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Чешка књижевност — разлика између измена

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{{Short description|Књижевна дела написана у Чешкој}}
[[Датотека:MPKV přepis Hanka 1823.jpg|десно|безоквира]]
[[Датотека:MPKV přepis Hanka 1823.jpg|десно|мини|250п|Љубавна песма краља Вацлава: слика према књизи В. Хенка, Стара композиција, 1823.]]
'''Чешка књижевност''', која почиње када и писменост на [[Чешки језик|чешком језику]], настала је под утицајем реформаторског и националног покрет под вођством [[Јан Хус|Јана Хуса]], а касније покрета чешке браће са [[Јан Амос Коменски|Јаном Амосом Коменским]]. После [[1620|1620.]] године када су Чешком загосподарили Хабзбурговци, настао је период неповољних околности за књижевни развој. До промена је дошло под утицајем реформи цара [[Јозеф II Хабзбуршки|Јозефа II]], када је стварао један од најистакнутијих чешких књижевника [[Јозеф Јунгман]]. Уочи [[1848|1848.]] године у чешкој књижевности осећа се утицај западноевропског романтизма ([[Божена Њемцова]], [[Јан Неруда]]), као и политичка тематика. Чешкој књижевности последње две деценије XIX века најјачи печат дао је [[Јарослав Врхлицки]]. По стварању [[Чехословачка|Републике Чехословачке]], чешка књижевност се развија под утицајем западноевропских књижевности ([[П. Безруч]], [[О. Бжезина]], [[А. Сова]]). Светски углед стекли су [[Карел Чапек]], [[Јарослав Хашек]], драмски писац [[Франтишек Лангер]], песници [[Вићеслав Незвал]], [[Јиржи Волкер]] и [[Јозеф Хора]]. После [[1945|1945.]] године у чешкој књижевности доминира социјалистички реализам, а затим следе трагања у смеру тзв. хуманистичког социјализма. Савремену чешку књижевност репрезентују, пре свега, лирика [[Владимир Холан|Владимира Холана]], [[Јарослав Сајферт|Јарослава Сајферта]], приповедачи [[Бохумил Храбал]], [[Милан Кундера]], [[Јозеф Шкворецки]], драмски писци [[Павел Кохоут]], [[Вацлав Хавел]] и други.
[[Датотека:Strahov Theological Hall, Prague - 7565.jpg|thumb|250px|[[Strahov Monastery#The Theological Hall|Библиотека Страхов]]]]

'''Чешка књижевност''', која почиње када и писменост на [[Чешки језик|чешком језику]],<ref name=brit>{{cite web|title= Czech language|url= https://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/149048/Czech-language|website= www.britannica.com|publisher= Encyclopædia Britannica|access-date= 6 January 2015}}</ref> настала је под утицајем реформаторског и националног покрет под вођством [[Јан Хус|Јана Хуса]], а касније покрета чешке браће са [[Јан Амос Коменски|Јаном Амосом Коменским]].<ref>{{cite book|title=Origins of the Czech National Renascence|last=Agnew|first=Hugh LeCaine|publisher=[[University of Pittsburgh]] Press|date=1994|isbn=978-0-8229-8549-5}}</ref> После [[1620|1620.]] године када су Чешком загосподарили Хабзбурговци, настао је период неповољних околности за књижевни развој. До промена је дошло под утицајем реформи цара [[Јозеф II Хабзбуршки|Јозефа II]], када је стварао један од најистакнутијих чешких књижевника [[Јозеф Јунгман]]. Уочи [[1848|1848.]] године у чешкој књижевности осећа се утицај западноевропског романтизма ([[Божена Њемцова]], [[Јан Неруда]]), као и политичка тематика. Чешкој књижевности последње две деценије XIX века најјачи печат дао је [[Јарослав Врхлицки]]. По стварању [[Чехословачка|Републике Чехословачке]], чешка књижевност се развија под утицајем западноевропских књижевности ([[П. Безруч]], [[О. Бжезина]], [[А. Сова]]). Светски углед стекли су [[Карел Чапек]], [[Јарослав Хашек]], драмски писац [[Франтишек Лангер]], песници [[Вићеслав Незвал]], [[Јиржи Волкер]] и [[Јозеф Хора]]. После [[1945|1945.]] године у чешкој књижевности доминира социјалистички реализам, а затим следе трагања у смеру тзв. хуманистичког социјализма. Савремену чешку књижевност репрезентују, пре свега, лирика [[Владимир Холан|Владимира Холана]], [[Јарослав Сајферт|Јарослава Сајферта]], приповедачи [[Бохумил Храбал]], [[Милан Кундера]], [[Јозеф Шкворецки]], драмски писци [[Павел Кохоут]], [[Вацлав Хавел]] и други.

