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Синдром — разлика између измена

С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије
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Ред 1: Ред 1:
{{Short description|Повезивање неколико клинички препознатљивих карактеристика}}
'''Синдром''', [[етимологија|етимолошки]] од [[Грчка|Грчке]] речи ({{јез-гр|'''συνδρομή''' - успети заједно}}), ({{јез-лат|'''syndroma'''}}), је у клиничкој [[медицина|медицини]], психијатрији и клиничкој [[психологија|психологији]], скуп међусобно повезаних [[симптом]]а који чине једну кохерентну нозолошку целину (нпр. [[анксиозно-депресивни синдром]], [[параноидни синдром]], [[Корсаковљев синдром]]). У [[психологија личности|психологији личности]] и [[социјална психологија|социјалној психологији]], синдром означава склоп емпиријски и смисаоно повезаних [[црта личности]] које се јављају заједно у некој [[личност]]и и образују одређену релативно чврсту структуру.
'''Синдром''', [[етимологија|етимолошки]] од [[Грчка|Грчке]] речи ({{јез-гр|'''συνδρομή''' - успети заједно}}), ({{јез-лат|'''syndroma'''}}), је у клиничкој [[медицина|медицини]], психијатрији и клиничкој [[психологија|психологији]], скуп међусобно повезаних [[Симптоми болести|симптом]]а који чине једну кохерентну нозолошку целину (нпр. [[анксиозно-депресивни синдром]], [[параноидни синдром]], [[Корсаковљев синдром]]).<ref>{{Cite book|title=The British Medical Association Illustrated Medical Dictionary|date=2002|publisher=Dorling Kindersley|isbn=9780751333831|location=London|pages=177, 536|oclc=51643555}}</ref> У [[психологија личности|психологији личности]] и [[социјална психологија|социјалној психологији]], синдром означава склоп емпиријски и смисаоно повезаних [[црта личности]] које се јављају заједно у некој [[личност]]и и образују одређену релативно чврсту структуру. Синдром у медицини обично чини најмање три [[симптоми болести|симтома]], међусобно повезаних који се увек јављају заједно (тзв. клинички тријас симптома), али их може бити и више.<ref>Ристић С. М. Клиничка пропедевтика, Завод за уџбенике и наставна средства Београд, 1990.</ref>

The word derives from the [[Greek language|Greek]] σύνδρομον, meaning "concurrence".<ref name=Dorland>{{Cite book|title=Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary|date=2012|publisher= Saunders/Elsevier|isbn=9781416062578|edition= 32nd |location=Philadelphia, PA|oclc=706780870}}</ref>{{rp|1818}} When a syndrome is paired with a definite cause this becomes a disease.<ref name=Calvo>{{cite journal |last1=Calvo |first1=F |last2=Karras |first2=BT |last3=Phillips |first3=R |last4=Kimball |first4=AM |last5=Wolf |first5=F |title=Diagnoses, Syndromes, and Diseases: A Knowledge Representation Problem |journal=AMIA Annu Symp Proc |date=2003 |pages=802 |pmid=14728307 |pmc=1480257}}</ref> In some instances, a syndrome is so closely linked with a [[pathogenesis]] or cause that [[disease#Terminology|the words ''syndrome'', ''disease'', and ''disorder'']] end up being used interchangeably for them. This substitution of terminology often confuses the reality and meaning of medical diagnoses.<ref name=Calvo/> This is especially true of [[heredity|inherited]] syndromes. About one third of all [[phenotype]]s that are listed in [[Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man|OMIM]] are described as dysmorphic, which usually refers to the facial gestalt. For example, [[Down syndrome]], [[Wolf–Hirschhorn syndrome]], and [[Andersen–Tawil syndrome]] are disorders with known pathogeneses, so each is more than just a set of signs and symptoms, despite the ''syndrome'' nomenclature. In other instances, a syndrome is not specific to only one disease. For example, [[toxic shock syndrome]] can be caused by various toxins; premotor syndrome can be caused by various brain lesions; and [[premenstrual syndrome]] is not a disease but simply a set of symptoms.

