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Jermenski jezik

S Vikipedije, slobodne enciklopedije
հայերէն/հայերեն, hayeren
„Jermenski jezik” u jermenskom pismu
Govori se uJermenija
Etnička pripadnostJermeni
Broj govornika
6,7 miliona (nedostaje datum)[1]
  • Jermenski
Raniji oblici
Standardni oblik
Zvanični status
Službeni jezik u


Priznati manjinski jezik u
Jezički kodovi
ISO 639-1hy
ISO 639-2arm (B)
hye (T)
ISO 639-3Razno:
hye – Istočni jermenski
hyw – Zapadni jermenski
xcl – Klasični jermenski
axm – Srednjejermenski
Sadašnja distribucija jermenskog jezika na jugu Kavkaza
  Službeni jezik kojim govori većina
  Priznati jezik manjina
  Značajan broj govornika
Ovaj članak sadrži MFA fonetske simbole. Bez odgovorajuće podrške, možda ćeš vidjeti znake pitanja, kutije ili druge simbole umjesto unikod karaktera.

Jermenski jezik (jerm. Հայերեն լեզու) je jezik Jermena. Pripada indoevropskoj porodici jezika; sadrži mnogo elemenata pozajmljenih od susednih jezika, naročito persijskog, grčkog i sirijskog. Od ostalih indoevropskih jezika razlikuje se ne samo posebnošću svojih oblika, nego i glasovnim sistemom, koji je preuzet od susednik kavkaskih jezika. Starojermenski i dalje živi samo kao jezik crkve. Jermenskim jezikom govori oko šest miliona ljudi. Zajedno sa indoiranskim, baltoslovenskim, albanskim i tračkim jezicima pripada satemskoj grupi indoevropskih jezika.[30][31]


[uredi | uredi izvor]
  1. ^ Iako je ruski radni jezik Unije prema Ugovoru o Evroazijskoj ekonomskoj uniji, jermenski i jezici drugih država članica su zvanično priznati.[2] Veb stranice Evroazijskog ekonomskog saveza[3] i Evroazijske ekonomske komisije[4] dostupne su, između ostalih jezika, na jermenskom.
  2. ^ Jermenski nema pravni status u Samcke-Javahetiju, ali ga široko govori njegovo jermensko stanovništvo, koje je koncentrisano u okruzima Ninocminda i Ahalkalaki (preko 90% ukupnog stanovništva u ova dva okruga).[13] U regionu su od 2010. godine postojale 144 škole koje finansira država, gde je jermenski glavni nastavni jezik.[14][15]
  3. ^ Libanska vlada priznaje jermenski kao manjinski jezik,[16] posebno u obrazovne svrhe.[17][18]
  4. ^ U obrazovanju, prema Ugovoru iz Lozane[19][20]
  5. ^ Razne državne vladine agencije u Kaliforniji obezbeđuju jermenske prevode svojih dokumenata, naime Kalifornijsko odeljenje za socijalne usluge,[21] Kalifornijsko odeljenje za motorna vozila,[22] Kalifornijski viši sudovi.[23] U gradu Glendejl postoje ulični znakovi na jermenskom.[24][25]


