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Smeško, simbol sreće.

Sreća (ili radost) jest subjektivno stanje zadovoljstva životnom situacijom,[1] povezano sa osećajem ispunjenosti i uživanja.[2] Pojam sreće je bio naširoko proučavan i objašnjavan kroz čitavu ljudsku istoriju, što oslikava univerzalni značaj koji ljudi pridaju sreći. Mnogi etičari su sreću smatrali najvećim dobrom i ciljem ljudskog ponašanja. Takođe se koristi u kontekstu životnog zadovoljstva, subjektivnog blagostanja, eudaimonije, procvata i blagostanja.[3][4]

U stanja koja su blisko povezana sa srećom uključeni su zdravlje, bogatstvo, uživanje u životu, sigurnost, zadovoljstvo i ljubav. U stanja suprotna sreći uključeni su patnja, tuga, strepnja, briga i bol. Sreća se često povezuje sa prisustvom povoljnih uslova kao što su porodični život ispunjen ljubavlju i ekonomska stabilnost. Nepovoljni uslovi, kao što su uvredljive i ponižavajuće lične veze, gubitak zaposlenja i konflikti, smanjuju izglede za ličnu sreću. Međutim, mnogi mislioci smatraju da sreća umnogome zavisi od stava koji čovek zauzme u takvim, nepovoljnim, uslovima.

Premda ideal sreće sadrži težnju za beskonačnim trajanjem, nasuprot nesreći koja zahteva prolaznost, sreća se u stvarnom životu uglavnom javlja na trenutke, a trajnije kao projekcija u budućnost (u vidu nade) ili u prošlost (podsećanje na drage uspomene). Štaviše, neki psiholozi i filozofi tvrde da »sreće uopšte nema sadašnjosti«, jer je čovek spoznaje tek na ruševinama propale sreće.[1]


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'Sreća' je predmet rasprave o pogledu upotrebe i značenja,[5][6][7][8][9] i o mogućim razlikama u razumevanju među kulturama.[10][11]

Reč se uglavnom koristi u smislu dva faktora:[12]

Srećna deca koja se igraju u vodi

Filozofija sreće

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U mnogim sistemima antičke etike (Demokrit, kiničari, Epikur), ostvarenje sreće (ili blaženstva) je vrhovni princip moralnog delanja. U Nikomahovoj etici, napisanoj 350. godine p. n. e., Aristotel je tvrdio da je sreća jedina stvar koju ljudi žele samo radi sebe samih. On primećuje da čovek želi bogatstvo, ne zbog toga da bi postao bogat, već da bi bio srećan. Oni koji žele slavu, ne žele to da bi postali slavni, nego zato što veruju da će im slava doneti sreću.

Ilustracija sreće (14. vek)

U hrišćanskoj srednjovekovnoj filozofiji, nasuprot težnji za ostvarenjem sreće u ovozemaljskom životu, preovladava težnja da se »istinska« sreća ostvaruje samo u onostranosti, lišenoj slučajnih doživljaja prolazne sreće.

U novovekovnoj filozofiji, sreću kao kriterijum etičkog vrednovanja ističu Spinoza, Lok, filozofi prosvetiteljstva, francuski materijalisti, Kont, Fojerbah i dr.[1] Kant je protivnik poimanja sreće kao najvišeg dobra i zalaže se za etiku dužnosti, smatrajući da su »svi eudemonisti praktično egoisti«.[1] Utilitaristi, kao što su Džon Stjuart Mil i Džeremi Bentam, zalagali su se za sreću kao vrhovni princip etičkog delanja. Za Bentama je etički ideal »najveća sreća najvećeg broja ljudi«. Gete tvrdi da sreća nastupa onda kad možemo u delo sprovesti ono što uviđamo kao pravedno i dobro. Marks smatra da je sreća čitavog društva potrebna kao preduslov sreće svake ljudske jedinke.[1]

