
- Harpactirella Purcell, 1902
- Harpactocrates Simon, 1914
- Harpagella Southcott, 1996
- Harpirhynchus Mégnin, 1878
- Harpypalpoides Lombert and Moss, 1983
- Harpypalpus Dubinin, 1957
- Harpyrhynchiella Fain, 1972
- Harpyrhynchoides Fain, 1972
- Harveyus Monjaraz-Ruedas, Prendini and Francke, 2019
- Hasarina Schenkel, 1963
- Hasarinella Wesolowska, 2012
- Hasarius Simon, 1871
- Hatitia Brescovit, 1997
- Hatohylla Haitlinger, 1990
- Hattena Domrow, 1963
- Hauserania Mahunka, 1972
- Hauseroplophora Mahunka, 1977
- Hauserozetes Mahunka, 1980
- Havaika Prószynski, 2002
- Hawaiieupodes Strandtmann and Goff, 1978
- Heaslipia Ewing, 1944
- Hebestatis Simon, 1903
- Hebridochernes Beier, 1940
- Hedana L. Koch, 1874
- Hedgpethia Turpaeva, 1973
- Hedgpethius Child, 1974
- Hedwiga Roewer, 1931
- Heidrunea Brescovit & Höfer, 1994
- Helenactyna Benoit, 1977
- Helenicula Audy, 1954
- Helicius Zabka, 1981
- Heligmomerus Simon, 1892
- Heliophanillus Prószynski, 1989
- Heliophanoides Prószynski, 1992
- Heliophanus C. L. Koch, 1833
- Helioppia Balogh, 1983
- Helladerythraeus Beron, 1988
- Hellenamerus Mahunka, 1974
- Helophora Menge, 1866
- Helpis Simon, 1901
- Helsdingenia Saaristo & Tanasevitch, 2003
- Helsonia Forster, 1970
- Helvetia Peckham & Peckham, 1894
- Helvibis Keyserling, 1884
- Helvidia Thorell, 1890
- Hemerotrecha Banks, 1903
- Hemiblossia Kraepelin, 1899
- Hemiblossiola Roewer, 1933
- Hemibuthus Pocock, 1900
- Hemichela Stock, 1954
- Hemicloea Thorell, 1870
- Hemicloeina Simon, 1893
- Hemileius Berlese, 1916
- Hemilychas Hirst, 1911
- Heminothrus Berlese, 1913
- Hemirrhagus Simon, 1903
- Hemisarcoptes Lignières, 1893
- Hemiscorpius Peters, 1861
- Hemisolinus Beier, 1977
- Hendea Roewer, 1931
- Hendeola Forster, 1954
- Hengconarius Zhao & S. Q. Li, 2018
- Henriksenia Lehtinen, 2005
- Hentzia Marx, 1883
- Hentziectypus Archer, 1946
- Heptacarus Piffl, 1963
- Heptathela Kishida, 1923
- Heradida Simon, 1893
- Heradion Dankittipakul & Jocqué, 2004
- Heratemita Strand, 1932
- Herbessus Simon, 1903
- Herbiphantes Tanasevitch, 1992
- Herennia Thorell, 1877
- Heriaesynaema Caporiacco, 1939
- Heriaeus Simon, 1875
- Hericia Canestrini, 1888
- Hermacha Simon, 1889
- Hermachura Mello-Leitao, 1923
- Hermannia Nicolet, 1855
- Hermanniella Berlese, 1908
- Hermannobates Hammer, 1961
- Hermippus Simon, 1893
- Hermosa Peckham & Peckham, 1892
- Hermotimus Simon, 1903
- Herpetacarus Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960
- Herpyllus Hentz, 1832
- Hersilia Audouin, 1826
- Hersiliola Thorell, 1870
- Heser Tuneva, 2004
- Hesperochernes J. C. Chamberlin, 1924
- Hesperochthonius Muchmore, 1968
- Hesperocosa Gertsch & Wallace, 1937
- Hesperocranum Ubick & Platnick, 1991
- Hesperolpium J. C. Chamberlin, 1930
- Hesperonemastoma Gruber, 1970
- Hestimodema Simon, 1909
- Hesydrus Simon, 1898
- Hetaerica Rainbow, 1916
- Heteradaeum Lawrence, 1963
- Heterobabrius Roewer, 1915
- Heterobelba Berlese, 1913
- Heterochemmis F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1900
- Heterochernes Beier, 1966
- Heterochthonius Berlese, 1910
- Heterocoptes Fain, 1967
- Heteroctenus Pocock, 1893
- Heterocubazomus Teruel, 2007
- Heterofragilia Hedgpeth, 1943
- Heterogalumna Balogh, 1960
- Heterogamasus Trägårdh, 1907
- Heterognatha Nicolet, 1849
- Heterogriffus Platnick, 1976
- Heterohorus Tooren, 2011
- Heterolacurbs Roewer, 1912
- Heteroleius Balogh & Mahunka, 1966
- Heterolinyphia Wunderlich, 1973
- Heterolophus Tömösváry, 1884
- Heterolpium Sivaraman, 1980
- Heterometrus Ehrenberg, 1828
- Heteromigas Hogg, 1902
- Heteronebo Pocock, 1899
- Heteronuncia Roewer, 1920
