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Džon Kits

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Džon Kits
Džon Kits, rad Vilijama Hiltona
Datum rođenja(1795-10-31)31. oktobar 1795.
Mesto rođenjaLondonVelika Britanija
Datum smrti23. februar 1821.(1821-02-23) (25 god.)
Mesto smrtiRimPapska država

Džon Kits (engl. John Keats; London, 31. oktobar 1795Rim, 23. februar 1821) bio je engleski pesnik. Kits je postao jedna od ključnih figura romantičarskog pokreta.[1]

Zajedno sa Lordom Bajronom i Persijem Biš Šelijem, Kits je pripadao drugoj generaciji romantičarskih pesnika. Za vreme svog kratkog života nije bio dobro prihvaćen od strane kritike,[2] ali je njegov posthumni uticaj na pesnike poput Alfreda Tenisona i Vilfreda Ovena bio značajan.[3]

Kitsovu poeziju karakteriše bogat izbor reči i senzualna slikovitost, najviše u njegovoj seriji oda koje su ostale među najpopularnijim pesmama u engleskoj književnosti. Kitsova pisma, koja uključuju razvoj njegove estetske teorije negativne sposobnosti,[4] su među najslavljenijim od svih engleskih pesnika. Neke od njegovih pesama su Lepa gospa bez milosti, Oda slavuju.


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  1. ^ O'Neill and Mahoney (1988), p. 418.
  2. ^ Amy Wilcockson, "The Romantic Reputation of John Keats". History Today, February 2021, pp. 13–16.
  3. ^ Jorge Luis Borges (2000). This Craft of Verse. Harvard University Press, pp. 98–101.
  4. ^ Meigs 1917, str. 277.


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Dodatna literatura

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  • Bate, W. J. Negative Capability (Cambridge, Mass, 1939)
  • Bate, W. J. The Stylistic Development of Keats (London, 1945)
  • Blackstone, Bernard. The Consecrated Urn: An Interpretation of Keats in
  • Terms of Growth and Form (London, New York, 1959)
  • Bush, Douglas. John Keats: His Life and Writings (London, 1967)
  • Evert, W. E. Aesthetic and Myth in the Poetry of Keats (Princeton, 1964)
  • Finney, C. L. The Evolution of Keats's Poetry (Cambridge, Mass, 1936)
  • Fogle, Richard H. The Imagery of Keats and Shelley: A Comparative Study (Chapel Hill, 1969)
  • Garrod, H. W. Keats (London, 1926)
  • Gittings, Robert. John Keats: The Living Year (London, 1954)
  • Gittings, Robert, ed. The Letters of John Keats (London, 1969)
  • Goldberg, Milton. The Poetics of Romanticism: Toward a Reading of John Keats (Yellow Springs, 1969)
  • Hewlet, Dorothy. A Life of John Keats (London, New York, 1970)
  • Jack, Ian. Keats and the Mirror of Art (Oxford, 1967)
  • Jones, John. John Keats's Dream of Truth (London, 1969)
  • Matthews, G. M, ed. Keats: The Critical Heritage (New York, 1971)
  • Muir, Kenneth. John Keats (Liverpool, 1959)
  • Pettet, E. C. On the Poetry of Keats (Cambridge, 1957)
  • Ridley, M. R. Keats's Craftsmanship (London, 1963)
  • Stillinger, Jack, ed. Twentieth Century Interpretations of Keats's Odes (Englewood Cliffs, 1968)
  • Tate, Priscilla Weston. From Innocence through Experience: Keats's Myth of the Poet (Salzburg, 1974)
  • Ward, Aileen. John Keats: The Making of a Poet (London, 1964) Wasserman, Earl R. The Finer Tone: Keats's Major Poems (Baltimore, 1953)
  • Wigod, Jacob. The Darkening Chamber: The Growth of Tragic Conscious- ness in Keats (Salzburg, 1972)

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