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Džozef Konrad

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Džozef Konrad
Lični podaci
Puno imeJozef Teodor Konrad Koženjovski
Datum rođenja(1857-12-03)3. decembar 1857.
Mesto rođenjaTerehove kod Berdičiva, Ruska Imperija
Datum smrti3. avgust 1924.(1924-08-03) (66 god.)
Mesto smrtiBišopsbern, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Književni rad
Najvažnija delaLord Džim


Džozef Konrad (engl. Joseph Conrad), pravo ime Jozef Teodor Konrad Koženjovski (polj. Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski; Terehove kod Berdičiva, 3. decembar 1857 - Bišopsbern, 3. avgust 1924) je bio poljski književnik koji je svoj stvaralački period u životu proveo u Engleskoj i pisao na engleskom.[1] Državljanstvo Velike Britanije je dobio 1886, ali je sebe oduvek smatrao Poljakom.[2] Konrad se smatra jednim od najvećih novelista na engleskom jeziku, iako nije govorio tečno jezik do svojih dvadesetih (i uvek sa izraženim akcentom), on je bio majstor stilizovanja proze koji je doneo izrazit neengleski senzibilitet u englesku književnost.[3][4][5] Pisao je romane, mnoge u morskom okruženju, koji prikazuju iskušenja ljudskog duha usred ravnodušnosti svemira. Ipak, more nije najvažniji element u nizu njegovih dela, a neka od njih su i „Nostromo“, „Tajni agent“, „Očima zapada“.


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Konrad je rođen 3. decembra 1857. godine u ruskoj Ukrajini, u porodici poljskih zemljoposednika, koja je učestvovala u organizovanju pobune protiv ruske vlasti. Konrad je od šeste godine živeo kao izbeglica u severnoj Rusiji. Rano je ostao bez majke, a u 12. godini i bez oca.

Dečaštvo je proveo u Krakovu, uz romantičnu književnost, i sanjario o pomorskom životu. U sedamnaestoj godini stigao je u Marsej, krenuo na prve plovidbe i buran život po lukama.

Spomenik Džozefu Konrardu u Poljskoj

A onda je, u 21. godini, stupio u britansku trgovačku mornaricu, položio ispite za kapetana broda. Kapetansku karijeru završio je u svojoj 37. godini, naglo, zbog narušenog zdravlja.

Jednom je rekao:

Nikada se nisam odrekao mora u duši i srcu. Prinuđen sam sada, nesvesno prinuđen da pišem knjigu za knjigom, kao što sam u minulim godinama bio prinuđen da se otiskujem na more, iz putovanja u putovanje... Ne znam koji mi se od ova dva poriva čini tajanstvenijim i čudesnijim.

Prvi roman bio mu je „Almejerova ludost” (1895). Glavni junak, Evropljanin, živi duboko u unutrašnjosti Bornea, sa ženom Malajkinjom, i sanja o povratku u Evropu...

Najpopularniji mu je „Lord Džim”, roman posebno omiljen kod mladih. Ovo je priča o mornarskim avanturama, ali i o moralu, o tome kako moralni prestup ostavlja duboki trag u ljudskoj duši. Ima mišljenja da su tu i neka autobiografska iskustva, iz krakovskih đačkih dana. Remek-delo, roman „Nostromo”, iz 1904. godine govori o junaku koji je istovremeno prestupnik, navodeći čitaoca na razumevanje za onoga koji je, zloupotrebivši poverenje, ukrao srebro dato mu na čuvanje za vreme neke od pobuna u Južnoj Americi. Tu su i takozvani politički romani: „Tajni agent”, „Očima Zapada”,„Srce tame ”... Džozef Konrad umro je 3. avgusta 1924. godine.