== Подсиндроматски ==
When there are a number of symptoms suggesting a particular disease or condition but does not meet the defined criteria used to make a diagnosis of that disease or condition. This can be a bit subjective because it is ultimately up to the clinician to make the diagnosis. This could be because it has not advanced to the level or passed a threshold or just similar symptoms cause by other issues. Subclinical is synonymous since one of its definitions is "where some criteria are met but not enough to achieve clinical status";<ref>{{Cite web|title=subclinical - Wiktionary|url=https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/subclinical#English|access-date=2021-01-29|website=en.wiktionary.org}}</ref> but [[subclinical]] is not always interchangeable since it can also mean "not detectable or producing effects that are not detectable by the usual clinical tests";<ref>{{Cite web|title=Definition of Subclinical|url=https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/subclinical|access-date=2021-01-29|website=www.merriam-webster.com|language=en}}</ref> i.e., asymptomatic.

== Употреба ==

===General medicine===
In medicine, a broad definition of syndrome is used, which describes a collection of symptoms and findings without necessarily tying them to a single identifiable pathogenesis. Examples of infectious syndromes include [[encephalitis]] and [[hepatitis]], which can both have several different infectious causes.<ref>{{cite book |last1=Slack |first1=R. C. B. |editor1-last=Greenwood |editor1-first=D. |editor2-last=Barer |editor2-first=M. |editor3-last=Slack |editor3-first=R. |editor4-last=Irving |editor4-first=W. |title=Medical Microbiology |date=2012 |publisher=Churchill Livingstone |isbn=978-0-7020-4089-4 |pages=678–688 |edition=18th |chapter-url=https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780702040894000792 |language=en |chapter=Infective syndromes}}</ref> The more specific definition employed in [[medical genetics]] describes a subset of all medical syndromes.

===Psychiatry and psychopathology===
Psychiatric syndromes often called ''psychopathological syndromes'' ([[psychopathology]] refers both to psychic dysfunctions occurring in [[mental disorders]], and the study of the origin, diagnosis, development, and treatment of mental disorders).

In [[Russia]] those psychopathological syndromes are used in modern clinical practice and described in psychiatric literature in the details: [[Weakness|asthenic syndrome]], [[Obsessive–compulsive disorder|obsessive syndrome]], [[Mood disorder|emotional syndromes]] (for example, [[Mania|manic syndrome]], depressive syndrome), [[Cotard delusion|Cotard's syndrome]], [[Catatonia|catatonic syndrome]], hebephrenic syndrome, [[delusion]]al and [[Hallucination|hallucinatory]] syndromes (for example, paranoid syndrome, paranoid-hallucinatory syndrome, [[Victor Kandinsky|Kandinsky]]-[[Gaëtan Gatian de Clérambault|Clérambault's]] syndrome also known as syndrome of psychic automatism, hallucinosis), [[Paraphrenia|paraphrenic syndrome]], [[Personality disorders|psychopathic syndromes]] (includes all personality disorders), [[clouding of consciousness]] syndromes (for example, twilight clouding of consciousness, amential syndrome also known as amentia, [[Delirium|delirious syndrome]], stunned consciousness syndrome, [[oneiroid syndrome]]), hysteric syndrome, [[Neurosis|neurotic syndrome]], [[Korsakoff's syndrome]], [[Hypochondriasis|hypochondriacal syndrome]], paranoiac syndrome, senestopathic syndrome, [[Encephalopathy|encephalopathic syndrome]].<ref name="NationalManual">{{cite book |last1=Дмитриева |first1=Т. Б. |last2=Краснов |first2=В. Н. |last3=Незнанов |first3=Н. Г. |last4=Семке |first4= В. Я. |last5=Тиганов |first5=А. С. |date=2011 |title=Психиатрия: Национальное руководство |trans-title=Psychiatry: The National Manual |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gZI45wX9GCcC |language=ru |location=[[Moscow]] |publisher=ГЭОТАР-Медиа |isbn=978-5-9704-2030-0 |pages=306–330}}</ref><ref name="Smetannikov">{{cite book |last=Сметанников |first=П. Г. |date=1995 |title=Психиатрия: Краткое руководство для врачей |trans-title=Psychiatry: A Brief Guide for Physicians |language=ru |location=[[Saint Petersburg]] |publisher=СПбМАПО |isbn=5-85077-025-9 |pages=86–119}}</ref>