Vidi još

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  1. ^ a b v g d Sreća, Filozofija, Enciklopedijski leksikon, Mozaik znanja, Beograd 1973.
  2. ^ a b „happiness”. Wolfram Alpha. Arhivirano iz originala 18. 07. 2011. g. Pristupljeno 24. 02. 2011. 
  3. ^ Anand, P (2016). Happiness Explained. Oxford University Press. 
  4. ^ See definition section below.
  5. ^ Doubts about the value of happiness
  6. ^ Feldman, Fred (2010). What is This Thing Called Happiness?. ISBN 978-0-19-957117-8. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199571178.001.0001. 
  7. ^ The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy states that "An important project in the philosophy of happiness is simply getting clear on what various writers are talking about." Arhivirano 2018-06-11 na sajtu Wayback Machine
  8. ^ „Two Philosophical Problems in the Study of Happiness”. Arhivirano iz originala 14. 10. 2018. g. Pristupljeno 13. 10. 2018. 
  9. ^ Smith, Richard (avgust 2008). „The Long Slide to Happiness”. Journal of Philosophy of Education. 42 (3–4): 559—573. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9752.2008.00650.x. 
  10. ^ "How Universal is Happiness?" Ruut Veenhoven, Chapter 11 in Ed Diener, John F. Helliwell & Daniel Kahneman (Eds.) International Differences in Well-Being, Oxford University Press, New York. 2010. ISBN 978-0-19-973273-9.
  11. ^ „Archived copy” (PDF). Arhivirano (PDF) iz originala 09. 08. 2017. g. Pristupljeno 10. 10. 2018. 
  12. ^ „particularly section 4”. Arhivirano iz originala 09. 10. 2018. g. Pristupljeno 09. 10. 2018. 
  13. ^ Dan Haybron ( Arhivirano 2019-08-30 na sajtu Wayback Machine, Arhivirano 2018-10-12 na sajtu Wayback Machine); "I would suggest that when we talk about happiness, we are actually referring, much of the time, to a complex emotional phenomenon. Call it emotional well-being. Happiness as emotional well-being concerns your emotions and moods, more broadly your emotional condition as a whole. To be happy is to inhabit a favorable emotional state.... On this view, we can think of happiness, loosely, as the opposite of anxiety and depression. Being in good spirits, quick to laugh and slow to anger, at peace and untroubled, confident and comfortable in your own skin, engaged, energetic and full of life." Arhivirano 2018-10-12 na sajtu Wayback Machine Haybron has also used the term thymic, by which he means 'overall mood state' in this context; Arhivirano 2018-10-18 na sajtu Wayback Machine Xavier Landes < Arhivirano 2019-08-30 na sajtu Wayback Machine> has described a similar concept of mood. Arhivirano 2019-05-13 na sajtu Wayback Machine
  14. ^ "People don’t want to be happy the way I’ve defined the term – what I experience here and now. In my view, it’s much more important for them to be satisfied, to experience life satisfaction, from the perspective of ‘What I remember,’ of the story they tell about their lives." Arhivirano 2018-10-08 na sajtu Wayback Machine
  15. ^ „Happy | Definition of happy in English by Oxford Dictionaries”. Arhivirano iz originala 09. 10. 2018. g. Pristupljeno 09. 10. 2018. 
  16. ^ „HAPPINESS | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary”. Arhivirano iz originala 09. 10. 2018. g. Pristupljeno 09. 10. 2018. 
  17. ^ „The definition of happy”. Arhivirano iz originala 09. 10. 2018. g. Pristupljeno 09. 10. 2018. 
  18. ^ Graham, Michael C. (2014). Facts of Life: ten issues of contentment. Outskirts Press. str. 6—10. ISBN 978-1-4787-2259-5. 
  19. ^ Arhivirano 2017-08-09 na sajtu Wayback Machine, 1.1
  20. ^ Arhivirano 2018-06-11 na sajtu Wayback Machine 2011, "‘Happiness’ is often used, in ordinary life, to refer to a short-lived state of a person, frequently a feeling of contentment: ‘You look happy today’; ‘I’m very happy for you’. Philosophically, its scope is more often wider, encompassing a whole life. And in philosophy it is possible to speak of the happiness of a person’s life, or of their happy life, even if that person was in fact usually pretty miserable. The point is that some good things in their life made it a happy one, even though they lacked contentment. But this usage is uncommon, and may cause confusion.' Arhivirano 2018-10-25 na sajtu Wayback Machine 2017
  21. ^ “People don’t want to be happy the way I’ve defined the term – what I experience here and now. In my view, it’s much more important for them to be satisfied, to experience life satisfaction, from the perspective of ‘What I remember,’ of the story they tell about their lives.