- Heteronymphon Gordon, 1932
- Heteroonops Dalmas, 1916
- Heterophrictus Pocock, 1900
- Heterophrynus Pocock, 1894
- Heteropoda Latreille, 1804
- Heteroppia Balogh, 1970
- Heteroschizomus Rowland, 1973
- Heteroscodra Pocock, 1900
- Heteroscorpion Birula, 1903
- Heteroscotolemon Roewer, 1912
- Heterotectum Feider, 1983
- Heterothele Karsch, 1879
- Heterotheridion Wunderlich, 2008
- Heterotrichoncus Wunderlich, 1970
- Heterozetes Willmann, 1917
- Hetschkia Keyserling, 1886
- Heurodes Keyserling, 1886
- Hewittia Lessert, 1928
- Hexablemma Berland, 1920
- Hexachaetoniella Paschoal, 1987
- Hexachernes Beier, 1953
- Hexanoetus Fain and Philips, 1979
- Hexathele Ausserer, 1871
- Hexidionis Vercammen-Grandjean and Loomis, 1967
- Hexisopus Karsch, 1879
- Hexommulocymus Caporiacco, 1955
- Hexoppia Balogh, 1958
- Hexura Simon, 1884
- Hexurella Gertsch & Platnick, 1979
- Heydeniella Richters, 1907
- Hibana Brescovit, 1991
- Hiboka Fage, 1922
- Hicanodon Tullgren, 1901
- Hickmanapis Platnick & Forster, 1989
- Hickmania Gertsch, 1958
- Hickmanolobus Forster & Platnick, 1985
- Hickmanoxyomma Hunt, 1990
- Hilaira Simon, 1884
- Himalaphantes Tanasevitch, 1992
- Himalayotityobuthus Lourenço, 1997
- Himalcoelotes Wang, 2002
- Himalmartensus Wang & Zhu, 2008
- Hindumanes Logunov, 2004
- Hinewaia Zabka & Pollard, 2002
- Hingstepeira Levi, 1995
- Hiniphis Lee, 1970
- Hinzuanius Karsch, 1880
- Hippasa Simon, 1885
- Hippasella Mello-Leitão, 1944
- Hirriusa Strand, 1932
- Hirstienus Roewer, 1949
- Hirstiosoma Womersley, 1934
- Hirsutiella Schluger and Vysotzkaja, 1970
- Hispanognatha Bryant, 1945
- Hispanozetes Subías & Shtanchaeva, 2012
- Hispiniphus Moraza and Lindquist, 2015
- Hispo Simon, 1886
- Histagonia Simon, 1895
- Histiostoma Kramer, 1876
- Histopona Thorell, 1869
- Hisukattus Galiano, 1987
- Hitobia Kamura, 1992
- Hodeidania Roewer, 1933
- Hoedillus Simon, 1898
- Hoffhorus Heurtault, 1976
- Hoffmannihadrurus Fet and Soleglad, 2004
- Hoffmannilena Maya-Morales & Jiménez, 2016
- Hoffmannina Brennan and Jones, 1959
- Hoffmannita Pelaez, 1962
- Hoggicosa Roewer, 1960
- Hogna Simon, 1885
- Hognoides Roewer, 1960
- Hogsbackia Ermilov, Hugo-Coetzee & Behan-Pelletier, 2021
- Holarchaea Forster, 1955
- Holaspina Berlese, 1916
- Holaspulus Berlese, 1904
- Holasteron Baehr, 2004
- Holcolaetis Simon, 1886
- Holconia Thorell, 1877
- Holissus Simon, 1882
- Holma Locket, 1974
- Holmelgonia Jocqué & Scharff, 2007
- Holminaria Eskov, 1991
- Holocneminus Berland, 1942
- Holocnemus Simon, 1873
- Hololena Chamberlin & Gertsch, 1929
- Hololohmannia Kubota & Aoki, 1998
- Holomamoea Forster & Wilton, 1973
- Holonothrus Wallwork, 1963
- Holonuncia Forster, 1955
- Holopelus Simon, 1886
- Holoplatys Simon, 1885
- Holoscotolemon Roewer, 1915
- Holothele Karsch, 1879
- Holothyrus Gervais, 1842
- Holubicula Daniel and Vercammen-Grandjean, 1985
- Homalattus White, 1841
- Homalometa Simon, 1897
- Homalonychus Marx, 1891
- Homocaligus Berlese, 1910
- Homoeomma Ausserer, 1871
- Homoeothele Simon, 1908
- Homostola Simon, 1892
- Hongkongia Song & Zhu, 1998
- Honiarrea Haitlinger, 1990
- Hooperella Vercammen-Grandjean, 1967
- Hoplocheylus Atyeo and Baker, 1964
- Hoplolathys Caporiacco, 1947
- Hoplopholcus Kulczynski, 1908
- Hoplophorella Berlese, 1923
- Hoplophthiracarus Jacot, 1933
- Hoploseius Berlese, 1914
- Horcotes Crosby & Bishop, 1933
- Hormiops Fage, 1933
- Hormosianoetus Fain, 1980
- Hormurus Thorell, 1876
- Horreolanus Mitchell, 1955
- Horribates Muma, 1962
- Hortipes Bosselaers & Ledoux, 1998
- Horus J. C. Chamberlin, 1930
- Hostus Simon, 1898
- Hottentotta Birula, 1908