== Средњолатинска дела ==
[[File:Kosmas.jpg|thumb|left|250п|A writer and historian [[Cosmas of Prague|Cosmas]]]]

Bohemia was Christianized in the late 9th to 10th centuries, and the earliest written works associated with the kingdom of Bohemia are Middle Latin works written in the 12th to 13th centuries (with the exception of the Latin ''Legend of Christian'', supposedly of the 10th century but of dubious authenticity).
The majority of works from this period are chronicles and hagiographies. Bohemian hagiographies focus exclusively on Bohemian saints (Sts. Ludmila, Wenceslas, [[Procopius of Sázava|Procopius]], Cyril and Methodius, and [[Adalbert of Prague|Adalbert]]), although numerous legends about Bohemian saints were also written by foreign authors. The most important chronicle of the period is the Chronica Boemorum ([[Bohemian Chronicle]]) by [[Cosmas of Prague|Cosmas]], though it does approach its topics with then-contemporary politics in mind, and attempts to legitimize the ruling dynasty. Cosmas' work was updated and extended by several authors in the latter part of the 12th and during the 13th centuries.

[[File:Dalimilova kronika parizsky fragment.jpg|right|thumb|250п|''[[Chronicle of Dalimil]]'']]
During the first part of the 13th century, the Přemyslid rulers of Bohemia expanded their political and economic influence westward and came into contact with the political and cultural kingdoms of Western Europe. This cultural exchange was evident in literature through the introduction of German courtly poetry, or [[Minnesang]], in the latter part of the 13th century. After the murder of [[Wenceslas III]] and the subsequent upheavals in the kingdom in 1306, however, the Bohemian nobles distanced themselves from German culture and looked for literature in their native language. Despite this, German remained an important literary language in Bohemia until the 19th century. This new literature in Czech consisted largely of epic poetry of two types: the legend and the knightly epic, both based on apocryphal tales from the Bible, as well as hagiographic legends of earlier periods. Prose was also first developed during this period: administrative and instructional texts, which necessitated the development of a more extensive and specialized vocabulary; the first Czech-Latin dictionaries date from this time. Extensive chronicles, of which the ''[[Chronicle of Dalimil]]'' and ''Chronicon Aulae Regiae'' (the ''[[Zbraslav Chronicle]]'') are the most striking examples, and artistic prose (e.g. [[Smil Flaška z Pardubic]] and [[Johannes von Saaz]]) were also written.

== Реформација ==

The [[Hussite]] revolution of the 15th century created a definite break in the literary evolution of Czech literature and forms its own separate history within Czech literature. The main aim of this literature was to communicate and argue for a specific religious doctrine and its form was generally prose. [[Jan Hus]]' theological writing first appears at the beginning of the 15th century; he wrote first in Latin, later in Czech, and this divide remained for much of the later period: poetry and intellectual prose used primarily Latin, whereas popular prose was written in Czech or German. Hus' writings center on technical, theological questions; however, he did publish a set of his Czech sermons and created rules of orthography and grammar that would be used to create the foundations of modern Czech in the 17th and 18th centuries.<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Betts|first1=R. R.|title=The place of the Czech reform movement in the history of Europe|url=https://archive.org/stream/in.ernet.dli.2015.185585/2015.185585.The-Slavonic-Reviewvol64#page/n373/mode/2up|journal=The Slavonic and East European Review|date=April 1947|volume=25|issue=65}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|last1=Brown|first1=M. T.|title=John Blahoslav – Sixteenth-Century Moravian Reformer Transforming the Czech Nation by the Word of God|date=2013|publisher=Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft|location=Bonn|isbn=978-3-86269-063-3}}</ref> Only fragments remain of the literary works of the radical [[Taborite]] faction – these were generally Latin apologia defending the Taborite doctrine ([[Mikuláš Biskupec z Pelhřimova]], [[Petr Chelčický]]). In general, Hussite writings differed from the preceding era by their focus on social questions – their audience consisted of the lower and lower middle classes. Works defending Catholicism and attacking the Hussite utraquists were also written, one example being [[Jan Rokycana]]'s works. The Hussite period also developed the genre of Czech religious songs as a replacement for Latin hymns and liturgy, e.g. the ''[[Jistebnický kancionál]]'', the Jistebnice Hymnal.

