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Orig. naslovZastrozzi: A Romance
AutorPersi Biš Šeli
Zemlja Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Izdavanje1810. (Džordž Vilki i Džon Robinson)
Broj stranica119

Castroci: romansa (engl. Zastrozzi: A Romance) ili samo Castroci (engl. Zastrozzi) gotička je novela romantičarkog pesnika i filozofa Persija Biša Šelija originalno objavljena 1810. godine. Objavljena je anonimno, a potpisana samo inicijalima autora — P. B. Š. Castroci predstavlja prvu od dve gotičke novele koja ocrtava njegov ateistički pogled na svet kroz negativca Castrocija[1] i dotiče se njegovih najranijih razmišljanja o neodgovornom samozadovoljenju i nasilnoj osveti. Recenzet iz 1810. godine je napisao da je glavni lik Castroci „jedan od najdivljih i neverovatnih demona koji je ikad izašao iz bolesnog mozga”.

Šeli je Castrocija napisao sa 17 godina,[2] dok je pohađao svoju poslednju godinu na koledžu Eton,[3] iako on nije objavljen sve do kraja 1810. godine, kada je pohađao Univerzitetski koledž, Oksford. Ova novela predstavlja prvo objavljeno Šelijevo prozno delo.[4]


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  1. ^ Percy Bysshe Shelley, Academy of American Poets
  2. ^ Early Shelley: Vulgarisms, Politics, and Fractals Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (26. februar 2019), Romantic Circles
  3. ^ Sandy, Mark (7. 7. 2001). „Percy Bysshe Shelley”. The Literary Encyclopedia. The Literary Dictionary Company. Pristupljeno 8. 1. 2007. 
  4. ^ Percy Bysshe Shelley Biography, Poem of


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  • Cameron, Kenneth Neill (1950). The Young Shelley: Genesis of a Radical. New York: Macmillan. 0-374-91255-6. 
  • Lauritsen, John. The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein. Dorchester, MA: Pagan Press, 2007.
  • Chesser, Eustace. Shelley and Zastrozzi: Self-Revelation of a Neurotic. London: Gregg/Archive, 1965. Eustace Chesser: "The story itself had the incoherence of a dream because that is just what it was – a day dream in which our conscious conflicts were worked out in disguise."
  • Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Zastrozzi. With a Foreword by Germaine Greer. London: Hesperus Press, 2002. Germaine Greer: "The whole novel treats a love that still dare not speak its name, the love of a juvenile for adult women."
  • Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Zastrozzi: A Romance; St. Irvyne, or, The Rosicrucian: A Romance. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes by Stepehen C. Behrendt. Peterborough, Ont., Canada: Broadview Press, 2002.
  • Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Zastrozzi and St. Irvyne. (The World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986.
  • Shelley, Percy Bysshe. The Prose Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Edited by Harry Buxton Forman, 8 volumes. London: Reeves and Turner, 1880.
  • Rajan, Tilottama. "Promethean Narrative: Overdetermined Form in Shelley's Gothic Fiction." Shelley: Poet and Legislator of the World, ed. Betty T. Bennett and Stuart Curran (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995), 240–52, 308–9.
  • Zimansky, Curt R. (1981). "Zastrozzi and The Bravo of Venice: Another Shelley Borrowing." Keats-Shelley Journal, 30. str. 15–17.
  • Frosch, Thomas R. Shelley and the Romantic Imagination: A Psychological Study. University of Delaware Press, 2007.
  • Bridgwater, Patrick. Kafka, Gothic and Fairytale. Rodopi, 2003. Patrick Bridgwater: "Zastrozzi is more interesting than it is generally allowed... it comes into its own when considered side by side with Kafka's work."
  • Hughes, A.M.D. (1912). Shelley’s Zastrozzi and St. Irvyne. Modern Language Review.
  • Hughes, A.M.D. The Nascent Mind of Shelley. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1947.
  • Seed, David. (1984). "Mystery and Monodrama in Shelley's Zastrozzi." Dutch Quarterly Review, 14.i. str. 1–17.
  • Day, Aidan. Romanticism. NY: Routledge, 1996.
  • Shepherd, Richard Herne, ed. The Prose Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley: From the Original Editions. London: Chatto and Windus, 1888.
  • Crook, Nora and Derek Guiton. Shelley's Venomed Melody. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986.
  • Bonca, Teddi Chichester. Shelley's Mirrors of Love: Narcissism, Sacrifice, and Sorority. NY: SUNY Press, 1999.
  • Clark, Timothy. (1993). "Shelley's 'The Coliseum' and the Sublime." Durham University Journal, 225–235.
  • Duffy, Cian. (2003). "Revolution or Reaction? Shelley's 'Assassins' and the Politics of Necessity." Keats-Shelley Journal, Vol. 52. str. 77–93.
  • Duffy, Cian. Shelley and the Revolutionary Sublime. Cambridge University Press, 2005.
  • Clark, Timothy. Embodying Revolution: The Figure of the Poet in Shelley. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989.
  • Kiley, Brendan. "Zastrozzi: Percy Shelley’s Murder-Revenge Camp." The Stranger, Seattle, WA, 28 October 2009.
  • Barker, Jeremy M. "The Balagan's Zastrozzi Delivers Sex & Violence Without a Pesky Purpose." The Sun Break, 12 October 2009.
  • "Zastrozzi and the Price of Passion." Viva Victoriana, 9 September 2009.
  • Glance, Jonathan. (1996). "'Beyond the Usual Bounds of Reverie'? Another Look at the Dreams in Frankenstein." Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts, 7.4: 30–47. Mary Shelley read the novella Zastrozzi in 1814. There are "analogous" dream images and themes in both works: "The final and closest analogue to Victor Frankenstein's dream occurs in Percy Shelley's Zastrozzi (1810)."
  • Simpkins, Scott. "Encoding Masculinity in the Gothic Novel: Shelley's Zastrozzi." California Semiotic Circle Conference, January 1997, Berkeley, CA.
  • Neilson, Dylan. "Zastrozzi: Master of Stage". The Gauntlet, 27 January 2005.
  • Halliburton, David G. (Winter, 1967). "Shelley's 'Gothic' Novels." Keats-Shelley Journal, Vol. 16. str. 39–49.
  • "Shelley's Novels." The New York Times, 28 November 1886.
  • Sigler, David. "The Act of Objectification in P.B. Shelley‟s Zastrozzi." International Conference on Romanticism (ICR), Towson University, Baltimore, MD, October 2007.
  • Young, A. B. (1906). "Shelley and M.G. Lewis." Modern Language Review, 1: pp. 322–324.
  • Rich, Frank. "Stage: Serban Directs 'Zastrozzi' at the Public." New York Times, 18 January 1962.
  • Simpkins, Scott. "Tricksterism in the Gothic Novel." The American Journal of Semiotics, 1 January 1997.
  • Cottom, Daniel. "Gothic Pathologies: The Text, The Body and The Law." Studies in Romanticism, 22 December 2000.
  • Hagopian, John V. (1955). "A Psychological Approach to Shelley's Poetry." American Imago, 12: 25–45.
  • Livingston, Luther S. "First Books Of Some English Authors: Percy Bysshe Shelley." The Bookman, XII, 4, December 1900.
  • Lovecraft, H. P. "Supernatural Horror in Literature." The Recluse, No. 1 (1927), 23–59.

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