Жак Дерида
Жак Дерида | |
Лични подаци | |
Пуно име | Жак Дерида |
Датум рођења | 15. јул 1930. |
Место рођења | Ел Биар, Алжир, |
Датум смрти | 8. октобар 2004.74 год.) ( |
Место смрти | Париз, Француска |
Образовање | Виша нормална школа, Универзитет Харвард |
Филозофски рад | |
Епоха | Филозофија XX века |
Регија | Западна филозофија |
Школа филозофије | Деконструкција |
Интересовања | Филозофија језика, Књижевна теорија, Етика |
Идеје | Деконструкција, différance |
Утицаји од | Мишел Фуко, Мартин Хајдегер, Едмунд Хусерл, Емануел Левинас, Фридрих Ниче |
Утицао на | Мишел Фуко, Пол де Ман |
Званични веб-сајт | |
plato |
Жак Дерида (фр. Jacques Derrida; [1] 15. јул 1930 — Париз, 9. октобар 2004) је био француски филозоф, одговоран за настанак деконструктивизма и једна од фигура лидер постмодернистичког покрета.[2][3]
Уз Дериду се пре свега везује појам деконструкције метафизике. Он сматра да је чињеница да се после предсократоваца у филозофији и у свету све битно објашњавало метафизиком, што је довело до заборава бића. У делу О граматологији (дисциплини која не постоји али коју он прокламује) Дерида се враћа не само до предсократоваца него и до самих почетака људског споразумевања. Постмодернистичка филозофска мисао покушава ићи много даље од модерне, разоткривајући нестабилност и апорије у традицији западне филозофске мисли, почев од Декарта па све до данашњице. Те апорије су често везане за онто-теологију, термин који је дао Хајдегер једној форми филозофске мисли о »ономе истинском« која се састоји, на крају крајева од концепта постојања »Бога«.[4][5][6]
[уреди | уреди извор]- ^ Peeters, Benoît (2012). Derrida: A Biography. Polity. стр. 12–13. „"Jackie was born at daybreak, on 15 July 1930, at El Biar, in the hilly suburbs of Algiers, in a holiday home. [...] The boy's main forename was probably chosen because of Jackie Coogan ... When he was circumcised, he was given a second forename, Elie, which was not entered on his birth certificate, unlike the equivalent names of his brother and sister."” OCLC 980688411, 844437566, 818721033 See also. Bennington, Geoffrey (1993). Jacques Derrida. The University of Chicago Press. стр. 325. „1930 Birth of Jackie Derrida, July 15, in El-Biar (near Algiers, in a holiday house).”.
- ^ „Jacques Derrida”. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Приступљено 15. 1. 2021.(језик: енглески)
- ^ „Jacques Derrida French philosopher”. Britannica. 4. 10. 2023. Приступљено 15. 1. 2021.(језик: енглески)
- ^ "Jacques Derrida". Encyclopædia Britannica. Britannica.com. Retrieved 19 May 2017.
- ^ Derrida on Religion: Thinker of Differance By Dawne McCance. Equinox. 2009. стр. 7.
- ^ Derrida, Deconstruction, and the Politics of Pedagogy (Counterpoints Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education). Peter Lang Publishing Inc. стр. 134. OCLC 314727596, 476972726, 263497930, 783449163
[уреди | уреди извор]- Bennington, Geoffrey; Derrida, Jacques (15. 6. 1999). Jacques Derrida]. University of Chicago Press. 1991.. Section Curriculum vitae, pp. 325–36. [http://lebonusage.over-blog.com/article-30028638.html Excerpts. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 9780226042626. Пронађени су сувишни параметри:
(помоћ) - Caputo, John D. (ed.) (1997). Deconstruction in a Nutshell: A Conversation with Jacques Derrida. New York: Fordham University Press. Transcript (which is also available here на сајту Wayback Machine (архивирано септембар 1, 2006)) of the Roundtable Discussion with Jacques Derrida at Villanova University, October 3, 1994. With commentary by Caputo.
- Cixous, Hélène (2001). Portrait of Jacques Derrida as a Young Jewish Saint. English edition, New York: Columbia University Press. 2004.. OCLC 1025139739, 265430083, 448343513, 1036830179
- Derrida (1967): interview with Henri Ronse, republished in Positions (English edition, Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press, 1981).
- Derrida (1971): interview with Guy Scarpetta, republished in Positions (English edition, Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press, 1981).
- Derrida (1976). Where a Teaching Body Begins and How It Ends., republished in Who's Afraid of Philosophy?.