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  • "The Black Mate"
  • "The Idiots"
  • "The Lagoon"
  • "An Outpost of Progress"
  • "The Return"
  • "Karain: A Memory"
  • "Youth"
  • "Falk"
  • "Amy Foster"
  • "To-morrow"
  • "Gaspar Ruiz"
  • "An Anarchist"
  • "The Informer"
  • "The Brute"
  • "The Duel
  • "Il Conde"
  • "The Secret Sharer"
  • "Prince Roman"
  • "A Smile of Fortune"
  • "Freya of the Seven Isles"
  • "The Partner"
  • "The Inn of the Two Witches"
  • "Because of the Dollars"
  • "The Planter of Malata"
  • "The Warrior's Soul"
  • "The Tale"


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  1. ^ Najder, Z. (2007) Joseph Conrad: A Life. Camden House. ISBN 978-1-57113-347-2. str. 11–12.
  2. ^ In a 14 February 1901 letter to his namesake Józef Korzeniowski, a librarian at Kraków's Jagiellonian University, Conrad would write, partly in reference to some Poles' accusation that he had deserted the Polish cause by writing in English: "It is widely known that I am a Pole and that Józef Konrad are my [given] names, the latter being used by me as a surname so that foreign mouths should not distort my real surname – a distortion which I cannot stand. It does not seem to me that I have been unfaithful to my country by having proved to the English that a gentleman from the Ukraine can be as good a sailor as they, and has something to tell them in their own language." Zdzisław Najder, Joseph Conrad: A Life. pp. 311–12. Jump up ^
  3. ^ "Joseph Conrad". Encyclopædia Britannica.
  4. ^ Rudyard Kipling felt that "with a pen in his hand he was first amongst us" but that there was nothing English in Conrad's mentality: "When I am reading him, I always have the impression that I am reading an excellent translation of a foreign author." Cited in Jeffrey Meyers, Joseph Conrad: A Biography, p. 209. Cf. Zdzisław Najder's similar observation: "He was... an English writer who grew up in other linguistic and cultural environments. His work can be seen as located in the borderland of auto-translation [emphasis added by Wikipedia]." Zdzisław Najder, Joseph Conrad: A Life, 2007, p. IX.
  5. ^ "Poland" Encyclopædia Britannica. 2009. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 5 August 2009