- Houshenzinus Tanasevitch, 2006
- Hovanoceros Lawrence, 1959
- Hovanuncia Lawrence, 1959
- Hovops Benoit, 1968
- Huabangsha Wen, Yu and Yang, 1980
- Huangyuania Song & Li, 1990
- Huara Forster, 1964
- Hubbardia Cook, 1899
- Hubertella Platnick, 1989
- Huilicheremaeus Fernández, Marcangeli & Eguaras, 1997
- Huitfeldtia Thor, 1898
- Huka Forster & Wilton, 1973
- Hulua Forster & Wilton, 1973
- Humerobates Sellnick, 1928
- Hummelinckiolus Silhavý, 1979
- Humua Ono, 1987
- Hungarobelba Balogh, 1943
- Huntia Gray & Thompson, 2001
- Huntiglennia Zabka & Gray, 2004
- Hurius Simon, 1901
- Huronopus OConnor and Houck, 1989
- Huttonia O. P.-Cambridge, 1879
- Hya J. C. Chamberlin, 1930
- Hyadesia Mégnin, 1891
- Hyaenosa Caporiacco, 1940
- Hyalomma Koch, 1844
- Hyarinus J. C. Chamberlin, 1925
- Hyattolaspina Datta and Bhattacharjee, 1991
- Hybauchenidium Holm, 1973
- Hybocoptus Simon, 1884
- Hybosida Simon, 1898
- Hyctiota Strand, 1911
- Hydrachna O. F. Müller, 1776
- Hydrochoreutes C. L. Koch, 1837
- Hydrodroma C. L. Koch, 1837
- Hydroecocepheus Corpuz-Raros, 1979
- Hydrogamasellus Hirschmann, 1966
- Hydrogamasus Berlese, 1892
- Hydrovolzia Thor, 1905
- Hydrovolziella Viets, 1935
- Hydrozetes Berlese, 1902
- Hydryphantes C. L. Koch, 1841
- Hyetussa Simon, 1902
- Hygrobates C. L. Koch, 1837
- Hygrochelifer Murthy and Ananthakrishnan, 1977
- Hygrocrates Deeleman-Reinhold, 1988
- Hygrolycosa Dahl, 1908
- Hygropoda Thorell, 1894
- Hyllosihemia Haitlinger, 1994
- Hyllus C. L. Koch, 1846
- Hylopecheyla Fain, 1972
- Hylyphantes Simon, 1884
- Hymenanoetus Mahunka, 1963
- Hymenobelba Balogh, 1962
- Hymenozetes Balogh, 1963
- Hypaeus Simon, 1900
- Hyperafroneta Blest, 1979
- Hypnoonops Benoit, 1977
- Hypoblemum Peckham & Peckham, 1886
- Hypocepheus Krivolutsky, 1971
- Hypochilus Marx, 1888
- Hypochthoniella Berlese, 1910
- Hypochthonius Koch, 1835
- Hypocoelotes Nishikawa, 2009
- Hypoctonus Thorell, 1888
- Hypodrassodes Dalmas, 1919
- Hypogeoppia Subías, 1981
- Hypognatha Guérin-Méneville, 1839
- Hypomma Dahl, 1886
- Hyponeocula Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960
- Hypopicheyla Volgin, 1969
- Hypopteryx Summers and Schuster, 1981
- Hypositticus Lohmander, 1944
- Hypotrombidium Vercammen-Grandjean, 1966
- Hypovertex Krivolutsky, 1969
- Hypozetes Balogh, 1959
- Hypsacantha Dahl, 1914
- Hypselistes Simon, 1894
- Hypselocara Millidge, 1991
- Hypsocephalus Millidge, 1978
- Hypsosinga Ausserer, 1871
- Hyptiotes Walckenaer, 1837
- Hyracarus Lawrence, 1949
- Hysterochelifer J. C. Chamberlin, 1932
- Hysterocrates Simon, 1892
- Hystrichonyssus Keegan, Yunker and Baker, 1960
- Hytanis Simon, 1893
- Ianduba Bonaldo, 1997
- Iardinis Simon, 1899
- Ibadana Locket & Russell-Smith, 1980
- Ibala Fitzpatrick, 2009
- Iberattus Prószynski, 2018
- Iberesia Decae & Cardoso, 2006
- Iberina Simon, 1881
- Iberogalumnella Arillo & Subías, 1993
- Iberoneta Deeleman-Reinhold, 1984
- Iberoppia Pérez-Íñigo, 1986
- Ibizella Haitlinger and Sundic, 1916
- Ibotyporanga Mello-Leitão, 1944
- Icaleptes Kury and Pérez, 2002
- Icariella Brignoli, 1979
- Ichoronyssus Kolenati, 1858
- Icius Simon, 1876
- Icona Forster, 1955
- Idastrandia Strand, 1929
- Ideobisium Balzan, 1892
- Ideoblothrus Balzan, 1892
- Ideocaira Simon, 1903
- Ideoroncus Balzan, 1887
- Idiochelifer J. C. Chamberlin, 1932
- Idioctis L. Koch, 1874
- Idiogaryops Hoff, 1963
- Idiommata Ausserer, 1871
- Idionella Banks, 1893
- Idiophthalma O. P.-Cambridge, 1877
- Idiops Perty, 1833
- Idiosoma Ausserer, 1871
- Idiothele Hewitt, 1919
- Idiozetes Aoki, 1976
- Ignacianulus Roewer, 1957
- Iguanacarus Vercammen-Grandjean, 1965