Some examples of psychopathological syndromes used in modern Germany are [[psychoorganic syndrome]], depressive syndrome, paranoid-hallucinatory syndrome, [[Obsessive–compulsive disorder|obsessive-compulsive syndrome]], autonomic syndrome, hostility syndrome, [[Mania|manic syndrome]], [[Apathy|apathy syndrome]].<ref>{{cite book |author=P. Pichot |title=Clinical Psychopathology Nomenclature and Classification |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=MvkHCAAAQBAJ&pg=PA157 |date=2013 |publisher=Springer |isbn=978-1-4899-5049-9 |pages=157}}</ref>

[[Factitious disorder imposed on self|Münchausen syndrome]], [[Ganser syndrome]], [[neuroleptic-induced deficit syndrome]], [[olfactory reference syndrome]] are also well-known.

The most important psychopathological syndromes were classified into three groups ranked in order of severity by German psychiatrist [[Emil Kraepelin]] (1856—1926). The first group, which includes the mild disorders, consists of five syndromes: emotional, paranoid, [[Hysteria|hysterical]], [[Delirium|delirious]], and impulsive.<ref name="KraepelinForms">{{cite journal |last=Cole |first=S. J. |title=The Forms in which Insanity Expresses Itself [Die Erscheinungsformen des Irreseins]. (Arb. für Psychiat., München, Bd. ii, 1921.) Kraepelin, Emil |journal=The British Journal of Psychiatry |publisher=Royal College of Psychiatrists |volume=68 |issue=282 |date=1922 |issn=0007-1250 |doi=10.1192/bjp.68.282.295 |pages=296|url=https://zenodo.org/record/1448724 }}</ref> The second, intermediate, group includes two syndromes: [[Schizophrenia|schizophrenic]] syndrome and [[Auditory hallucination|speech-hallucinatory syndrome]].<ref name="KraepelinForms"/> The third includes the most severe disorders, and consists of three syndromes: [[Epilepsy|epileptic]], [[Intellectual disability|oligophrenic]] and [[dementia]].<ref name="KraepelinForms"/> In Kraepelin's era, epilepsy was viewed as a mental illness; [[Karl Jaspers]] also considered "genuine epilepsy" a "[[psychosis]]", and described "the three major psychoses" as schizophrenia, epilepsy, and [[Bipolar disorder|manic-depressive illness]].<ref name="Jaspers-DSM">{{cite journal |author=Ghaemi S. N. |title=Nosologomania: DSM & Karl Jaspers' critique of Kraepelin. |journal=Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine |year=2009 |volume=4 |pages=10 |pmid=19627606 |doi=10.1186/1747-5341-4-10 |pmc=2724409}}</ref>

===Medical genetics===
In the field of medical genetics, the term "syndrome" is traditionally only used when the underlying genetic cause is known. Thus, [[trisomy 21]] is commonly known as Down syndrome.

Until 2005, [[CHARGE syndrome]] was most frequently referred to as "CHARGE association". When the major causative gene (''[[CHD7]]'') for the condition was discovered, the name was changed.<ref name="chd7omim">{{cite web|title=#214800 - CHARGE Syndrome | url = http://www.omim.org/entry/214800 | publisher = Johns Hopkins University | access-date = 2014-02-15}}</ref> The consensus underlying cause of [[VACTERL association]] has not been determined, and thus it is not commonly referred to as a "syndrome".<ref name="vacterlomim">{{cite web|title=#192350 - VATER Association | url = http://www.omim.org/entry/192350 | publisher = Johns Hopkins University | access-date = 2014-02-15}}</ref>

===Other fields===
<!--"Filial piety" links here. If this section is removed or renamed, please adjust wikilink accordingly.-->
In biology, "syndrome" is used in a more general sense to describe characteristic sets of features in various contexts. Examples include [[behavioral syndrome]]s, as well as [[pollination syndrome]]s and [[seed dispersal syndrome]]s.

In orbital mechanics and astronomy, [[Kessler syndrome]] refers to the effect where the density of objects in [[low Earth orbit]] (LEO) is high enough that collisions between objects could cause a cascade in which each collision generates [[space debris]] that increases the likelihood of further collisions.