- Derrida (1988). Afterword: Toward An Ethic of Discussion., published in the English translation of Limited Inc.
- Derrida (1989). This Strange Institution Called Literature., interview published in Acts of Literature (1991), pp. 33–75
- Derrida (1990). Once Again from the Top: Of the Right to Philosophy., interview with Robert Maggiori for Libération, November 15, 1990, republished in Points...: Interviews, 1974-1994 (1995).
- Derrida (1991). "A 'Madness' Must Watch Over Thinking", interview with Francois Ewald for Le Magazine Litteraire, March 1991, republished in Points...: Interviews, 1974-1994 (1995).
- Derrida (1992). Derrida's interview in The Cambridge Review 113, October 1992. Reprinted in Points...: Interviews, 1974–1994 Stanford University Press (1995) and retitled as Honoris Causa: "This is also extremely funny," pp. 399–421. Excerpt.
- Derrida (1993). Specters of Marx..
- Derrida; et al. (1994). Недостаје или је празан параметар
(помоћ): roundtable discussion: Of the Humanities and Philosophical Disciplines Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (25. октобар 2019) Surfaces Vol. VI.108 (v.1.0A – August 16, 1996) – ISSN 1188-2492 Later republished in Ethics, Institutions, and the Right to Philosophy (2002). - Derrida, Jaques; Ferraris, Maurizio (11. 6. 2001) [1997]. I Have a Taste for the Secret. Wiley. ISBN 9780745623344. , translated by Giacomo Donis.
- Derrida (1997): interview Les Intellectuels: tentative de définition par eux-mêmes. „Enquête, published in a special number of journal”. Lignes. 32: 57—68. 1997., republished in Papier Machine (2001), and translated into English as Intellectuals. Attempt at Definition by Themselves. Survey, in Derrida (2005) Paper machine.
- Dick, Kirby; Kofman, Amy Ziering; Derrida, Jacques (2005). Derrida: screenplay and essays on the film. Manchester University Press. ISBN 9780719070631..
- Graff, Gerald (1993). Is Reason in Trouble?. American Philosophical Society. ISBN 9781422370193. in Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., 137, no. 4, 1993, pp. 680–88.
- Kritzman, Lawrence D.; Reilly, Brian J.; Debevoise, M. B. (2006). The Columbia History of Twentieth-century French Thought. Columbia University Press. ISBN 978-0-231-10790-7.
- Mackey, Louis (1984) with a reply by Searle. An Exchange on Deconstruction, in New York Review of Books, February 2, 1984
- Peeters, Benoît (29. 4. 2013). Derrida: A Biography. Polity Press. ISBN 978-0-7456-7615-9.
- Powell, Jason (2006). https://books.google.com/books?id=sbhlgspwVwMC. Недостаје или је празан параметар
(помоћ). London and New York: Continuum. Спољашња веза у|title=
(помоћ). - Poster, Mark (1989). Critical theory and poststructuralism: in search of a context. Cornell University Press. ISBN 9780801423369., section Introduction: Theory and the problem of Context.
- Poster, Mark (2010). „McLuhan and the Cultural Theory of Media”. MediaTropes eJournal. II (2). (2010): 1–18.
- Searle (1983). The Word Turned Upside Down, in The New York Review of Books, October 1983.
- Searle (2000). Reality Principles: An Interview with John R. Searle. Reason.com. February 2000 issue, accessed online on 30-08-2010.
- Peeters, Benoît (2012) Derrida: A Biography. Cambridge: Polity
- Salmon, Peter (2020). An Event, Perhaps: A Biography of Jacques Derrida. London: Verso. ISBN 9781788732802.
Introductory works
[уреди | уреди извор]- Adleman, Dan (2010). Deconstricting Derridean Genre Theory. (PDF)
- Culler, Jonathan (1975). Structuralist Poetics..
- Culler, Jonathan (1983). On Deconstruction: Theory and Criticism after Structuralism..
- Descombes, Vincent (1980). Modern French Philosophy..
- Deutscher, Penelope (2006). How to Read Derrida. ISBN 978-0-393-32879-0. .
- Mark Dooley, Liam Kavanagh (2007). The Philosophy of Derrida. London: Acumen Press.., 2006; Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press.
- Goldschmit, Marc (2003). Jacques Derrida, une introduction. ISBN 2-266-11574-X. Paris, Agora Pocket.
- Hill, Leslie (25. 10. 2007). The Cambridge introduction to Jacques Derrida. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781139466141.
- Jameson, Fredric (1972) The Prison-House of Language.
