Samjuel Tejlor Kolridž
Samjuel Tejlor Kolridž | |
Lični podaci | |
Datum rođenja | 21. oktobar 1772. |
Mesto rođenja | Oteri, Velika Britanija |
Datum smrti | 25. jul 1834.61 god.) ( |
Mesto smrti | London, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo |
Christ's Hospital |
Samjuel Tejlor Kolridž (engl. Samuel Taylor Coleridge;[1] Oteri, 21. oktobar 1772 — London, 25. jul 1834) je bio engleski pesnik, književni kritičar, filozof i teolog koji je s prijateljem Vilijamom Vordsvortom bio osnivač Romantičarskog pokreta u Engleskoj i član Jezerskih pesnika. U književnosti je romantičar, u prvo vreme izvanredno revolucionaran, u Americi je čak hteo da osnuje komunu, kasnije je sve više konzervativac. Jedan je od osnivača književne kritike u Engleskoj, pisao je drame, balade i lirske pesme. Kolridž je Nemačku posetio 1798. godine i započeo sa periodom intenzivnog proučavanja i asimiliacije mislilaca nemačke klasične filozofije. Posle putovanja po Nemačkoj jedan je od najglasnijih propagatora posebno Kanta, Fihtea i Šelinga, u Engleskoj. Ovaj engleski pesnik je važan u istoriji filozofije kao jedan od glavnih provodnika čijim su posredstvom Kantova dela i dela nemačkog romantizma uvedena u Englesku. U njegovim delima oseća se i uticaj Platona i Plotina. Realnost je, po Kolridžu, spiritualna, pa stoga je razum i može obuhvatiti, i to pre svega na način intuitivne spoznaje. Kolridž je zastupao stanovište o individualnom duhovnom spasenju koje je bilo daleko od jednostavnog prosvetiteljskog i utilitarističkog pouzdanja u društveni inžinjering i materijalni progres.
Tokom svog odrastanja Kolridž je bio dosta uznemiren i depresivan. Bio je često bolestan i slab što je proisteklo kao posledica reumatske groznice i drugih dečijih bolesti. Njegovo lečenje tretirano je laudanumom, koji je postao uzrok njegove životne zavisnosti od opijuma.[2]
Najbolji je i najpoznatiji kao pesnik tri najpoznatije pesme: Pesma o starom mornaru, Kristabel i Kubla Kan.
[uredi | uredi izvor]Detinjstvo i školovanje
[uredi | uredi izvor]Kolridž je rođen 21. oktobra 1772. godine u gradu Oteri St Mari u Devonu, u Engleskoj.[3] Samjuelov otac bio je Džon Koleridž (1718—1781), uvaženi glasnik crkve Svete Marije, Oteri St Mari i direktor kraljeve škole, besplatne gimnazije koju je osnovao kralj Henri VIII (1509—1547) u gradu . Ranije je bio domar škole Hju Skuiera u South Moltonu, Devonu i predavaču obližnjeg Molanda.[4] Džon Koleridž je imao svoje troje dece sa prvom ženom. Sa drugom ženom Ana Bovden (1726—1809),[5] ćerkom Džona Bovdena, gradonačelnika Južnog Moltona, u Devonu, 1726. Inače Semjuelovom majkom imao je sedmoro dece. Samjuel je bio najmlađi od desetoro dece gospodina Kolridža. Kolridž je isticao da „nije imao interesovanja za dečije sportove“, već je u mesto toga „neprestano“ čitao i igrao se sam.
Školu je pohađao u Kembridžu, koju vrlo brzo napušta i odlazi u vojsku iz koje ga roditelji ispisuju i vraćaju u školu. Nakon što je Džon Koleridž umro 1781. godine, osmogodišnji Samuel je upućen u Hristovu bolnicu, dobrotvornu školu koja je osnovana u 16. veku u Greifriarsu u Londonu, gde je proveo detinjstvo, studirao i pisao poeziju.[6] Tokom školovanja upoznaje Roberta Souteja i sa njim planira osnivanje utopističke zajednice u Americi. Pod velikim je uticajem ideja Francuske revolucije i sve se više interesuje za politiku i filozofiju, a kasnije i za teologiju (ali je konačno, iako je počeo kao jakobinski revolucionar, završio kao konzervativac).