In [[quantum error correction]] theory syndromes correspond to errors in code words which are determined with syndrome measurements, which only collapse the state on an error state, so that the error can be corrected without affecting the quantum information stored in the code words.

== Именовање ==
There is no set common convention for the naming of newly identified syndromes. In the past, syndromes were often named after the physician or scientist who identified and described the condition in an initial publication, these are referred to as "eponymous syndromes". In some cases, diseases are named after the patient who initially presents with symptoms,<ref name=mim>{{cite book|title=Mendelian Inheritance in Man | author=McCusick, Victor | edition = 7th | location = Baltimore | pages = xxiii–xxv | publisher = Johns Hopkins University Press | year = 1986}}</ref> or their home town ([[Stockholm syndrome]]). There have been isolated cases of patients being eager to have their syndromes named after them, while their physicians are hesitant.<ref name=adam>{{Cite journal | pmid = 14994249| year = 2004| last1 = Teebi| first1 = A. S.| title = Naming of a syndrome: The story of "Adam Wright" syndrome| journal = American Journal of Medical Genetics| volume = 125A| issue = 3| pages = 329–30| doi = 10.1002/ajmg.a.20460| s2cid = 8439955}}</ref> When a syndrome is named after a person, there is some difference of opinion as to whether it should take the [[English possessive|possessive]] form or not (e.g. [[Down syndrome]] vs. Down's syndrome). North American usage has tended to favor the non-possessive form, while European references often use the possessive.<ref name=possessive>{{Cite journal | pmid = 19272131| year = 2009| last1 = Jana| first1 = N| title = Current use of medical eponyms--a need for global uniformity in scientific publications| journal = BMC Medical Research Methodology| volume = 9| pages = 18| last2 = Barik| first2 = S| last3 = Arora| first3 = N| doi = 10.1186/1471-2288-9-18| pmc = 2667526}}</ref> Even in Europe, there has been a trend away from the possessive form, over the period between 1970 and 2008.<ref name=possessive />

== Историја ==
[[Avicenna]], in ''[[The Canon of Medicine]]'' (published 1025), pioneered the idea of a syndrome in the diagnosis of specific diseases.<ref>Lenn Evan Goodman (2003), ''Islamic Humanism'', p. 155, [[Oxford University Press]], {{ISBN|0-19-513580-6}}.</ref> The concept of a medical syndrome was further developed in the 17th century by [[Thomas Sydenham]].<ref name="isbn0-300-07401-8">{{Cite book |author=Natelson, Benjamin H. |title=Facing and fighting fatigue: a practical approach |publisher=Yale University Press |location=New Haven, Conn |year=1998 |pages=[https://archive.org/details/facingfightingfa00nate/page/30 30] |isbn=0-300-07401-8 |url=https://archive.org/details/facingfightingfa00nate/page/30 }}</ref>

Синдром у медицини обично чини најмање три [[симптоми болести|симтома]], међусобно повезаних који се увек јављају заједно (тзв. клинички тријас симптома), али их може бити и више.<ref>Ристић С. М. Клиничка пропедевтика, Завод за уџбенике и наставна средства Београд, 1990.</ref>
== Примери означавања синдрома ==
== Примери означавања синдрома ==

Честа је појава, у медицинској пракси, да се поједини синдроми означавају према ауторима који су их открили (описали), али и према факторима који су их изазвали, најчешћој локализацији итд. Ево најчешћих примера додељивања назива синдрому;
Честа је појава, у медицинској пракси, да се поједини синдроми означавају према ауторима који су их открили (описали), али и према факторима који су их изазвали, најчешћој локализацији итд. Ево најчешћих примера додељивања назива синдрому;
* према презимену или имену аутора: [[Даунов синдром]], [[Корсаковљев синдром]], [[Паркинсонова болест|Паркинсонов синдром]], [[Скуминљев синдром]]
* према презимену или имену аутора: [[Даунов синдром]], [[Корсаковљев синдром]], [[Паркинсонова болест|Паркинсонов синдром]], [[Скуминљев синдром]]
Ред 20: Ред 63:

== Референце ==
== Референце ==

== Литература ==
== Литература ==
* {{РСР}}
* {{РСР}}
* {{cite journal
|vauthors=Mofenson HC, Greensher J | year = 1970
| title = The nontoxic ingestion
| journal = [[Pediatric Clinics of North America]]
| volume = 17
| pages = 583–90
| pmid = 5491430
| issue = 3
| doi = 10.1016/s0031-3955(16)32453-1
* {{cite book
| title = Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies
| author = Goldfrank, Flomenbaum |author2= Lewin, Weisman |author3= Howland, Hoffman
| publisher = Appleton & Lange
| edition = 6th
| year = 1998
| location = Stamford, Connecticut
| isbn = 0-8385-3148-2}}
* {{cite book
| title = First Aid for the Emergency Medicine Clerkship
| url = https://archive.org/details/firstaidemergenc00stea
| url-access = limited
|author1=Stead, LG |author2=Stead, SM |author3=Kaufman, MS | publisher = McGraw-Hill
| edition = 2nd
| isbn = 0-07-144873-X
| year = 2006
| pages = [https://archive.org/details/firstaidemergenc00stea/page/n403 395]–6}}
* {{cite book |author1=Nelson, Lewis H. |author2=Flomenbaum, Neal |author3=Goldfrank, Lewis R. |author4=Hoffman, Robert Louis |author5=Howland, Mary Deems |author6=Neal A. Lewin |title=Goldfrank's toxicologic emergencies |publisher=McGraw-Hill, Medical Pub. Division |location=New York |year=2006 |isbn=0-07-143763-0 }}

== Спољашње везе ==
== Спољашње везе ==
Ред 29: Ред 102:
* [http://www.whonamedit.com „-{Who Named It}-“, речник медицинских феномена]
* [http://www.whonamedit.com „-{Who Named It}-“, речник медицинских феномена]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20061007215717/http://www.putokaz.org.yu/apstinencijalni_sindrom.htm Апстиненцијални синдром опијатских зависника]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20061007215717/http://www.putokaz.org.yu/apstinencijalni_sindrom.htm Апстиненцијални синдром опијатских зависника]
* [http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_der_Syndrome Листа синдрома на -{de:wikipedia}-]

{{нормативна контрола}}
{{нормативна контрола}}

Верзија на датум 26. мај 2022. у 05:43

Синдром, етимолошки од Грчке речи (грч. συνδρομή - успети заједно), (лат. syndroma), је у клиничкој медицини, психијатрији и клиничкој психологији, скуп међусобно повезаних симптома који чине једну кохерентну нозолошку целину (нпр. анксиозно-депресивни синдром, параноидни синдром, Корсаковљев синдром).[1] У психологији личности и социјалној психологији, синдром означава склоп емпиријски и смисаоно повезаних црта личности које се јављају заједно у некој личности и образују одређену релативно чврсту структуру. Синдром у медицини обично чини најмање три симтома, међусобно повезаних који се увек јављају заједно (тзв. клинички тријас симптома), али их може бити и више.[2]

The word derives from the Greek σύνδρομον, meaning "concurrence".[3]:1818 When a syndrome is paired with a definite cause this becomes a disease.[4] In some instances, a syndrome is so closely linked with a pathogenesis or cause that the words syndrome, disease, and disorder end up being used interchangeably for them. This substitution of terminology often confuses the reality and meaning of medical diagnoses.[4] This is especially true of inherited syndromes. About one third of all phenotypes that are listed in OMIM are described as dysmorphic, which usually refers to the facial gestalt. For example, Down syndrome, Wolf–Hirschhorn syndrome, and Andersen–Tawil syndrome are disorders with known pathogeneses, so each is more than just a set of signs and symptoms, despite the syndrome nomenclature. In other instances, a syndrome is not specific to only one disease. For example, toxic shock syndrome can be caused by various toxins; premotor syndrome can be caused by various brain lesions; and premenstrual syndrome is not a disease but simply a set of symptoms.


When there are a number of symptoms suggesting a particular disease or condition but does not meet the defined criteria used to make a diagnosis of that disease or condition. This can be a bit subjective because it is ultimately up to the clinician to make the diagnosis. This could be because it has not advanced to the level or passed a threshold or just similar symptoms cause by other issues. Subclinical is synonymous since one of its definitions is "where some criteria are met but not enough to achieve clinical status";[5] but subclinical is not always interchangeable since it can also mean "not detectable or producing effects that are not detectable by the usual clinical tests";[6] i.e., asymptomatic.