- Iguarima Brescovit, 1997
- Iguatonia Haitlinger, 2004
- Ikarotocepheus Mahunka, 1988
- Ikuma Lawrence, 1938
- Ilargus Simon, 1901
- Ilipula Simon, 1903
- Ilisoa Griswold, 1987
- Illinichernes Hoff, 1949
- Ilocomba Brescovit, 1997
- Imperceptus Prószynski, 1992
- Improphantes Saaristo & Tanasevitch, 1996
- Incachernes Beier, 1933
- Incasoctenus Mello-Leitão, 1942
- Incestophantes Tanasevitch, 1992
- Indiacarus Das and Bastawade, 2007
- Indiani Rodrigues, Cizauskas & Lemos, 2020
- Indicoblemma Bourne, 1980
- Indochernes Murthy and Ananthakrishnan, 1977
- Indoetra Kuntner, 2006
- Indogarypinus Murthy and Ananthakrishnan, 1977
- Indogarypus Beier, 1957
- Indohya Beier, 1974
- Indolpium Hoff, 1945
- Indomarengo Benjamin, 2004
- Indopacifica Pfingstl, Shimano & Lienhard, 2018
- Indophantes Saaristo & Tanasevitch, 2003
- Indoribates Jacot, 1929
- Indosmodicinus Sen, Saha & Raychaudhuri, 2010
- Indostigmaeus Gupta and Ghosh, 1980
- Indothele Coyle, 1995
- Indothyrus Lehtinen, 1995
- Indotritia Jacot, 1929
- Indoxysticus Benjamin & Jaleel, 2010
- Indozodion Ovtchinnikov, 2006
- Inermocoelotes Ovtchinnikov, 1999
- Innesa Roewer, 1934
- Inola Davies, 1982
- Insulanoetus Sevastianov, 1973
- Insulocreagris B. Curcic, 1987
- Intecymbium Miller, 2007
- Interbelba Mahunka & Mahunka-Papp, 2012
- Interchernes Muchmore, 1980
- Intercutestrix Brennan and Yunker, 1966
- Intermedialia Yu, Yang and Wu, 1979
- Intermedioppia Subías & Rodríguez, 1987
- Interrhodeus Karg, 2000
- Inthaeron Platnick, 1991
- Intihuatana Lehtinen, 1967
- Intruda Forster, 1979
- Iomachus Pocock, 1893
- Iona Peckham & Peckham, 1886
- Ipa Saaristo, 2007
- Ipaoides Tanasevitch, 2008
- Iphidonopsis Gwiazdowicz, 2004
- Iphidozercon Berlese, 1903
- Iphoctesis Simon, 1903
- Iporangella Harvey, Andrade and Pinto-da-Rocha, 2016
- Ipotrombicula Womersley, 1952
- Iranattus Prószynski, 1992
- Iraniella Karimi Iravanlou, Kamali and Talebi, 2002
- Iranobuthus Kovarík, 1997
- Iranotricha Zamani & Marusik, 2018
- Iraponia Kranz-Baltensperger, Platnick & Dupérré, 2009
- Iridopelma Pocock, 1901
- Irileka Hirst, 1998
- Irmongia Haitlinger, 1990
- Irura Peckham & Peckham, 1901
- Isaeolus Roewer, 1954
- Isala L. Koch, 1876
- Isaloides F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1900
- Ischalea L. Koch, 1872
- Ischnocolus Ausserer, 1871
- Ischnotelson Esposito, Yamaguti, Souza, Pinto-da-Rocha and Prendini, 2017
- Ischnothele Ausserer, 1875
- Ischnothyrella Saaristo, 2001
- Ischnothyreus Simon, 1893
- Isela Griswold, 1985
- Ishania Chamberlin, 1925
- Isicabu Griswold, 1987
- Isigonia Simon, 1897
- Islandiana Braendegaard, 1932
- Isobactrus Newell, 1947
- Isoctenus Bertkau, 1880
- Isolachus Briggs, 1971
- Isometroides Keyserling, 1885
- Isometrus Ehrenberg, 1828
- Isopeda L. Koch, 1875
- Isopedella Hirst, 1990
- Isoxya Simon, 1885
- Israzorides Levy, 2003
- Issaniella Grandjean, 1962
- Italaman Brescovit, 1997
- Italustium Haitlinger, 2000
- Itapua Baert, 1984
- Itata Peckham & Peckham, 1894
- Itatiaya Mello-Leitão, 1915
- Itatsina Kishida, 1930
- Iugoribates Sellnick, 1944
- Iurus Thorell, 1876
- Iviella Lehtinen, 1967
- Ivielum Eskov, 1988
- Iviraiva Rheims & Brescovit, 2004
- Ivobiantes Lawrence, 1965
- Ivohibea Lawrence, 1959
- Iwogumoa Kishida, 1955
- Ixamatus Simon, 1887
- Ixchela Huber, 2000
- Ixobrychiphilus Skoracki, Zmudzinski and Solarczyk, 2017
- Ixodes Latreille, 1795
- Izunonychus Suzuki, 1975
- Jacaena Thorell, 1897
- Jacksonella Millidge, 1951
- Jacksonoides Wanless, 1988
- Jacotella Banks, 1947
- Jaguajir Esposito, Yamaguti, Souza, Pinto-da-Rocha and Prendini, 2017