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  • Anand, P (2016). Happiness Explained. Oxford University Press. 
  • Anand Paul "Happiness Explained: What Human Flourishing Is and What We Can Do to Promote It". . Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2016. ISBN 0-19-873545-6.  Nedostaje ili je prazan parametar |title= (pomoć)
  • Michael Argyle "The psychology of happiness", 1987
  • Boehm, Julia K.; Lyubomirsky, Sonja (februar 2008). „Does Happiness Promote Career Success?”. Journal of Career Assessment. 16 (1): 101—116. CiteSeerX pristup. S2CID 145371516. doi:10.1177/1069072707308140. 
  • Norman M. Bradburn "The structure of psychological well-being", 1969
  • C. Robert Cloninger, Feeling Good: The Science of Well-Being, Oxford, 2004.
  • Gregg Easterbrook "The progress paradox – how life gets better while people feel worse", 2003
  • Michael W. Eysenck "Happiness – facts and myths", 1990
  • Daniel Gilbert, Stumbling on Happiness, Knopf, 2006.
  • Carol Graham "Happiness Around the World: The Paradox of Happy Peasants and Miserable Millionaires", Oxford University Press Oxford. 2009. ISBN 978-0-19-954905-4.
  • W. Doyle Gentry "Happiness for dummies", 2008
  • Hadley, James (2013). Happiness: A New Perspective. ISBN 978-1-4935-4526-1. 
  • Joop Hartog & Hessel Oosterbeek "Health, wealth and happiness", 1997
  • Hills P., Argyle M. (2002). „The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire: a compact scale for the measurement of psychological well-being. Personality and Individual Differences”. Psychological Wellbeing. 33 (7): 1073—82. doi:10.1016/s0191-8869(01)00213-6. 
  • Robert Holden "Happiness now!", 1998
  • Barbara Ann Kipfer, 14,000 Things to Be Happy About, Workman, 1990/2007. ISBN 978-0-7611-4721-3.
  • Neil Kaufman "Happiness is a choice", 1991
  • Stefan Klein, The Science of Happiness, Marlowe, 2006. ISBN 1-56924-328-X..
  • Koenig HG, McCullough M, & Larson DB. Handbook of religion and health: a century of research reviewed (see article). New York: Oxford University Press; 2001.
  • McMahon, Darrin M. (2005). Happiness: A History. Atlantic Monthly Press. ISBN 0-87113-886-7. 
  • McMahon, Darrin M., The History of Happiness: 400 B.C. – A.D. 1780, Daedalus journal, Spring 2004.
  • Richard Layard, Happiness: Lessons From A New Science, Penguin, 2005. ISBN 978-0-14-101690-0..
  • Luskin, Frederic, Kenneth R. Pelletier, Dr. Andrew Weil (Foreword). "Stress Free for Good: 10 Scientifically Proven Life Skills for Health and Happiness." 2005
  • James Mackaye "Economy of happiness", 1906
  • Desmond Morris "The nature of happiness", 2004
  • David G. Myers, Ph.D., The Pursuit of Happiness: Who is Happy – and Why, William Morrow and Co., 1992. ISBN 0-688-10550-5..
  • Niek Persoon "Happiness doesn't just happen", 2006
  • Radcliff, Benjamin (2013). The Political Economy of Human Happiness. New York: Cambridge University Press. .
  • Ben Renshaw "The secrets of happiness", 2003
  • Fiona Robards, "What makes you happy?" Exisle Publishing. 2014. ISBN 978-1-921966-31-6.
  • Bertrand Russell "The conquest of happiness", orig. 1930 (many reprints)
  • Martin E.P. Seligman, Authentic Happiness, Free Press, 2002. ISBN 0-7432-2298-9..
  • Alexandra Stoddard "Choosing happiness – keys to a joyful life", 2002
  • Władysław Tatarkiewicz, Analysis of Happiness, The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1976
  • Elizabeth Telfer "Happiness : an examination of a hedonistic and a eudaemonistic concept of happiness and of the relations between them...", 1980
  • Ruut Veenhoven "Bibliography of happiness – world database of happiness : 2472 studies on subjective appreciation of life", 1993
  • Ruut Veenhoven "Conditions of happiness", 1984
  • Joachim Weimann, Andreas Knabe, and Ronnie Schob, eds. Measuring Happiness: The Economics of Well-Being (MIT Press; 2015) 206 pages
  • Eric G. Wilson "Against Happiness", 2008
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