General medicine

In medicine, a broad definition of syndrome is used, which describes a collection of symptoms and findings without necessarily tying them to a single identifiable pathogenesis. Examples of infectious syndromes include encephalitis and hepatitis, which can both have several different infectious causes.[7] The more specific definition employed in medical genetics describes a subset of all medical syndromes.

Psychiatry and psychopathology

Psychiatric syndromes often called psychopathological syndromes (psychopathology refers both to psychic dysfunctions occurring in mental disorders, and the study of the origin, diagnosis, development, and treatment of mental disorders).

In Russia those psychopathological syndromes are used in modern clinical practice and described in psychiatric literature in the details: asthenic syndrome, obsessive syndrome, emotional syndromes (for example, manic syndrome, depressive syndrome), Cotard's syndrome, catatonic syndrome, hebephrenic syndrome, delusional and hallucinatory syndromes (for example, paranoid syndrome, paranoid-hallucinatory syndrome, Kandinsky-Clérambault's syndrome also known as syndrome of psychic automatism, hallucinosis), paraphrenic syndrome, psychopathic syndromes (includes all personality disorders), clouding of consciousness syndromes (for example, twilight clouding of consciousness, amential syndrome also known as amentia, delirious syndrome, stunned consciousness syndrome, oneiroid syndrome), hysteric syndrome, neurotic syndrome, Korsakoff's syndrome, hypochondriacal syndrome, paranoiac syndrome, senestopathic syndrome, encephalopathic syndrome.[8][9]

Some examples of psychopathological syndromes used in modern Germany are psychoorganic syndrome, depressive syndrome, paranoid-hallucinatory syndrome, obsessive-compulsive syndrome, autonomic syndrome, hostility syndrome, manic syndrome, apathy syndrome.[10]

Münchausen syndrome, Ganser syndrome, neuroleptic-induced deficit syndrome, olfactory reference syndrome are also well-known.


The most important psychopathological syndromes were classified into three groups ranked in order of severity by German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin (1856—1926). The first group, which includes the mild disorders, consists of five syndromes: emotional, paranoid, hysterical, delirious, and impulsive.[11] The second, intermediate, group includes two syndromes: schizophrenic syndrome and speech-hallucinatory syndrome.[11] The third includes the most severe disorders, and consists of three syndromes: epileptic, oligophrenic and dementia.[11] In Kraepelin's era, epilepsy was viewed as a mental illness; Karl Jaspers also considered "genuine epilepsy" a "psychosis", and described "the three major psychoses" as schizophrenia, epilepsy, and manic-depressive illness.[12]

Medical genetics

In the field of medical genetics, the term "syndrome" is traditionally only used when the underlying genetic cause is known. Thus, trisomy 21 is commonly known as Down syndrome.

Until 2005, CHARGE syndrome was most frequently referred to as "CHARGE association". When the major causative gene (CHD7) for the condition was discovered, the name was changed.[13] The consensus underlying cause of VACTERL association has not been determined, and thus it is not commonly referred to as a "syndrome".[14]

Other fields

In biology, "syndrome" is used in a more general sense to describe characteristic sets of features in various contexts. Examples include behavioral syndromes, as well as pollination syndromes and seed dispersal syndromes.

In orbital mechanics and astronomy, Kessler syndrome refers to the effect where the density of objects in low Earth orbit (LEO) is high enough that collisions between objects could cause a cascade in which each collision generates space debris that increases the likelihood of further collisions.

In quantum error correction theory syndromes correspond to errors in code words which are determined with syndrome measurements, which only collapse the state on an error state, so that the error can be corrected without affecting the quantum information stored in the code words.