After the election of [[George of Poděbrady]] to the Czech throne following the Hussite wars,<ref>{{cite web|title=The Royal Route|url=http://www.kralovskacesta.cz/en/texts/the-royal-route.html|work=Královská cesta|access-date=11 July 2013|archive-date=24 September 2019|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20190924213346/http://www.kralovskacesta.cz/en/texts/the-royal-route.html|url-status=dead}}</ref> a new cultural wave swept into Bohemia. [[Humanism]] saw in the classics of antiquity an ideal for literature and culture. The main feature of the literature of this period is the competition between Catholics writing in Latin, e.g. [[Bohuslav Hasištejnský z Lobkovic]] and [[Jan Dubravius]]) and Protestants writing in Czech, e.g. [[Viktorin Kornel of Všehrdy]] and [[Václav Hájek]]. New literary devices incited scholars, e.g. [[Daniel Adam z Veleslavína|Veleslavín]], to construct a more complex grammatical structure, based on Latin, as well as an influx of loan words. [[Johann Gutenberg|Gutenberg]]'s [[printing press]] rendered books and pamphlets more accessible, which slowly changed literature's status in society.

== Референце ==

== Литература ==
* ''Česká literatura od počátků k dnešku'', by Jiří Holý, Jaroslava Janáčková, Jan Lehár, Alexandr Stich (Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, 2004) {{ISBN|80-7106-308-8}}
* Holý, Jiří, ''Writers Under Siege: Czech Literature since 1945''. Sussex Academic Press, 2007 [https://archive.today/20070328162150/http://www.sussex-academic.co.uk/sa/titles/literary_criticism/Holy.htm]
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* {{cite book|last1=Fudge|first1=Thomas A.|title=Jan Hus Religious Reform and Social Revolution in Bohemia|date=2010|publisher=I.B. Tauris & Co.|location=London|isbn=978-0-85771-855-6|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=TYYAAwAAQBAJ}}
* {{cite book|last1=Fudge|first1=Thomas A.|title=Jerome of Prague and the Foundations of the Hussite Movement|date=2016|publisher=Oxford University Press|location=New York|isbn=9780190631550|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=9xU9DAAAQBAJ}}
* {{cite book|last1=Gillett|first1=E. H.|title=The life and times of John Huss: or, The Bohemian reformation of the fifteenth century. Volume 1|date=1863|publisher=Gould and Lincoln|location=Boston|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=qBnJISkEUYMC}}
* {{cite book|last1=Gillett|first1=E. H.|title=The life and times of John Huss: or, The Bohemian reformation of the fifteenth century. Volume 2|date=1864|publisher=Gould and Lincoln|location=Boston|isbn=9781407753232|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=SnAwAQAAMAAJ}}
* {{cite book|last1=Grant|first1=Jeanne|title=For the Common Good : The Bohemian Land Law and the Beginning of the Hussite Revolution|date=2014|publisher=Brill|location=Leiden|isbn=9789004283268|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=g5AcBQAAQBAJ}}
* {{cite book |last1=Haberkern |first1=Phillip N. |title=Patron Saint and Prophet: Jan Hus in the Bohemian and German Reformations |date=2016 |publisher=Oxford University Press |isbn=9780190613976 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=IjbcCwAAQBAJ}}
* {{cite book|last1=Kaminsky|first1=Howard|title=A history of the Hussite revolution|date=2004|publisher=Wipf and Stock Publishers|location=Eugene, Or.|isbn=978-1-59244-631-5|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=twxLAwAAQBAJ}}
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== Спољашње везе ==
{{Commons category|Czech literature}}
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20090210100858/http://www.arts.gla.ac.uk/Slavonic/Culik_Czechliterature.htm] -An overview, in English, of the history of Czech literature since its inception to the present day. (January 2009)
* [http://www.blisty.cz/art/45080.html] Resources in English on Czech Literature, Cinema and Politics
* [http://users.ox.ac.uk/~tayl0010/czech.html Czech and Slovak Literature Resources at Oxford] – many of the links are to Czech pages, most descriptions in English. Contains also a historic overview
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20040610060313/http://www.arts.gla.ac.uk/Slavonic/staff/Holy.html Czech Literature since the 1980s] – lecture
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20040721080736/http://www.happycat16.freeserve.co.uk/file15literature.htm Brief history with a few capsule portraits]
* [http://www.czech-language.cz/fiction/fiction.html Overview from Encyclopædia Britannica]
* [http://kotrla.com/frogman Potápěč – Czech and Slovak Literature Resources] – Czech Literature Resources. In Czech.
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20040804052754/http://www2.arts.gla.ac.uk/Slavonic/staff/Czech_literature.html Lecture about changes after the fall of communism]
* [http://www.praguepost.com/P03/2004/Art/0603/opin1.php Article about current state of Czech culture and Western mis-perceptions of it], with readers' polemic
* [http://www.bartleby.com/65/cz/Czechlit.html Columbia Encyclopedia – very brief history]
* [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04598b.htm Catholic Encyclopedia – brief early history till 1800]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20070611000242/http://www.czech.cz/en/culture/czech-arts/czech-language-and-literature/the-history-of-czech-literature/ The history of Czech literature]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20100525135421/http://www.arts.gla.ac.uk/Slavonic/Czechlit1.html Czech Literature Now] – English translations of contemporary (c. 1995) Czech writers.
* [http://cafeirreal.alicewhittenburg.com/czech_authors_aj.htm The Cafe Irreal: Czech authors] – translations of contemporary, non-realist Czech literature
* [http://www.czechlit.cz/en/ Czech literature portal] – regularly updated Czech literature news and resources in English