- Leitch, Vincent B (1983). Deconstructive Criticism: An Advanced Introduction..
- Lentricchia, Frank (1980). After the New Criticism..
- Moati Raoul (2009), Derrida/Searle, déconstruction et langage ordinaire
- Norris, Christopher (1987). Derrida. ISBN 0-674-19823-9. .
- Norris, Christopher (1982). Deconstruction: Theory and Practice..
- Thomas, Michael (2006). The Reception of Derrida: Translation and Transformation..
- Wise, Christopher (2009). Derrida, Africa, and the Middle East..
- Agamben, Giorgio. "Pardes: The Writing of Potentiality," in Giorgio Agamben, Potentialities: Collected Essays in Philosophy, ed. and trans. Daniel Heller-Roazen, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2005. 205-19.
- Beardsworth, Richard (1996). Derrida and the Political. ISBN 0-415-10967-1..
- Bennington, Geoffrey (1994). Legislations. ISBN 0-86091-668-5. .
- Bennington, Geoffrey. Interrupting Derrida. ISBN 0-415-22427-6..
- Critchley, Simon (2014). The Ethics of Deconstruction: Derrida and Levinas, 3rd Edition. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9780748689323.
- Caputo, John D., The Prayers and Tears of Jacques Derrida.
- Derrida, Jacques (1992). Coward, Harold G., ур. Derrida and Negative theology. SUNY Press. ISBN 0-7914-0964-3.
- Dal Bo, F. (2019). Deconstructing the Talmud. Routledge. ISBN 978-1138208223.
- de Man, Paul, "The Rhetoric of Blindness: Jacques Derrida's Reading of Rousseau," in Paul de Man, Blindness and Insight: Essays in the Rhetoric of Contemporary Criticism, second edition, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1983. 102-41.
- El-Bizri, Nader, 'Qui-êtes vous Khôra?: Receiving Plato's Timaeus', Existentia Meletai-Sophias 11 (2001), pp. 473–490.
- El-Bizri, Nader, "ON KAI KHORA: Situating Heidegger between the Sophist and the Timaeus," Studia Phaenomenologica 4 (2004), pp. 73–98.
- Fabbri, Lorenzo. "Chronotopologies of the Exception. Agamben and Derrida before the Camps", "Diacritics,". 39 (3):.: 77-95.
- Foucault, Michel, "My Body, This Paper, This Fire," in Michel Foucault, History of Madness, ed. Jean Khalfa, trans. Jonathan Murphy and Jean Khalfa, London: Routledge, 2006. 550-74.
- Fradet, Pierre-Alexandre (2014). Derrida-Bergson. Sur l'immédiateté. Hermann. ISBN 9782705688318.
- Gasché, Rodolphe, Inventions of Difference: On Jacques Derrida.
- Gasché, Rodolphe, The Tain of the Mirror.
- Goldschmit, Marc, (2006). Une langue à venir. Derrida, l'écriture hyperbolique. ISBN 2-84938-058-X. Paris, Lignes et Manifeste.
- Habermas, Jürgen, "Beyond a Temporalized Philosophy of Origins: Jacques Derrida's Critique of Phonocentrism," in Jürgen Habermas, The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity: Twelve Lectures, trans. Frederick G. Lawrence, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1990. 161-84.
- Hägglund, Martin, Radical Atheism: Derrida and the Time of Life, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2008.
- Hamacher, Werner (2012). Lingua amissa. Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila editores.
- Kierans, Kenneth (1997). „Beyond Deconstruction” (PDF). Animus. 2. ISSN 1209-0689. Архивирано из оригинала (PDF) 04. 03. 2016. г. Приступљено 17. 8. 2011.
- Kopić, Mario, Izazovi post-metafizike. Sremski Karlovci - Novi Sad: Izdava. ISBN 978-86-7543-120-6.čka knjižarnica, 2007.
- Kopić, Mario, Nezacjeljiva rana svijeta. Zagreb: Antibarbarus. ISBN 978-953-249-035-0., 2007.
- Mackey, Louis, "Slouching Toward Bethlehem: Deconstructive Strategies in Theology," in Anglican Theological Review, Volume LXV, Number 3, July, 1983. 255–272.
- Llewelyn, John (1986). Derrida on the Threshold of Sense. London: Macmillan.
