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Klečanje na kukuruzu - najčešći način kažnjavanja đaka u školama u Srbiji u 19. veku (eksponat Pedagoškog muzeja u Beogradu)

Kazna je čin izlaganja osobe ili životinje nečemu negativnom ili neprijatnom, obično kao odgovor na neposlušnost,[1][2][3][4] otpor ili ponašanje koje se smatra moralno pogrešnim.[5] Kazna se definiše i kao bilo koja averzivna draž i uskraćivanje zadovoljstva čime se narušava integritet ličnosti zbog nekog njenog prethodnog postupka koji, po oceni drugih, nije u skladu sa zakonskim ili običajnim normama zajednice.[6] Cilj kazne je da se to nepoželjno ponašanje eliminiše ili modifikuje.[7] Nagrađivanje pozitivnog ponašanja se, pak, generalno smatra efikasnijim od kažnjavanja suprotnog ponašanja.[8]

Razlog za kažnjavanje može biti uslovljavanje deteta da izbegava samougrožavanje, nametanje društvenog konformizma (posebno u kontekstu obaveznog obrazovanja ili vojne discipline[9]), da brani norme, da se zaštiti od budućih povreda (posebno, oni od nasilnih zločina), i da se održi zakon — i poštovanje vladavine prava — pod kojim se upravlja društvenom grupom.[10][11][12][13][14] Kazna može biti samonametnuta kao kod samobičevanja i umrtvljivanja tela u religioznom okruženju, ali je najčešće oblik društvene prinude.

Neprijatno nametanje može uključivati novčanu kaznu,[15] kaznu ili zatvaranje, ili biti uklanjanje ili uskraćivanje nečega prijatnog ili poželjnog.[16] Pojedinac može biti osoba, ili čak životinja. Vlast može biti grupa ili pojedinačna osoba, a kazna se može sprovoditi formalno prema sistemu zakona ili neformalno u drugim vrstama društvenih okruženja, kao što je porodica.[11] Negativne posledice koje nisu ovlašćene ili koje se primenjuju bez kršenja pravila ne smatraju se kaznom kako je ovde definisano.[13] Proučavanje i praksa kažnjavanja zločina, posebno kada se to odnosi na kaznu zatvora, naziva se penologija, ili, često u savremenim tekstovima, korekcije; u ovom kontekstu, proces kažnjavanja se eufemistički naziva „korektivnim procesom“.[17] Istraživanje kažnjavanja često uključuje slična istraživanja prevencije.

Opravdanja za kaznu uključuju odmazdu,[18] odvraćanje, rehabilitaciju i onesposobljavanje. Poslednje bi mogle uključivati mere kao što su izolacija, kako bi se sprečio kontakt prestupnika sa potencijalnim žrtvama, ili odstranjivanje ruke kako bi se krađa otežala.[19]

Ako su prisutni samo neki od uslova uključenih u definiciju kazne, opisi koji nisu „kazne” mogu se smatrati tačnijim. Nanošenje nečega negativnog, ili neprijatnog, osobi ili životinji, bez ovlašćenja ili ne na osnovu kršenja pravila, obično se smatra samo osvetom ili inatom, a ne kaznom.[13] Pored toga, reč „kazna” se koristi kao metafora, kao kada bokser doživi „kaznu” tokom borbe. U drugim situacijama, kršenje pravila može biti nagrađeno, tako da primanje takve nagrade prirodno ne predstavlja kaznu. Konačno, uslov kršenja pravila mora biti zadovoljen da bi se posledice smatrale kaznom.[13]

Kazne se razlikuju po stepenu težine i mogu uključivati sankcije kao što su ukor, lišavanje privilegija ili slobode, novčane kazne, zatvaranje, ostrakizam, nanošenje bola,[20] amputacija i smrtna kazna. Telesna kazna se odnosi na kazne u kojima se prestupniku namerava naneti fizički bol. Kazne se mogu oceniti kao pravične ili nepravične[21] u smislu njihovog stepena reciprociteta i srazmernosti[12] prekršaju. Kažnjavanje može biti sastavni deo socijalizacije, a kažnjavanje neželjenog ponašanja često je deo sistema pedagogije ili modifikacije ponašanja koji uključuje i nagrade.[22]