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Верзија на датум 21. јул 2022. у 03:50

Љубавна песма краља Вацлава: слика према књизи В. Хенка, Стара композиција, 1823.
Библиотека Страхов

Чешка књижевност, која почиње када и писменост на чешком језику,[1] настала је под утицајем реформаторског и националног покрет под вођством Јана Хуса, а касније покрета чешке браће са Јаном Амосом Коменским.[2] После 1620. године када су Чешком загосподарили Хабзбурговци, настао је период неповољних околности за књижевни развој. До промена је дошло под утицајем реформи цара Јозефа II, када је стварао један од најистакнутијих чешких књижевника Јозеф Јунгман. Уочи 1848. године у чешкој књижевности осећа се утицај западноевропског романтизма (Божена Њемцова, Јан Неруда), као и политичка тематика. Чешкој књижевности последње две деценије XIX века најјачи печат дао је Јарослав Врхлицки. По стварању Републике Чехословачке, чешка књижевност се развија под утицајем западноевропских књижевности (П. Безруч, О. Бжезина, А. Сова). Светски углед стекли су Карел Чапек, Јарослав Хашек, драмски писац Франтишек Лангер, песници Вићеслав Незвал, Јиржи Волкер и Јозеф Хора. После 1945. године у чешкој књижевности доминира социјалистички реализам, а затим следе трагања у смеру тзв. хуманистичког социјализма. Савремену чешку књижевност репрезентују, пре свега, лирика Владимира Холана, Јарослава Сајферта, приповедачи Бохумил Храбал, Милан Кундера, Јозеф Шкворецки, драмски писци Павел Кохоут, Вацлав Хавел и други.

Средњолатинска дела

A writer and historian Cosmas

Bohemia was Christianized in the late 9th to 10th centuries, and the earliest written works associated with the kingdom of Bohemia are Middle Latin works written in the 12th to 13th centuries (with the exception of the Latin Legend of Christian, supposedly of the 10th century but of dubious authenticity). The majority of works from this period are chronicles and hagiographies. Bohemian hagiographies focus exclusively on Bohemian saints (Sts. Ludmila, Wenceslas, Procopius, Cyril and Methodius, and Adalbert), although numerous legends about Bohemian saints were also written by foreign authors. The most important chronicle of the period is the Chronica Boemorum (Bohemian Chronicle) by Cosmas, though it does approach its topics with then-contemporary politics in mind, and attempts to legitimize the ruling dynasty. Cosmas' work was updated and extended by several authors in the latter part of the 12th and during the 13th centuries.