- Jajinia González-Sponga, 1987
- Jajpurattus Prószynski, 1992
- Jalapyphantes Gertsch & Davis, 1946
- Jalkaraburra Davies, 1998
- Jaluiticola Roewer, 1944
- Jamaitidion Wunderlich, 1995
- Jamara Davies, 1995
- Jamberoo Gray & Smith, 2008
- Janalychas Kovarík, 2019
- Janes Jesionowska, 2002
- Janetschekia Schenkel, 1939
- Janula Strand, 1932
- Janusia Gray, 1973
- Japonothyas Imamura & Mitchell, 1967
- Javacarus Balogh, 1961
- Javanimetrus Couzijn, 1981
- Javazomus Reddell and Cokendolpher, 1995
- Javieroppia Mínguez & Subías, 1986
- Jerzego Maddison, 2014
- Jessica Brescovit, 1997
- Jim H. Soares, 1979
- Jimeneziella Avram, 1970
- Joboppia Ruiz, Mínguez & Subías, 1988
- Jocquella Baert, 1980
- Joelia Oudemans, 1906
- Johorea Locket, 1982
- Johorella Roewer, 1949
- Jollas Simon, 1901
- Jornadia Wallwork & Weems, 1984
- Josa Keyserling, 1891
- Joshuella Wallwork, 1972
- Jotus L. Koch, 1881
- Jowitella Haitlinger, 1990
- Juanfernandezia Kocak & Kemal, 2008
- Judalana Rix, 1999
- Jugatala Ewing, 1913
- Julattenius Harvey, 1992
- Jullongia Haitlinger, 1990
- Junquito González-Sponga, 1999
- Junxattus Prószynski & Deeleman-Reinhold, 2012
- Juxtachelifer Hoff, 1956
- Kaaia Brennan, 1958
- Kababina Davies, 1995
- Kaemis Deeleman-Reinhold, 1993
- Kaestneria Wiehle, 1956
- Kagurargus Ono, 2007
- Kahoorangia Haitlinger, 1991
- Kainonychus Suzuki, 1975
- Kaira O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1889
- Kairona Huber & Carvalho, 2019
- Kaitawa Forster, 1979
- Kaiya Gray, 1987
- Kakamasia Lawrence, 1944
- Kakamega Dawidowicz & Wesolowska, 2016
- Kalamotrypetes Casto, 1980
- Kalayaan Corpuz-Raros, 1998
- Kalcerrytus Galiano, 2000
- Kalominua Sørensen, 1932
- Kalyptrazetes Balogh, 1972
- Kambiwa Huber, 2000
- Kamertonia Gabrys, 2000
- Kamerucoptes Haitlinger, 2002
- Kangarosa Framenau, 2010
- Kankuamo Perafán, Galvis & Pérez-Miles, 2016
- Kanoetus Samsinák, 1966
- Kaolinonychus Suzuki, 1975
- Kapanga Forster, 1970
- Kapitia Forster, 1956
- Kapogea Levi, 1997
- Karamea Forster, 1954
- Karasbergia Hewitt, 1913
- Karenella Hammer, 1962
- Karita Tanasevitch, 2007
- Karriella Gray & Smith, 2008
- Karschia Walter, 1889
- Kashimachelifer Morikawa, 1957
- Kaszabanoetus Mahunka, 1976
- Kaszabobates Balogh, 1972
- Kaszabozetes Mahunka, 1988
- Katableps Jocqué, Russell-Smith & Alderweireldt, 2011
- Katissa Brescovit, 1997
- Katumbea Cooke, 1964
- Katya Prószynski & Deeleman-Reinhold, 2010
- Kayella Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960
- Keera Davies, 1998
- Keijiella Yoshida, 2016
- Keilira Hirst, 1989
- Kekenboschiella Baert, 1982
- Kelabita Huber, 2016
- Kennethiella Cooreman, 1954
- Kenocymbium Millidge & Russell-Smith, 1992
- Kenyacheylus Fain and Bochkov, 2001
- Kenyazomus Armas, 2014
- Kepkatrombicula Kudryashova and Stekolnikov, 2010
- Ker Muma, 1964
- Ketambea Millidge & Russell-Smith, 1992
- Kethleyana Kivganov in Kivganov and Sharafat, 1995
- Khamisia Saaristo & van Harten, 2006
- Khorata Huber, 2005
- Kiama Main & Mascord, 1969
- Kibramoa Chamberlin, 1924
- Kidugua Lehtinen, 1967
- Kijabe Berland, 1914
- Kikimora Eskov, 1988
- Kilifina Baert & Murphy, 1992
- Kilima Grasshoff, 1970
- Kilyana Raven & Stumkat, 2005
- Kima Peckham & Peckham, 1902
- Kimula C.J. Goodnight and M.L. Goodnight, 1942
- Kintaqa Huber, 2018
- Kishidaia Yaginuma, 1960
- Kleemannia Oudemans, 1930
- Kleptochthonius J. C. Chamberlin, 1949
- Knischatiria Wunderlich, 1976
- Knoelle Framenau, 2006
- Kochiana Fukushima, Nagahama & Bertani, 2008
- Kochiura Archer, 1950
- Kochius Soleglad and Fet, 2008
- Kodiakella Hammer, 1967
- Koeneniodes Silvestri, 1913