There is no set common convention for the naming of newly identified syndromes. In the past, syndromes were often named after the physician or scientist who identified and described the condition in an initial publication, these are referred to as "eponymous syndromes". In some cases, diseases are named after the patient who initially presents with symptoms,[15] or their home town (Stockholm syndrome). There have been isolated cases of patients being eager to have their syndromes named after them, while their physicians are hesitant.[16] When a syndrome is named after a person, there is some difference of opinion as to whether it should take the possessive form or not (e.g. Down syndrome vs. Down's syndrome). North American usage has tended to favor the non-possessive form, while European references often use the possessive.[17] Even in Europe, there has been a trend away from the possessive form, over the period between 1970 and 2008.[17]


Avicenna, in The Canon of Medicine (published 1025), pioneered the idea of a syndrome in the diagnosis of specific diseases.[18] The concept of a medical syndrome was further developed in the 17th century by Thomas Sydenham.[19]

Примери означавања синдрома

Честа је појава, у медицинској пракси, да се поједини синдроми означавају према ауторима који су их открили (описали), али и према факторима који су их изазвали, најчешћој локализацији итд. Ево најчешћих примера додељивања назива синдрому;

Галерија синдрома


  1. ^ The British Medical Association Illustrated Medical Dictionary. London: Dorling Kindersley. 2002. стр. 177, 536. ISBN 9780751333831. OCLC 51643555. 
  2. ^ Ристић С. М. Клиничка пропедевтика, Завод за уџбенике и наставна средства Београд, 1990.
  3. ^ Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary (32nd изд.). Philadelphia, PA: Saunders/Elsevier. 2012. ISBN 9781416062578. OCLC 706780870. 
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  6. ^ „Definition of Subclinical”. www.merriam-webster.com (на језику: енглески). Приступљено 2021-01-29. 
  7. ^ Slack, R. C. B. (2012). „Infective syndromes”. Ур.: Greenwood, D.; Barer, M.; Slack, R.; Irving, W. Medical Microbiology (на језику: енглески) (18th изд.). Churchill Livingstone. стр. 678—688. ISBN 978-0-7020-4089-4. 
  8. ^ Дмитриева, Т. Б.; Краснов, В. Н.; Незнанов, Н. Г.; Семке, В. Я.; Тиганов, А. С. (2011). Психиатрия: Национальное руководство [Psychiatry: The National Manual] (на језику: руски). Moscow: ГЭОТАР-Медиа. стр. 306—330. ISBN 978-5-9704-2030-0. 
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  10. ^ P. Pichot (2013). Clinical Psychopathology Nomenclature and Classification. Springer. стр. 157. ISBN 978-1-4899-5049-9. 
  11. ^ а б в Cole, S. J. (1922). „The Forms in which Insanity Expresses Itself [Die Erscheinungsformen des Irreseins]. (Arb. für Psychiat., München, Bd. ii, 1921.) Kraepelin, Emil”. The British Journal of Psychiatry. Royal College of Psychiatrists. 68 (282): 296. ISSN 0007-1250. doi:10.1192/bjp.68.282.295. 
  12. ^ Ghaemi S. N. (2009). „Nosologomania: DSM & Karl Jaspers' critique of Kraepelin.”. Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine. 4: 10. PMC 2724409Слободан приступ. PMID 19627606. doi:10.1186/1747-5341-4-10. 
  13. ^ „#214800 - CHARGE Syndrome”. Johns Hopkins University. Приступљено 2014-02-15. 
  14. ^ „#192350 - VATER Association”. Johns Hopkins University. Приступљено 2014-02-15. 
  15. ^ McCusick, Victor (1986). Mendelian Inheritance in Man (7th изд.). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. стр. xxiii—xxv. 
  16. ^ Teebi, A. S. (2004). „Naming of a syndrome: The story of "Adam Wright" syndrome”. American Journal of Medical Genetics. 125A (3): 329—30. PMID 14994249. S2CID 8439955. doi:10.1002/ajmg.a.20460. 
  17. ^ а б Jana, N; Barik, S; Arora, N (2009). „Current use of medical eponyms--a need for global uniformity in scientific publications”. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 9: 18. PMC 2667526Слободан приступ. PMID 19272131. doi:10.1186/1471-2288-9-18. 
  18. ^ Lenn Evan Goodman (2003), Islamic Humanism, p. 155, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-513580-6.
  19. ^ Natelson, Benjamin H. (1998). Facing and fighting fatigue: a practical approach. New Haven, Conn: Yale University Press. стр. 30. ISBN 0-300-07401-8. 


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