Reference[uredi | uredi izvor]

  1. ^ Edwards, Jonathan (1824). „The salvation of all men strictly examined: and the endless punishment of those who die impenitent : argued and defended against the objections and reasonings of the late Rev. Doctor Chauncy, of Boston ; in his book entitled "The Salvation of all Men," &c”. C. Ewer and T. Bedlington, 1824: 157. 
  2. ^ Bingham, Joseph (1712). „Volume 1 of A Scholastical History Of The Practice of the Church In Reference to the Administration of Baptism By Laymen”. A Scholastical History of the Practice of the Church in Reference to the Administration of Baptism by Laymen. Knaplock, 1712. 1: 25. 
  3. ^ Grotius, Hugo (1715). „H. Grotius of the Rights of War and Peace: In Three Volumes: in which are Explain'd the Laws and Claims of Nature and Nations, and the Principal Points that Relate Either to Publick Government, Or the Conduct of Private Life: Together with the Author's Own Notes: Done Into English..., Volume 2”. H. Grotius of the Rights of War and Peace: In Three Volumes: In Which Are Explain'd the Laws and Claims of Nature and Nations, and the Principal Points That Relate Either to Publick Government, or the Conduct of Private Life: Together with the Author's Own Notes: Done into English by Several Hands: With the Addition of the Author's Life by the Translators: Dedicated to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Hugo Grotius. D. Brown..., T. Ward..., and W. Meares, 1715. 2: 524. 
  4. ^ Casper, Johann Ludwig (1864). „A Handbook of the practice of forensic medicine v. 3 1864”. A Handbook of the Practice of Forensic Medicine. New Sydenham Society. 3: 2. 
  5. ^ Lee Hansen, Marcus (1918). „Old Fort Snelling, 1819-1858”. Mid-America Series. State Historical Society of Iowa, 1918: 124. 
  6. ^ Ivan Vidanović, Rečnik socijalnih pojmova
  7. ^ Gade, Christian B. N. (2020). „Is restorative justice punishment?”. Conflict Resolution Quarterly. 38 (3): 127—155. doi:10.1002/crq.21293Slobodan pristup. 
  8. ^ „Smacking children 'does not work' (Tučenje djece 'ne radi')”. BBC News. 11. 1. 1999. Pristupljeno 22. 5. 2010. 
  9. ^ Navy Department, United States (1940). „Compilation of Court-martial Orders, 1916-1937, 1940-41”. Compilation of Court-martial Orders, 1916-1937, 1940-41: 648. 
  10. ^ Hugo, Adam Bedau (19. 2. 2010). „Punishment, Crime and the State”. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Pristupljeno 2010-08-04. „The search for a precise definition of punishment that exercised some philosophers (for discussion and references see Scheid 1980) is likely to prove futile: but we can say that legal punishment involves the imposition of something that is intended to be burdensome or painful, on a supposed offender for a supposed crime, by a person or body who claims the authority to do so. 
  11. ^ a b and violates the law or rules by which the group is governed. McAnany, Patrick D. (avgust 2010). „Punishment”. Online. Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Arhivirano iz originala 2017-10-19. g. Pristupljeno 2010-08-04. „Punishment describes the imposition by some authority of a deprivation—usually painful—on a person who has violated a law, rule, or other norm. When the violation is of the criminal law of society there is a formal process of accusation and proof followed by imposition of a sentence by a designated official, usually a judge. Informally, any organized group—most typically the family, in rearing children—may punish perceived wrongdoers. 
  12. ^ a b Hugo, Adam Bedau (19. 2. 2010). „Theory of Punishment”. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Pristupljeno 2010-08-04. „Punishment under law... is the authorized imposition of deprivations—of freedom or privacy or other goods to which the person otherwise has a right, or the imposition of special burdens—because the person has been found guilty of some criminal violation, typically (though not invariably) involving harm to the innocent. (The classical formulation, conspicuous in Hobbes, for example, defines punishment by reference to imposing pain rather than to deprivations.) This definition, although imperfect because of its brevity, does allow us to bring out several essential points. 