Život i karijera
[uredi | uredi izvor]U skladu sa planom svog utopijskog društva, ženi se Sarom Friker, a njegov prijatelj Robert sa njenom sestrom, što je dobrim delom kasnije unesrećilo Kolridžov život. Lošeg zdravlja, rastrgnut između vlastitog stvaralačkog nagona, porodičnog života i nesigurnih savremenih prilika, stalno se sukobljavao sa sobom i okolinom. Teško je živeo i zarađivao od novina, zaviseći često od prijatelja. Nakon poznanstva sa Vordsfordom, 1798. godine odlazi u Nemačku na nekoliko meseci kako bi naučio jezik. 1804. godine zbog astme odlazi na Maltu, gde dobija posao sekretara guvernera. Neko vreme je proveo i u Rimu.
U Englesku se vraća 1806. Godine, a njegovo imovno i zdravstveno stanje sve više se pogoršava: prekida dugogodišnje prijateljstvo sa Vordsfortom, sve više uživa u opijumu, ali i njegov uticaj na mlade sve više raste. Suočavao se sa bolešću koja ga je sve više mučila, podlegao je opijumu ne doživevši veliku pobedu svojih ideja, do koje su ubrzo doveli engleski romantičari. Bio je svestran i neprestano u letu za idejama, a delovao je kao pesnik, predavač, novinar, prevodilac, teolog, kritičar. Najbolji je i najpoznatiji kao pesnik tri najlepše pesme: Pesma o starom mornaru, Kristabel i Kubla Khan.
Prema mišljenju nekih značajnijih književnika, on je najbolji engleski kritičar, čovek koji je vratio dostojanstvo i dao težinu kritici. Okrenuvši se pitanjima njene biti, metode i smisla. Imao je veliki uticaj na moderne kritičarske škole angloameričke književnosti. Njegova celokupna duhovna akcija težila je utopističkoj sintezi znanja, umetnosti, religije i politike.
[uredi | uredi izvor]- Robespjerov pad (zajedno sa Sautijem)
- Lirske balade (zajedno sa Vordsvortom)
- Sibilsko lišće
- On the Constitution of Church and State, 1830.
- Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit, 1840.
- Essays on Method, 1845.
- Biographia Literaria
- Ispovesti ispitivačkog duha
- Kritika o Šekspiru
[uredi | uredi izvor]- ^ „Coleridgean Morsels | Sundry | Coleridge Corner”. Pristupljeno 30. 7. 2018.
- ^ Jamison, Kay Redfield. Touched with Fire: Manic-Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament. Free Press. 1994., 219–224.
- ^ Radley 1966, str. 13.
- ^ Unsworth, John, The Early Background of S.T. Coleridge, published in The Coleridge Bulletin, No 1, Summer 1988, pp. 16–25 [1] "Lecturer of Molland" was an office established and funded by a member of the Courtenay family, lords of the manor of Molland, and involved preaching sermons in Molland Church, possibly also in Knowstone Church adjoining
- ^ James Gillman (2008). The Life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Bastion Books.
- ^ "Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (CLRG791ST)" Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (30. novembar 2018). A Cambridge Alumni Database. University of Cambridge.
[uredi | uredi izvor]- Abrams, M. H. (1965). „Structure and Style in the Greater Romantic Lyric”. Ur.: Hilles, Frederick W.; Bloom, Harold. From Sensibility to Romanticism. Oxford University Press. str. 527—8.
- Barfield, Owen (1971). What Coleridge Thought. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.. (Extensive study of Coleridge as philosopher.)
- Barth, J. Robert (1969). Coleridge and Christian Doctrine. Cambridge: Harvard.. (Examines Coleridge's theology.)
- Barth, J. Robert (2001). The Symbolic Imagination. New York: Fordham.. (Examines Coleridge's concept of "symbol")
- Bate, Walter Jackson (1968). Coleridge. The Macmillan Company. ISBN 0-8262-0713-8.
- Beckson, Karl E. (1963). Great Theories in Literary Criticism. Farrar, Straus.
- Beer, John B. (1970). Coleridge the Visionary. London: Chatto and Windus.. (Places Coleridge's poems in the context of his thought.)
- Berkeley, Richard (2007). Coleridge and the Crisis of Reason. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan..
- Bloom, Harold (1971). The Visionary Company: A Reading of English Romantic Poetry (Revised izd.). ISBN 978-0-8014-9117-7. (Close readings of all of the Conversation Poems)
- Boulger, J. D. (1969). Twentieth Century Interpretations of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice Hall.. (Contains twentieth century readings of the 'Rime', including Robert Penn Warren, Humphrey House.)