[uredi | uredi izvor]
  1. ^ Istočni jermenski na sajtu Ethnologue (18. izd., 2015)
    Zapadni jermenski na sajtu Ethnologue (18. izd., 2015)
    Klasični jermenski na sajtu Ethnologue (18. izd., 2015)
    Srednjejermenski na sajtu Ethnologue (18. izd., 2015)
  2. ^ „Treaty on Eurasian Economic Union” (PDF). Eurasian Economic Union. Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 6. 2. 2021. g. „Article 110 Working Language of the Bodies of the Union. Language of International Treaties within the Union and Decisions of the Commission: 2. International treaties within the Union and decisions of the Commission that are binding on the Member States shall be adopted in Russian with subsequent translation into the official languages of the Member States, if it is provided for by their legislation, in the procedure determined by the Commission. 
  3. ^ „Եվրասիական տնտեսական միություն”. (na jeziku: jermenski). Eurasian Economic Union. Pristupljeno 2. 5. 2021. 
  4. ^ „Եվրասիական Տնտեսական Հանձնաժողով”. (na jeziku: jermenski). Eurasian Economic Commission. Pristupljeno 2. 5. 2021. 
  5. ^ „Western Armenian – Cypriot Arabic: new century, new speakers?”. European Commission. 21. 2. 2017. „Dedicated to the two officially recognized minority languages of Cyprus, the event will focus on the teaching aspect of Western Armenian and Cypriot Arabic as mother tongues. 
  6. ^ Hadjilyra, Alexander - Michael. „The Armenians of Cyprus” (PDF). Press and Information Office, Republic of Cyprus. str. 15. Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 14. 12. 2019. g. „According to the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages of the Council of Europe, Armenian was recognised as a minority language of Cyprus as of 1 December 2002. 
  7. ^ Kenesei, István (2009). „Minority languages in Hungary” (PDF). European Federation of National Institutions for Language. Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 14. 12. 2019. g. „As far as indigenous (autochthonous) minority languages are concerned, Hungarian legislation acknowledges the languages in the following list ...: Armenian, Boyash, Bulgarian, Croatian, German, Greek, Polish, Romani, Romanian, Ruthenian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Ukrainian, and Hungarian Sign Language (HSL). 
  8. ^ „Iraqi Constitution: Article 4” (PDF). The Republic of Iraq Ministry of Interior General Directorate for Nationality. Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 28. 11. 2016. g. Pristupljeno 16. 6. 2014. „The right of Iraqis to educate their children in their mother tongue, such as Turkmen, Syriac, and Armenian shall be guaranteed in government educational institutions in accordance with educational guidelines, or in any other language in private educational institutions. 
  9. ^ Zych, Maciej. „New Polish legislation regarding national, ethnic and linguistic minorities” (PDF). Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography of Poland. str. 2. Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 14. 12. 2019. g. „There are 9 national minorities: Belorussian, Czech, Lithuanian, German, Armenian, Russian, Slovak, Ukrainian and Jewish; and 4 ethnic minorities - Karait, Lemko, Roma and Tartar. 
  10. ^ Pisarek, Walery (2009). „The relationship between official and minority languages in Poland” (PDF). European Federation of National Institutions for Language. str. 118. Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 14. 12. 2019. g. „In a Statement made by the Republic of Poland with relation to the ratification of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, Belarusian, Czech, Hebrew, Yiddish, Karaim, Kashubian, Lithuanian, Lemkian, German, Armenian, Romani, Russian, Slovak, Tatar and Ukrainian were recognized as minority languages. 
  11. ^ Saramandu, Nicolae; Nevaci, Manuela (2009). „MULTILINGVISM ŞI LIMBI MINORITARE ÎN ROMÂNIA [MULTILINGUALISM AND MINORITY LANGUAGES IN ROMANIA]” (PDF) (na jeziku: rumunski). Institute of Linguistics "Iorgu Iordan - Alexandru Rosetti", Romanian Academy. str. 25. Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 14. 12. 2019. g. Pristupljeno 20. 08. 2021. „În cazul României, 10 limbi beneficiază de protecţie generală (albaneză, armeană, greacă, italiană, idiş, macedoneană, poloneză, romani, ruteană, tătară) şi 10 limbi beneficiază de protecţie sporită (bulgară, cehă, croată, germană, maghiară, rusă, sârbă, slovacă, turcă, ucraineană). 
  12. ^ „Law of Ukraine "On Principles of State Language Policy" (Current version – Revision from 01.02.2014)”. Document 5029-17, Article 7: Regional or minority languages Ukraine, Paragraph 2 (na jeziku: ukrajinski). 1. 2. 2014. Pristupljeno 30. 4. 2014. „Stattя 7. Regіonalьnі movi abo movi menšin Ukraїni ... 2. U kontekstі Єvropeйsьkoї hartії regіonalьnih mov abo mov menšin do regіonalьnih mov abo mov menšin Ukraїni, do яkih zastosovuюtьsя zahodi, sprяmovanі na vikoristannя regіonalьnih mov abo mov menšin, щo peredbačenі u cьomu Zakonі, vіdnesenі movi: rosійsьka, bіlorusьka, bolgarsьka, vіrmensьka, gagauzьka, іdiš, krimsьkotatarsьka, moldavsьka, nіmecьka, novogrecьka, polьsьka, romsьka, rumunsьka, slovacьka, ugorsьka, rusinsьka, karaїmsьka, krimčacьka. 
  13. ^ Hille, Charlotte (2010). State Building and Conflict Resolution in the CaucasusSlobodan pristup ograničen dužinom probne verzije, inače neophodna pretplata. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill Publishers. str. 241. ISBN 9789004179011. 
  14. ^ „Javakhk Armenians Looks Ahead to Local Elections”. Asbarez. 31. 3. 2010. Pristupljeno 26. 5. 2014. „Javakheti for use in the region's 144 Armenian schools ... 
  15. ^ Mezhdoyan, Slava (28. 11. 2012). „Challenges and problems of the Armenian community of Georgia” (PDF). Tbilisi: European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy. Pristupljeno 26. 5. 2014. „Armenian schools in Georgia are fully funded by the government ... 
  16. ^ „About Lebanon”. Central Administration of Statistics of the Republic of Lebanon. Arhivirano iz originala 26. 5. 2014. g. „Other Languages: French, English and Armenian 
  17. ^ „Consideration of Reports Submitted by States Parties Under Article 44 of the Convention. Third periodic reports of states parties due in 2003: Lebanon” (PDF). Committee on the Rights of the Child. 25. 10. 2005. str. 108. Pristupljeno 26. 5. 2014. „Right of minorities to learn their language. The Lebanese curriculum allows Armenian schools to teach the Armenian language as a basic language. 
  18. ^ Sanjian, Ara. „Armenians and the 2000 Parliamentary Elections in Lebanon”. Armenian News Network / Groong. University of Southern California. Arhivirano iz originala 26. 5. 2014. g. „Moreover, the Lebanese government approved a plan whereby the Armenian language was to be considered from now on as one of the few 'second foreign languages' that students can take as part of the official Lebanese secondary school certificate (Baccalaureate) exams. 
  19. ^ Saib, Jilali (2001). „Languages in Turkey”. Ur.: Extra, Guus; Gorter, Durk. The Other Languages of Europe: Demographic, Sociolinguistic and Educational Perspectives. Philadelphia: Multilingual Matters. str. 423. ISBN 9781853595097. „No other language can be taught as a mother language other than Armenian, Greek and Hebrew, as agreed in the Lausanne Treaty ... 
  20. ^ Okçabol, Rıfat (2008). „Secondary Education in Turkey”. Ur.: Nohl, Arnd-Michael; Akkoyunlu-Wigley, Arzu; Wigley, Simon. Education in Turkey. Berlin: Waxmann Verlag. str. 65. ISBN 9783830970699. „Private Minority Schools are the school established by Greek, Armenian and Hebrew minorities during the era of the Ottoman Empire and covered by Lausanne Treaty. 
  21. ^ „Armenian Translations”. California Department of Social Services. Arhivirano iz originala 26. 5. 2014. g. 
  22. ^ „Վարորդների ձեռնարկ [Driver's Manual]” (PDF). California Department of Motor Vehicles. 2016. Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 12. 01. 2018. g. Pristupljeno 29. 10. 2016. 
  23. ^ „English/Armenian Legal Glossary” (PDF). Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento. 22. 6. 2005. Pristupljeno 26. 5. 2014. 
  24. ^ Rocha, Veronica (11. 1. 2011). „New Glendale traffic safety warnings in English, Armenian, Spanish”. Los Angeles Times. Pristupljeno 26. 5. 2014. 
  25. ^ Aghajanian, Liana (4. 9. 2012). „Intersections: Bad driving signals a need for reflection”. Glendale News-Press. Arhivirano iz originala 25. 05. 2017. g. Pristupljeno 26. 5. 2014. „... trilingual street signs in English, Armenian, and Spanish at intersections ... 
  26. ^ „H. Acharian Institute of Language”. Arhivirano iz originala 5. 10. 2014. g. „Main Fields of Activity: investigation of the structure and functioning, history and comparative grammar of the Armenian language, exploration of the literary Eastern and Western Armenian Language, dialectology, regulation of literary language, development of terminology 
  27. ^ Borjian, Maryam (2017). Language and Globalization: An Autoethnographic Approach. Routledge. str. 205. ISBN 9781315394619. „At the forefront of the development of Western Armenian in everyday life as well as in arts and technology is the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. 
  28. ^ Yesayan, Catherine (19. 6. 2019). „Unraveling the Life of Calouste Gulbenkian”. Asbarez. Arhivirano iz originala 2. 5. 2021. g. „The 'core' activity of the Armenian Department is the preservation, advancement and revitalization of Western Armenian. 
  29. ^ Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin; Bank, Sebastian, ur. (2016). „Armenic”. Glottolog 2.7. Jena: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. 
  30. ^ Martirosyan, Hrach (2. 3. 2020). „All You Need to Know about Armenian Language”. ASPIRANTUM: Armenian School of Languages and Cultures. Arhivirano iz originala 2. 5. 2021. g. „The total number of Armenians in the world is roughly estimated as 7-11 million, of which ca. 5-5,5 million speak Armenian. 
  31. ^ „Language Monday: Armenian”. World Book Encyclopedia. 23. 4. 2018. Arhivirano iz originala 2. 5. 2021. g. „About 7 million people speak the Armenian language worldwide. 