- Koenikea Wolcott, 1900
- Koinothrix Jocqué, 1981
- Kokoda Roewer, 1949
- Kolotl Santibañez-López, Francke and Prendini, 2014
- Kolymocyba Eskov, 1989
- Konetontli González-Santillán and Prendini, 2013
- Kongsbergia Thor, 1899
- Koppe Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001
- Kouchibouguacia Zacharda, 1986
- Kovarikia Soleglad, Fet and Graham, 2014
- Kraepelinia Vachon, 1974
- Krantziaulonastus Skoracki, 2011
- Krantzolaspina Datta and Bhattacharjee, 1989
- Krantzoseius Seeman, 2012
- Kratochvilia Strand, 1934
- Kratochviliella Miller, 1938
- Kraussiana Southcott, 1961
- Krendowskia Piersig, 1895
- Krivolutskiella Gordeeva, 1980
- Krobuloides Ueckermann in Beard et al., 2022
- Krugeria Meyer, 1979
- Krukt Raven & Stumkat, 2005
- Kuarapu Francke and Ponce Saavedra, 2010
- Kubwa Griswold, 2001
- Kuklosuctobelba Chinone, 2003
- Kukulcania Lehtinen, 1967
- Kulalania Griswold, 1990
- Kulievia Vasiliu & Ivan, 1999
- Kunstogalumna Starý, 2005
- Kupiuka Ruiz, 2010
- Kurosaia Okabe and OConnor, 2002
- Kwonkan Main, 1983
- Kymocta Yunker and Brennan, 1962
- Labicymbium Millidge, 1991
- Labidostomma Kramer, 1879
- Labochirus Pocock, 1894
- Labrumoides Staples, 2020
- Labulla Simon, 1884
- Labullinyphia van Helsdingen, 1985
- Labullula Strand, 1913
- Lacertacarus Schluger and Vasilieva, 1977
- Lachesana Strand, 1932
- Lacteoscythis Pogrebnyak, 1995
- Lacurbs Sørensen, 1896
- Ladissa Simon, 1907
- Laelaptiella Womersley, 1956
- Laeliocheyletia Summers and Price, 1970
- Laestrygones Urquhart, 1894
- Laetesia Simon, 1908
- Lagidonyssus Radovsky, 2010
- Lagnus L. Koch, 1879
- Lagunella Maya-Morales & Jiménez, 2017
- Lagynochthonius Beier, 1951
- Lakarobius Berry, Beatty & Prószynski, 1998
- Lalmoppia Subías & Rodríguez, 1986
- Lamaika Griswold, 1990
- Lamania Lehtinen, 1981
- Lamellarea Kok, 1968
- Lamellobates Hammer, 1958
- Lamellocepheus Balogh, 1961
- Lamellovertex Bernini, 1976
- Lamellozetes Covarrubias, 1967
- Lamina Forster, 1970
- Laminacauda Millidge, 1985
- Laminafroneta Merrett, 2004
- Laminamichaelia Uusitalo, 2010
- Lamingtonacarus Fashing, OConnor and Kitching, 2000
- Laminoppia Hammer, 1968
- Lamottella Rollard & Wesolowska, 2002
- Lampertia Strand, 1907
- Lampona Thorell, 1869
- Lamponata Platnick, 2000
- Lamponega Platnick, 2000
- Lamponella Platnick, 2000
- Lamponicta Platnick, 2000
- Lamponina Strand, 1913
- Lamponoides Platnick, 2000
- Lamponova Platnick, 2000
- Lamponusa Platnick, 2000
- Lamprochernes Tömösváry, 1882
- Lampropelma Simon, 1892
- Lanceacheyla Xia, Klompen and Childers, 2011
- Lanceoppia Hammer, 1962
- Landoppo Barrion & Litsinger, 1995
- Langelurillus Próchniewicz, 1994
- Langerra Zabka, 1985
- Langona Simon, 1901
- Langxie Tang, Jia and Liu, 2023
- Lanzatus Kovarík, 2001
- Laoponia Platnick & Jaeger, 2008
- Laotrombicula Stekolnikov, 2014
- Laperousea Dalmas, 1917
- Lapsamita Ruiz, 2013
- Lapsias Simon, 1900
- Larca J. C. Chamberlin, 1930
- Larifuga Loman, 1898
- Larifugella Lawrence, 1933
- Larinia Simon, 1874
- Lariniaria Grasshoff, 1970
- Larinioides Caporiacco, 1934
- Lariniophora Framenau, 2011
- Larinyssus Strandtmann, 1948
- Laronius Platnick & Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001
- Laroppia Subías, 1989
- Larvacarus Baker and Pritchard, 1952
- Lasaeola Simon, 1881
- Lasiargus Kulczynski, 1894
- Lasiochernes Beier, 1932
- Lasiodora C. L. Koch, 1850
- Lasiodorides Schmidt & Bischoff, 1997
- Lasioerythraeus Welbourn and Young, 1987
- Lasioseius Berlese, 1916
- Lasophorus Chatzaki, 2018
- Lathrothele Benoit, 1965
- Lathyarcha Simon, 1908
- Lathys Simon, 1884