- Cheyne, Peter (2020). Coleridge's Contemplative Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press..
- Class, Monika (2012). Coleridge and the Kantian Ideas in England, 1796–1817. London: Bloomsbury..
- Cutsinger, James S. (1987). The Form of Transformed Vision. Macon GA: Mercer.. (Argues that Coleridge wants to transform his reader's consciousness, to see nature as a living presence.)
- Harold, Bloodm (2010). Samuel Taylor Coleridge. ISBN 9781604138092.
- Eliot, T.S. (1956). „The Perfect Critic”. Selected Prose of T.S. Eliot. Harcourt. ISBN 0-15-180702-7.
- Engell, James (1981). The Creative Imagination. Cambridge: Harvard.. (Surveys the various German theories of imagination in the eighteenth century)
- Fruman, Norman. Coleridge the Damaged Archangel (London: George Allen and Unwin). (Examines Coleridge's plagiarisms, taking a critical view)
- Harper, George McLean (1969) [1928]. „Coleridge's Conversation Poems”. Spirit of Delight. Ayer Publishing. ISBN 978-0-8369-0016-3.
- Holmes, Richard (1982). Coleridge. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-287592-2.
- Hough, Barry; Davis, Howard (2010). Coleridge's Laws: A Study of Coleridge in Malta. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers. ISBN 9781906924126.
- Kenner, Hugh (1995). „Coleridge”. Historical Fictions. University of Georgia Press. ISBN 0-86547-424-9.
- Koelzer, Robert (proleće 2006). „Abrams Among the Nightingales: Revisiting the Greater Romantic Lyric”. The Wordsworth Circle. 37 (2): 67—71. S2CID 169769197. doi:10.1086/TWC24044130. (Detailed, recent discussion of the Conversation Poems.)
- Leadbetter, Gregory (2011). Coleridge and the Daemonic Imagination. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan..
- Lowes, John Livingston (1930). The Road to Xanadu. London: Constable.. (Examines sources for Coleridge's poetry).
- Magnuson, Paul (2002). „The 'Conversation' poems”. Ur.: Newlyn, Lucy. The Cambridge Companion to Coleridge. Cambridge University Press. str. 32–44. ISBN 0-521-65909-4.
- Magnuson, Paul (1988). Coleridge and Wordsworth: A Lyrical Dialogue. Princeton: Princeton UP.. (A 'dialogical' reading of Coleridge and Wordsworth.)
- McFarland, Thomas (1969). Coleridge and the Pantheist Tradition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.. (Examines the influence of German philosophy on Coleridge, with particular reference to pantheism)
- Modiano, Raimonda (1985). Coleridge and the Concept of Nature. London: Macmillan.. (Examines the influence of German philosophy on Coleridge, with particular reference to nature)
- Morley, Henry (1884). Table Talk of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Christabel, &c. New York: Routledge.
- Muirhead, John H. (1930). Coleridge as Philosopher. London: George Allen and Unwin.. (Examines Coleridge's philosophical texts)
- Murray, Chris (2013). Tragic Coleridge. Farnham:
- Parker, Reeve (2011). Romantic Tragedies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press..
- Perkins, Mary Anne (1994). Coleridge's Philosophy: The Logos as Unifying Principle. Oxford: Oxford University Press.. (Draws the various strands of Coleridge's theology and philosophy together under the concept of the 'Logos'.)
- Perry, Seamus (1999). Coleridge and the Uses of Division. Oxford: Oxford University Press.. (Brings out the play of language in Coleridge's Notebooks.)
- Radley, Virginia L. (1966). Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Twayne Publishers, Inc. ISBN 0-8057-1100-7.
- Riem, Natale Antonella (2005). The One Life. Coleridge and Hinduism. Jaipur-New Delhi: Rawat..
- Reid, Nicholas (2006). Coleridge, Form and Symbol: Or the Ascertaining Vision. Aldershot: Ashgate.. (Argues for the importance of Schelling as a source for Coleridge's philosophical texts).
- Richards, I. A. (1934). Coleridge on Imagination. London: Kegan Paul.. (Examines Coleridge's concept of the imagination)
- Richardson, Alan (2001). British Romanticism and the Science of the Mind. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.. (Examines the sources for Coleridge's interest in psychology.)
- Shaffer, Elinor S. (1975). Kubla Khan and the Fall of Jerusalem. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.. (A broadly structuralist reading of Coleridge's poetical sources.)