  13. ^ a b v g Peters, Richard Stanley (1966). „Ethics and Education”. British Journal of Educational Studies. 20 (3): 267—68. JSTOR 3120772. „Punishment... involves the intentional infliction of pain or of something unpleasant on someone who has committed a breach of rules... by someone who is in authority, who has a right to act in this way. Otherwise, it would be impossible to distinguish 'punishment' from 'revenge'. People in authority can, of course, inflict pain on people at whim. But this would be called 'spite' unless it were inflicted as a consequence of a breach of rules on the part of the sufferer. Similarly a person in authority might give a person £5 as a consequence of his breaking a rule. But unless this were regarded as painful or at least unpleasant for the recipient it could not be counted as a case of 'punishment'. In other words at least three criteria of (i) intentional infliction of pain (ii) by someone in authority (iii) on a person as a consequence of a breach of rules on his part, must be satisfied if we are to call something a case of 'punishment'. There are, as is usual in such cases, examples that can be produced which do not satisfy all criteria. For instance there is a colloquialism which is used about boxers taking a lot of punishment from their opponents, in which only the first condition is present. But this is a metaphorical use which is peripheral to the central use of the term.
    In so far as the different 'theories' of punishment are answers to questions about the meaning of 'punishment', only the retributive theory is a possible one. There is no conceptual connection between 'punishment' and notions like those of 'deterrence', 'prevention' and 'reform'. For people can be punished without being prevented from repeating the offence, and without being made any better. It is also a further question whether they themselves or anyone else is deterred from committing the offence by punishment. But 'punishment'
    must involve 'retribution', for 'retribution' implies doing something to someone in return for what he has done.... Punishment, therefore, must be retributive—by definition.
  14. ^ Kleining, John (oktobar 1972). „R.S. Peters on Punishment”. British Journal of Educational Studies. 20 (3): 259—69. JSTOR 3120772. doi:10.1080/00071005.1972.9973352. „Unpleasantness inflicted without authority is revenge, and if whimsical, is spite.... There is no conceptual connection between punishment, or deterrence, or reform, for people can be punished without being prevented from repeating the offence, and without being made better. And it is also a further question whether they themselves, or anyone else is deterred from committing the offence by punishment. 
  15. ^ Amis, S. (1773). „Association for the Prosecution of Felons (WEST BROMWICH)”. The British Library: 5. 
  16. ^ Duff, Anthony (2001). Punishment, Communication, and Community. Switzerland: Oxford University Press. str. xiii. 
  17. ^ Mary Stohr; Anthony Walsh; Craig Hemmens (2008). Corrections: A Text/Reader. Sage. str. 2. ISBN 978-1-4129-3773-3. 
  18. ^ Congress. House. Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance, United States. Committee on Financial Services. and Government Sponsored Enterprises (2003). H.R. 2179, the Securities Fraud Deterrence and Investor Restitution Act of 2003 Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance, and Government Sponsored Enterprises of the Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, First Session, June 5, 2003. Purdue University: Committee on Financial Services. str. 50. ISBN 978-0-16-070942-5. 
  19. ^ McAnany, Patrick D. (avgust 2010). „Justification for punishment (Punishment)”. Online. Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Arhivirano iz originala 2017-10-19. g. Pristupljeno 2010-09-16. „Because punishment is both painful and guilt producing, its application calls for a justification. In Western culture, four basic justifications have been given: retribution, deterrence, rehabilitation, and incapacitation. The history of formal punitive systems is one of a gradual transition from familial and tribal authority to the authority of organized society. Although parents today retain much basic authority to discipline their children, physical beatings and other severe deprivations—once widely tolerated—may now be called child abuse 
  20. ^ M., A, Frankenhaeuser, Rissler (1970). „Effects of punishment on catecholamine release and efficiency of performance”. Psychopharmacologia. 17 (5): 378—390. PMID 5522998. S2CID 9187358. doi:10.1007/BF00403809. 
  21. ^ C., Mungan, Murat (2019). „Salience and the severity versus the certainty of punishment”. International Review of Law and Economics. 57: 95—100. S2CID 147798726. doi:10.1016/j.irle.2019.01.002. 
  22. ^ Diana Kendall (2009). Sociology in Our Times: The EssentialsNeophodna slobodna registracija (7th revised izd.). Cengage Learning. ISBN 978-0-495-59862-6. 

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Mediji vezani za članak Kazna na Vikimedijinoj ostavi