- Latifrons Kulczynski, 1911
- Latoempodia Zacharda, 1980
- Latonigena Simon, 1893
- Latouchia Pocock, 1901
- Latrodectus Walckenaer, 1805
- Lattinella Krantz, 1960
- Laudetia Gertsch, 1941
- Laufeia Simon, 1889
- Lauharulla Keyserling, 1883
- Lauricius Simon, 1888
- Lauritzenia Hammer, 1958
- Lauroppia Subías & Mínguez, 1986
- Laversia Cook, 1955
- Lawrencega Roewer, 1933
- Lawrencella Strand, 1932
- Lawrencezomus Armas, 2014
- Lawrencipicobia Skoracki and Hromada, 2013
- Lebertia Neuman, 1880
- Lechia Zabka, 1985
- Lechytia Balzan, 1892
- Leclercera Deeleman-Reinhold, 1995
- Ledermuelleriopsis Willmann, 1953
- Ledouxia Lehtinen, 2005
- Leeuwenhoekia Oudemans, 1911
- Legendrena Platnick, 1984
- Lehtinenia Tong & Li, 2008
- Leikung Benjamin, 2004
- Leiobunum C.L. Koch, 1839
- Leionuncia Hickman, 1958
- Leioseius Berlese, 1916
- Leiothyrus Van der Hammen, 1983
- Leiurus Ehrenberg, 1828
- Lemurobates Mahunka, 1997
- Lemuroppia Mahunka, 1994
- Leobodes Aoki, 1965
- Leoppia Pérez-Íñigo, 1983
- Lepajan Brescovit, 1993
- Lepidacarus Csiszár, 1961
- Lepidemathis Simon, 1903
- Lepidocheyla Volgin, 1963
- Lepidodorsum Saunders and Yunker, 1975
- Lepidozetes Berlese, 1910
- Leprolochus Simon, 1893
- Lepronyssoides Fonseca, 1941
- Leptasteron Baehr & Jocqué, 2001
- Leptathamas Balogh, 1980
- Lepthercus Purcell, 1902
- Lepthyphantes Menge, 1866
- Leptobunus Banks, 1893
- Leptocheiridium Mahnert and Schmidl, 2011
- Leptocoelotes Wang, 2002
- Leptoctenus L. Koch, 1878
- Leptodrassex Murphy, 2007
- Leptodrassus Simon, 1878
- Leptofreya Edwards, 2015
- Leptogalumna Balogh, 1960
- Leptokoenenia Condé, 1965
- Leptolpium Tooren, 2002
- Leptoneta Simon, 1872
- Leptonetela Kratochvíl, 1978
- Leptopholcus Simon, 1893
- Leptopilos Levy, 2009
- Leptoppia Mahunka, 1997
- Leptorchestes Thorell, 1870
- Leptorhoptrum Kulczynski, 1894
- Leptothele Raven & Schwendinger, 1995
- Leptothrix Menge, 1869
- Leptotocepheus Balogh, 1961
- Leptotrombidium Nagayo, Miyagawa, Mitamura and Imamura, 1916
- Leptus Latreille, 1796
- Lessertia Smith, 1908
- Lessertina Lawrence, 1942
- Lessertinella Denis, 1947
- Letoia Simon, 1900
- Letoiurus Parmakelis et al., 2022
- Leucauge White, 1841
- Leucohya J. C. Chamberlin, 1946
- Leucorchestris Lawrence, 1962
- Leuronychus Banks, 1894
- Leuserattus Prószynski & Deeleman-Reinhold, 2012
- Levichelifer Hoff, 1946
- Leviea Maddison & Szuts, 2019
- Leviellus Wunderlich, 2004
- Leviola Miller, 1970
- Lewisepeira Levi, 1993
- Liacaroppia Subías & Rodríguez, 1986
- Liacarus Michael, 1898
- Licneremaeus Paoli, 1908
- Licnobelba Grandjean, 1931
- Licnodamaeolus Covarrubias, 1998
- Licnodamaeus Grandjean, 1931
- Licnoliodes Grandjean, 1931
- Lidia Saaristo & Marusik, 2004
- Lidiophela Haitlinger, 1990
- Liebstadia Oudemans, 1906
- Ligdus Thorell, 1895
- Ligonipes Karsch, 1878
- Ligurra Simon, 1903
- Lihuelistata Ramírez & Grismado, 1997
- Limnesia C. L. Koch, 1836
- Limnochares Latreille, 1796
- Limnozetella Willmann, 1932
- Limnozetes Hull, 1916
- Limoneta Bosmans & Jocqué, 1983
- Limulus Müller, 1785
- Lindothyrus Lehtinen, 1995
- Lindquistula Zacharda, 1986
- Lineacoelotes Xu, Li & Wang, 2008
- Lineoppia Balogh & P. Balogh, 1983
- Linnaeolpium Harvey and Leng, 2008
- Linobia Berlese, 1884
- Linopenthaleus Willmann, 1951
- Linopenthaloides Strandtmann, 1981
- Linopodes C. L. Koch, 1836
- Linothele Karsch, 1879
- Linyphantes Chamberlin & Ivie, 1942
- Linyphia Latreille, 1804
- Liobuthus Birula, 1898
- Liocheles Sundevall, 1833
- Liochthonius Hammen, 1959
- Liocranoeca Wunderlich, 1999
- Liocranoides Keyserling, 1881
- Liocranum L. Koch, 1866