- Stockitt, Robin. Imagination and the Playfulness of God: The Theological Implications of Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s Definition of the Human Imagination (Eugene, OR, 2011) (Distinguished Dissertations in Christian Theology).
- Toor, Kiran (2011). Coleridge's Chrysopoetics: Alchemy, Authorship and Imagination. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars..
- Vallins, David (2000). Coleridge and the Psychology of Romanticism: Feeling and Thought. London: Macmillan.. (Examines Coleridge's psychology.)
- Wheeler, K. M. (1980). Sources, Processes and Methods in Coleridge’s Biographia Literaria. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.. (Examines the idea of the active reader in Coleridge.)
- Woudenberg, Maximiliaan van (2018). Coleridge and Cosmopolitan Intellectualism 1794–1804. The Legacy of Göttingen University. London: Routledge..
- Wright, Luke S. H (2010). Samuel Taylor Coleridge and the Anglican Church. Notre Dame: Notre Dame University Press..
- Page, W.H., ur. (1914). Parishes: Sockburn, in A History of the County of York North Riding: Volume 1. Victoria County History. British History Online. str. 449—454. Pristupljeno 1. 6. 2022.
Dodatna literatura
[uredi | uredi izvor]- Adair, Patricia. The Waking Dream: A Study of Coleridge's Poetry (Lon- don, New York, 1967)
- Appleyard, J. A. Coleridge's Philosophy of Literature (Cambridge, Mass, 1965)
- Baker, James V. The Sacred River: Coleridge's Theory of the Imagination (Baton Rouge, 1957)
- Beer, J. B. Coleridge the Visionary (London, New York, 1959)
- Boulger, James D, ed. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (Englewood Cliffs, 1969)
- Coburn, Kathleen, ed. Coleridge: A Collection of Critical Essays (Engle- wood Cliffs, 1967)
- Cornwell, John. Coleridge: Poet and Revolutionary, 1772-1804 (New York, 1973)
- Fogle, Richard H. The Idea of Coleridge's Criticism (Berkeley, 1962)
- Harding, Anthony J. Coleridge and the Idea of Love: Aspects of Relationship in Coleridge's Thought and Writing (London, 1974)
- House, A. H. Coleridge (London, 1953)
- Lockridge, Lawrence S. Coleridge the Moralist (Ithaca, 1977) Lowes, John Livingston. The Road to Xanadu (London, 1951) Muirhead, John H. Coleridge as Philosopher (London, 1954) Parker, Reeve. Coleridge's Meditative Art (Ithaca, 1975)
- Prickett, Stephen. Coleridge and Wordsworth: The Poetry of Growth (London, 1970)
- Prickett, Stephen. Wordsworth and Coleridge: The Lyrical Ballads (London, 1975)
- Raine, Kathleen. Coleridge (London, 1953) Read, H. The True Voice of Feeling (London, 1953) Richards I. A. Coleridge on Imagination (London, 1934) Schulz, Max F. The Poetic Voices of Coleridge: A Study of His Desire for Spontaneity and Passion for Order (Detroit, 1963)
- Suther, Marshall. The Dark Night of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (New York, 1960)
- Walsh, William. The Work and the Relevance (London, New York, 1967) Watson, G. G. Coleridge the Poet (London, New York, 1966)
- Yarlot, Geoffrey. Coleridge and the Abyssinian Maid (London, 1967)
Spoljašnje veze
[uredi | uredi izvor]- Samuel Taylor Coleridge na sajtu Projekat Gutenberg (jezik: engleski)
- Samjuel Tejlor Kolridž na sajtu Internet Archive (jezik: engleski)
- Samjuel Tejlor Kolridž na sajtu LibriVox (jezik: engleski)
- Poems by Coleridge from the Poetry Foundation. Retrieved 19 October 2010
- Works of Coleridge at the University of Toronto. Retrieved 19 October 2010
- Friends of Coleridge Society. Retrieved 19 October 2010
- The re-opening of Coleridge Cottage near Exmoor.
- Celebrating a cave’s link to town’s most famous son – Samuel Taylor Coleridge by Martin Hesp at Western Morning Press
- Samjuel Tejlor Kolridž na sajtu NPG (jezik: engleski)
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (26. maj 2022) at the British Library
- Coleridge archive at the Victoria University. Retrieved 19 October 2010
- Letters of Samuel Taylor Coleridge from the Internet Archive. Retrieved 19 October 2010
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge Collection. General Collection, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.