- Llewelyn, John (2002). Appositions – of Jacques Derrida and Emmanuel Levinas. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.., 2002
- Llewelyn, John. Margins of Religion: Between Kierkegaard and Derrida. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.., 2009
- Mackey, Louis, "A Nicer Knowledge of Belief" in Loius Mackey, An Ancient Quarrel Continued: The Troubled Marriage of Philosophy and Literature. Lanham: University Press of America. ISBN 978-0761822677., 2002. 219–240
- Magliola, Robert (1984). Derrida on the Mend. Lafayette: Purdue UP. ISBN 0-911198-69-5., 1984; 1986; rpt. 2000 . (Initiated what has become a very active area of study in Buddhology and comparative philosophy, the comparison of Derridean deconstruction and Buddhist philosophy, especially Madhyamikan and Zen Buddhist philosophy.)
- Magliola, Robert. On Deconstructing Life-Worlds: Buddhism, Christianity, Culture. Atlanta: Scholars P. ISBN 0-7885-0296-4., American Academy of Religion, 1997; Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000 . (Further develops comparison of Derridean thought and Buddhism.)
- Marder, Michael. The Event of the Thing: Derrida's Post-Deconstructive Realism. Toronto: Toronto UP. ISBN 0-8020-9892-4., 2009.
- Miller, J. Hillis, For Derrida, New York: Fordham University Press, 2009.
- Mouffe, Chantal (ed.), Deconstruction and Pragmatism, with essays by Simon Critchley, Ernesto Laclau, Richard Rorty, and Derrida.
- Park, Jin Y., ed. Buddhisms and Deconstructions. ISBN 978-0-7425-3418-6. }. Lanham: Rowland and Littlefield, 2006 . (Several of the collected papers specifically treat Derrida and Buddhist thought.)
- Rapaport, Herman. Later Derrida. ISBN 0-415-94269-1..
- Rorty, Richard, "From Ironist Theory to Private Allusions: Derrida," in Richard Rorty, Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. 121-37.
- Ross, Stephen David (2013). Betraying Derrida, for Life. Atropos Press.
- Roudinesco, Elisabeth (2008). Philosophy in Turbulent Times: Canguilhem, Sartre, Foucault, Althusser, Deleuze, Derrida. Columbia University Press., New York
- Sallis, John (ed.), Deconstruction and Philosophy, with essays by Rodolphe Gasché, John D. Caputo, Robert Bernasconi, David Wood, and Derrida.
- Sallis, John (2009). The Verge of Philosophy. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-73431-6.
- Salvioli, Marco. Il Tempo e le Parole. Ricoeur e Derrida a "margine" della fenomenologia.. ESD, Bologna 2006.
- Smith, James K. A., Jacques Derrida: Live Theory.
- Sprinker, Michael, ed. Ghostly Demarcations: A Symposium on Jacques Derrida's Specters of Marx, London and New York: Verso, 1999; rpt. 2008. (Includes Derrida's reply, "Marx & Sons.")
- Stiegler, Bernard, "Derrida and Technology: Fidelity at the Limits of Deconstruction and the Prosthesis of Faith," in Tom Cohen (ed.), Jacques Derrida and the Humanities. ISBN 0-521-62565-3. .
- Wood, David (ed.), Derrida: A Critical Reader, Wiley-Blackwell, 1992.
- Zlomislic, Marko (2004). Jacques Derrida's Aporetic Ethics. Lexington Books.
Спољашње везе
[уреди | уреди извор]- Leonard Lawlor. Entry in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Gerry Coulter. (јануар 2005). „Passings: Taking Derrida Seriously”. 2 (1). .
- John Rawlings. Jacques Derrida Stanford Presidential Lectures in the Humanities and Arts
- Jean-Michel Rabaté. Jacques Derrida на сајту Wayback Machine (архивирано мај 3, 2003) Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory.
- Eddie Yeghiayan. Books and contributions to books на сајту Library of Congress Web Archives|Web Archives (архивирано новембар 15, 2001) (up to 2001), Bibliography and translations list
- Guide to the Jacques Derrida Papers. Special Collections and Archives, The UC Irvine Libraries, Irvine, California.
- Guide to the Saffa Fathy Video Recordings of Jacques Derrida Lectures. Special Collections and Archives, The UC Irvine Libraries, Irvine, California.
- Guide to the Jacques Derrida Listserv Collection. Special Collections and Archives, The UC Irvine Libraries, Irvine, California.
- Mario Perniola, Remembering Derrida, in "SubStance" (University of California), 2005, n.1, issue 106.
- Rick Roderick, Derrida and the Ends of Man, in "The Self Under Siege: Philosophy in the 20th Century (1993)" (University of Texas, Austin).