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  • Gérard Jean-Aubry, Vie de Conrad (Life of Conrad – the authorised biography), Gallimard, 1947, translated by Helen Sebba as The Sea Dreamer: A Definitive Biography of Joseph Conrad, New York, Doubleday & Co., 1957. Magill, Frank; Kohler, Dayton (1968). Masterplots. 11. Salem Press. str. 236. 
  • Richard Curle, Joseph Conrad: A Study, New York, Doubleday, Page & Company, 1914.
  • Peter Edgerly Firchow, Envisioning Africa: Racism and Imperialism in Conrad's Heart of Darkness, University Press of Kentucky, 2000.
  • Leo Gurko, Joseph Conrad: Giant in Exile, New York, The MacMillan Company, 1962.
  • Robert Hampson, Cross-Cultural Encounters in Joseph Conrad's Malay Fiction, Palgrave, 2000.
  • Adam Hochschild, "Stranger in Strange Lands: Joseph Conrad lived in a far wider world than even the greatest of his contemporaries" (a review of Maya Jasanoff, The Dawn Watch: Joseph Conrad in a Global World, Penguin), Foreign Affairs, vol. 97, no. 2 (March / April 2018), pp. 150–55.
  • Alex Kurczaba, ed., Conrad and Poland, Boulder, East European Monographs. 1996. ISBN 978-0-88033-355-9..
  • C. McCarthy (2010). The Cambridge Introduction to Edward Said. Cambridge University Press. .
  • Jeffrey Meyers, Joseph Conrad: A Biography, New York, Charles Scribner's Sons. 1991. ISBN 978-0-684-19230-7..
  • Najder, Zdzisław (1984). Conrad under Familial Eyes. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-25082-5. .
  • Zdzisław Najder, Joseph Conrad: A Life, translated by Halina Najder, Rochester, New York, Camden House. 2007. ISBN 978-1-57113-347-2..
  • Zdzisław Najder, "Korzeniowski, Józef Teodor Konrad", Polski Słownik Biograficzny, tom (vol.) XIV (Kopernicki, Izydor – Kozłowska, Maria), Wrocław, Zakład Narodowy Imienia Ossolińskich, Wydawnictwo Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 1968–1969, pp. 173–76.
  • Mario Pei, The Story of Language, with an Introduction by Stuart Berg Flexner, revised ed., New York, New American Library. 1984. ISBN 978-0-452-25527-2..
  • Joseph Retinger, Conrad and His Contemporaries, London: Minerva, 1941; New York: Roy, 1942.
  • Leo Robson, "The Mariner's Prayer: Was Joseph Conrad right to think that everyone was getting him wrong? Conrad mined his life for material, but chafed at being called a 'writer of the sea'", The New Yorker, 20 November 2017, pp. 91–97.
  • Said, Edward W. (1966). Joseph Conrad and the Fiction of Autobiography. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. .
  • Edward W. Said, Joseph Conrad and the Fiction of Autobiography, 2008 ed., New York. . Columbia University Press. ISBN 978-0-231-14005-8. .
  • T. Scovel, A Time to Speak: a Psycholinguistic Inquiry into the Critical Period for Human Speech, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Newbury House, 1988.
  • J. H. Stape, ур. (2006). The Cambridge Companion to Joseph Conrad. Cambridge University Press. .
  • John Stape, The Several Lives of Joseph Conrad, New York, Pantheon. 2007. ISBN 978-1-4000-4449-8..
  • J. I. M. Stewart, Joseph Conrad, New York, Dodd, Mead & Company, 1968.
  • Colm Tóibín, "The Heart of Conrad" (review of Maya Jasanoff, The Dawn Watch: Joseph Conrad in a Global World, Penguin, 375 pp.), The New York Review of Books, vol. LXV, no. 3 (22 February 2018), pp. 8–11.
  • Krystyna Tokarzówna, Stanisław Fita (Zygmunt Szweykowski, ed.), Bolesław Prus, 1847–1912: Kalendarz życia i twórczości (Bolesław Prus, 1847–1912: a Calendar of His Life and Work), Warsaw, Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1969.
  • Watt, Ian (2000). Essays on Conrad. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-78387-3. 
  • Olivier Weber, Conrad, Arthaud-Flammarion, 2011.
  • Wise, T.J. (1920). A Bibliography of the Writings of Joseph Conrad (1895–1920). London: Printed for Private Circulation Only By Richard Clay & Sons, Ltd. 
  • Morton Dauwen Zabel, "Conrad, Joseph"Encyclopedia Americana. 1986. ISBN 978-0-7172-0117-4. , vol. 7, pp. 606–07.
  • H.S. Zins, "Joseph Conrad and British Critics of Colonialism", Pula, vol. 12, nos. 1 & 2, 1998.
  • Henryk Zins, Joseph Conrad and Africa, Kenya Literature Bureau. 1982. ISBN 978-0-907108-23-8..
  • Anna Gąsienica Byrcyn, review of G.W. Stephen Brodsky, Joseph Conrad's Polish Soul: Realms of Memory and Self, edited with an introduction by George Z. Gasyna (Conrad: Eastern and Western Perspectives Series, vol. 25, edited by Wiesław Krajka), Lublin, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Press. 2016. ISBN 978-83-7784-786-2., in The Polish Review, vol. 63, no. 4. 2018. str. 103–5.. "Brodsky reflects on the significance of Conrad's Polish mind and spirit that imbued his writings yet are often overlooked and hardly acknowledged by Western scholars.... [T]he author... belong[ed] to the ethnic Polish minority and gentry class in a borderland society [in Ukraine], making him an exile from his birth." (p. 104)

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