Chronicle of Dalimil

During the first part of the 13th century, the Přemyslid rulers of Bohemia expanded their political and economic influence westward and came into contact with the political and cultural kingdoms of Western Europe. This cultural exchange was evident in literature through the introduction of German courtly poetry, or Minnesang, in the latter part of the 13th century. After the murder of Wenceslas III and the subsequent upheavals in the kingdom in 1306, however, the Bohemian nobles distanced themselves from German culture and looked for literature in their native language. Despite this, German remained an important literary language in Bohemia until the 19th century. This new literature in Czech consisted largely of epic poetry of two types: the legend and the knightly epic, both based on apocryphal tales from the Bible, as well as hagiographic legends of earlier periods. Prose was also first developed during this period: administrative and instructional texts, which necessitated the development of a more extensive and specialized vocabulary; the first Czech-Latin dictionaries date from this time. Extensive chronicles, of which the Chronicle of Dalimil and Chronicon Aulae Regiae (the Zbraslav Chronicle) are the most striking examples, and artistic prose (e.g. Smil Flaška z Pardubic and Johannes von Saaz) were also written.


The Hussite revolution of the 15th century created a definite break in the literary evolution of Czech literature and forms its own separate history within Czech literature. The main aim of this literature was to communicate and argue for a specific religious doctrine and its form was generally prose. Jan Hus' theological writing first appears at the beginning of the 15th century; he wrote first in Latin, later in Czech, and this divide remained for much of the later period: poetry and intellectual prose used primarily Latin, whereas popular prose was written in Czech or German. Hus' writings center on technical, theological questions; however, he did publish a set of his Czech sermons and created rules of orthography and grammar that would be used to create the foundations of modern Czech in the 17th and 18th centuries.[3][4] Only fragments remain of the literary works of the radical Taborite faction – these were generally Latin apologia defending the Taborite doctrine (Mikuláš Biskupec z Pelhřimova, Petr Chelčický). In general, Hussite writings differed from the preceding era by their focus on social questions – their audience consisted of the lower and lower middle classes. Works defending Catholicism and attacking the Hussite utraquists were also written, one example being Jan Rokycana's works. The Hussite period also developed the genre of Czech religious songs as a replacement for Latin hymns and liturgy, e.g. the Jistebnický kancionál, the Jistebnice Hymnal.

After the election of George of Poděbrady to the Czech throne following the Hussite wars,[5] a new cultural wave swept into Bohemia. Humanism saw in the classics of antiquity an ideal for literature and culture. The main feature of the literature of this period is the competition between Catholics writing in Latin, e.g. Bohuslav Hasištejnský z Lobkovic and Jan Dubravius) and Protestants writing in Czech, e.g. Viktorin Kornel of Všehrdy and Václav Hájek. New literary devices incited scholars, e.g. Veleslavín, to construct a more complex grammatical structure, based on Latin, as well as an influx of loan words. Gutenberg's printing press rendered books and pamphlets more accessible, which slowly changed literature's status in society.


  1. ^ „Czech language”. www.britannica.com. Encyclopædia Britannica. Приступљено 6. 1. 2015. 
  2. ^ Agnew, Hugh LeCaine (1994). Origins of the Czech National Renascence. University of Pittsburgh Press. ISBN 978-0-8229-8549-5. 
  3. ^ Betts, R. R. (април 1947). „The place of the Czech reform movement in the history of Europe”. The Slavonic and East European Review. 25 (65). 
  4. ^ Brown, M. T. (2013). John Blahoslav – Sixteenth-Century Moravian Reformer Transforming the Czech Nation by the Word of God. Bonn: Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft. ISBN 978-3-86269-063-3. 
  5. ^ „The Royal Route”. Královská cesta. Архивирано из оригинала 24. 9. 2019. г. Приступљено 11. 7. 2013. 


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