- Liomma Roewer, 1959
- Lionneta Benoit, 1979
- Liophrurillus Wunderlich, 1992
- Liopilio Schenkel, 1951
- Liparochrysis Simon, 1909
- Liphistius Schiödte, 1849
- Lipocrea Thorell, 1878
- Liponyssoides Hirst, 1913
- Lipophaga Purcell, 1903
- Lisaepalpus Smiley and Gerson 1995
- Lisna Saaristo, 2001
- Lispomontia Lawrence, 1937
- Lisposoma Lawrence, 1928
- Lissochelifer J. C. Chamberlin, 1932
- Lissocreagris B. Curcic, 1981
- Lissothus Vachon, 1948
- Listropsoralges Fain, 1965
- Listropsoralgoides Fain and Lukoschus, 1970
- Litholestes Grandjean, 1951
- Litochelifer Beier, 1948
- Litodamus Harvey, 1995
- Litogamasus Lee, 1970
- Litoporus Simon, 1893
- Litopyllus Chamberlin, 1922
- Litoribates Pfingstl & Schatz, 2017
- Livius Roth, 1967
- Lizamontia Kury, 2004
- Lizarba Roth, 1967
- Ljania Thor, 1898
- Lobizon Piacentini & Grismado, 2009
- Loboppia Balogh, 1983
- Lobozetes Hammer, 1958
- Locketidium Jocqué, 1981
- Locketiella Millidge & Russell-Smith, 1992
- Locketina Kocak & Kemal, 2006
- Loculla Simon, 1910
- Locustellonyssus Bregetova, 1965
- Loftacarus Lee, 1981
- Lohmannella Trouessart, 1901
- Lohmannia Michael, 1898
- Lomaita Bryant, 1948
- Lomanella Pocock, 1903
- Lomeustium Haitlinger, 2007
- Longarenus Simon, 1903
- Longepi Platnick, 2000
- Longicoelotes Wang, 2002
- Longilyra Gabriel, 2014
- Longistylus Indicatti & Lucas, 2005
- Longrita Platnick, 2002
- Loomisia Brennan and Reed, 1972
- Lopheremaeus Paschoal, 1988
- Lophochernes E. Simon, 1878
- Lophodactylus J. C. Chamberlin, 1932
- Lopholiodes Paschoal, 1987
- Lophomma Menge, 1868
- Lophonotacarus Fain, 1987
- Lophostica Simon, 1902
- Lophotocepheus Balogh & P. Balogh, 1983
- Lordalycus Grandjean, 1938
- Lordhowea Griswold, 2001
- Lorillatum Nadchatram, 1963
- Losdolobus Platnick & Brescovit, 1994
- Lotusiphantes Chen & Yin, 2001
- Loxanoetus Fain, 1970
- Loxobates Thorell, 1877
- Loxomphalia Simon, 1889
- Loxoporetes Kulczynski, 1911
- Loxoptygus Simon, 1903
- Loxosceles Heineken & Lowe, 1832
- Lubinella Opell, 1984
- Lucetia Dumitrescu & Georgescu, 1983
- Lucoppia Berlese, 1908
- Lucrinus O. P.-Cambridge, 1904
- Luisarmasius Reddell and Cokendolpher, 1995
- Luissubiasia Ermilov, 2016
- Luisumaoppia Ermilov, 2022
- Lundacera Machado, 1951
- Lunoribatula Mahunka, 1982
- Lupettiana Brescovit, 1997
- Lurio Simon, 1901
- Lusoblothrus Zaragoza and Reboleira in Reboleira et al., 2012
- Lustrochernes Beier, 1932
- Lutica Marx, 1891
- Luxtoneremaeus Balogh & P. Balogh, 1992
- Luxtonia Mahunka, 2001
- Lychas C. L. Koch, 1845
- Lychasioides Vachon, 1974
- Lycinus Thorell, 1894
- Lycopus Thorell, 1895
- Lycosa Latreille, 1804
- Lycosella Thorell, 1890
- Lycosoides Lucas, 1846
- Lygarina Simon, 1894
- Lygromma Simon, 1893
- Lygrommatoides Strand, 1918
- Lyrifissiella Paschoal, 1989
- Lyrognathus Pocock, 1895
- Lyroppia Balogh, 1961
- Lysania Thorell, 1890
- Lysiteles Simon, 1895
- Lyssomanes Hentz, 1845
- Lystrocteisa Simon, 1884
- Maaykuyak González-Santillán and Prendini, 2013
- Mabellina Chickering, 1946
- Mabulatrichus Coetzee, 1993
- Macaridion Wunderlich, 1992
- Macaroeris Wunderlich, 1992
- Macarophaeus Wunderlich, 2011
- Macerio Simon, 1897
- Macfarlaniella Baker and Pritchard, 1962
- Machadobelba Balogh, 1958
- Machadocara Miller, 1970
- Machadocepheus Balogh, 1958
- Machuella Hammer, 1961
- Mackiena Traub and Evans, 1950
- Macopaeus Simon, 1900
- Macquarioppia Wallwork, 1964
- Macracantha Simon, 1864
- Macrargus Dahl, 1886
- Macrinus Simon, 1887
- Macrobunus Tullgren, 1901
- Macrochelifer Vachon, 1940
- Macrochernes Hoff, 1946
- Macrogena Wallwork, 1966
- Macrogradungula Gray, 1987