[uredi | uredi izvor]
  • Dum-Tragut, Jasmine (2009), Armenian: Modern Eastern Armenian, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company 
  • Fortson, Benjamin W. (2004), Indo-European Language and Culture, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing 
  • Hübschmann, Heinrich (1875), „Über die Stellung des armenischen im Kreise der indogermanischen Sprachen”, Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung, 23: 5—42, Arhivirano iz originala 2005-12-21. g. 
  • Livshits, Vladimir (2006). „Armeno-Partho-Sogdica”. Iran & the Caucasus. 10 (1): 77—86. doi:10.1163/157338406777979412. 
  • Price, G. (1998), Encyclopedia of European languages, Oxford University Press 
  • Adjarian, Hrachya H. (1909) Classification des dialectes arméniens, par H. Adjarian. Paris: Honoré Champion.
  • Clackson, James. 1994. The Linguistic Relationship Between Armenian and Greek. London: Publications of the Philological Society, No 30. (and Oxford: Blackwell Publishing)
  • Holst, Jan Henrik (2009) Armenische Studien. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  • Mallory, J. P. (1989) In Search of the Indo-Europeans: Language, Archaeology and Myth. London: Thames & Hudson.
  • Vaux, Bert. 1998. The Phonology of Armenian. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Vaux, Bert. 2002. "The Armenian dialect of Jerusalem." in Armenians in the Holy Land. Louvain: Peters.

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